#include "AliForwardMultDists.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //==================================================================== namespace { /** * Marker styles */ enum { kSolid = 0x000, kHollow = 0x001, kCircle = 0x002, kSquare = 0x004, kUpTriangle = 0x006, kDownTriangle = 0x008, kDiamond = 0x00a, kCross = 0x00c, kStar = 0x00e }; /** * Get a ROOT marker style from bit options * * @param bits Bit mask of options * * @return ROOT marker style */ Int_t GetMarkerStyle(UShort_t bits) { Int_t base = bits & (0xFE); Bool_t hollow = bits & kHollow; switch (base) { case kCircle: return (hollow ? 24 : 20); case kSquare: return (hollow ? 25 : 21); case kUpTriangle: return (hollow ? 26 : 22); case kDownTriangle: return (hollow ? 32 : 23); case kDiamond: return (hollow ? 27 : 33); case kCross: return (hollow ? 28 : 34); case kStar: return (hollow ? 30 : 29); } return 1; } /** * Get the marker option bits from a ROOT style * * @param style ROOT style * * @return Pattern of marker options */ UShort_t GetMarkerBits(Int_t style) { UShort_t bits = 0; switch (style) { case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28: case 30: case 32: bits |= kHollow; break; } switch (style) { case 20: case 24: bits |= kCircle; break; case 21: case 25: bits |= kSquare; break; case 22: case 26: bits |= kUpTriangle; break; case 23: case 32: bits |= kDownTriangle; break; case 27: case 33: bits |= kDiamond; break; case 28: case 34: bits |= kCross; break; case 29: case 30: bits |= kStar; break; } return bits; } static Int_t GetIndexMarker(Int_t idx) { const UShort_t nMarkers = 7; UShort_t markers[] = { kCircle, kSquare, kUpTriangle, kDownTriangle, kDiamond, kCross, kStar }; return markers[idx % nMarkers]; } /** * Flip the 'hollow-ness' of a marker * * @param style ROOT Style * * @return ROOT style */ Int_t FlipHollowStyle(Int_t style) { UShort_t bits = GetMarkerBits(style); Int_t ret = GetMarkerStyle(bits ^ kHollow); return ret; } } //==================================================================== AliForwardMultDists::BinSpec::BinSpec(Double_t etaMin, Double_t etaMax, Double_t nchLow) : fEtaMin(etaMin), fEtaMax(etaMax), fLow(nchLow), fN(0), fD(0), fAxis(1,0,1) { } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultDists::BinSpec::Push(UShort_t n, Double_t d) { Int_t l = fN.GetSize(); fN.Set(l+1); // Not terribly efficient, but that's ok because we do fD.Set(l+1); // this infrequently fN[l] = n; fD[l] = d; } //____________________________________________________________________ const TAxis& AliForwardMultDists::BinSpec::Axis() const { if (fAxis.GetNbins() > 1) return fAxis; if (fN.GetSize() <= 0) return fAxis; if (fN.GetSize() == 1) { // Exactly one spec, fAxis.Set(fN[0], fLow, fN[0]*fD[0]+fLow); } else { Int_t n = fN.GetSum(); Int_t l = fN.GetSize(); Int_t i = 0; TArrayD b(n+1); b[0] = fLow; for (Int_t j = 0; j < l; j++) { for (Int_t k = 0; k < fN[j]; k++) { b[i+1] = b[i] + fD[j]; i++; } } if (i != n) { ::Warning("Axis", "Assigned bins, and number of bins not equal"); n = TMath::Min(i, n); } fAxis.Set(n, b.GetArray()); } return fAxis; } //==================================================================== AliForwardMultDists::AliForwardMultDists() : AliBaseAODTask(), fBins(), fSymmetric(0), fNegative(0), fPositive(0), fMCVertex(0), fDiag(0), fForwardCache(0), fCentralCache(0), fMCCache(0), fUsePhiAcc(true), fIsSelected(false) {} //____________________________________________________________________ AliForwardMultDists::AliForwardMultDists(const