/** * @file AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices.cxx * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Thu Feb 7 01:01:24 2013 * * @brief * * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_multdist */ #include #include "AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices.h" #include "AliForwardMultiplicityDistribution.h" #include "AliAODForwardMult.h" #include "AliAODCentralMult.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliFMDMCEventInspector.h" #include "AliAODMCHeader.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" ClassImp(AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices) #if 0 ; // This is for Emacs - do not delete #endif //_____________________________________________________________________ AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices::AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices() : AliBaseAODTask(), fBins(), fIsSelected(false) { // // Default Constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________ AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices::AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices(const char* name) : AliBaseAODTask(name), fBins(), fIsSelected(false) { // // Constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices::CheckEvent(const AliAODForwardMult& fwd) { fIsSelected = AliBaseAODTask::CheckEvent(fwd); // We always return true, so that we can process MC truth; return true; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices::Book() { // // Create Output Objects // TH1D* dndetaSumForward = new TH1D("dndetaSumForward","dndetaSumForward", 200,-4,6); TH1D* dndetaSumCentral = new TH1D("dndetaSumCentral","dndetaSumCentral", 200,-4,6); TH1D* dndetaSumMC = new TH1D("dndetaSumMC","dndetaSumMC", 200,-4,6); fSums->Add(dndetaSumForward); fSums->Add(dndetaSumCentral); fSums->Add(dndetaSumMC); TH1D* dndetaEventForward = new TH1D(); TH1D* dndetaEventCentral = new TH1D(); TH1D* dndetaEventMC = new TH1D(); fSums->Add(dndetaEventForward); fSums->Add(dndetaEventCentral); fSums->Add(dndetaEventMC); //Loop over all individual eta bins, and define their hisograms TIter next(&fBins); Bin * bin = 0; while ((bin = static_cast(next()))) { bin->CreateOutputObjectss(fSums, 400); } return true; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices::Event(AliAODEvent& aod) { // // User Exec // // Here, we used to get ForwardMC! AliAODForwardMult* AODforward = GetForward(aod); if (!AODforward) return false; // Here, we used to get CentralClusters! AliAODCentralMult* AODcentral = GetCentral(aod); if (!AODcentral) return false; TH2D& forward = AODforward->GetHistogram(); TH2D& central = AODcentral->GetHistogram(); //check if event is NSD according to either MC truth or analysis (ESD) Bool_t isMCNSD = kFALSE; Bool_t isESDNSD = kFALSE; if(AODforward->IsTriggerBits(AliAODForwardMult::kMCNSD)) isMCNSD=kTRUE; if(AODforward->IsTriggerBits(AliAODForwardMult::kNSD)) isESDNSD=kTRUE; //primary dndeta dist TH2D* primHist = GetPrimary(aod); TH1D* dndetaSumForward = (TH1D*)fSums->FindObject("dndetaSumForward"); TH1D* dndetaSumCentral = (TH1D*)fSums->FindObject("dndetaSumCentral"); TH1D* dndetaSumMC = (TH1D*)fSums->FindObject("dndetaSumMC"); TH1D* dndetaEventForward = forward.ProjectionX("dndetaForward",1, forward.GetNbinsY(),""); TH1D* dndetaEventCentral = central.ProjectionX("dndetaCentral",1, central.GetNbinsY(),""); TH1D* dndetaEventMC = primHist->ProjectionX("dndetaMC",1, primHist->GetNbinsY(),""); // underflow eta bin of forward/central carry information on whether // there is acceptance. 1= acceptance, 0= no acceptance TH1D* normEventForward = 0; TH1D* normEventCentral = 0; normEventForward = forward.ProjectionX("dndetaEventForwardNorm",0,0,""); normEventCentral = central.ProjectionX("dndetaEventCentralNorm",0,0,""); dndetaSumForward->Add(dndetaEventForward); dndetaSumCentral->Add(dndetaEventCentral); dndetaSumMC->Add(dndetaEventMC); Double_t VtxZ = AODforward->GetIpZ(); // loop over all eta bins, and create response matrices, // trigger-vertex bias histograms etc TIter next(&fBins); Bin * bin = 0; while ((bin = static_cast(next()))) { bin->Process(dndetaEventForward, dndetaEventCentral, normEventForward, normEventCentral, dndetaEventMC, VtxZ, fIsSelected, isMCNSD, isESDNSD, aod); } return true; } //===================================================================== AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices::Bin::Bin(Double_t etaLow, Double_t etaHigh) : TNamed("", ""), fEtaLow(etaLow), // low eta limit fEtaHigh(etaHigh), // high eta limit fHist(), // multiplicity histogram fHistMC(), // multiplicity histogram MC truth primaries fAcceptance(), // histogram showing the 'holes' in acceptance. BinContent of 1 shows a hole, and BinContent of 10 shows data coverage fVtxZvsNdataBins(), // VtxZ vs. number of data acceptance bins (normalised to the eta range) fResponseMatrix(), // Response matrix (MC truth vs. analysed multiplicity) fResponseMatrixPlus05(), // Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled up by 5% fResponseMatrixPlus075(), // Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled up by 7.5% fResponseMatrixPlus10(), // Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled up by 10% fResponseMatrixMinus05(), // Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled down by 5% fResponseMatrixMinus075(),// Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled down by 7.55% fResponseMatrixMinus10(), // Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled down by 10% fResponseMatrixMinusSys(),// Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled up by event mult uncertainty fResponseMatrixPlusSys(), // Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled down by event mult uncertainty fESDNSD(), // number of events found as NSD by the analysis vs. multiplicity fMCNSD(), // number of events found as NSD by the MC truth vs. multiplicity fMCESDNSD(), // number of events found as NSD by both analysis and MC truth vs. multiplicity fTriggerBias() // histogram for trigger vertex bias correction { // // Constructor // const char* name = AliForwardMultiplicityDistribution::FormBinName(etaLow,etaHigh); SetName(name); SetTitle(Form("%+4.1f < #eta < %+4.1f", fEtaLow, fEtaHigh)); } //_____________________________________________________________________ AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices::Bin::Bin() : TNamed(), fEtaLow(), // low eta limit fEtaHigh(), // high eta limit fHist(), // multiplicity histogram fHistMC(), // multiplicity histogram MC truth primaries fAcceptance(), // histogram showing the 'holes' in acceptance. BinContent of 1 shows a hole, and BinContent of 10 shows data coverage fVtxZvsNdataBins(), // VtxZ vs. number of data acceptance bins (normalised to the eta range) fResponseMatrix(), // Response matrix (MC truth vs. analysed multiplicity) fResponseMatrixPlus05(), // Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled up by 5% fResponseMatrixPlus075(), // Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled up by 7.5% fResponseMatrixPlus10(), // Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled up by 10% fResponseMatrixMinus05(), // Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled down by 5% fResponseMatrixMinus075(),// Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled down by 7.55% fResponseMatrixMinus10(), // Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled down by 10% fResponseMatrixMinusSys(),// Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled up by event mult uncertainty fResponseMatrixPlusSys(), // Response matrix with analysed multiplicity scaled down by event mult uncertainty fESDNSD(), // number of events found as NSD by the analysis vs. multiplicity fMCNSD(), // number of events found as NSD by the MC truth vs. multiplicity fMCESDNSD(), // number of events found as NSD by both analysis and MC truth vs. multiplicity fTriggerBias() // histogram for trigger vertex bias correction { // // Default Constructor // } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices::Bin::CreateOutputObjectss(TList* cont, Int_t max) { // // Define eta bin output histos // TList* out = new TList; out->SetName(GetName()); cont->Add(out); fHist = new TH1D("mult", GetTitle(), max, -0.5, max-.5); fHistMC = new TH1D("multTruth", GetTitle(), max, -0.5, max-.5); fVtxZvsNdataBins = new TH2D("VtxZvsNdataBins", "VtxZ vs dataAcceptance/etaRange;z-vtz;dataAcceptance/etaRange", 20, -10,10, 130,0,1.3); fAcceptance = new TH2D("Acceptance","Acceptance;#eta;z-vtx",200,-4, 6 , 20,-10,10); fResponseMatrix = new TH2D("responseMatrix","Response Matrix;MC_{truth};MC_{measured}", max, -0.5, max-.5, max, -0.5, max-.5); fResponseMatrixPlus05 = new TH2D("responseMatrixPlus05","Response Matrix;MC_{truth};MC_{measured}", max, -0.5, max-.5, max, -0.5, max-.5); fResponseMatrixPlus075 = new TH2D("responseMatrixPlus075","Response Matrix;MC_{truth};MC_{measured}", max, -0.5, max-.5, max, -0.5, max-.5); fResponseMatrixPlus10 = new TH2D("responseMatrixPlus10","Response Matrix;MC_{truth};MC_{measured}", max, -0.5, max-.5, max, -0.5, max-.5); fResponseMatrixMinus05 = new TH2D("responseMatrixMinus05","Response Matrix;MC_{truth};MC_{measured}", max, -0.5, max-.5, max, -0.5, max-.5); fResponseMatrixMinus075 = new TH2D("responseMatrixMinus075","Response Matrix;MC_{truth};MC_{measured}", max, -0.5, max-.5, max, -0.5, max-.5); fResponseMatrixMinus10 = new TH2D("responseMatrixMinus10","Response Matrix;MC_{truth};MC_{measured}", max, -0.5, max-.5, max, -0.5, max-.5); fResponseMatrixMinusSys = new TH2D("responseMatrixMinusSys","Response Matrix;MC_{truth};MC_{measured}", max, -0.5, max-.5, max, -0.5, max-.5); fResponseMatrixPlusSys = new TH2D("responseMatrixPlusSys","Response Matrix;MC_{truth};MC_{measured}", max, -0.5, max-.5, max, -0.5, max-.5); fTriggerBias = new TH1D("triggerBias","triggerBias;MC_{truth};Correction}", max, -0.5, max-.5); fMCNSD = new TH1D("fMCNSD","fMCNSD", 300,-0.5,299.5); fESDNSD = new TH1D("fESDNSD","fESDNSD", 300,-0.5,299.5); fMCESDNSD = new TH1D("fMCESDNSD","fMCESDNSD", 300,-0.5,299.5); out->Add(fMCNSD); out->Add(fESDNSD); out->Add(fMCESDNSD); out->Add(fHist); out->Add(fHistMC); out->Add(fVtxZvsNdataBins); out->Add(fAcceptance); out->Add(fResponseMatrix); out->Add(fResponseMatrixPlus05); out->Add(fResponseMatrixPlus075); out->Add(fResponseMatrixPlus10); out->Add(fResponseMatrixMinus05); out->Add(fResponseMatrixMinus075); out->Add(fResponseMatrixMinus10); out->Add(fResponseMatrixPlusSys); out->Add(fResponseMatrixMinusSys); out->Add(fTriggerBias); } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardCreateResponseMatrices::Bin::Process(TH1D* dndetaForward, TH1D* dndetaCentral, TH1D* normForward, TH1D* normCentral, TH1D* mc, Double_t VtxZ, Bool_t selectedTrigger, Bool_t isMCNSD, Bool_t isESDNSD, const AliAODEvent& aodevent) { // // Process a single eta bin // // Diagnostics on event acceptance Int_t first = dndetaForward->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fEtaLow); Int_t last = dndetaForward->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fEtaHigh-.0001); Double_t acceptanceBins=0; for(Int_t n= first;n<=last;n++){ if(normForward->GetBinContent(n)>0||normCentral->GetBinContent(n)>0){ acceptanceBins++; } fAcceptance->SetBinContent(n, fAcceptance->GetYaxis()->FindBin(VtxZ), 1); if(normForward->GetBinContent(n)>0||normCentral->GetBinContent(n)>0) fAcceptance->SetBinContent(n, fAcceptance->GetYaxis()->FindBin(VtxZ),10); } fVtxZvsNdataBins->Fill(VtxZ, (Double_t)acceptanceBins/(last-first+1)); Double_t c = 0; Double_t e2 = 0; Double_t cPrimary = 0; Double_t e2Primary= 0; for (Int_t i = first; i <= last; i++){ Double_t cForward = 0; Double_t cCentral = 0; Double_t e2Forward = 0; Double_t e2Central = 0; Double_t cMC = 0; Double_t e2MC = 0; cMC= mc->GetBinContent(i); e2MC= mc->GetBinError(i) * mc->GetBinError(i); cPrimary+=cMC; e2Primary+=e2MC; if (normForward->GetBinContent(i) > 0) { cForward = dndetaForward->GetBinContent(i); e2Forward = dndetaForward->GetBinError(i) * dndetaForward->GetBinError(i); } if (normCentral->GetBinContent(i) > 0) { cCentral = dndetaCentral->GetBinContent(i); e2Central = dndetaCentral->GetBinError(i) * dndetaCentral->GetBinError(i); } Double_t cc = 0; Double_t ee2 = 0; if (cCentral > 0 && cForward > 0) { cc = 0.5 * (cForward + cCentral); ee2 = 0.5 * (e2Forward + e2Central); } else if (cCentral > 0) { cc = cCentral; ee2 = e2Central; } else if (cForward > 0) { cc = cForward; ee2 = e2Forward; } c += cc; e2 += ee2; } // retreive MC particles from event TClonesArray* mcArray = (TClonesArray*)aodevent.FindListObject(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName()); if(!mcArray){ AliWarning("No MC array found in AOD. Try making it again."); return; } AliAODMCHeader* header = dynamic_cast(aodevent. FindListObject(AliAODMCHeader::StdBranchName())); if (!header) { AliWarning("No header file found."); return; } Int_t ntracks = mcArray->GetEntriesFast(); // Track loop: find MC truth multiplicity in selected eta bin Double_t mult = 0; for (Int_t it = 0; it < ntracks; it++) { AliAODMCParticle* particle = (AliAODMCParticle*)mcArray->At(it); if (!particle) { AliError(Form("Could not receive track %d", it)); continue; } if (!particle->IsPhysicalPrimary()) continue; if (particle->Charge() == 0) continue; if(particle->Eta()>fEtaLow&&particle->Eta()GetVtxZ()>-4&&header->GetVtxZ()<4){ if(isMCNSD){ fMCNSD->Fill(mult); } } //fill fESDNSD with multiplicity from events with a reconstructed NSD trigger and reconstructed |vtxz|<4 if(VtxZ>-4&&VtxZ<4){ if(isESDNSD){ fESDNSD->Fill(mult); } } // fullfilling both requirements of fMCNSD and fESDNSD if(header->GetVtxZ()>-4&&header->GetVtxZ()<4&&VtxZ>-4&&VtxZ<4&&isMCNSD&&isESDNSD){ fMCESDNSD->Fill(mult); } //Systematic errors from here Double_t fmd=0; Double_t spd=0; Double_t overlap=0; // number of eta bins in fmd, spd and overlap respectively for(Int_t i = first;i<=last;i++){ if(normForward->GetBinContent(i)>0&&normCentral->GetBinContent(i)<1) fmd++; if(normForward->GetBinContent(i)>0&&normCentral->GetBinContent(i)>0) overlap++; if(normCentral->GetBinContent(i)>0&&normForward->GetBinContent(i)<1) spd++; } Double_t sysErrorSquared = 0; // estimate of systematic uncertainty on the event multiplicity - hardcoded :(. estimates taken from Hans Hjersing Dalsgaard or Casper Nygaard phd theses. Double_t fmdSysError= 0.08; Double_t spdSysError= 0.04; Double_t total = 0; total= fmd + spd + overlap; if(total){ // Combined systematc event uncertainty, by weighting with the number of eta-bins of fmd-only, spd-only and the overlap. sysErrorSquared= (fmd*TMath::Power(fmdSysError,2)+ spd*TMath::Power(spdSysError,2)+ 0.5*overlap*TMath::Power(fmdSysError,2)+ 0.5*overlap*TMath::Power(spdSysError,2))/total; } if(selectedTrigger){ fHist->Fill(c); fHistMC->Fill(cPrimary); fResponseMatrix->Fill(cPrimary, c); fResponseMatrixPlusSys->Fill(cPrimary,(1+TMath::Sqrt(sysErrorSquared))*c); fResponseMatrixMinusSys->Fill(cPrimary,(1-TMath::Sqrt(sysErrorSquared))*c); fResponseMatrixPlus05->Fill(cPrimary, 1.05*c); fResponseMatrixPlus075->Fill(cPrimary, 1.075*c); fResponseMatrixPlus10->Fill(cPrimary, 1.1*c); fResponseMatrixMinus05->Fill(cPrimary, 0.95*c); fResponseMatrixMinus075->Fill(cPrimary, 0.925*c); fResponseMatrixMinus10->Fill(cPrimary, 0.9*c); } } //_____________________________________________________________________ // // // EOF