// // Calculate the multiplicity in the forward regions event-by-event // // Inputs: // - AliESDEvent // // Outputs: // - AliAODForwardMult // // Histograms // // Corrections used // #include "AliForwardQATask.h" #include "AliForwardUtil.h" #include "AliTriggerAnalysis.h" #include "AliPhysicsSelection.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliAODHandler.h" #include "AliMultiplicity.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliForwardCorrectionManager.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliAODForwardMult.h" #include #include #include #include #include //==================================================================== AliForwardQATask::AliForwardQATask() : AliBaseESDTask(), fEnableLowFlux(false), fESDFMD(), fHistos(), fEventInspector(), fEnergyFitter(), fSharingFilter(), fDensityCalculator() { // // Constructor // fCloneList = true; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliForwardQATask::AliForwardQATask(const char* name) : AliBaseESDTask(name, "", &(AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance())), fEnableLowFlux(false), fESDFMD(), fHistos(), fEventInspector("event"), fEnergyFitter("energy"), fSharingFilter("sharing"), fDensityCalculator("density") { // // Constructor // // Parameters: // name Name of task // fEnergyFitter.SetNParticles(1); // Just find the 1st peak fEnergyFitter.SetDoMakeObject(false); fEnergyFitter.SetUseIncreasingBins(true); fEnergyFitter.SetDoFits(kTRUE); fEnergyFitter.SetLowCut(0.4); fEnergyFitter.SetFitRangeBinWidth(4); fEnergyFitter.SetMinEntries(1000); fCloneList = true; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardQATask::SetDebug(Int_t dbg) { // // Set debug level // // Parameters: // dbg Debug level // AliBaseESDTask:: SetDebug(dbg); GetEnergyFitter() .SetDebug(dbg); GetSharingFilter() .SetDebug(dbg); GetDensityCalculator().SetDebug(dbg); } //____________________________________________________________________ TAxis* AliForwardQATask::DefaultEtaAxis() const { static TAxis* a = new TAxis(240, -6, 6); return a; } //____________________________________________________________________ TAxis* AliForwardQATask::DefaultVertexAxis() const { static TAxis* a = new TAxis(10, -10, 10); return a; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardQATask::Book() { // // Create output objects // // UInt_t what = AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAll; what ^= AliForwardCorrectionManager::kDoubleHit; what ^= AliForwardCorrectionManager::kVertexBias; what ^= AliForwardCorrectionManager::kAcceptance; what ^= AliForwardCorrectionManager::kMergingEfficiency; what ^= AliForwardCorrectionManager::kELossFits; fNeededCorrections = what; fExtraCorrections = AliForwardCorrectionManager::kELossFits; fEnergyFitter.CreateOutputObjects(fList); fSharingFilter.CreateOutputObjects(fList); fDensityCalculator.CreateOutputObjects(fList); return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardQATask::PreData(const TAxis& /*vertex*/, const TAxis& eta) { // // Initialise the sub objects and stuff. Called on first event // // AliForwardCorrectionManager& fcm = AliForwardCorrectionManager::Instance(); // We allow fall-back queries so that we may proceed in case we have no // valid corrections if (!fcm.GetELossFit()) { AliWarning("No energy loss fits"); // Fall-back values if we do not have the energy loss fits AliFMDMultCuts& sfLCuts = GetSharingFilter().GetLCuts(); if (sfLCuts.GetMethod() != AliFMDMultCuts::kFixed) { Double_t cut = 0.3; AliWarningF("Using fixed cut @ %f for the lower bound " "of the sharing filter", cut); sfLCuts.SetMultCuts(cut); } AliFMDMultCuts& sfHCuts = GetSharingFilter().GetHCuts(); if (sfHCuts.GetMethod() != AliFMDMultCuts::kFixed) { Double_t cut = 100; AliWarningF("Using fixed cut @ %f for the upper bound " "of the sharing filter", cut); sfHCuts.SetMultCuts(cut); } AliFMDMultCuts& dcCuts = GetDensityCalculator().GetCuts(); if (dcCuts.GetMethod() != AliFMDMultCuts::kFixed) { Double_t cut = 0.3; AliWarningF("Using fixed cut @ %f for the lower bound " "of the density calculator", cut); dcCuts.SetMultCuts(cut); } } else fcm.GetELossFit()->CacheBins(GetDensityCalculator().GetMinQuality()); fHistos.Init(eta); // GetEventInspector().SetupForData(vertex); GetEnergyFitter() .SetupForData(eta); GetSharingFilter() .SetupForData(eta); GetDensityCalculator().SetupForData(eta); return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardQATask::PreEvent() { // Clear stuff fHistos.Clear(); fESDFMD.Clear(); return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardQATask::Event(AliESDEvent& esd) { // // Process each event // // Parameters: // option Not used // DGUARD(fDebug,1,"Process the input event"); if (fFirstEvent) { // If the first event flag wasn't cleared in the above call to // GetESDEvent, we should not do anything, since nothing has been // initialised yet, so we opt out here (with a warning) AliWarning("Nothing has been initialized yet, opt'ing out"); return false; } Bool_t lowFlux = kFALSE; UInt_t triggers = 0; UShort_t ivz = 0; TVector3 ip; Double_t cent = -1; UShort_t nClusters = 0; UInt_t found = fEventInspector.Process(&esd, triggers, lowFlux, ivz, ip, cent, nClusters); Bool_t ok = true; if (found & AliFMDEventInspector::kNoEvent) ok = false; if (found & AliFMDEventInspector::kNoTriggers) ok = false; if (found & AliFMDEventInspector::kNoSPD) ok = false; if (found & AliFMDEventInspector::kNoFMD) ok = false; if (found & AliFMDEventInspector::kNoVertex) ok = false; if (triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kPileUp) ok = false; if (triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kA) ok = false; if (triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kC) ok = false; if (triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kE) ok = false; if (!(triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kOffline)) ok = false; if (found & AliFMDEventInspector::kBadVertex) ok = false; if (!ok) { DMSG(fDebug,2,"Event failed selection: %s", AliFMDEventInspector::CodeString(found)); return false; } DMSG(fDebug,2,"Event triggers: %s", AliAODForwardMult::GetTriggerString(triggers)); // We we do not want to use low flux specific code, we disable it here. if (!fEnableLowFlux) lowFlux = false; // Get FMD data AliESDFMD* esdFMD = esd.GetFMDData(); // Run the energy loss fitter if (!fEnergyFitter.Accumulate(*esdFMD, cent, triggers & AliAODForwardMult::kEmpty)) { AliWarning("Energy fitter failed"); return false; } // // Apply the sharing filter (or hit merging or clustering if you like) if (!fSharingFilter.Filter(*esdFMD, lowFlux, fESDFMD, ip.Z())) { AliWarning("Sharing filter failed!"); return false; } // Calculate the inclusive charged particle density if (!fDensityCalculator.Calculate(fESDFMD, fHistos, lowFlux, cent, ip)) { // if (!fDensityCalculator.Calculate(*esdFMD, fHistos, ivz, lowFlux)) { AliWarning("Density calculator failed!"); return false; } return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardQATask::Finalize() { // // End of job // // Parameters: // option Not used // if (fDebug) AliInfo("In Forwards terminate"); TStopwatch swt; swt.Start(); // Get our histograms from the container TH1I* hEventsTr = 0; TH1I* hEventsTrVtx = 0; TH1I* hEventsAcc = 0; TH1I* hTriggers = 0; if (!fEventInspector.FetchHistograms(fList, hEventsTr, hEventsTrVtx, hEventsAcc, hTriggers)) { AliError(Form("Didn't get histograms from event selector " "(hEventsTr=%p,hEventsTrVtx=%p,hEventsAcc=%p)", hEventsTr, hEventsTrVtx,hEventsAcc)); return false; } TStopwatch swf; swf.Start(); fEnergyFitter.Fit(fResults); swf.Stop(); AliInfoF("Fitting took %d real-time seconds, and %f CPU seconds", Int_t(swf.RealTime()), swf.CpuTime()); fSharingFilter.Terminate(fList,fResults,Int_t(hEventsTr->Integral())); fDensityCalculator.Terminate(fList,fResults,Int_t(hEventsTrVtx->Integral())); if (fDebug) AliInfoF("Posting post processing results to %s", fResults->GetName()); swt.Stop(); AliInfoF("Finalize took %d real-time seconds, and %f CPU seconds", Int_t(swt.RealTime()), swt.CpuTime()); return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardQATask::Print(Option_t* option) const { // // Print information // // Parameters: // option Not used // AliBaseESDTask::Print(option); gROOT->IncreaseDirLevel(); GetEnergyFitter() .Print(option); GetSharingFilter() .Print(option); GetDensityCalculator().Print(option); gROOT->DecreaseDirLevel(); } // // EOF //