char* name) : AliBaseAODTask(name), fBins(), fSymmetric(0), fNegative(0), fPositive(0), fMCVertex(0), fDiag(0), fForwardCache(0), fCentralCache(0), fMCCache(0), fUsePhiAcc(true), fIsSelected(false) { /** * User constructor * * @param name Name of the task */ } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardMultDists::Book() { /** * Create output objects - called at start of job in slave * */ return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardMultDists::PreData() { /** * Set-up internal structures on first seen event * * @param hist Basic histogram template from AOD object */ AliAODEvent* aod = AliForwardUtil::GetAODEvent(this); AliAODForwardMult* forward = GetForward(*aod); const TH2D& hist = forward->GetHistogram(); Bool_t useMC = GetPrimary(*aod) != 0; fSums->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("minIpZ", fMinIpZ)); fSums->Add(AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter("maxIpZ", fMaxIpZ)); TAxis* xaxis = hist.GetXaxis(); if (!xaxis->GetXbins() || xaxis->GetXbins()->GetSize() <= 0) { fForwardCache = new TH1D("forwardCache", "Projection of Forward data", xaxis->GetNbins(), xaxis->GetXmin(), xaxis->GetXmax()); fCentralCache = new TH1D("centralCache", "Projection of Central data", xaxis->GetNbins(), xaxis->GetXmin(), xaxis->GetXmax()); if (useMC) fMCCache = new TH1D("mcCache", "Projection of Mc data", xaxis->GetNbins(), xaxis->GetXmin(), xaxis->GetXmax()); } else { fForwardCache = new TH1D("forwardCache", "Projection of Forward data", xaxis->GetNbins(),xaxis->GetXbins()->GetArray()); fCentralCache = new TH1D("centralCache", "Projection of Central data", xaxis->GetNbins(),xaxis->GetXbins()->GetArray()); if (useMC) fMCCache = new TH1D("mcCache", "Projection of Mc data", xaxis->GetNbins(),xaxis->GetXbins()->GetArray()); } fForwardCache->SetDirectory(0); fForwardCache->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta"); fForwardCache->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sum#frac{d^{2}N}{d#etadphi}"); fForwardCache->Sumw2(); fCentralCache->SetDirectory(0); fCentralCache->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta"); fCentralCache->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sum#frac{d^{2}N}{d#etadphi}"); fCentralCache->Sumw2(); if (useMC) { fMCCache->SetDirectory(0); fMCCache->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta"); fMCCache->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sum#frac{d^{2}N}{d#etadphi}"); fMCCache->Sumw2(); fMCVertex = static_cast(fVertex->Clone("mcVertex")); fMCVertex->SetTitle("Vertex distribution from MC"); fMCVertex->SetDirectory(0); fMCVertex->SetFillColor(kBlue+2); fSums->Add(fMCVertex); } UShort_t xBase = kTrigger-1; UShort_t yBase = kAnalysis-1; fDiag = new TH2I("diagnostics", "Event selection", kTriggerVertex-xBase, kTrigger-.5, kTriggerVertex+.5, kTriggerVertex-yBase, kAnalysis-.5, kTriggerVertex+.5); fDiag->SetDirectory(0); fDiag->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Selection"); fDiag->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kTrigger -xBase, "Trigger"); fDiag->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kVertex -xBase, "Vertex"); fDiag->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(kTriggerVertex-xBase, "Trigger+Vertex"); fDiag->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Type/MC selection"); fDiag->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(kAnalysis -yBase, "Analysis"); fDiag->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(kMC -yBase, "MC"); fDiag->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(kTrigger -yBase, "MC Trigger"); fDiag->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(kVertex -yBase, "MC Vertex"); fDiag->GetYaxis()->SetBinLabel(kTriggerVertex-yBase, "MC Trigger+Vertex"); fDiag->SetMarkerSize(3); fDiag->SetMarkerColor(kWhite); fSums->Add(fDiag); TIter next(&fBins); EtaBin* bin = 0; while ((bin = static_cast(next()))) { bin->SetupForData(fSums, hist, useMC); } return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardMultDists::Event(AliAODEvent& aod) { /** * Analyse a single event * * @param option Not used */ AliAODForwardMult* forward = GetForward(aod, false, true); if (!forward) return false; AliAODCentralMult* central = GetCentral(aod, false, true); if (!central) return false; TH2* primary = GetPrimary(aod); const TH2& forwardData = forward->GetHistogram(); const TH2& centralData = central->GetHistogram(); Double_t vz = forward->GetIpZ(); Bool_t trg = forward->IsTriggerBits(fTriggerMask); Bool_t vtx = (vz <= fMaxIpZ && vz >= fMinIpZ); Bool_t ok = true; // Should bins process this event? Bool_t mcTrg = false; Bool_t mcVtx = false; // If we have MC inpunt if (primary) { // For MC, we need to check if we should process the event for // MC information or not. if ((fTriggerMask & (AliAODForwardMult::kV0AND|AliAODForwardMult::kNSD)) && !forward->IsTriggerBits(AliAODForwardMult::kMCNSD)) // Bail out if this event is not MC NSD event ok = false; else mcTrg = true; Double_t mcVz = primary->GetBinContent(0,0); fMCVertex->Fill(mcVz); if (mcVz > fMaxIpZ || mcVz < fMinIpZ) // Bail out if this event was not in the valid range ok = false; else mcVtx = true; } // Fill diagnostics if (trg) { fDiag->Fill(kTrigger, kAnalysis); if (mcTrg) fDiag->Fill(kTrigger, kTrigger); if (mcVtx) fDiag->Fill(kTrigger, kVertex); if (mcTrg && mcVtx) fDiag->Fill(kTrigger, kTriggerVertex); } if (vtx) { fDiag->Fill(kVertex, kAnalysis); if (mcTrg) fDiag->Fill(kVertex, kTrigger); if (mcVtx) fDiag->Fill(kVertex, kVertex); if (mcTrg && mcVtx) fDiag->Fill(kVertex, kTriggerVertex); } if (trg && vtx) { fDiag->Fill(kTriggerVertex, kAnalysis); if (mcTrg) fDiag->Fill(kTriggerVertex, kTrigger); if (mcVtx) fDiag->Fill(kTriggerVertex, kVertex); if (mcTrg && mcVtx) fDiag->Fill(kTriggerVertex, kTriggerVertex); } if (primary) { if (mcTrg) fDiag->Fill(kTrigger, kMC); if (mcVtx) fDiag->Fill(kVertex, kMC); if (mcTrg && mcVtx) fDiag->Fill(kTriggerVertex, kMC); } if (!fIsSelected && !ok) { // Printf("Event is neither accepted by analysis nor by MC"); return false; } // forward->Print(); // Info("", "Event vz=%f", forward->GetIpZ()); ProjectX(forwardData, *fForwardCache, fUsePhiAcc); ProjectX(centralData, *fCentralCache, fUsePhiAcc); ProjectX(primary, fMCCache); TIter next(&fBins); EtaBin* bin = 0; while ((bin = static_cast(next()))) { bin->Process(*fForwardCache, *fCentralCache, forwardData, centralData, fIsSelected, fMCCache); } return true; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardMultDists::CheckEvent(const AliAODForwardMult& fwd) { fIsSelected = AliBaseAODTask::CheckEvent(fwd); // We always return true, so that we can process MC truth; return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardMultDists::Finalize() { /** * Called at the end of the final processing of the job on the * full data set (merged data) * * * @param option Not used */ fResults->Add(fSums->FindObject("triggers")->Clone()); fResults->Add(fSums->FindObject("status")->Clone()); fResults->Add(fSums->FindObject("diagnostics")->Clone()); THStack* sym = new THStack("all", "All distributions"); THStack* pos = new THStack("all", "All distributions"); THStack* neg = new THStack("all", "All distributions"); THStack* oth = new THStack("all", "All distributions"); THStack* sta = 0; EtaBin* bin = 0; TIter next(&fBins); while ((bin = static_cast(next()))) { bin->Terminate(fSums, fResults); sta = oth; if (bin->IsSymmetric()) sta = sym; else if (bin->IsNegative()) sta = neg; else if (bin->IsPositive()) sta = pos; TH1* hh[] = { bin->fSum, bin->fTruth, bin->fTruthAccepted, 0 }; TH1** ph = hh; Int_t idx = sta->GetHists() ? sta->GetHists()->GetEntries() : 0; if (bin->fTruth) idx /= 2; Int_t mkrBits = GetIndexMarker(idx); while (*ph) { Int_t factor = TMath::Power(10, idx); TH1* h = static_cast((*ph)->Clone()); h->SetDirectory(0); h->Scale(factor); h->SetTitle(Form("%s (#times%d)", h->GetTitle(), Int_t(factor))); h->SetMarkerStyle(GetMarkerStyle(mkrBits)); mkrBits ^= kHollow; sta->Add(h, "p"); ph++; } } TList* lsym = static_cast(fResults->FindObject("symmetric")); TList* lneg = static_cast(fResults->FindObject("negative")); TList* lpos = static_cast(fResults->FindObject("positive")); TList* loth = static_cast(fResults->FindObject("other")); if (lsym) lsym->Add(sym); if (lneg) lneg->Add(neg); if (lpos) lpos->Add(pos); if (loth) loth->Add(oth); return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultDists::ProjectX(const TH2& input, TH1& cache, Bool_t usePhiAcc) { /** * Project a 2D histogram into a 1D histogram taking care to use * either the @f$\phi@f$ acceptance stored in the overflow bins, or * the @f$\eta@f$ coverage stored in the underflow bins. * * @param input 2D histogram to project * @param cache 1D histogram to project into * @param usePhiAcc If true, use the @f$\phi@f$ acceptance stored in * the overflow bins, or if false the @f$\eta@f$ coverage stored in * the underflow bins. */ cache.Reset(); Int_t nPhi = input.GetNbinsY(); Int_t nEta = input.GetNbinsX(); for (Int_t iEta = 1; iEta <= nEta; iEta++) { Double_t phiAcc = input.GetBinContent(iEta, nPhi+1); Double_t etaCov = input.GetBinContent(iEta, 0); Double_t factor = usePhiAcc ? phiAcc : etaCov; if (factor < 1e-3) continue; Double_t sum = 0; Double_t e2sum = 0; for (Int_t iPhi = 1; iPhi <= nPhi; iPhi++) { Double_t c = input.GetBinContent(iEta, iPhi); Double_t e = input.GetBinError(iEta, iPhi); sum += c; e2sum += e * e; } cache.SetBinContent(iEta, factor * sum); cache.SetBinError(iEta, factor * TMath::Sqrt(e2sum)); } } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultDists::ProjectX(const TH2* input, TH1* cache) { /** * Project on @f$\eta@f$ axis. If any of the pointers passed is * zero, do nothing. * * @param input * @param cache */ if (!input || !cache) return; cache->Reset(); Int_t nPhi = input->GetNbinsY(); Int_t nEta = input->GetNbinsX(); for (Int_t iEta = 1; iEta <= nEta; iEta++) { Double_t sum = 0; Double_t e2sum = 0; for (Int_t iPhi = 1; iPhi <= nPhi; iPhi++) { Double_t c = input->GetBinContent(iEta, iPhi); Double_t e = input->GetBinError(iEta, iPhi); sum += c; e2sum += e * e; } cache->SetBinContent(iEta, sum); cache->SetBinError(iEta, TMath::Sqrt(e2sum)); } } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultDists::AddBin(const BinSpec& spec) { AddBin(spec.fEtaMin, spec.fEtaMax, spec.Axis()); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultDists::AddBin(Double_t etaLow, Double_t etaMax, const TAxis& mAxis) { /** * Add an @f$\eta@f$ bin * * @param etaLow Low cut on @f$\eta@f$ * @param etaMax High cut on @f$\eta@f$ */ // Symmetric bin if (etaMax >= kInvalidEta) { etaLow = -TMath::Abs(etaLow); etaMax = +TMath::Abs(etaLow); } EtaBin* bin = new EtaBin(etaLow, etaMax, mAxis); // AliInfoF("Adding bin %f, %f: %s", etaLow, etaMax, bin->GetName()); fBins.Add(bin); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultDists::AddBin(Double_t etaLow, Double_t etaMax, UShort_t nMax, UShort_t nDiv) { /** * Add an @f$\eta@f$ bin * * @param etaLow Low cut on @f$\eta@f$ * @param etaMax High cut on @f$\eta@f$ */ // Symmetric bin if (etaMax >= kInvalidEta) { etaLow = -TMath::Abs(etaLow); etaMax = +TMath::Abs(etaLow); } TAxis mAxis((nMax+1)/nDiv, -.5, nMax+.5); EtaBin* bin = new EtaBin(etaLow, etaMax, mAxis); // AliInfoF("Adding bin %f, %f: %s", etaLow, etaMax, bin->GetName()); fBins.Add(bin); } #define PFV(N,VALUE) \ do { \ AliForwardUtil::PrintName(N); \ std::cout << (VALUE) << std::endl; } while(false) #define PFB(N,FLAG) \ do { \ AliForwardUtil::PrintName(N); \ std::cout << std::boolalpha << (FLAG) << std::noboolalpha << std::endl; \ } while(false) //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultDists::Print(Option_t* option) const { /** * Print this task * * @param option Not used */ AliBaseAODTask::Print(option); gROOT->IncreaseDirLevel(); PFB("Use phi acceptance", fUsePhiAcc); // AliForwardUtil::PrintName("Bins"); Int_t first = true; TIter next(&fBins); EtaBin* bin = 0; while ((bin = static_cast(next()))) { PFV(first ? "Bins" : "", bin->GetName()); first = false; } gROOT->DecreaseDirLevel(); } //==================================================================== AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::EtaBin() : fName(""), fMAxis(1,0,0), fTAxis(1,0,0), fMinEta(0), fMaxEta(0), fMinBin(0), fMaxBin(0), fSum(0), fCorr(0), fResponse(0), fTruth(0), fTruthAccepted(0), fCoverage(0) { /** * I/O constructor */ } //____________________________________________________________________ AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::EtaBin(Double_t minEta, Double_t maxEta, const TAxis& mAxis) : fName(""), fMAxis(1,0,0), fTAxis(1,0,0), fMinEta(minEta), fMaxEta(maxEta), fMinBin(0), fMaxBin(0), fSum(0), fCorr(0), fResponse(0), fTruth(0), fTruthAccepted(0), fCoverage(0) { /** * User constructor * * @param minEta Least @f$\eta@f$ to consider * @param maxEta Largest @f$\eta@f$ to consider */ fName = TString::Format("%+05.2f_%+05.2f", fMinEta, fMaxEta); fName.ReplaceAll("-", "m"); fName.ReplaceAll("+", "p"); fName.ReplaceAll(".", "d"); // Copy to other our object mAxis.Copy(fMAxis); if (mAxis.GetXbins() && mAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray()) { const TArrayD& mA = *(mAxis.GetXbins()); TArrayD tA(mA.GetSize()); Int_t j = 0; Double_t min = mA[0]; tA[0] = min; for (Int_t i = 1; i < mA.GetSize(); i++) { Double_t d = mA[i] - min; if (d < 1) // Not full integer bin continue; tA[j+1] = tA[j] + Int_t(d); min = tA[j+1]; j++; } fTAxis.Set(j, tA.GetArray()); } else { // Rounded down maximum and minimum Int_t max = mAxis.GetXmax(); Int_t min = mAxis.GetXmin(); fTAxis.Set((max-min)+1, min-.5, max+.5); } } //____________________________________________________________________ AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::EtaBin(const EtaBin& o) : TObject(o), fName(o.fName), fMAxis(o.fMAxis), fTAxis(o.fTAxis), fMinEta(o.fMinEta), fMaxEta(o.fMaxEta), fMinBin(o.fMinBin), fMaxBin(o.fMaxBin), fSum(o.fSum), fCorr(o.fCorr), fResponse(o.fResponse), fTruth(o.fTruth), fTruthAccepted(o.fTruthAccepted), fCoverage(o.fCoverage) {} //____________________________________________________________________ AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin& AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::operator=(const EtaBin& o) { if (&o == this) return *this; fName = o.fName; fMAxis = o.fMAxis; fTAxis = o.fTAxis; fMinEta = o.fMinEta; fMaxEta = o.fMaxEta; fMinBin = o.fMinBin; fMaxBin = o.fMaxBin; fSum = o.fSum; fCorr = o.fCorr; fResponse = o.fResponse; fTruth = o.fTruth; fTruthAccepted = o.fTruthAccepted; fCoverage = o.fCoverage; return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::IsSymmetric() const { return TMath::Abs(fMaxEta + fMinEta) < 1e-6; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::IsNegative() const { return TMath::Abs(fMaxEta) < 1e-6 && fMinEta < 0; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::IsPositive() const { return TMath::Abs(fMinEta) < 1e-6 && fMaxEta > 0; } //____________________________________________________________________ const char* AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::ParentName() const { if (IsSymmetric()) return "symmetric"; else if (IsNegative()) return "negative"; else if (IsPositive()) return "positive"; return "other"; } //____________________________________________________________________ TList* AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::FindParent(TList* l, Bool_t create) const { const char* parent = ParentName(); TObject* op = l->FindObject(parent); if (op) return static_cast(op); if (!create) return 0; // Info("FindParent", "Parent %s not found in %s, creating and adding", // parent, l->GetName()); TList* p = new TList; p->SetName(parent); p->SetOwner(); l->Add(p); TList* lowEdges = new TList; lowEdges->SetName("lowEdges"); lowEdges->SetOwner(); p->Add(lowEdges); TList* highEdges = new TList; highEdges->SetName("highEdges"); highEdges->SetOwner(); p->Add(highEdges); return p; } //____________________________________________________________________ TH1* AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::CreateH1(const char* name, const char* title, const TAxis& xAxis) { TH1* ret = 0; if (xAxis.GetXbins() && xAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray()) ret = new TH1D(name,title,xAxis.GetNbins(), xAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray()); else ret = new TH1D(name,title,xAxis.GetNbins(),xAxis.GetXmin(),xAxis.GetXmax()); return ret; } //____________________________________________________________________ TH2* AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::CreateH2(const char* name, const char* title, const TAxis& xAxis, const TAxis& yAxis) { TH2* ret = 0; if (xAxis.GetXbins() && xAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray()) { if (yAxis.GetXbins() && yAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray()) // Variable variable ret = new TH2D(name,title, xAxis.GetNbins(), xAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray(), yAxis.GetNbins(), yAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray()); else // variable fixed ret = new TH2D(name,title, xAxis.GetNbins(), xAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray(), yAxis.GetNbins(),yAxis.GetXmin(),yAxis.GetXmax()); } else { if (yAxis.GetXbins() && yAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray()) // fixed variable ret = new TH2D(name,title, xAxis.GetNbins(), xAxis.GetXmin(), xAxis.GetXmax(), yAxis.GetNbins(), yAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray()); else // fixed fixed ret = new TH2D(name,title, xAxis.GetNbins(), xAxis.GetXmin(), xAxis.GetXmax(), yAxis.GetNbins(), yAxis.GetXmin(), yAxis.GetXmax()); } return ret; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::SetupForData(TList* list, const TH2& hist, Bool_t useMC) { /** * Set-up internal structures on first event. * * @param list List to add information to * @param hist Template histogram * @param max Maximum number of particles * @param useMC Whether to set-up for MC input */ TList* p = FindParent(list, true); TList* l = new TList; l->SetName(GetName()); l->SetOwner(); p->Add(l); TList* le = static_cast(p->FindObject("lowEdges")); TList* he = static_cast(p->FindObject("highEdges")); if (!le || !he) { AliError("Failed to get bin edge lists from parent"); return; } else { Int_t n = le->GetEntries(); TParameter* lp = new TParameter(Form("minEta%02d", n), fMinEta); TParameter* hp = new TParameter(Form("maxEta%02d", n), fMaxEta); lp->SetMergeMode('f'); hp->SetMergeMode('f'); le->Add(lp); he->Add(hp); } fMinBin = hist.GetXaxis()->FindBin(fMinEta); fMaxBin = hist.GetXaxis()->FindBin(fMaxEta-.00001); TString t(Form("%+5.2f<#eta<%+5.2f", fMinEta, fMaxEta)); fSum = CreateH1("rawDist",Form("Raw P(#it{N}_{ch}) in %s",t.Data()),fMAxis); fSum->SetDirectory(0); fSum->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#it{N}_{ch}"); fSum->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Raw P(#it{N}_{ch})"); fSum->SetFillColor(kRed+1); fSum->SetFillStyle(0); // fSum->SetOption("hist e"); fSum->SetMarkerStyle(20); fSum->SetMarkerColor(kRed+1); fSum->SetLineColor(kBlack); fSum->Sumw2(); l->Add(fSum); fCorr = CreateH2("corr",Form("C_{SPD,FMD} in %s", t.Data()),fTAxis,fTAxis); fCorr->SetDirectory(0); fCorr->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Forward"); fCorr->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Central"); fCorr->SetOption("colz"); l->Add(fCorr); fCoverage = new TH1D("coverage", "Fraction of bins with coverage", 101, -.5, 100.5); fCoverage->SetDirectory(0); fCoverage->SetXTitle("Fraction of bins [%]"); fCoverage->SetFillStyle(3001); fCoverage->SetFillColor(kGreen+1); l->Add(fCoverage); if (!useMC) return; fResponse = CreateH2("response", Form("Reponse matrix in %s", t.Data()), fMAxis, fTAxis); fResponse->SetDirectory(0); fResponse->SetYTitle("MC"); fResponse->SetXTitle("Signal"); fResponse->SetOption("colz"); l->Add(fResponse); fTruth = CreateH1("truth",Form("True P(#it{N}_{ch}) in %s",t.Data()),fTAxis); fTruth->SetXTitle(fSum->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); fTruth->SetYTitle(fSum->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); fTruth->SetLineColor(kBlack); fTruth->SetFillColor(kBlue+1); fTruth->SetFillStyle(0); fTruth->SetDirectory(0); /// fTruth->SetOption(""); fTruth->SetMarkerColor(kBlue+1); fTruth->SetMarkerStyle(24); fTruth->Sumw2(); l->Add(fTruth); fTruthAccepted = static_cast(fTruth->Clone("truthAccepted")); fTruthAccepted->SetTitle(Form("True (accepted) P(#it{N}_{ch}) in %s", t.Data())); fTruthAccepted->SetLineColor(kGray+2); fTruthAccepted->SetFillColor(kOrange+2); fTruthAccepted->SetDirectory(0); /// fTruth->SetOption(""); fTruthAccepted->SetMarkerColor(kOrange+2); l->Add(fTruthAccepted); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::Process(const TH1& sumForward, const TH1& sumCentral, const TH2& forward, const TH2& central, Bool_t accepted, const TH1* mc) { /** * Process a single event * * @param sumForward Projection of forward data * @param sumCentral Projection of the central data * @param forward The original forward data * @param central The original central data */ if (!mc && !accepted) // If we're not looking at MC data, and the event wasn't selected, // we bail out - this check is already done, but we do it again // for safety. return; Double_t sum = 0; Double_t e2sum = 0; Int_t covered = 0; Double_t fsum = -1; Double_t csum = -1; Double_t mcsum = 0; Double_t mce2sum = 0; for (Int_t iEta = fMinBin; iEta <= fMaxBin; iEta++) { if (mc) { Double_t cM = mc->GetBinContent(iEta); Double_t eM = mc->GetBinError(iEta); mcsum += cM; mce2sum += eM * eM; } if (!accepted) // Event wasn't selected, but we still need to get the rest of // the MC data. continue; Double_t cF = sumForward.GetBinContent(iEta); Double_t eF = sumForward.GetBinError(iEta); Bool_t bF = forward.GetBinContent(iEta, 0) > 0; Double_t cC = sumCentral.GetBinContent(iEta); Double_t eC = sumCentral.GetBinError(iEta); Bool_t bC = central.GetBinContent(iEta, 0) > 0; Double_t c = 0; Double_t e = 0; // If we have an overlap - as given by the eta-coverage, // calculate the mean if (bF & bC) { c = (cF + cC) / 2; e = TMath::Sqrt(eF*eF + eC*eC); covered++; } // Else, if we have coverage from forward, use that else if (bF) { c = cF; e = eF; covered++; } // Else, if we have covrage from central, use that else if (bC) { c = cC; e = eC; covered++; } // Else, we have incomplete coverage if (bF) { if (fsum < 0) fsum = 0; fsum += cF; } if (bC) { if (csum < 0) csum = 0; csum += cC; } sum += c; e2sum += e*e; } if (accepted) { // Only update the histograms if the event was triggered. // Fill with weight Double_t w = 1; // e2sum > 0 ? 1/TMath::Sqrt(e2sum) : 1 fSum->Fill(sum, w); fCorr->Fill((fsum<0?0:fsum), (csum<0?0:csum)); Int_t nTotal = fMaxBin - fMinBin + 1; fCoverage->Fill(100*float(covered) / nTotal); } if (mc) { Double_t w = 1; // mce2sum > 0 ? 1/TMath::Sqrt(mce2sum) : 1 if (fTruth) { fTruth->Fill(mcsum, w); } if (accepted) { if (fResponse) // Only fill response matrix for accepted events fResponse->Fill(sum, mcsum); if (fTruthAccepted) fTruthAccepted->Fill(mcsum, w); } } } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultDists::EtaBin::Terminate(TList* in, TList* out) { /** * Called at the end of the final processing of the job on the * full data set (merged data) * * @param in Input list * @param out Output list * @param maxN Maximum number of @f$N_{ch}@f$ to consider */ TList* ip = FindParent(in, false); if (!ip) { AliErrorF("Parent folder %s not found in input", ParentName()); return; } TList* i = dynamic_cast(ip->FindObject(GetName())); if (!i) { AliErrorF("List %s not found in input", GetName()); return; } TList* op = FindParent(out, true); TList* o = static_cast(i->Clone()); o->SetOwner(); op->Add(o); fSum = static_cast(o->FindObject("rawDist")); fTruth = static_cast(o->FindObject("truth")); fTruthAccepted = static_cast(o->FindObject("truthAccepted")); TH1* hists[] = { fSum, fTruth, fTruthAccepted, 0 }; TH1** phist = hists; while (*phist) { TH1* h = *phist; if (h) { Int_t maxN = h->GetNbinsX(); Double_t intg = h->Integral(1, maxN); h->Scale(1. / intg, "width"); } phist++; } if (fTruth && fTruthAccepted) { TH1* trgVtx = static_cast(fTruthAccepted->Clone("triggerVertex")); TString tit(fTruth->GetTitle()); tit.ReplaceAll("True P(#it{N}_{ch})", "C_{trigger,vertex}"); trgVtx->SetTitle(tit); trgVtx->SetYTitle("P_{MC}(#it{N}_{ch})/P_{MC,accepted}(#it{N}_{ch})"); trgVtx->Divide(fTruth); trgVtx->SetDirectory(0); o->Add(trgVtx); } } //==================================================================== // // EOF //