// This class calculates the inclusive charged particle density // in each for the 5 FMD rings. // #ifndef ALIFMDDENSITYCALCULATOR_H #define ALIFMDDENSITYCALCULATOR_H /** * @file AliFMDDensityCalculator.h * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Wed Mar 23 14:02:09 2011 * * @brief * * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_aod */ #include #include #include #include #include "AliForwardUtil.h" #include "AliFMDMultCuts.h" #include "AliPoissonCalculator.h" class AliESDFMD; class TH2D; class TH1D; class TProfile; class AliFMDCorrELossFit; /** * This class calculates the inclusive charged particle density * in each for the 5 FMD rings. * * @par Input: * - AliESDFMD object possibly corrected for sharing * * @par Output: * - 5 RingHistos objects - each with a number of vertex dependent * 2D histograms of the inclusive charge particle density * * @par Corrections used: * - AliFMDAnaCalibEnergyDistribution * - AliFMDDoubleHitCorrection * - AliFMDDeadCorrection * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_algo * @ingroup pwglf_forward_aod */ class AliFMDDensityCalculator : public TNamed { public: /** * How to correct for the missing phi coverage at the corners of the * sensors * */ enum { /** No correction */ kPhiNoCorrect, /** Correct the calculated number charged particles */ kPhiCorrectNch, /** Correct the energy loss */ kPhiCorrectELoss }; /** * Folder name */ static const char* fgkFolderName; /** * Constructor */ AliFMDDensityCalculator(); /** * Constructor * * @param name Name of object */ AliFMDDensityCalculator(const char* name); /** * Copy constructor * * @param o Object to copy from */ AliFMDDensityCalculator(const AliFMDDensityCalculator& o); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~AliFMDDensityCalculator(); /** * Assignement operator * * @param o Object to assign from * * @return Reference to this object */ AliFMDDensityCalculator& operator=(const AliFMDDensityCalculator& o); /** * Initialize this sub-algorithm * * @param etaAxis Not used */ virtual void SetupForData(const TAxis& etaAxis); /** * Do the calculations * * @param fmd AliESDFMD object (possibly) corrected for sharing * @param hists Histogram cache * @param lowFlux Low flux flag. * @param cent Centrality * @param ip Coordinates of interaction point * * @return true on successs */ virtual Bool_t Calculate(const AliESDFMD& fmd, AliForwardUtil::Histos& hists, Bool_t lowFlux, Double_t cent=-1, const TVector3& ip=TVector3(1024,1024,0)); /** * Scale the histograms to the total number of events * * @param dir where to put the output * @param output Output list * @param nEvents Number of events */ virtual void Terminate(const TList* dir, TList* output, Int_t nEvents); /** * Output diagnostic histograms to directory * * @param dir List to write in */ virtual void CreateOutputObjects(TList* dir); /** * Set the debug level. The higher the value the more output * * @param dbg Debug level */ void SetDebug(Int_t dbg=1) { fDebug = dbg; } void SetDoTiming(Bool_t enable=true) { fDoTiming = enable; } /** * Maximum particle weight to use * * @param m */ void SetMaxParticles(UShort_t m) { fMaxParticles = m; } /** * Set whether to use poisson statistics to estimate the * number of particles that has hit within a region. If this is true, * then the average charge particle density is given by * @f[ * \lambda = -\log\left(\frac{N_e}{N_t}\right) * @f] * where $N_e$ is the number of strips within the region that has no * hits over threshold, and $N_t$ is the total number of strips in the * region/ * * @param u Whether to use poisson statistics to estimate the * number of particles that has hit within a region. */ void SetUsePoisson(Bool_t u) { fUsePoisson = u; } /** * In case of a displaced vertices recalculate eta and angle correction * * @param use recalculate or not * */ void SetRecalculateEta(Bool_t use) { fRecalculateEta = use; } /** * In case of a displaced vertices recalculate eta and angle correction * * @param use recalculate or not * */ void SetRecalculatePhi(Bool_t use) { fRecalculatePhi = use; } /** * Set whether to use the phi acceptance correction. * * How the phi acceptance is used depends on the value passed. * - 0: No phi acceptance * - 1: Phi acceptance correction done to estimate of particles * - 2: Phi acceptance correction done to energy deposited * * @param u If >0, use the phi acceptance (default is false) */ void SetUsePhiAcceptance(UShort_t u=kPhiCorrectNch) { fUsePhiAcceptance = u; } /** * Set the luming factors used in the Poisson method * * @param eta Must be 1 or larger * @param phi Must be 1 or larger */ void SetLumping(Int_t eta, Int_t phi) { fEtaLumping = (eta < 1 ? 1 : eta); fPhiLumping = (phi < 1 ? 1 : phi); } /** * Set the minimum quality of the energy loss fits * * @param cut Cut value */ void SetMinQuality(UShort_t cut=10) { fMinQuality = cut; } /** * Get the multiplicity cut. If the user has set fMultCut (via * SetMultCut) then that value is used. If not, then the lower * value of the fit range for the enery loss fits is returned. * * @param d Detector * @param r Ring * @param eta Psuedo-rapidity * @param errors Factor in errors * * @return Lower cut on multiplicity */ Double_t GetMultCut(UShort_t d, Char_t r, Double_t eta, Bool_t errors=true) const; /** * Get the multiplicity cut. If the user has set fMultCut (via * SetMultCut) then that value is used. If not, then the lower * value of the fit range for the enery loss fits is returned. * * @param d Detector * @param r Ring * @param ieta Psuedo-rapidity bin * @param errors Factor in errors * * @return Lower cut on multiplicity */ Double_t GetMultCut(UShort_t d, Char_t r, Int_t ieta, Bool_t errors=true) const; /** * Set the minimum quality of the energy loss fits * * @return Cut value */ UShort_t GetMinQuality() const { return fMinQuality; } /** * Print information * * @param option Print options * - max Print max weights */ void Print(Option_t* option="") const; /** * Get the cuts used * * @return Reference to cuts object */ AliFMDMultCuts& GetCuts() { return fCuts; } /** * Set the cuts to use * * @param c Cuts to use */ void SetCuts(const AliFMDMultCuts& c) { fCuts = c; } protected: /** * Find the max weight to use for FMDdr in eta bin @a iEta * * @param cor Correction * @param d Detector * @param r Ring * @param iEta Eta bin * * @return The maximum weight */ Int_t FindMaxWeight(const AliFMDCorrELossFit* cor, UShort_t d, Char_t r, Int_t iEta) const; /** * Find the max weights and cache them * * @param axis Default @f$\eta@f$ axis from parent task */ void CacheMaxWeights(const TAxis& axis); /** * Find the (cached) maximum weight for FMDdr in * @f$\eta@f$ bin @a iEta * * @param d Detector * @param r Ring * @param iEta Eta bin * * @return max weight or <= 0 in case of problems */ Int_t GetMaxWeight(UShort_t d, Char_t r, Int_t iEta) const; /** * Find the (cached) maximum weight for FMDdr iat * @f$\eta@f$ * * @param d Detector * @param r Ring * @param eta Eta bin * * @return max weight or <= 0 in case of problems */ Int_t GetMaxWeight(UShort_t d, Char_t r, Float_t eta) const; /** * Get the number of particles corresponding to the signal mult * * @param mult Signal * @param d Detector * @param r Ring * @param eta Pseudo-rapidity * @param lowFlux Low-flux flag * * @return The number of particles */ virtual Float_t NParticles(Float_t mult, UShort_t d, Char_t r, Float_t eta, Bool_t lowFlux) const; /** * Get the inverse correction factor. This consist of * * - acceptance correction (corners of sensors) * - double hit correction (for low-flux events) * - dead strip correction * * @param d Detector * @param r Ring * @param t Strip * @param eta Pseudo-rapidity * @param lowFlux Low-flux flag * * @return the correction factor */ virtual Float_t Correction(UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t t, Float_t eta, Bool_t lowFlux) const; /** * Get the acceptance correction for strip @a t in an ring of type @a r * * @param r Ring type ('I' or 'O') * @param t Strip number * * @return Inverse acceptance correction */ virtual Float_t AcceptanceCorrection(Char_t r, UShort_t t) const; /** * Generate the acceptance corrections * * @param r Ring to generate for * * @return Newly allocated histogram of acceptance corrections */ virtual TH1D* GenerateAcceptanceCorrection(Char_t r) const; /** * Internal data structure to keep track of the histograms */ struct RingHistos : public AliForwardUtil::RingHistos { /** * Default CTOR */ RingHistos(); /** * Constructor * * @param d detector * @param r ring */ RingHistos(UShort_t d, Char_t r); /** * Copy constructor * * @param o Object to copy from */ RingHistos(const RingHistos& o); /** * Assignment operator * * @param o Object to assign from * * @return Reference to this */ RingHistos& operator=(const RingHistos& o); /** * Destructor */ ~RingHistos(); /** * Initialize the object * * @param eAxis */ void SetupForData(const TAxis& eAxis); /** * Make output * * @param dir Where to put it */ void CreateOutputObjects(TList* dir); /** * Scale the histograms to the total number of events * * @param dir Where the output is * @param nEvents Number of events */ void Terminate(TList* dir, Int_t nEvents); TList* fList; // TH2D* fEvsN; // Correlation of Eloss vs uncorrected Nch // TH2D* fEvsM; // Correlation of Eloss vs corrected Nch // TProfile* fEtaVsN; // Average uncorrected Nch vs eta // TProfile* fEtaVsM; // Average corrected Nch vs eta TProfile* fCorr; // Average correction vs eta TH2D* fDensity; // Distribution inclusive Nch TH2D* fELossVsPoisson; // Correlation of energy loss vs Poisson N_ch TH1D* fDiffELossPoisson;// Relative difference to Poisson AliPoissonCalculator fPoisson; // Calculate density using Poisson method TH1D* fELoss; // Energy loss as seen by this TH1D* fELossUsed; // Energy loss in strips with signal Double_t fMultCut; // If set, use this TH1D* fTotal; // Total number of strips per eta TH1D* fGood; // Number of good strips per eta TH2D* fPhiAcc; // Phi acceptance vs IpZ TH1D* fPhiBefore; // Phi before re-calce TH1D* fPhiAfter; // Phi after re-calc ClassDef(RingHistos,9); }; /** * Get the ring histogram container * * @param d Detector * @param r Ring * * @return Ring histogram container */ RingHistos* GetRingHistos(UShort_t d, Char_t r) const; TList fRingHistos; // List of histogram containers TH1D* fSumOfWeights; // Histogram TH1D* fWeightedSum; // Histogram TH1D* fCorrections; // Histogram UShort_t fMaxParticles; // Maximum particle weight to use Bool_t fUsePoisson; // If true, then use poisson statistics UShort_t fUsePhiAcceptance; // Whether to correct for corners TH1D* fAccI; // Acceptance correction for inner rings TH1D* fAccO; // Acceptance correction for outer rings TArrayI fFMD1iMax; // Array of max weights TArrayI fFMD2iMax; // Array of max weights TArrayI fFMD2oMax; // Array of max weights TArrayI fFMD3iMax; // Array of max weights TArrayI fFMD3oMax; // Array of max weights TH2D* fMaxWeights; // Histogram of max weights TH2D* fLowCuts; // Histogram of low cuts Int_t fEtaLumping; // How to lump eta bins for Poisson Int_t fPhiLumping; // How to lump phi bins for Poisson Int_t fDebug; // Debug level AliFMDMultCuts fCuts; // Cuts Bool_t fRecalculateEta; // Whether to recalc eta and angle correction (disp vtx) Bool_t fRecalculatePhi; // Whether to correct for (X,Y) offset UShort_t fMinQuality; // Least quality for fits AliForwardUtil::Histos fCache; Bool_t fDoTiming; TProfile* fHTiming; ClassDef(AliFMDDensityCalculator,13); // Calculate Nch density }; #endif // Local Variables: // mode: C++ // End: