#ifndef ALIFORWARDMULTDIST_H #define ALIFORWARDMULTDIST_H /** * @file AliForwardMultDists.h * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Tue Nov 12 09:57:28 2013 * * @brief Class to make raw @f$P(N_{ch})@f$ distributions * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_multdist */ #include "AliBaseAODTask.h" #include #include class TH1; class TH2; class AliAODForwardMult; /** * Class to make raw @f$P(N_{ch})@f$ distributions * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_multdist */ class AliForwardMultDists : public AliBaseAODTask { public: enum { kInvalidEta = 999 }; enum { kAnalysis = 1, kMC = 2, kTrigger = 3, kVertex = 4, kTriggerVertex = 5 }; /** * Structure to define @f$\eta@f$ bins with an @f$ N_{ch}@f$ axis * */ struct BinSpec { /** * Constructor * * @param etaMin Low cut on @f$\eta@f$ * @param etaMax High cut on @f$\eta@f$ * @param nchLow Lowest @f$ N_{ch}@f$ (e.g., -0.5); */ BinSpec(Double_t etaMin, Double_t etaMax, Double_t nchLow); /** * Push @a n bins of with @a d in @f$ N_{ch}@f$ onto the axis * * If only a single push is done, then we will get an axis of * equally sized bins (@a d) from @f$ l@f$ edge to @f$ nd+low@f$ - * e.g., if one only does * * @code * BinSpec b(e1, e2, -.5); * b.Push(10, 1); * @endcode * * One ends up with 10 bins from -0.5 to 9.5. * * @param n Number of bins to push * @param d Bin width of each of the bins */ void Push(UShort_t n, Double_t d); /** * Get the axis computed from the setup using Push * * @return Reference to the axis */ const TAxis& Axis() const; Double_t fEtaMin; Double_t fEtaMax; Double_t fLow; TArrayI fN; TArrayD fD; mutable TAxis fAxis; }; /** * Default constructor */ AliForwardMultDists(); /** * User constructor * * @param name Name of the task */ AliForwardMultDists(const char* name); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~AliForwardMultDists() {} /** * Create output objects - called at start of job in slave * * @return true on success */ Bool_t Book(); /** * Set-up internal structures on first seen event * * @return true on success */ Bool_t PreData(); /** * Executed before every event * * @return true on success */ Bool_t PreEvent() { fIsSelected = false; return true; } /** * Analyse a single event * * @param aod AOD Event * * @return true on success */ Bool_t Event(AliAODEvent& aod); /** * Called at the end of the final processing of the job on the * full data set (merged data) * * @return true on success */ Bool_t Finalize(); /** * Add an @f$\eta@f$ bin * * @param spec Bin specification */ void AddBin(const BinSpec& spec); /** * Add an @f$\eta@f$ bin * * @param etaLow Low cut on @f$\eta@f$ * @param etaMax High cut on @f$\eta@f$ * @param nAxis Axis to use for measured @f$ N_{ch}@f$ */ void AddBin(Double_t etaLow, Double_t etaMax, const TAxis& nAxis); /** * Add an @f$\eta@f$ bin * * @param etaLow Low cut on @f$\eta@f$ * @param etaMax High cut on @f$\eta@f$ * @param nMax Maximum @f$ N_{ch}@f$ * @param nDiv Number of subdivisions per @f$ N_{ch}@f$ * */ void AddBin(Double_t etaLow, Double_t etaMax, UShort_t nMax, UShort_t nDiv); /** * Whether to use the stored phi acceptance * * @param use If true, use stored phi acceptance */ void SetUsePhiAcc(Bool_t use) { fUsePhiAcc = use; } /** * Print this task * * @param option Not used */ void Print(Option_t* option="") const; protected: /** * Project a 2D histogram into a 1D histogram taking care to use * either the @f$\phi@f$ acceptance stored in the overflow bins, or * the @f$\eta@f$ coverage stored in the underflow bins. * * @param input 2D histogram to project * @param cache 1D histogram to project into * @param usePhiAcc If true, use the @f$\phi@f$ acceptance stored in * the overflow bins, or if false the @f$\eta@f$ coverage stored in * the underflow bins. */ static void ProjectX(const TH2& input, TH1& cache, Bool_t usePhiAcc=true); /** * Project on @f$\eta@f$ axis. If any of the pointers passed is * zero, do nothing. * * @param input * @param cache */ static void ProjectX(const TH2* input, TH1* cache); /** * An @f$\eta@f$ bin */ struct EtaBin : public TObject { /** * I/O constructor */ EtaBin(); /** * User constructor * * @param minEta Least @f$\eta@f$ to consider * @param maxEta Largest @f$\eta@f$ to consider * @param mAxis The @f$ N_{ch}@f$ axis to use for measured data */ EtaBin(Double_t minEta, Double_t maxEta, const TAxis& mAxis); /** * Copy constructor * * @param o object to copy fron */ EtaBin(const EtaBin& o); /** * Assignment operator * * @param o object to assign from * * @return Reference to this object */ EtaBin& operator=(const EtaBin& o); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~EtaBin() {} /** * Get the name of the bin */ const char* GetName() const { return fName.Data(); } /** * Is this bin symmetric around 0? */ Bool_t IsSymmetric() const; /** * Is this bin positive only? */ Bool_t IsNegative() const; /** * Is this bin positive only? */ Bool_t IsPositive() const; /** * Get parent container name * * * @return Parent container name */ const char* ParentName() const; /** * Find the parent container. if not found, and @a create is * true, then make the container. * * @param l Top container * @param create If true, create container if not found * * @return Container, or null */ TList* FindParent(TList* l, Bool_t create=true) const; /** * Create a 1D histogram with specified axis * * @param name Name of histogram * @param title Title of histogram * @param xAxis X-axis to use * * @return Created histogram */ static TH1* CreateH1(const char* name, const char* title, const TAxis& xAxis); /** * Create a 2D histogram with specified axis * * @param name Name of histogram * @param title Title of histogram * @param xAxis X-axis to use * @param yAxis Y-axis to use * * @return Created histogram */ static TH2* CreateH2(const char* name, const char* title, const TAxis& xAxis, const TAxis& yAxis); /** * Set-up internal structures on first event. * * @param list List to add information to * @param hist Template histogram * @param useMC Whether to set-up for MC input */ void SetupForData(TList* list, const TH2& hist, Bool_t useMC); /** * Process a single event * * @param sumForward Projection of forward data * @param sumCentral Projection of the central data * @param forward The original forward data * @param central The original central data * @param accepted True if event is accepted for analysis * @param mc Distribution of primary particles from MC */ void Process(const TH1& sumForward, const TH1& sumCentral, const TH2& forward, const TH2& central, Bool_t accepted, const TH1* mc); /** * Called at the end of the final processing of the job on the * full data set (merged data) * * @param in Input list * @param out Output list */ void Terminate(TList* in, TList* out); TString fName; // Name of this bin TAxis fMAxis; // Axis used for measured Nch TAxis fTAxis; // Axis used for true Nch Double_t fMinEta; // Least @f$\eta@f$ to consider Double_t fMaxEta; // Largest @f$\eta@f$ to consider Int_t fMinBin; // Least @f$\eta@f$ bin to consider Int_t fMaxBin; // Largest @f$\eta@f$ bin to consider TH1* fSum; // Distribution TH2* fCorr; // Correlation between forward and central TH2* fResponse; // Response matrix (for MC) TH1* fTruth; // `true' distribution TH1* fTruthAccepted; // `true' distribution for accepted events TH1* fCoverage; // How much was covered ClassDef(EtaBin,2); }; /** * Copy constructor * * @param o object to copy fron */ AliForwardMultDists(const AliForwardMultDists& o); /** * Assignment operator * * @param o object to assign from * * @return Reference to this object */ AliForwardMultDists& operator=(const AliForwardMultDists& o); /** * Check the event * * @param fwd Forward data structure * * @return Always true */ Bool_t CheckEvent(const AliAODForwardMult& fwd); TList fBins; // List of bins TList* fSymmetric; // Bins symmetric around 0 TList* fNegative; // Bins on negative side only TList* fPositive; // Bins on the positive side only TH1* fMCVertex; // Histogram of MC IpZ TH2* fDiag; // Diagnostics TH1* fForwardCache; // Projection cache TH1* fCentralCache; // Projection cache TH1* fMCCache; // Projection cache Bool_t fUsePhiAcc; // If true, scale by phi acceptance Bool_t fIsSelected; // IF the even was selected ClassDef(AliForwardMultDists,1); }; #endif // Local Variables: // mode: C++ // End: