// // This class collects the event histograms into single histograms, // one for each ring in each vertex bin. // // Input: // - AliESDFMD object possibly corrected for sharing // // Output: // - 5 RingHistos objects - each with a number of vertex dependent // 2D histograms of the inclusive charge particle density // // HistCollector used: // - AliFMDCorrSecondaryMap // #include "AliFMDHistCollector.h" #include #include #include #include #include "AliForwardCorrectionManager.h" #include "AliFMDCorrSecondaryMap.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(AliFMDHistCollector) #if 0 ; // For Emacs #endif //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDHistCollector::AliFMDHistCollector() : fNCutBins(0), fCorrectionCut(0), fDebug(0), fList(0), fSumRings(0), fCoverage(0), fMergeMethod(kStraightMean), fFiducialMethod(kByCut), fSkipFMDRings(0), fBgAndHitMaps(false), fVtxList(0), fByCent(0), fDoByCent(false) { DGUARD(fDebug, 3, "Default CTOR of AliFMDHistCollector"); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDHistCollector::AliFMDHistCollector(const char* title) : TNamed("fmdHistCollector", title), fNCutBins(2), fCorrectionCut(0.5), fDebug(0), fList(0), fSumRings(0), fCoverage(0), fMergeMethod(kStraightMean), fFiducialMethod(kByCut), fSkipFMDRings(0), fBgAndHitMaps(false), fVtxList(0), fByCent(0), fDoByCent(false) { DGUARD(fDebug, 3, "Named CTOR of AliFMDHistCollector: %s", title); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDHistCollector::AliFMDHistCollector(const AliFMDHistCollector& o) : TNamed(o), fNCutBins(o.fNCutBins), fCorrectionCut(o.fCorrectionCut), fDebug(o.fDebug), fList(o.fList), fSumRings(o.fSumRings), fCoverage(o.fCoverage), fMergeMethod(o.fMergeMethod), fFiducialMethod(o.fFiducialMethod), fSkipFMDRings(o.fSkipFMDRings), fBgAndHitMaps(o.fBgAndHitMaps), fVtxList(o.fVtxList), fByCent(o.fByCent), fDoByCent(o.fDoByCent) { DGUARD(fDebug, 3, "Copy CTOR of AliFMDHistCollector"); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDHistCollector::~AliFMDHistCollector() { DGUARD(fDebug, 3, "DTOR of AliFMDHistCollector"); // if (fList) delete fList; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDHistCollector& AliFMDHistCollector::operator=(const AliFMDHistCollector& o) { // // Assignement operator // // Parameters: // o Object to assign from // // Return: // Reference to this object // DGUARD(fDebug, 3, "Assignment of AliFMDHistCollector"); if (&o == this) return *this; TNamed::operator=(o); fNCutBins = o.fNCutBins; fCorrectionCut = o.fCorrectionCut; fDebug = o.fDebug; fList = o.fList; fSumRings = o.fSumRings; fCoverage = o.fCoverage; fMergeMethod = o.fMergeMethod; fFiducialMethod = o.fFiducialMethod; fSkipFMDRings = o.fSkipFMDRings; fBgAndHitMaps = o.fBgAndHitMaps; fVtxList = o.fVtxList; fByCent = o.fByCent; fDoByCent = o.fDoByCent; return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDHistCollector::SetupForData(const TAxis& vtxAxis, const TAxis& etaAxis) { // // Intialise // // Parameters: // vtxAxis Vertex axis // DGUARD(fDebug, 1, "Initialization of AliFMDHistCollector"); // AliForwardCorrectionManager& fcm = AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance(); fSumRings = new TH2D("sumRings", "Sum in individual rings", etaAxis.GetNbins(), etaAxis.GetXmin(), etaAxis.GetXmax(), 5, 1, 6); fSumRings->Sumw2(); fSumRings->SetDirectory(0); fSumRings->SetXTitle("#eta"); fSumRings->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"FMD1i"); fSumRings->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(2,"FMD2i"); fSumRings->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"FMD2o"); fSumRings->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(4,"FMD3i"); fSumRings->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(5,"FMD3o"); fList->Add(fSumRings); fCoverage = new TH2D("coverage", "#eta coverage per v_{z}", etaAxis.GetNbins(),etaAxis.GetXmin(),etaAxis.GetXmax(), vtxAxis.GetNbins(),vtxAxis.GetXmin(),vtxAxis.GetXmax()); fCoverage->SetDirectory(0); fCoverage->SetXTitle("#eta"); fCoverage->SetYTitle("v_{z} [cm]"); fCoverage->SetZTitle("n_{bins}"); fList->Add(fCoverage); // --- Add parameters to output ------------------------------------ fList->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("nCutBins",fNCutBins)); fList->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("skipRings",fSkipFMDRings)); fList->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("bgAndHits",fBgAndHitMaps)); fList->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("fiducial",Int_t(fFiducialMethod))); fList->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("fiducialCut",fCorrectionCut)); fList->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("merge",Int_t(fMergeMethod))); UShort_t nVz = vtxAxis.GetNbins(); fVtxList = new TObjArray(nVz, 1); fVtxList->SetName("histCollectorVtxBins"); fVtxList->SetOwner(); // Find the eta bin ranges for (UShort_t iVz = 1; iVz <= nVz; iVz++) { Double_t vMin = vtxAxis.GetBinLowEdge(iVz); Double_t vMax = vtxAxis.GetBinUpEdge(iVz); VtxBin* bin = new VtxBin(iVz, vMin, vMax, fNCutBins); fVtxList->AddAt(bin, iVz); bin->SetupForData(fCoverage, fSkipFMDRings, fFiducialMethod, fCorrectionCut, fList, etaAxis, fBgAndHitMaps, fBgAndHitMaps); } if (!fDoByCent) return; fByCent = new TList; fByCent->SetName("byCentrality"); fByCent->SetOwner(); fList->Add(fByCent); Int_t nCent = 101; Double_t minCent = -.5; Double_t maxCent = 100.5; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 5; i++) { UShort_t d; Char_t r; GetDetRing(i, d, r); TH3* h = new TH3D(Form("FMD%d%c", d, r), Form("dN/d#eta per centrality for FMD%d%c", d, r), etaAxis.GetNbins(), etaAxis.GetXmin(), etaAxis.GetXmax(), nCent, minCent, maxCent, 1, 0, 1); h->SetXTitle("#eta"); h->SetYTitle("Centrality [%]"); h->SetZTitle("dN/d#eta"); h->SetDirectory(0); h->SetMarkerColor(AliForwardUtil::RingColor(d, r)); h->SetMarkerStyle(20); fByCent->Add(h); } } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDHistCollector::CheckCorrection(FiducialMethod m, Double_t cut, const TH2D* bg, Int_t ie, Int_t ip) { // // Check if we should include the bin in the data range // // Parameters: // bg Secondary map histogram // ie Eta bin // ip Phi bin // // Return: // True if to be used // Double_t c = bg->GetBinContent(ie,ip); switch (m) { case kByCut: return c >= cut; case kDistance: if (2 * c < bg->GetBinContent(ie+1,ip) || 2 * c < bg->GetBinContent(ie-1,ip)) return false; return true; default: AliErrorClass("No fiducal cut method defined"); } return false; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDHistCollector::CreateOutputObjects(TList* dir) { // // Output diagnostic histograms to directory // // Parameters: // dir List to write in // DGUARD(fDebug, 1, "Define output of AliFMDHistCollector"); fList = new TList; fList->SetOwner(); fList->SetName(GetName()); dir->Add(fList); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDHistCollector::CheckSkip(UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t skips) { UShort_t q = (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? 0 : 1); UShort_t c = 1 << (d-1); UShort_t t = 1 << (c+q-1); return (t & skips) == t; } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliFMDHistCollector::GetIdx(UShort_t d, Char_t r) { // // Get the ring index from detector number and ring identifier // // Parameters: // d Detector // r Ring identifier // // Return: // ring index or -1 in case of problems // Int_t idx = -1; switch (d) { case 1: idx = 0; break; case 2: idx = 1 + (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? 0 : 1); break; case 3: idx = 3 + (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? 0 : 1); break; } return idx; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDHistCollector::GetDetRing(Int_t idx, UShort_t& d, Char_t& r) { // // Get the detector and ring from the ring index // // Parameters: // idx Ring index // d On return, the detector or 0 in case of errors // r On return, the ring id or '0' in case of errors // d = 0; r = '\0'; switch (idx) { case 0: d = 1; r = 'I'; break; case 1: d = 2; r = 'I'; break; case 2: d = 2; r = 'O'; break; case 3: d = 3; r = 'I'; break; case 4: d = 3; r = 'O'; break; } } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin* AliFMDHistCollector::GetVtxBin(Int_t ivtx) { // Parameters: // vtxBin Vertex bin (1 based) if (!fVtxList) return 0; if (ivtx < 1 || ivtx > fVtxList->GetEntriesFast()) return 0; VtxBin* bin = static_cast(fVtxList->At(ivtx)); return bin; } //____________________________________________________________________ const AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin* AliFMDHistCollector::GetVtxBin(Int_t ivtx) const { // Parameters: // vtxBin Vertex bin (1 based) if (!fVtxList) return 0; if (ivtx < 1 || ivtx > fVtxList->GetEntriesFast()) return 0; VtxBin* bin = static_cast(fVtxList->At(ivtx)); return bin; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDHistCollector::MergeBins(MergeMethod m, Double_t c, Double_t e, Double_t oc, Double_t oe, Double_t& rc, Double_t& re) { // // Merge bins accoring to set method // // Parameters: // c Current content // e Current error // oc Old content // oe Old error // rc On return, the new content // re On return, tne new error // rc = re = 0; switch (m) { case kStraightMean: case kPreferInner: // We only get these two when there's an overlap case kPreferOuter: // between like rings, and we should do a straight mean // calculate the average of old value (half the original), // and this value, as well as the summed squared errors // of the existing content (sqrt((e_1/2)^2=sqrt(e_1^2/4)=e_1/2) // and half the error of this. // // So, on the first overlapping histogram we get // // c = c_1 / 2 // e = sqrt((e_1 / 2)^2) = e_1/2 // // On the second we get // // c' = c_2 / 2 + c = c_2 / 2 + c_1 / 2 = (c_1+c_2)/2 // e' = sqrt(e^2 + (e_2/2)^2) // = sqrt(e_1^2/4 + e_2^2/4) // = sqrt(1/4 * (e_1^2+e_2^2)) // = 1/2 * sqrt(e_1^2 + e_2^2) rc = oc + c/2; re = TMath::Sqrt(oe*oe+(e*e)/4); break; case kStraightMeanNoZero: // If there's data in the overlapping histogram, // calculate the average and add the errors in // quadrature. // // If there's no data in the overlapping histogram, // then just fill in the data if (oe > 0) { rc = (oc + c)/2; re = TMath::Sqrt(oe*oe + e*e)/2; } else { rc = c; re = e; } break; case kWeightedMean: { // Calculate the weighted mean Double_t w = 1/(e*e); Double_t sc = w * c; Double_t sw = w; if (oe > 0) { Double_t ow = 1/(oe*oe); sc += ow * oc; sw += ow; } rc = sc / sw; re = TMath::Sqrt(1 / sw); } break; case kLeastError: if (e < oe) { rc = c; re = e; } else { rc = oc; re = oe; } break; case kSum: rc = c + oc; re = TMath::Sqrt(oe * oe + e * e);//Add in quadarature break; default: AliErrorClass("No method for defining content of overlapping bins defined"); return; } } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDHistCollector::Collect(const AliForwardUtil::Histos& hists, AliForwardUtil::Histos& sums, UShort_t vtxbin, TH2D& out, Double_t cent, Bool_t eta2phi) { // // Do the calculations // // Parameters: // hists Cache of histograms // vtxBin Vertex bin (1 based) // out Output histogram // // Return: // true on successs // DGUARD(fDebug, 1, "Collect final histogram of AliFMDHistCollector"); // AliForwardCorrectionManager& fcm = AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance(); // const TAxis* vtxAxis = fcm.GetVertexAxis(); // Double_t vMin = vtxAxis->GetBinLowEdge(vtxbin); // Double_t vMax = vtxAxis->GetBinUpEdge(vtxbin); VtxBin* bin = GetVtxBin(vtxbin); if (!bin) return false; Bool_t ret = bin->Collect(hists, sums, out, fSumRings, cent, fMergeMethod, fSkipFMDRings, fByCent, eta2phi); return ret; } #define PF(N,V,...) \ AliForwardUtil::PrintField(N,V, ## __VA_ARGS__) #define PFB(N,FLAG) \ do { \ AliForwardUtil::PrintName(N); \ std::cout << std::boolalpha << (FLAG) << std::noboolalpha << std::endl; \ } while(false) #define PFV(N,VALUE) \ do { \ AliForwardUtil::PrintName(N); \ std::cout << (VALUE) << std::endl; } while(false) //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDHistCollector::Print(Option_t* /* option */) const { // // Print information // // Parameters: // option Not used // TString merge("unknown"); switch (fMergeMethod) { case kStraightMean: merge = "straight mean"; break; case kStraightMeanNoZero: merge = "straight mean (no zeros)"; break; case kWeightedMean: merge = "weighted mean"; break; case kLeastError: merge = "least error"; break; case kSum: merge = "straight sum"; break; case kPreferInner: merge = "prefer inners"; break; case kPreferOuter: merge = "prefer outers"; break; } AliForwardUtil::PrintTask(*this); gROOT->IncreaseDirLevel(); PFV("# of cut bins", fNCutBins ); PFV("Fiducal method", (fFiducialMethod == kByCut ? "cut" : "distance")); PFV("Fiducial cut", fCorrectionCut ); PFV("Merge method", merge); if (!fVtxList) { gROOT->DecreaseDirLevel(); return; } char ind[64]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < gROOT->GetDirLevel(); i++) ind[i] = ' '; ind[gROOT->GetDirLevel()] = '\0'; std::cout << ind << "Bin ranges:\n" << ind << " rings | Range "; Int_t nVz = fVtxList->GetEntriesFast(); for (Int_t iIdx = 0; iIdx < 5; iIdx++) { UShort_t d = 0; Char_t r = 0; GetDetRing(iIdx, d, r); std::cout << ind << " | FMD" << d << r << " "; } std::cout << '\n' << ind << " /vz_bin |-----------"; for (Int_t iIdx = 0; iIdx < 5; iIdx++) std::cout << "-+--------"; std::cout << std::endl; for (UShort_t iVz = 1; iVz <= nVz; iVz++) { const VtxBin* bin = GetVtxBin(iVz); if (!bin) continue; std::cout << " " << std::right << std::setw(6) << iVz << " | " << std::setw(3) << bin->fLow << " - " << std::left << std::setw(3) << bin->fHigh << " "; for (Int_t iIdx = 0; iIdx < 5; iIdx++) { Int_t first, last; bin->GetFirstAndLast(iIdx, first, last); std::cout << " | " << std::setw(3) << first << "-" << std::setw(3) << last; } std::cout << std::endl; } gROOT->DecreaseDirLevel(); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin::VtxBin(Int_t idx, Double_t minIpZ, Double_t maxIpZ, Int_t nCutBins) : fIndex(idx), fLow(minIpZ), fHigh(maxIpZ), fHitMap(0), fFirstBin(1), fLastBin(1), fNCutBins(nCutBins) { } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin::VtxBin(const VtxBin& o) : TObject(o), fIndex(o.fIndex), fLow(o.fLow), fHigh(o.fHigh), fHitMap(o.fHitMap), fFirstBin(o.fFirstBin), fLastBin(o.fLastBin), fNCutBins(o.fNCutBins) { } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin& AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin::operator=(const VtxBin& o) { if (&o == this) return *this; fIndex = o.fIndex; fLow = o.fLow; fHigh = o.fHigh; fHitMap = o.fHitMap; fFirstBin = o.fFirstBin; fLastBin = o.fLastBin; fNCutBins = o.fNCutBins; return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ const Char_t* AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin::GetName() const { return Form("%c%03d_%c%03d", (fLow >= 0 ? 'p' : 'm'), Int_t(TMath::Abs(fLow)), (fHigh >= 0 ? 'p' : 'm'), Int_t(TMath::Abs(fHigh))); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin::SetupForData(TH2* coverage, UShort_t skips, FiducialMethod fiducial, Double_t cut, TList* l, const TAxis& etaAxis, Bool_t doHitMaps, Bool_t storeSecMap) { TList* out = 0; if (doHitMaps || storeSecMap) { out = new TList; out->SetName(GetName()); out->SetOwner(); l->Add(out); } if (doHitMaps) { fHitMap = new AliForwardUtil::Histos(); fHitMap->Init(etaAxis); } fFirstBin.Set(5); fLastBin.Set(5); AliForwardCorrectionManager& fcm = AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance(); for (Int_t iIdx = 0; iIdx < 5; iIdx++) { UShort_t d = 0; Char_t r = 0; GetDetRing(iIdx, d, r); // Skipping selected FMD rings if (CheckSkip(d, r, skips)) continue; // Get the background object TH2D* bg = fcm.GetSecondaryMap()->GetCorrection(d,r,UShort_t(fIndex)); Int_t nEta = bg->GetNbinsX(); Int_t first = nEta+1; Int_t last = 0; // Loop over the eta bins for (Int_t ie = 1; ie <= nEta; ie++) { // Loop over the phi bins to make sure that we // do not have holes in the coverage bool ok = true; for (Int_t ip = 1; ip <= bg->GetNbinsY(); ip++) { if (!CheckCorrection(fiducial, cut, bg, ie, ip)) { ok = false; continue; } } if (!ok) continue; first = TMath::Min(ie, first); last = TMath::Max(ie, last); } // Store result of first/last bin for this ring fFirstBin[iIdx] = first; fLastBin[iIdx] = last; if (fHitMap) { TH2* h = fHitMap->Get(d, r); h->SetDirectory(0); h->SetName(Form("hitMapFMD%d%c", d, r)); // if (r == 'O') h->RebinY(2); out->Add(h); } TH2D* obg=0; if(storeSecMap) { obg = static_cast(bg->Clone(Form("secMapFMD%d%c", d, r))); obg->SetDirectory(0); obg->Reset(); out->Add(obg); } // Fill diagnostics histograms for (Int_t ie = first+fNCutBins; ie <= last-fNCutBins; ie++) { Double_t old = coverage->GetBinContent(ie, fIndex); coverage->SetBinContent(ie, fIndex, old+1); if(obg) { for (Int_t ip = 1; ip <= bg->GetNbinsY(); ip++) { obg->SetBinContent(ie, ip, bg->GetBinContent(ie, ip)); obg->SetBinError(ie, ip, bg->GetBinError(ie, ip)); } // for (ip) } // if (doSecHits) } // for (ie) } // for (iIdx) } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin::GetFirstAndLast(Int_t idx, Int_t& first, Int_t& last) const { // Get the first and last eta bin to use for a given ring and vertex // // Parameters: // idx Ring index as given by GetIdx // first On return, the first eta bin to use // last On return, the last eta bin to use // first = 0; last = 0; if (idx < 0 || idx >= fFirstBin.GetSize()) return; first = fFirstBin.At(idx)+fNCutBins; last = fLastBin.At(idx)-fNCutBins; } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin::GetFirst(Int_t idx) const { Int_t first, last; GetFirstAndLast(idx, first , last); return first; } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin::GetLast(Int_t idx) const { Int_t first, last; GetFirstAndLast(idx, first , last); return last; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin::Collect(const AliForwardUtil::Histos& hists, AliForwardUtil::Histos& sums, TH2D& out, TH2D* sumRings, Double_t cent, MergeMethod m, UShort_t skips, TList* byCent, Bool_t eta2phi) { for (UShort_t d=1; d<=3; d++) { UShort_t nr = (d == 1 ? 1 : 2); for (UShort_t q=0; q(h->Clone(Form("FMD%d%c_tmp",d,r))); Int_t i = (d == 1 ? 1 : 2*d + (q == 0 ? -2 : -1)); // Get valid range Int_t first = 0; Int_t last = 0; GetFirstAndLast(d, r, first, last); // Zero outside valid range Int_t nY = t->GetNbinsY(); Int_t nX = t->GetNbinsX(); for (Int_t iPhi = 0; iPhi <= nY+1; iPhi++) { // Lower range for (Int_t iEta = 1; iEta < first; iEta++) { t->SetBinContent(iEta,iPhi,0); t->SetBinError(iEta,iPhi,0); } for (Int_t iEta = last+1; iEta <= nX; iEta++) { t->SetBinContent(iEta,iPhi,0); t->SetBinError(iEta,iPhi,0); } } // Fill under-flow bins with eta coverage for (Int_t iEta = first; iEta <= last; iEta++) t->SetBinContent(iEta,0,1); if (eta2phi) { for (Int_t iEta = first; iEta <= last; iEta++) t->SetBinContent(iEta,nY+1,1); } // Add to our per-ring sum o->Add(t); // If we store hit maps, update here if (fHitMap) fHitMap->Get(d, r)->Add(t); if (byCent) { TH3* dNdetaCent = static_cast(byCent->At(i-1)); if (cent >= 0 && dNdetaCent) { Int_t iCent = dNdetaCent->GetYaxis()->FindBin(cent); if (iCent > 0 && iCent <= dNdetaCent->GetNbinsY()) { // Make a projection of data TH1* proj = static_cast(t->ProjectionX("tmp", 1, nY)); proj->SetDirectory(0); for (Int_t iEta = 1; iEta <= nX; iEta++) { Double_t v1 = proj->GetBinContent(iEta); Double_t e1 = proj->GetBinError(iEta); Double_t v2 = dNdetaCent->GetBinContent(iEta, iCent, 1); Double_t e2 = dNdetaCent->GetBinError(iEta, iCent, 1); dNdetaCent->SetBinContent(iEta,iCent,1, v1+v2); dNdetaCent->SetBinError(iEta,iCent,1, TMath::Sqrt(e1*e1+e2*e2)); // Check under-/overflow bins Double_t uF = t->GetBinContent(iEta, 0); Double_t oF = t->GetBinContent(iEta, nY+1); if (uF > 0) { Double_t old = dNdetaCent->GetBinContent(iEta, iCent, 0); dNdetaCent->SetBinContent(iEta, iCent, 0, old + uF); } if (oF > 0) { Double_t old = dNdetaCent->GetBinContent(iEta, iCent, 2); dNdetaCent->SetBinContent(iEta, iCent, 2, old + oF); } } // for(iEta) delete proj; } // if(iCent) } // if (cent) } // if (byCent) // Outer rings have better phi segmentation - rebin to same as inner. if (q == 1) t->RebinY(2); nY = t->GetNbinsY(); // Now update profile output for (Int_t iEta = first; iEta <= last; iEta++) { // Get the possibly overlapping histogram Int_t overlap = GetOverlap(d,r,iEta); // Get factor MergeMethod mm = m; // Possibly override method locally Float_t fac = 1; if (m != kSum && overlap >= 0) { // Default is to average fac = 0.5; if (m == kPreferInner) { // Current one is an outer overlapping an inner if ((r == 'o' || r == 'O') && (overlap == 0 || overlap == 1 || overlap == 3)) // Do not use this signal fac = 0; // Current one is inner overlapping an outer else if ((r == 'i' || r == 'I') && (overlap == 2 || overlap == 4)) // Prefer this one fac = 1; else // In case of two overlapping inners mm = kStraightMean; } else if (m == kPreferOuter) { // Current one is an inner overlapping an outer if ((r == 'i' || r == 'I') && (overlap == 2 || overlap == 4)) // Do not use this signal fac = 0; else if ((r == 'O' || r == 'o') && (overlap == 0 || overlap == 1 || overlap == 3)) fac = 1; else // In case of two overlapping outers mm = kStraightMean; } } // Fill eta acceptance for this event into the phi underflow bin Float_t ooc = out.GetBinContent(iEta,0); out.SetBinContent(iEta, 0, ooc + fac); // Fill phi acceptance for this event into the phi overflow bin Float_t oop = out.GetBinContent(iEta,nY+1); Float_t nop = t->GetBinContent(iEta,nY+1); #if 0 Info("", "etaBin=%3d Setting phi acceptance to %f(%f+%f)=%f", iEta, fac, oop, nop, fac*(oop+nop)); #endif out.SetBinContent(iEta, nY+1, fac * nop + oop); // Should we loop over h or t Y bins - I think it's t for (Int_t iPhi = 1; iPhi <= nY; iPhi++) { Double_t c = t->GetBinContent(iEta,iPhi); Double_t e = t->GetBinError(iEta,iPhi); Double_t ee = t->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(iEta); sumRings->Fill(ee, i, c); // If there's no signal or the signal was ignored because we // prefer the inners/outers, continue if (e <= 0) continue; if (fac <= 0 || c <= 0 || e <= 0) continue; // If there's no overlapping histogram (ring) or if we // prefer inner/outer, then fill in data and continue to the // next phi bin if (overlap < 0 || fac >= 1) { out.SetBinContent(iEta,iPhi,c); out.SetBinError(iEta,iPhi,e); continue; } // Get the current bin content and error Double_t oc = out.GetBinContent(iEta,iPhi); Double_t oe = out.GetBinError(iEta,iPhi); Double_t rc, re; MergeBins(mm, c, e, oc, oe, rc, re); out.SetBinContent(iEta,iPhi, rc); out.SetBinError(iEta,iPhi, re); } } // Remove temporary histogram delete t; } // for r } // for d return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliFMDHistCollector::VtxBin::GetOverlap(UShort_t d, Char_t r, Int_t bin) const { // // Get the possibly overlapping histogram of eta bin @a e in // detector and ring // // Parameters: // d Detector // r Ring // e Eta bin // v Vertex bin (1 based) // // Return: // Overlapping histogram index or -1 // Int_t other = -1; if (d == 1) { if (bin <= GetLast(2,'I')) other = GetIdx(2,'I'); } else if (d == 2 && r == 'I') { if (bin <= GetLast(2, 'O')) other = GetIdx(2, 'O'); else if (bin >= GetFirst(1, 'I')) other = GetIdx(1, 'I'); } else if (d == 2 && r == 'O') { if (bin >= GetFirst(2, 'I')) other = GetIdx(2,'I'); } else if (d == 3 && r == 'O') { if (bin <= GetLast(3, 'I')) other = GetIdx(3, 'I'); } else if (d == 3 && r == 'I') { if (bin >= GetFirst(3, 'O')) other = GetIdx(3, 'O'); } // AliInfo(Form("FMD%d%c (%d) -> %d", d, r, GetIdx(d,r), other)); return other; } //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //