//==================================================================== // // Base class for classes that calculate the multiplicity in the // forward regions event-by-event // // Inputs: // - AliESDEvent // // Outputs: // - AliAODForwardMult // // Histograms // // Corrections used #include "AliForwardMultiplicityBase.h" #include "AliForwardCorrectionManager.h" #include "AliForwardUtil.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliAODHandler.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliFMDEventInspector.h" #include "AliFMDSharingFilter.h" #include "AliFMDDensityCalculator.h" #include "AliFMDCorrector.h" #include "AliFMDHistCollector.h" #include "AliFMDEventPlaneFinder.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include #include #include #include #include //==================================================================== AliForwardMultiplicityBase::AliForwardMultiplicityBase(const char* name) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fEnableLowFlux(false), fFirstEvent(true), fCorrManager(0) { // Set our persistent pointer fCorrManager = &AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance(); fBranchNames = "ESD:AliESDRun.,AliESDHeader.,AliMultiplicity.," "AliESDFMD.,SPDVertex.,PrimaryVertex."; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliForwardMultiplicityBase& AliForwardMultiplicityBase::operator=(const AliForwardMultiplicityBase& o) { if (&o == this) return *this; fEnableLowFlux = o.fEnableLowFlux; fFirstEvent = o.fFirstEvent; fCorrManager = o.fCorrManager; return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardMultiplicityBase::CheckCorrections(UInt_t what) const { // // Check if all needed corrections are there and accounted for. If not, // do a Fatal exit // // Parameters: // what Which corrections is needed // // Return: // true if all present, false otherwise // AliForwardCorrectionManager& fcm = AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance(); // Check that we have the energy loss fits, needed by // AliFMDSharingFilter // AliFMDDensityCalculator if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kELossFits && !fcm.GetELossFit()) { AliFatal(Form("No energy loss fits")); return false; } // Check that we have the double hit correction - (optionally) used by // AliFMDDensityCalculator if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kDoubleHit && !fcm.GetDoubleHit()) { AliFatal("No double hit corrections"); return false; } // Check that we have the secondary maps, needed by // AliFMDCorrector // AliFMDHistCollector if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kSecondaryMap && !fcm.GetSecondaryMap()) { AliFatal("No secondary corrections"); return false; } // Check that we have the vertex bias correction, needed by // AliFMDCorrector if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kVertexBias && !fcm.GetVertexBias()) { AliFatal("No event vertex bias corrections"); return false; } // Check that we have the merging efficiencies, optionally used by // AliFMDCorrector if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kMergingEfficiency && !fcm.GetMergingEfficiency()) { AliFatal("No merging efficiencies"); return false; } // Check that we have the acceptance correction, needed by // AliFMDCorrector if (what & AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAcceptance && !fcm.GetAcceptance()) { AliFatal("No acceptance corrections"); return false; } return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardMultiplicityBase::ReadCorrections(const TAxis*& pe, const TAxis*& pv, Bool_t mc) { // // Read corrections // // UInt_t what = AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAll; if (!fEnableLowFlux) what ^= AliForwardCorrectionManager::kDoubleHit; if (!GetCorrections().IsUseVertexBias()) what ^= AliForwardCorrectionManager::kVertexBias; if (!GetCorrections().IsUseAcceptance()) what ^= AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAcceptance; if (!GetCorrections().IsUseMergingEfficiency()) what ^= AliForwardCorrectionManager::kMergingEfficiency; AliForwardCorrectionManager& fcm = AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance(); if (!fcm.Init(GetEventInspector().GetCollisionSystem(), GetEventInspector().GetEnergy(), GetEventInspector().GetField(), mc, what)) return false; if (!CheckCorrections(what)) return false; // Sett our persistency pointer // fCorrManager = &fcm; // Get the eta axis from the secondary maps - if read in if (!pe) { pe = fcm.GetEtaAxis(); if (!pe) AliFatal("No eta axis defined"); } // Get the vertex axis from the secondary maps - if read in if (!pv) { pv = fcm.GetVertexAxis(); if (!pv) AliFatal("No vertex axis defined"); } return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliESDEvent* AliForwardMultiplicityBase::GetESDEvent() { // // Get the ESD event. IF this is the first event, initialise // AliESDEvent* esd = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if (!esd) { AliWarning("No ESD event found for input event"); return 0; } // On the first event, initialize the parameters if (fFirstEvent && esd->GetESDRun()) { GetEventInspector().ReadRunDetails(esd); AliInfo(Form("Initializing with parameters from the ESD:\n" " AliESDEvent::GetBeamEnergy() ->%f\n" " AliESDEvent::GetBeamType() ->%s\n" " AliESDEvent::GetCurrentL3() ->%f\n" " AliESDEvent::GetMagneticField()->%f\n" " AliESDEvent::GetRunNumber() ->%d\n", esd->GetBeamEnergy(), esd->GetBeamType(), esd->GetCurrentL3(), esd->GetMagneticField(), esd->GetRunNumber())); fFirstEvent = false; GetEventPlaneFinder().SetRunNumber(esd->GetRunNumber()); InitializeSubs(); } return esd; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultiplicityBase::MarkEventForStore() const { // Make sure the AOD tree is filled AliAnalysisManager* am = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); AliAODHandler* ah = dynamic_cast(am->GetOutputEventHandler()); if (!ah) AliFatal("No AOD output handler set in analysis manager"); ah->SetFillAOD(kTRUE); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultiplicityBase::MakeRingdNdeta(const TList* input, const char* inName, TList* output, const char* outName, Int_t style) const { // Make dN/deta for each ring found in the input list. // // A stack of all the dN/deta is also made for easy drawing. // // Note, that the distributions are normalised to the number of // observed events only - they should be corrected for if (!input) return; TList* list = static_cast(input->FindObject(inName)); if (!list) { AliWarning(Form("No list %s found in %s", inName, input->GetName())); return; } TList* out = new TList; out->SetName(outName); out->SetOwner(); output->Add(out); THStack* dndetaRings = new THStack("all", "dN/d#eta per ring"); const char* names[] = { "FMD1I", "FMD2I", "FMD2O", "FMD3I", "FMD3O", 0 }; const char** ptr = names; while (*ptr) { TList* thisList = new TList; thisList->SetOwner(); thisList->SetName(*ptr); out->Add(thisList); TH2D* h = static_cast(list->FindObject(Form("%s_cache", *ptr))); if (!h) { AliWarning(Form("Didn't find %s_cache in %s", *ptr, list->GetName())); ptr++; continue; } TH2D* copy = static_cast(h->Clone("sum")); copy->SetDirectory(0); thisList->Add(copy); TH1D* norm =static_cast(h->ProjectionX("norm", 0, 0, "")); for (Int_t i = 1; i <= copy->GetNbinsX(); i++) { for (Int_t j = 1; j <= copy->GetNbinsY(); j++) { Double_t c = copy->GetBinContent(i, j); Double_t e = copy->GetBinError(i, j); Double_t a = norm->GetBinContent(i); copy->SetBinContent(i, j, a <= 0 ? 0 : c / a); copy->SetBinError(i, j, a <= 0 ? 0 : e / a); } } TH1D* res =static_cast(copy->ProjectionX("dndeta",1, h->GetNbinsY(),"e")); TH1D* proj =static_cast(h->ProjectionX("proj",1,h->GetNbinsY(),"e")); res->SetTitle(*ptr); res->Scale(1., "width"); copy->Scale(1., "width"); proj->Scale(1. / norm->GetMaximum(), "width"); norm->Scale(1. / norm->GetMaximum()); res->SetMarkerStyle(style); norm->SetDirectory(0); res->SetDirectory(0); proj->SetDirectory(0); thisList->Add(norm); thisList->Add(res); thisList->Add(proj); dndetaRings->Add(res); ptr++; } out->Add(dndetaRings); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardMultiplicityBase::Print(Option_t* option) const { // // Print information // // Parameters: // option Not used // std::cout << ClassName() << ": " << GetName() << "\n" << " Enable low flux code: " << (fEnableLowFlux ? "yes" : "no") << "\n" << " Off-line trigger mask: 0x" << std::hex << std::setfill('0') << std::setw (8) << fOfflineTriggerMask << std::dec << std::setfill (' ') << std::endl; gROOT->IncreaseDirLevel(); if (fCorrManager) fCorrManager->Print(); else std::cout << " Correction manager not set yet" << std::endl; GetEventInspector() .Print(option); GetSharingFilter() .Print(option); GetDensityCalculator().Print(option); GetCorrections() .Print(option); GetHistCollector() .Print(option); GetEventPlaneFinder() .Print(option); gROOT->DecreaseDirLevel(); } // // EOF //