// // This class inspects the event // #ifndef ALIFMDEVENTINSPECTOR_H #define ALIFMDEVENTINSPECTOR_H /** * @file AliFMDEventInspector.h * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Wed Mar 23 14:02:48 2011 * * @brief * * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_aod */ #include #include #include #include "AliDisplacedVertexSelection.h" class AliESDEvent; class AliOADBPhysicsSelection; class TH2D; class TH1D; class TH1I; class TH1F; class TH2F; class TH2I; class TAxis; class TVector3; // class TList; /** * This class inspects the event * * @par Input: * - AliESDFMD object possibly corrected for sharing * * @par Output: * - A histogram of v_z of events with triggers. * - A histogram of v_z of events with vertex and triggers * - A histogram of trigger counters * * Note, that these are added to the master output list * * @par Corrections used: * - None * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_algo * @ingroup pwglf_forward_aod */ class AliFMDEventInspector : public TNamed { public: /** * Return codes */ enum ECodes { /** all ok - bin 1 */ kOk = 0, /** No ESD event - bin 2 */ kNoEvent = 0x1, /** No triggers found - bin 3 */ kNoTriggers = 0x2, /** No SPD data - bin 4 */ kNoSPD = 0x4, /** No FMD data - bin 5 */ kNoFMD = 0x8, /** No vertex found - bin 6 */ kNoVertex = 0x10, /** Vertex out of range - bin 7 */ kBadVertex = 0x20 }; /** * Trigger bins */ enum ETrgBins { kInel, kInelGt0, kNSD, kV0AND, kEmpty, kA, kB, kC, kE, kPileUp, kMCNSD, kSatellite, kOffline }; /** * Centrality methods */ enum ECentMethod { kV0Multiplicity, kV0Amplitude, kV0Charge, kFMDRough, kNTracks, kLTracks, kCL0, kCL1, kCND, kNParticles, kNeutrons, kV0vsFMD, kV0vsNTracks, kZEMvsZDC }; /** * Collision systems */ enum ECollisionSystem { kUnknown, kPP, kPbPb }; enum EVtxStatus { kVtxOK = 1, kNoVtx, kNoSPDVtx, kFewContrib, kUncertain, kNotVtxZ }; enum ETrgStatus { kNoTrgWords=1, kPP2760Fast, kMUON, kTriggered, kMinBias, kMinBiasNoSPD, kV0AndTrg, kHighMult, kCentral, kSemiCentral, kDiffractive, kUser, kOther }; /** * Folder name */ static const char* fgkFolderName; /** * Constructor */ AliFMDEventInspector(); /** * Constructor * * @param name Name of object */ AliFMDEventInspector(const char* name); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~AliFMDEventInspector(); /** * Initialize the object * * @param vtxAxis Vertex axis in use */ virtual void SetupForData(const TAxis& vtxAxis); /** * Process the event * * @param event Input event * @param triggers On return, the triggers fired * @param lowFlux On return, true if the event is considered a low-flux * event (according to the setting of fLowFluxCut) * @param ivz On return, the found vertex bin (1-based). A zero * means outside of the defined vertex range * @param ip On return, coordinates of interaction point * @param cent On return, the centrality (in percent) or < 0 * if not found * @param nClusters On return, number of SPD clusters in @f$ |\eta|<1@f$ * * @return 0 (or kOk) on success, otherwise a bit mask of error codes */ UInt_t Process(const AliESDEvent* event, UInt_t& triggers, Bool_t& lowFlux, UShort_t& ivz, TVector3& ip, Double_t& cent, UShort_t& nClusters); /** * Define the output histograms. These are put in a sub list of the * passed list. The histograms are merged before the parent task calls * AliAnalysisTaskSE::Terminate * * @param dir Directory to add to */ void CreateOutputObjects(TList* dir); /** * Set the number of SPD tracklets for which we consider the event a * low-flux event or not . * * @param c Cut (default 1000) */ void SetLowFluxCut(Int_t c) { fLowFluxCut = c; } /** * Set the maximum error on @f$ v_z@f$ * * @param c Maximum error (in centimeters) */ void SetMaxVzErr(Double_t c=0.1) { fMaxVzErr = c; } /** * Use the first physics vtx code. * * @param use Use it or not */ void SetUseFirstPhysicsVtx(Bool_t use) {fUseFirstPhysicsVertex = use; } /** * Use the first physics vtx code. * * @param use Use it or not */ void SetpA2012Vtx(Bool_t use) {fUsepA2012Vertex= use; } /** * Use the 2012 pA vtx code. * * @param use Use it or not */ void SetUseV0AndForNSD(Bool_t use=true) {fUseV0AND = use; } /** * Set the minimum number of contributors for a 2nd pile-up vertex * * @param nContrib Least number of contributors */ void SetMinPileupContributors(UShort_t nContrib=3) { fMinPileupContrib = nContrib; } /** * Set minimum distance from primary vertex to 2nd pile-up vertex * * @param cm Distance (in centimeters) */ void SetMinPileupDistance(Double_t cm=0.8) { fMinPileupDistance = cm; } /** * Enable selection of displaced vertices. * * @param use whether to use */ void SetUseDisplacedVertices(Bool_t use=true) { fUseDisplacedVertices = use; } Bool_t IsUseDisplacedVertices() const { return fUseDisplacedVertices; } /** * Set the lower centrality cut - if negative, do not use * * @deprecated We should accept all events in the AOD pass * * @param mincent Lower cut on centrality */ void SetMinCentrality(Double_t mincent=-1.0); /** * Set the upper centrality cut - if negative, do not use * * @deprecated We should accept all events in the AOD pass * * @param maxcent Upper cut on centrality */ void SetMaxCentrality(Double_t maxcent=-1.0); /** * Set the centrality method to use. Possible values are * * - VOM - VZERO multiplicity * - V0A - VZERO amplitude * - V0C - VZERO charge * - FMD - FMD scaled energy loss * - TRK - Number of tracks * - TKL - Number of tracks * - CL0 - * - CL1 - * - CND - * - NPA - Neutral particles * - ZNA - ZDC neutron amplitude * - V0MvsFMD - VZERO versus FMD * - TKLvsVOM - Tracks versus VZERO * - ZEMvsZDC - ZDC * * @param m */ void SetCentralityMethod(const TString& m) { fCentMethod = m; } /** * Set the centrality method * * @param m Method identifier */ void SetCentralityMethod(ECentMethod m); /** * Set the debug level. The higher the value the more output * * @param dbg Debug level */ void SetDebug(Int_t dbg=1) { fDebug = dbg; } /** * Set whether this is MC or not. Needed by energy loss fitter task * that never instantices AliFMDMCEventInspector. In particular, we * need this to make sure we ignore the FAST partition flag in MC * for 2.76TeV pp. * * @param isMC If true, assume MC input */ void SetMC(Bool_t isMC=true) { fMC = isMC; } /** * Fetch our histograms from the passed list * * @param d Input * @param hEventsTr On return, pointer to histogram, or null * @param hEventsTrVtx On return, pointer to histogram, or null * @param hEventsAcc On return, pointer to histogram, or null * @param hTriggers On return, pointer to histogram, or null * * @return true on success, false otherwise */ Bool_t FetchHistograms(const TList* d, TH1I*& hEventsTr, TH1I*& hEventsTrVtx, TH1I*& hEventsAcc, TH1I*& hTriggers) const; /** * Read the collision system, collision energy, and L3 field setting * from the ESD * * @param esd ESD to get information from * * @return true on success, false */ Bool_t ReadRunDetails(const AliESDEvent* esd); /** * Get the collision system (one of the value in ECollisionSystem) * * @return Collision system */ UShort_t GetCollisionSystem() const { return fCollisionSystem; } /** * Get the center of mass energy (per nucleon pair) in GeV * * @return center of mass energy (per nucleon pair) in GeV */ UShort_t GetEnergy() const { return fEnergy; } /** * Get the magnetic field setting of the L3 magnet in kilo Gauss. * * @return The magnetic field setting */ Short_t GetField() const { return fField; } /** * Get the current run number * * @return The current run number */ ULong_t GetRunNumber() const { return fRunNumber; } /** * Get the production year. * * - For real data, this is the year of the data taking * - For MC this is the year the production is anchored to. * * @return A two-digit year (post millennium), or -1 */ Short_t GetProductionYear() const { return fProdYear; } /** * Get the production period. * * - For real data, this is the period identifier of the data taking * - For MC data, this is the period identifier the production was * anchored to * * @return Period identifier or null */ Char_t GetProductionPeriod() const { return fProdLetter; } /** * Get the AliROOT revision used for this production * * @return SVN revision number or -1 */ Short_t GetProductionRevision() const { return fProdSVN; } /** * Check if the production was an MC production anchored in some * real data. * * @return true if this (MC) production was anchored */ Bool_t IsProductionMC() const { return fProdMC; } /** * Print information * * @param option Not used */ void Print(Option_t* option="") const; // getter for fmincentrality // Double_t GetMinCentrality() const { return fMinCent;} // gettter for fmaxcentrality // Double_t GetMaxCentrality() const { return fMaxCent;} /** * Store information about running conditions in output list * * 3 TNamed objects are defined. The names are fixed, but the * title is a string representation of the information, and the * unique ID contains the identifier * * - sys Contains the collision system string and identifier. * - sNN Contains the center-of-mass energy per nucleon (GeV) * - field Contains the L3 magnetic field (kG) * - run Contains the run number * */ virtual void StoreInformation(); /** * Store - if possible - production information in a sub-list * */ virtual void StoreProduction(); /** * Return a string representing the return code * * @param mask Code * * @return String representation */ static const char* CodeString(UInt_t mask); protected: /** * Copy constructor - not implemented * * @param o Object to copy from */ AliFMDEventInspector(const AliFMDEventInspector& o); /** * Assignement operator - not implemented * * @param o Object to assign from * * @return Reference to this object */ AliFMDEventInspector& operator=(const AliFMDEventInspector& o); /** * Cache the configure trigger classes from the physis selection. * * @param cache where to cache the trigger class. * @param classes List of configured classes. * @param o Object from OADB with config */ void CacheConfiguredTriggerClasses(TList& cache, const TList* classes, AliOADBPhysicsSelection* o); /** * Read the trigger information from the ESD event * * @param esd ESD event * @param triggers On return, contains the trigger bits * @param nClusters On return, number of SPD clusters in @f$ |\eta|<1@f$ * * @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise */ Bool_t ReadTriggers(const AliESDEvent& esd, UInt_t& triggers, UShort_t& nClusters); /** * Possible extra check for p-Pb from 2012/13 - require V0AND. * * @param esd Event structure * * @return true on success */ Bool_t CheckpAExtraV0(const AliESDEvent& esd) const; /** * Check, for the @f$\sqrt{s}=2.76GeV@f$ pp run wether this event * was in the fast partition, and if so, filter it out. * * @param fastonly Event was in fast-only partition * * @return true if event was in the fast-only partition, for the run * period. */ virtual Bool_t CheckFastPartition(bool fastonly) const; /** * Check if we have an NSD trigger for pp runs * * @param esd Data * @param triggers Trigger mask to be filled * * @return true if we have an NSD trigger */ virtual Bool_t CheckNSD(const AliESDEvent& esd, UInt_t& triggers) const; /** * Check if we have an INEL>0 trigger * * @param esd Data * @param nClusters On return, number of clusters * @param triggers Trigger mask to be filled * * @return true if we have an INEL>0 trigger */ virtual Bool_t CheckINELGT0(const AliESDEvent& esd, UShort_t& nClusters, UInt_t& triggers) const; /** * Check if this is a pile-up event * * @param esd Data * @param triggers Trigger mask to be filled * * @return true if this is a pile-up event */ virtual Bool_t CheckPileup(const AliESDEvent& esd, UInt_t& triggers) const; /** * Check for multi-vertex pile-up * * @param esd ESD event * @param checkOtherBC Also check other BC's * * @return true if multiple vertices found */ virtual Bool_t CheckMultiVertex(const AliESDEvent& esd, Bool_t checkOtherBC=false) const; /** * Check if we have a cosmic trigger. These should be filtered out. * * @param trigStri Trigger string * * @return true if we have a cosmic trigger */ virtual Bool_t CheckCosmics(const TString& trigStri) const; /** * Check if the trigger string corresponds to an empty event * * @param trigStr Trigger string * @param triggers Trigger mask to be filled * * @return true if the trigger string corresponds to an empty event */ virtual Bool_t CheckEmpty(const TString& trigStr, UInt_t& triggers) const; /** * Check the trigger words to see if we have a B, A, C, or E event. * * @param esd Data * @param triggers Trigger mask to be filled * * @return always true */ virtual Bool_t CheckWords(const AliESDEvent& esd, UInt_t& triggers) const; /** * Read the vertex information from the ESD event * * @param esd ESD event * @param ip On return, the coordinates of the IP * * @return @c true on success, @c false otherwise */ Bool_t ReadVertex(const AliESDEvent& esd, TVector3& ip); /** * Check the vertex using the method used in PWG-UD. That is * * - Check we have a vertex and status is OK * - Check if we have an SPD vertex and that it's status is OK * - Check if the vertex is from the Z-vertexer, and if it is, * - Check that the dispersion and resolution is OK * * @param esd Data * @param ip On return, the coordinates of the IP * * @return status */ virtual EVtxStatus CheckPWGUDVertex(const AliESDEvent& esd, TVector3& ip) const; /** * Check the vertex. That is * * - Check if we have an SPD vertex and that it's status is OK * - Check that we have enough contributors * - Check that the reslution is OK * * @param esd Data * @param ip On return, the coordinates of the IP * * @return status */ virtual EVtxStatus CheckpA2012Vertex(const AliESDEvent& esd, TVector3& ip) const; /** * Check the vertex for pA 2012 settings. That is * * * @param esd Data * @param ip On return, the coordinates of the IP * * @return true if the vertex was found and met the requirements */ virtual EVtxStatus CheckVertex(const AliESDEvent& esd, TVector3& ip) const; /** * Read centrality from event * * @param esd Event * @param cent On return, the centrality or negative if not found * @param qual On return, centrality quality flag * * @return False on error, true otherwise */ virtual Bool_t ReadCentrality(const AliESDEvent& esd, Double_t& cent, UShort_t& qual) const; TH1I* fHEventsTr; //! Histogram of events w/trigger TH1I* fHEventsTrVtx; //! Events w/trigger and vertex TH1I* fHEventsAccepted; //! Events w/trigger and vertex in range TH2D* fHEventsAcceptedXY; //! XY vtx with trigger and Z vertex in range TH1I* fHTriggers; //! Triggers TH2I* fHTriggerCorr; //! Correlation of triggers TH1I* fHType; //! Type (low/high flux) of event TH1I* fHWords; //! Trigger words TH1F* fHCent; //! Centrality TH2F* fHCentVsQual; //! Centrality vs quality TH1I* fHStatus; //! Event processing status TH1I* fHVtxStatus; //! Vertex processing status TH1I* fHTrgStatus; //! Trigger processing status Int_t fLowFluxCut; // Low flux cut Double_t fMaxVzErr; // Maximum error on v_z TList* fList; //! Histogram container UShort_t fEnergy; // CMS energy (per nucleon pair) [GeV] Short_t fField; // L3 magnetic field [kG] UShort_t fCollisionSystem; // Collision system Int_t fDebug; // Debug level TAxis* fCentAxis; // Centrality axis used in histograms TAxis fVtxAxis; // IP_z Axis Bool_t fUseFirstPhysicsVertex;//Use the vtx code from p+p first physics Bool_t fUseV0AND; // Use the vtx code from p+p first physics UShort_t fMinPileupContrib; // Min contributors to 2nd pile-up IP Double_t fMinPileupDistance; // Min distance of 2nd pile-up IP Bool_t fUseDisplacedVertices; // Analyze displaced vertices? AliDisplacedVertexSelection fDisplacedVertex; //Displaced vertex selector TList fCollWords; //! Configured collision words TList fBgWords; //! Configured background words TString fCentMethod; // Centrality method Double_t fMinCent; // min centrality Double_t fMaxCent; // max centrailty Bool_t fUsepA2012Vertex; // flag to use pA2012 Veretx selection ULong_t fRunNumber; // Current run number Bool_t fMC; // Is this MC input Short_t fProdYear; // Production year Char_t fProdLetter; // Production letter Short_t fProdPass; // Pass number Int_t fProdSVN; // AliROOT revision used in production Bool_t fProdMC; // True if anchor production ClassDef(AliFMDEventInspector,12); // Inspect the event }; #endif // Local Variables: // mode: C++ // End: