// // Class to do the sharing correction. That is, a filter that merges // adjacent strip signals presumably originating from a single particle // that impinges on the detector in such a way that it deposite energy // into two or more strips. // // Input: // - AliESDFMD object - from reconstruction // // Output: // - AliESDFMD object - copy of input, but with signals merged // // Corrections used: // - AliFMDCorrELossFit // // Histograms: // - For each ring (FMD1i, FMD2i, FMD2o, FMD3i, FMD3o) the distribution of // signals before and after the filter. // - For each ring (see above), an array of distributions of number of // hit strips for each vertex bin (if enabled - see Init method) // // // #include "AliFMDSharingFilter.h" #include "AliFMDStripIndex.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliForwardCorrectionManager.h" #include "AliFMDCorrELossFit.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include ClassImp(AliFMDSharingFilter) #if 0 ; // This is for Emacs #endif #define DBG(L,M) \ do { if (L>fDebug)break; std::cout << (M) << std::flush;} while(false) #define DBGL(L,M) \ do { if (L>fDebug)break; std::cout << (M) << std::endl;} while(false) //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::AliFMDSharingFilter() : TNamed(), fRingHistos(), fCorrectAngles(kFALSE), // fSummed(0), fHighCuts(0), fLowCuts(0), // fOper(0), fDebug(0), fZeroSharedHitsBelowThreshold(false), fLCuts(), fHCuts(), fUseSimpleMerging(false), fThreeStripSharing(true), fRecalculateEta(false), // fExtraDead(0), fXtraDead(0), fInvalidIsEmpty(false), fMergingDisabled(false), fIgnoreESDForAngleCorrection(false) { // // Default Constructor - do not use // DGUARD(fDebug,1, "Default CTOR for AliFMDSharingFilter"); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::AliFMDSharingFilter(const char* title) : TNamed("fmdSharingFilter", title), fRingHistos(), fCorrectAngles(kFALSE), // fSummed(0), fHighCuts(0), fLowCuts(0), // fOper(0), fDebug(0), fZeroSharedHitsBelowThreshold(false), fLCuts(), fHCuts(), fUseSimpleMerging(false), fThreeStripSharing(true), fRecalculateEta(false), // fExtraDead(51200), fXtraDead(AliFMDStripIndex::Pack(3,'O',19,511)+1), fInvalidIsEmpty(false), fMergingDisabled(false), fIgnoreESDForAngleCorrection(false) { // // Constructor // // Parameters: // title Title of object - not significant // DGUARD(fDebug,1, "Named CTOR for AliFMDSharingFilter: %s", title); fRingHistos.SetName(GetName()); fRingHistos.SetOwner(); fRingHistos.Add(new RingHistos(1, 'I')); fRingHistos.Add(new RingHistos(2, 'I')); fRingHistos.Add(new RingHistos(2, 'O')); fRingHistos.Add(new RingHistos(3, 'I')); fRingHistos.Add(new RingHistos(3, 'O')); fHCuts.Set(AliFMDMultCuts::kLandauSigmaWidth, 1); fLCuts.Set(AliFMDMultCuts::kFixed, .15); // fExtraDead.Reset(-1); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::~AliFMDSharingFilter() { // // Destructor // DGUARD(fDebug,3, "DTOR for AliFMDSharingFilter"); // fRingHistos.Delete(); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos* AliFMDSharingFilter::GetRingHistos(UShort_t d, Char_t r) const { // // Get the ring histogram container // // Parameters: // d Detector // r Ring // // Return: // Ring histogram container // Int_t idx = -1; switch (d) { case 1: idx = 0; break; case 2: idx = 1 + (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? 0 : 1); break; case 3: idx = 3 + (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? 0 : 1); break; } if (idx < 0 || idx >= fRingHistos.GetEntries()) return 0; return static_cast(fRingHistos.At(idx)); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::AddDead(UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t s, UShort_t t) { if (d < 1 || d > 3) { Warning("AddDead", "Invalid detector FMD%d", d); return; } Bool_t inner = (r == 'I' || r == 'i'); if (d == 1 && !inner) { Warning("AddDead", "Invalid ring FMD%d%c", d, r); return; } if ((inner && s >= 20) || (!inner && s >= 40)) { Warning("AddDead", "Invalid sector FMD%d%c[%02d]", d, r, s); return; } if ((inner && t >= 512) || (!inner && t >= 256)) { Warning("AddDead", "Invalid strip FMD%d%c[%02d,%03d]", d, r, s, t); return; } Int_t id = AliFMDStripIndex::Pack(d, r, s, t); // Int_t i = 0; fXtraDead.SetBitNumber(id, true); #if 0 for (i = 0; i < fExtraDead.GetSize(); i++) { Int_t j = fExtraDead.At(i); if (j == id) return; // Already there if (j < 0) break; // Free slot } if (i >= fExtraDead.GetSize()) { Warning("AddDead", "No free slot to add FMD%d%c[%02d,%03d] at", d, r, s, t); return; } fExtraDead[i] = id; #endif } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::AddDeadRegion(UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t s1, UShort_t s2, UShort_t t1, UShort_t t2) { // Add a dead region spanning from FMD[,] to // FMD[,] (both inclusive) for (Int_t s = s1; s <= s2; s++) for (Int_t t = t1; t <= t2; t++) AddDead(d, r, s, t); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::AddDead(const Char_t* script) { if (!script || script[0] == '\0') return; gROOT->Macro(Form("%s((AliFMDSharingFilter*)%p);", script, this)); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliFMDSharingFilter::IsDead(UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t s, UShort_t t) const { Int_t id = AliFMDStripIndex::Pack(d, r, s, t); return fXtraDead.TestBitNumber(id); #if 0 for (Int_t i = 0; i < fExtraDead.GetSize(); i++) { Int_t j = fExtraDead.At(i); if (j == id) { //Info("IsDead", "FMD%d%c[%02d,%03d] marked as dead here", d, r, s, t); return true; } if (j < 0) break; // High water mark } return false; #endif } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::SetupForData(const TAxis& axis) { // Initialise - called on first event DGUARD(fDebug,1, "Initialize for AliFMDSharingFilter"); AliForwardCorrectionManager& fcm = AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance(); const AliFMDCorrELossFit* fits = fcm.GetELossFit(); // Compactify the xtra dead bits fXtraDead.Compact(); // Get the high cut. The high cut is defined as the // most-probably-value peak found from the energy distributions, minus // 2 times the width of the corresponding Landau. TAxis eAxis(axis.GetNbins(), axis.GetXmin(), axis.GetXmax()); if(fits) eAxis.Set(fits->GetEtaAxis().GetNbins(), fits->GetEtaAxis().GetXmin(), fits->GetEtaAxis().GetXmax()); UShort_t nEta = eAxis.GetNbins(); fHighCuts->SetBins(nEta, eAxis.GetXmin(), eAxis.GetXmax(), 5, .5, 5.5); fHighCuts->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "FMD1i"); fHighCuts->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "FMD2i"); fHighCuts->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "FMD2o"); fHighCuts->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "FMD3i"); fHighCuts->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "FMD3o"); fLowCuts->SetBins(nEta, eAxis.GetXmin(), eAxis.GetXmax(), 5, .5, 5.5); fLowCuts->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "FMD1i"); fLowCuts->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "FMD2i"); fLowCuts->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "FMD2o"); fLowCuts->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "FMD3i"); fLowCuts->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(5, "FMD3o"); // Cache our cuts in histograms fLCuts.FillHistogram(fLowCuts); fHCuts.FillHistogram(fHighCuts); } //____________________________________________________________________ #define ETA2COS(ETA) \ TMath::Cos(2*TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-TMath::Abs(ETA)))) Bool_t AliFMDSharingFilter::Filter(const AliESDFMD& input, Bool_t /*lowFlux*/, AliESDFMD& output, Double_t zvtx) { // // Filter the input AliESDFMD object // // Parameters: // input Input // lowFlux If this is a low-flux event // output Output AliESDFMD object // // Return: // True on success, false otherwise // DGUARD(fDebug,1, "Filter event in AliFMDSharingFilter"); output.Clear(); TIter next(&fRingHistos); RingHistos* o = 0; while ((o = static_cast(next()))) o->Clear(); Int_t nSingle = 0; Int_t nDouble = 0; Int_t nTriple = 0; for(UShort_t d = 1; d <= 3; d++) { Int_t nRings = (d == 1 ? 1 : 2); for (UShort_t q = 0; q < nRings; q++) { Char_t r = (q == 0 ? 'I' : 'O'); UShort_t nsec = (q == 0 ? 20 : 40); UShort_t nstr = (q == 0 ? 512 : 256); RingHistos* histos = GetRingHistos(d, r); for(UShort_t s = 0; s < nsec; s++) { // `used' flags if the _current_ strip was used by _previous_ // iteration. Bool_t used = kFALSE; // `eTotal' contains the current sum of merged signals so far Double_t eTotal = -1; // Int_t nDistanceBefore = -1; // Int_t nDistanceAfter = -1; // `twoLow' flags if we saw two consequtive strips with a // signal between the two cuts. Bool_t twoLow = kFALSE; Int_t nStripsAboveCut = 0; for(UShort_t t = 0; t < nstr; t++) { // nDistanceBefore++; // nDistanceAfter++; output.SetMultiplicity(d,r,s,t,0.); Float_t mult = SignalInStrip(input,d,r,s,t); Float_t multNext = (t 0 && mult != AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult ) { Double_t cosOld = ETA2COS(etaOld); Double_t cosNew = ETA2COS(etaCalc); Double_t corr = cosNew / cosOld; mult *= corr; multNext *= corr; multNextNext *= corr; } } // Recalculate eta // Special case for pre revision 43611 AliFMDReconstructor. // If fInvalidIsEmpty and we get an invalid signal from the // ESD, then we need to set this signal to zero. Note, dead // strips added in the ForwardAODConfig.C file are not // effected by this, and we can use that to set the proper // dead strips. if (mult == AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult && fInvalidIsEmpty) mult = 0; // Keep dead-channel information - either from the ESD (but // see above for older data) or from the settings in the // ForwardAODConfig.C file. if (mult == AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult || IsDead(d,r,s,t)) { output.SetMultiplicity(d,r,s,t,AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult); histos->fBefore->Fill(-1); mult = AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult; } if (mult != AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult) // Always fill the ESD sum histogram histos->fSumESD->Fill(eta, phi, mult); // If no signal or dead strip, go on. if (mult == AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult || mult == 0) { if (mult == 0) histos->fSum->Fill(eta,phi,mult); // Flush a possible signal if (eTotal > 0 && t > 0) output.SetMultiplicity(d,r,s,t-1,eTotal); // Reset states so we do not try to merge over a dead strip. eTotal = -1; used = false; twoLow = false; if (t > 0) histos->fNConsecutive->Fill(nStripsAboveCut); if (mult == AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult) // Why not fill immidiately here? nStripsAboveCut = -1; else // Why not fill immidiately here? nStripsAboveCut = 0; continue; } // Fill the diagnostics histogram histos->fBefore->Fill(mult); Double_t mergedEnergy = mult; // it seems to me that this logic could be condensed a bit if(mult > GetLowCut(d, r, eta)) { if(nStripsAboveCut < 1) { if(t > 0) histos->fNConsecutive->Fill(nStripsAboveCut); nStripsAboveCut=0; } nStripsAboveCut++; } else { if (t > 0) histos->fNConsecutive->Fill(nStripsAboveCut); nStripsAboveCut=0; } if (!fMergingDisabled) { mergedEnergy = 0; // The current sum Float_t etot = 0; // Fill in neighbor information if (t < nstr-1) histos->fNeighborsBefore->Fill(mult,multNext); Bool_t thisValid = mult > GetLowCut(d, r, eta); Bool_t nextValid = multNext > GetLowCut(d, r, eta); Bool_t thisSmall = mult < GetHighCut(d, r, eta ,false); Bool_t nextSmall = multNext < GetHighCut(d, r, eta ,false); // If this strips signal is above the high cut, reset distance // if (!thisSmall) { // histos->fDistanceBefore->Fill(nDistanceBefore); // nDistanceBefore = -1; // } // If the total signal in the past 1 or 2 strips are non-zero // we need to check if (eTotal > 0) { // Here, we have already flagged one strip as a candidate // If 3-strip merging is enabled, then check the next // strip to see that it falls within cut, or if we have // two low signals if (fThreeStripSharing && nextValid && (nextSmall || twoLow)) { eTotal = eTotal + multNext; used = kTRUE; histos->fTriple->Fill(eTotal); nTriple++; twoLow = kFALSE; } // Otherwise, we got a double hit before, and that // should be stored. else { used = kFALSE; histos->fDouble->Fill(eTotal); nDouble++; } // Store energy loss and reset sum etot = eTotal; eTotal = -1; } // if (eTotal>0) else { // If we have no current sum // Check if this is marked as used, and if so, continue if (used) {used = kFALSE; continue; } // If the signal is abvoe the cut, set current if (thisValid) etot = mult; // If the signal is abiove the cut, and so is the next // signal and either of them are below the high cut, if (thisValid && nextValid && (thisSmall || nextSmall)) { // If this is below the high cut, and the next is too, then // we have two low signals if (thisSmall && nextSmall) twoLow = kTRUE; // If this signal is bigger than the next, and the // one after that is below the low-cut, then update // the sum if (mult>multNext && multNextNext < GetLowCut(d, r, eta)) { etot = mult + multNext; used = kTRUE; histos->fDouble->Fill(etot); nDouble++; } // Otherwise, we may need to merge with a third strip else { etot = 0; eTotal = mult + multNext; } } // This is a signle hit else if(etot > 0) { histos->fSingle->Fill(etot); histos->fSinglePerStrip->Fill(etot,t); nSingle++; } } // else if (etotal >= 0) mergedEnergy = etot; // if (mergedEnergy > GetHighCut(d, r, eta ,false)) { // histos->fDistanceAfter->Fill(nDistanceAfter); // nDistanceAfter = -1; // } //if(mult>0 && multNext >0) // std::cout< 0) histos->Incr(); if (t != 0) histos->fNeighborsAfter->Fill(output.Multiplicity(d,r,s,t-1), mergedEnergy); histos->fBeforeAfter->Fill(mult, mergedEnergy); if(mergedEnergy > 0) histos->fAfter->Fill(mergedEnergy); histos->fSum->Fill(eta,phi,mergedEnergy); output.SetMultiplicity(d,r,s,t,mergedEnergy); } // for strip histos->fNConsecutive->Fill(nStripsAboveCut); // fill the last sector } // for sector } // for ring } // for detector DMSG(fDebug, 3,"single=%9d, double=%9d, triple=%9d", nSingle, nDouble, nTriple); next.Reset(); // while ((o = static_cast(next()))) o->Finish(); return kTRUE; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliFMDSharingFilter::SignalInStrip(const AliESDFMD& input, UShort_t d, Char_t r, UShort_t s, UShort_t t) const { // // Get the signal in a strip // // Parameters: // fmd ESD object // d Detector // r Ring // s Sector // t Strip // // Return: // The energy signal // Double_t mult = input.Multiplicity(d,r,s,t); // In case of // - bad value (invalid or 0) // - we want angle corrected and data is // - we don't want angle corrected and data isn't // just return read value if (mult == AliESDFMD::kInvalidMult || mult == 0 || (fCorrectAngles && (fIgnoreESDForAngleCorrection || input.IsAngleCorrected())) || (!fCorrectAngles && !fIgnoreESDForAngleCorrection && !input.IsAngleCorrected())) return mult; // If we want angle corrected data, correct it, // otherwise de-correct it if (fCorrectAngles) mult = AngleCorrect(mult, input.Eta(d,r,s,t)); else mult = DeAngleCorrect(mult, input.Eta(d,r,s,t)); return mult; } namespace { Double_t Rng2Cut(UShort_t d, Char_t r, Double_t eta, TH2* h) { Double_t ret = 1024; Int_t ybin = 0; switch(d) { case 1: ybin = 1; break; case 2: ybin = (r=='i' || r=='I') ? 2 : 3; break; case 3: ybin = (r=='i' || r=='I') ? 4 : 5; break; default: return ret; } Int_t xbin = h->GetXaxis()->FindBin(eta); if (xbin < 1 && xbin > h->GetXaxis()->GetNbins()) return ret; ret = h->GetBinContent(xbin,ybin); return ret; } } //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliFMDSharingFilter::GetLowCut(UShort_t d, Char_t r, Double_t eta) const { // // Get the low cut. Normally, the low cut is taken to be the lower // value of the fit range used when generating the energy loss fits. // However, if fLowCut is set (using SetLowCit) to a value greater // than 0, then that value is used. // return Rng2Cut(d, r, eta, fLowCuts); // return fLCuts.GetMultCut(d,r,eta,false); } //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliFMDSharingFilter::GetHighCut(UShort_t d, Char_t r, Double_t eta, Bool_t /*errors*/) const { // // Get the high cut. The high cut is defined as the // most-probably-value peak found from the energy distributions, minus // 2 times the width of the corresponding Landau. // return Rng2Cut(d, r, eta, fHighCuts); // return fHCuts.GetMultCut(d,r,eta,errors); } //____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliFMDSharingFilter::AngleCorrect(Double_t mult, Double_t eta) const { // // Angle correct the signal // // Parameters: // mult Angle Un-corrected Signal // eta Pseudo-rapidity // // Return: // Angle corrected signal // Double_t theta = 2 * TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-eta)); if (eta < 0) theta -= TMath::Pi(); return mult * TMath::Cos(theta); } //____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliFMDSharingFilter::DeAngleCorrect(Double_t mult, Double_t eta) const { // // Angle de-correct the signal // // Parameters: // mult Angle corrected Signal // eta Pseudo-rapidity // // Return: // Angle un-corrected signal // Double_t theta = 2 * TMath::ATan(TMath::Exp(-eta)); if (eta < 0) theta -= TMath::Pi(); return mult / TMath::Cos(theta); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::Terminate(const TList* dir, TList* output, Int_t nEvents) { // // Scale the histograms to the total number of events // // Parameters: // dir Where the output is // nEvents Number of events // DGUARD(fDebug,1, "Scale histograms in AliFMDSharingFilter"); if (nEvents <= 0) return; TList* d = static_cast(dir->FindObject(GetName())); if (!d) return; TList* out = new TList; out->SetName(d->GetName()); out->SetOwner(); TParameter* nFiles = static_cast*>(d->FindObject("nFiles")); TH2* lowCuts = static_cast(d->FindObject("lowCuts")); TH2* highCuts = static_cast(d->FindObject("highCuts")); if (lowCuts && nFiles) { lowCuts->Scale(1. / nFiles->GetVal()); out->Add(lowCuts->Clone()); } else AliWarning("low cuts histogram not found in input list"); if (highCuts && nFiles) { highCuts->Scale(1. / nFiles->GetVal()); out->Add(highCuts->Clone()); } else AliWarning("high cuts histogram not found in input list"); TIter next(&fRingHistos); RingHistos* o = 0; THStack* sums = new THStack("sums", "Sum of ring signals"); THStack* sumsESD = new THStack("sumsESD", "Sum of ring ESD signals"); while ((o = static_cast(next()))) { o->Terminate(d, nEvents); if (!o->fSum) { Warning("Terminate", "No sum histogram found for ring %s", o->GetName()); continue; } TH1D* sum = o->fSum->ProjectionX(o->GetName(), 1, o->fSum->GetNbinsY(),"e"); sum->Scale(1., "width"); sum->SetTitle(o->GetName()); sum->SetDirectory(0); sum->SetYTitle("#sum_{c} #Delta/#Delta_{mip}"); sums->Add(sum); sum = o->fSumESD->ProjectionX(o->GetName(), 1, o->fSumESD->GetNbinsY(),"e"); sum->Scale(1., "width"); sum->SetTitle(o->GetName()); sum->SetDirectory(0); sum->SetYTitle("#sum_{s} #Delta/#Delta_{mip}"); sumsESD->Add(sum); } out->Add(sums); out->Add(sumsESD); output->Add(out); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::CreateOutputObjects(TList* dir) { // // Define the output histograms. These are put in a sub list of the // passed list. The histograms are merged before the parent task calls // AliAnalysisTaskSE::Terminate // // Parameters: // dir Directory to add to // DGUARD(fDebug,1, "Define output in AliFMDSharingFilter"); TList* d = new TList; d->SetName(GetName()); dir->Add(d); #if 0 fSummed = new TH2I("operations", "Strip operations", kMergedInto, kNone-.5, kMergedInto+.5, 51201, -.5, 51200.5); fSummed->SetXTitle("Operation"); fSummed->SetYTitle("# of strips"); fSummed->SetZTitle("Events"); fSummed->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kNone, "None"); fSummed->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kCandidate, "Candidate"); fSummed->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kMergedWithOther, "Merged w/other"); fSummed->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kMergedInto, "Merged into"); fSummed->SetDirectory(0); d->Add(fSummed); #endif fHighCuts = new TH2D("highCuts", "High cuts used", 1,0,1, 1,0,1); fHighCuts->SetXTitle("#eta"); fHighCuts->SetDirectory(0); d->Add(fHighCuts); fLowCuts = new TH2D("lowCuts", "Low cuts used", 1,0,1, 1,0,1); fLowCuts->SetXTitle("#eta"); fLowCuts->SetDirectory(0); d->Add(fLowCuts); // d->Add(lowCut); // d->Add(nXi); // d->Add(sigma); d->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("angle", fCorrectAngles)); d->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("lowSignal", fZeroSharedHitsBelowThreshold)); d->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("simple", fUseSimpleMerging)); d->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("sumThree", fThreeStripSharing)); d->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("disabled", fMergingDisabled)); TParameter* nFiles = new TParameter("nFiles", 1); nFiles->SetMergeMode('+'); d->Add(nFiles); TObjArray* extraDead = new TObjArray; extraDead->SetOwner(); extraDead->SetName("extraDead"); #if 0 for (Int_t i = 0; i < fExtraDead.GetSize(); i++) { if (fExtraDead.At(i) < 0) break; UShort_t dd, s, t; Char_t r; Int_t id = fExtraDead.At(i); AliFMDStripIndex::Unpack(id, dd, r, s, t); extraDead->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter(Form("FMD%d%c[%02d,%03d]", dd, r, s, t), id)); } #endif fXtraDead.Compact(); UInt_t firstBit = fXtraDead.FirstSetBit(); UInt_t nBits = fXtraDead.GetNbits(); for (UInt_t i = firstBit; i < nBits; i++) { if (!fXtraDead.TestBitNumber(i)) continue; UShort_t dd, s, t; Char_t r; AliFMDStripIndex::Unpack(i, dd, r, s, t); extraDead->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter(Form("FMD%d%c[%02d,%03d]", dd, r, s, t), UShort_t(i))); } // d->Add(&fXtraDead); d->Add(extraDead); fLCuts.Output(d,"lCuts"); fHCuts.Output(d,"hCuts"); TIter next(&fRingHistos); RingHistos* o = 0; while ((o = static_cast(next()))) { o->CreateOutputObjects(d); } } #define PF(N,V,...) \ AliForwardUtil::PrintField(N,V, ## __VA_ARGS__) #define PFB(N,FLAG) \ do { \ AliForwardUtil::PrintName(N); \ std::cout << std::boolalpha << (FLAG) << std::noboolalpha << std::endl; \ } while(false) #define PFV(N,VALUE) \ do { \ AliForwardUtil::PrintName(N); \ std::cout << (VALUE) << std::endl; } while(false) //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::Print(Option_t* /*option*/) const { // // Print information // // Parameters: // option Not used // AliForwardUtil::PrintTask(*this); gROOT->IncreaseDirLevel(); PFB("Use corrected angles", fCorrectAngles); PFB("Zero below threshold", fZeroSharedHitsBelowThreshold); PFB("Use simple sharing", fUseSimpleMerging); PFB("Consider invalid null", fInvalidIsEmpty); PFB("Allow 3 strip merging", fThreeStripSharing); PF("Low cuts", ""); fLCuts.Print(); PF("High cuts", ""); fHCuts.Print(); gROOT->DecreaseDirLevel(); } //==================================================================== AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::RingHistos() : AliForwardUtil::RingHistos(), fBefore(0), fAfter(0), fSingle(0), fDouble(0), fTriple(0), fSinglePerStrip(0), // fDistanceBefore(0), // fDistanceAfter(0), fBeforeAfter(0), fNeighborsBefore(0), fNeighborsAfter(0), fSumESD(0), fSum(0), fNConsecutive(0) // , // fHits(0), // fNHits(0) { // // Default CTOR // } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::RingHistos(UShort_t d, Char_t r) : AliForwardUtil::RingHistos(d,r), fBefore(0), fAfter(0), fSingle(0), fDouble(0), fTriple(0), fSinglePerStrip(0), // fDistanceBefore(0), // fDistanceAfter(0), fBeforeAfter(0), fNeighborsBefore(0), fNeighborsAfter(0), fSumESD(0), fSum(0), fNConsecutive(0) //, // fHits(0), // fNHits(0) { // // Constructor // // Parameters: // d detector // r ring // fBefore = new TH1D("esdEloss", Form("Energy loss in %s (reconstruction)", GetName()), 640, -1, 15); fBefore->SetXTitle("#Delta E/#Delta E_{mip}"); fBefore->SetYTitle("P(#Delta E/#Delta E_{mip})"); fBefore->SetFillColor(Color()); fBefore->SetFillStyle(3001); fBefore->SetLineColor(kBlack); fBefore->SetLineStyle(2); fBefore->SetDirectory(0); fAfter = static_cast(fBefore->Clone("anaEloss")); fAfter->SetTitle(Form("Energy loss in %s (sharing corrected)", GetName())); fAfter->SetFillColor(Color()+2); fAfter->SetLineStyle(1); fAfter->SetDirectory(0); fSingle = new TH1D("singleEloss", "Energy loss (single strips)", 600, 0, 15); fSingle->SetXTitle("#Delta/#Delta_{mip}"); fSingle->SetYTitle("P(#Delta/#Delta_{mip})"); fSingle->SetFillColor(Color()); fSingle->SetFillStyle(3001); fSingle->SetLineColor(kBlack); fSingle->SetLineStyle(2); fSingle->SetDirectory(0); fDouble = static_cast(fSingle->Clone("doubleEloss")); fDouble->SetTitle("Energy loss (two strips)"); fDouble->SetFillColor(Color()+1); fDouble->SetDirectory(0); fTriple = static_cast(fSingle->Clone("tripleEloss")); fTriple->SetTitle("Energy loss (three strips)"); fTriple->SetFillColor(Color()+2); fTriple->SetDirectory(0); //Int_t nBinsForInner = (r == 'I' ? 32 : 16); Int_t nBinsForInner = (r == 'I' ? 512 : 256); Int_t nStrips = (r == 'I' ? 512 : 256); fSinglePerStrip = new TH2D("singlePerStrip", "SinglePerStrip", 600,0,15, nBinsForInner,0,nStrips); fSinglePerStrip->SetXTitle("#Delta/#Delta_{mip}"); fSinglePerStrip->SetYTitle("Strip #"); fSinglePerStrip->SetZTitle("Counts"); fSinglePerStrip->SetDirectory(0); #if 0 fDistanceBefore = new TH1D("distanceBefore", "Distance before sharing", nStrips , 0,nStrips ); fDistanceBefore->SetXTitle("Distance"); fDistanceBefore->SetYTitle("Counts"); fDistanceBefore->SetFillColor(kGreen+2); fDistanceBefore->SetFillStyle(3001); fDistanceBefore->SetLineColor(kBlack); fDistanceBefore->SetLineStyle(2); fDistanceBefore->SetDirectory(0); fDistanceAfter = static_cast(fDistanceBefore->Clone("distanceAfter")); fDistanceAfter->SetTitle("Distance after sharing"); fDistanceAfter->SetFillColor(kGreen+1); fDistanceAfter->SetDirectory(0); #endif Double_t max = 15; Double_t min = -1; Int_t n = int((max-min) / (max / 300)); fBeforeAfter = new TH2D("beforeAfter", "Before and after correlation", n, min, max, n, min, max); fBeforeAfter->SetXTitle("#Delta E/#Delta E_{mip} before"); fBeforeAfter->SetYTitle("#Delta E/#Delta E_{mip} after"); fBeforeAfter->SetZTitle("Correlation"); fBeforeAfter->SetDirectory(0); fNeighborsBefore = static_cast(fBeforeAfter->Clone("neighborsBefore")); fNeighborsBefore->SetTitle("Correlation of neighbors before"); fNeighborsBefore->SetXTitle("#Delta E_{i}/#Delta E_{mip}"); fNeighborsBefore->SetYTitle("#Delta E_{i+1}/#Delta E_{mip}"); fNeighborsBefore->SetDirectory(0); fNeighborsAfter = static_cast(fNeighborsBefore->Clone("neighborsAfter")); fNeighborsAfter->SetTitle("Correlation of neighbors after"); fNeighborsAfter->SetDirectory(0); fSumESD = new TH2D("summedESD", "Summed ESD signal", 200, -4, 6, NSector(), 0, 2*TMath::Pi()); fSumESD->SetDirectory(0); fSumESD->Sumw2(); fSumESD->SetMarkerColor(Color()); // fSum->SetFillColor(Color()); fSumESD->SetXTitle("#eta"); fSumESD->SetYTitle("#varphi [radians]"); fSumESD->SetZTitle("#sum_{strip} #Delta/#Delta_{mip}(#eta,#varphi) "); fSum = static_cast(fSumESD->Clone("summed")); fSum->SetTitle("Summed cluster signal"); fSum->SetZTitle("#sum_{cluster} #Delta/#Delta_{mip}(#eta,#varphi) "); fSum->SetDirectory(0); // Perhaps we need to ensure that this histogram has enough range to // accommondate all possible ranges - that is, from -1 to the number // of strips in this ring(-type) - i.e., NStrips(). Perhaps the // axis should be defined with increasin bin size - e.g., // // -1.5,-.5,.5,1.5,...,100.5,128.5,192.5,...,NStrips() // fNConsecutive = new TH1D("nConsecutive","# consecutive strips above low cut", 201,-1.5,199.5); fNConsecutive->SetXTitle("N_{strips}"); fNConsecutive->SetYTitle("N_{entries}"); fNConsecutive->SetFillColor(kYellow+2); fNConsecutive->SetFillStyle(3001); fNConsecutive->SetDirectory(0); #if 0 fHits = new TH1D("hits", "Number of hits", 200, 0, 200000); fHits->SetDirectory(0); fHits->SetXTitle("# of hits"); fHits->SetFillColor(kGreen+1); #endif } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::RingHistos(const RingHistos& o) : AliForwardUtil::RingHistos(o), fBefore(o.fBefore), fAfter(o.fAfter), fSingle(o.fSingle), fDouble(o.fDouble), fTriple(o.fTriple), fSinglePerStrip(o.fSinglePerStrip), // fDistanceBefore(o.fDistanceBefore), // fDistanceAfter(o.fDistanceAfter), fBeforeAfter(o.fBeforeAfter), fNeighborsBefore(o.fNeighborsBefore), fNeighborsAfter(o.fNeighborsAfter), fSumESD(o.fSumESD), //, fSum(o.fSum), fNConsecutive(o.fNConsecutive) //, // fHits(o.fHits), // fNHits(o.fNHits) { // // Copy constructor // // Parameters: // o Object to copy from // } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos& AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::operator=(const RingHistos& o) { // // Assignment operator // // Parameters: // o Object to assign from // // Return: // Reference to this // if (&o == this) return *this; AliForwardUtil::RingHistos::operator=(o); fDet = o.fDet; fRing = o.fRing; if (fBefore) delete fBefore; if (fAfter) delete fAfter; if (fSingle) delete fSingle; if (fDouble) delete fDouble; if (fTriple) delete fTriple; if (fSinglePerStrip) delete fSinglePerStrip; if (fNConsecutive) delete fNConsecutive; // if (fDistanceBefore) delete fDistanceBefore; // if (fDistanceAfter) delete fDistanceAfter; // if (fHits) delete fHits; fBefore = static_cast(o.fBefore->Clone()); fAfter = static_cast(o.fAfter->Clone()); fSingle = static_cast(o.fSingle->Clone()); fDouble = static_cast(o.fDouble->Clone()); fTriple = static_cast(o.fTriple->Clone()); fSinglePerStrip = static_cast(o.fSinglePerStrip->Clone()); // fDistanceBefore = static_cast(o.fDistanceBefore->Clone()); // fDistanceAfter = static_cast(o.fDistanceAfter->Clone()); fBeforeAfter = static_cast(o.fBeforeAfter->Clone()); fNeighborsBefore = static_cast(o.fNeighborsBefore->Clone()); fNeighborsAfter = static_cast(o.fNeighborsAfter->Clone()); // fHits = static_cast(o.fHits->Clone()); fSumESD = static_cast(o.fSumESD->Clone()); fSum = static_cast(o.fSum->Clone()); fNConsecutive = static_cast(o.fNConsecutive->Clone()); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::~RingHistos() { // // Destructor // } #if 0 //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::Finish() { // // Finish off // // // fHits->Fill(fNHits); } #endif //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::Terminate(const TList* dir, Int_t nEvents) { // // Scale the histograms to the total number of events // // Parameters: // nEvents Number of events // dir Where the output is // TList* l = GetOutputList(dir); if (!l) return; #if 0 TH1D* before = static_cast(l->FindObject("esdEloss")); TH1D* after = static_cast(l->FindObject("anaEloss")); if (before) before->Scale(1./nEvents); if (after) after->Scale(1./nEvents); #endif TH2D* summed = static_cast(l->FindObject("summed")); if (summed) summed->Scale(1./nEvents); fSum = summed; TH2D* summedESD = static_cast(l->FindObject("summedESD")); if (summedESD) summedESD->Scale(1./nEvents); fSumESD = summedESD; TH1D* consecutive = static_cast(l->FindObject("nConsecutive")); if (consecutive) consecutive->Scale(1./nEvents); fNConsecutive= consecutive; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliFMDSharingFilter::RingHistos::CreateOutputObjects(TList* dir) { // // Make output // // Parameters: // dir where to store // TList* d = DefineOutputList(dir); d->Add(fBefore); d->Add(fAfter); d->Add(fSingle); d->Add(fDouble); d->Add(fTriple); d->Add(fSinglePerStrip); // d->Add(fDistanceBefore); // d->Add(fDistanceAfter); d->Add(fBeforeAfter); d->Add(fNeighborsBefore); d->Add(fNeighborsAfter); // d->Add(fHits); d->Add(fSumESD); d->Add(fSum); d->Add(fNConsecutive); // Removed to avoid doubly adding the list which destroys // the merging //dir->Add(d); } //____________________________________________________________________ // // EOF //