// // Utilities used in the forward multiplcity analysis // // #include "AliForwardUtil.h" //#include #include #include "AliAODForwardMult.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //==================================================================== ULong_t AliForwardUtil::AliROOTRevision() { #ifdef ALIROOT_SVN_REVISION return ALIROOT_SVN_REVISION; #else return 0; #endif } //____________________________________________________________________ ULong_t AliForwardUtil::AliROOTBranch() { #ifdef ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH static ULong_t ret = 0; if (ret != 0) return ret; TString str(ALIROOT_SVN_BRANCH); if (str[0] == 'v') str.Remove(0,1); if (str.EqualTo("trunk")) return ret = 0xFFFFFFFF; TObjArray* tokens = str.Tokenize("-"); TObjString* pMajor = static_cast(tokens->At(0)); TObjString* pMinor = static_cast(tokens->At(1)); TObjString* pRelea = static_cast(tokens->At(2)); TObjString* pAn = (tokens->GetEntries() > 3 ? static_cast(tokens->At(3)) : 0); TString sMajor = pMajor->String().Strip(TString::kLeading, '0'); TString sMinor = pMinor->String().Strip(TString::kLeading, '0'); TString sRelea = pRelea->String().Strip(TString::kLeading, '0'); ret = (((sMajor.Atoi() & 0xFF) << 12) | ((sMinor.Atoi() & 0xFF) << 8) | ((sRelea.Atoi() & 0xFF) << 4) | (pAn ? 0xAA : 0)); return ret; #else return 0; #endif } //==================================================================== UShort_t AliForwardUtil::ParseCollisionSystem(const char* sys) { // // Parse a collision system spec given in a string. Known values are // // - "ppb", "p-pb", "pa", "p-a" which returns kPPb // - "pp", "p-p" which returns kPP // - "PbPb", "Pb-Pb", "A-A", which returns kPbPb // - Everything else gives kUnknown // // Parameters: // sys Collision system spec // // Return: // Collision system id // TString s(sys); s.ToLower(); // we do pA first to avoid pp catch on ppb string (AH) if (s.Contains("p-pb") || s.Contains("ppb")) return AliForwardUtil::kPPb; if (s.Contains("p-a") || s.Contains("pa")) return AliForwardUtil::kPPb; if (s.Contains("a-p") || s.Contains("ap")) return AliForwardUtil::kPPb; if (s.Contains("p-p") || s.Contains("pp")) return AliForwardUtil::kPP; if (s.Contains("pb-pb") || s.Contains("pbpb")) return AliForwardUtil::kPbPb; if (s.Contains("a-a") || s.Contains("aa")) return AliForwardUtil::kPbPb; return AliForwardUtil::kUnknown; } //____________________________________________________________________ const char* AliForwardUtil::CollisionSystemString(UShort_t sys) { // // Get a string representation of the collision system // // Parameters: // sys Collision system // - kPP -> "pp" // - kPbPb -> "PbPb" // - anything else gives "unknown" // // Return: // String representation of the collision system // switch (sys) { case AliForwardUtil::kPP: return "pp"; case AliForwardUtil::kPbPb: return "PbPb"; case AliForwardUtil::kPPb: return "pPb"; } return "unknown"; } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliForwardUtil::BeamRapidity(Float_t beam, UShort_t z, UShort_t a) { const Double_t pMass = 9.38271999999999995e-01; const Double_t nMass = 9.39564999999999984e-01; Double_t beamE = z * beam / 2; Double_t beamM = z * pMass + (a - z) * nMass; Double_t beamP = TMath::Sqrt(beamE * beamE - beamM * beamM); Double_t beamY = .5* TMath::Log((beamE+beamP) / (beamE-beamP)); return beamY; } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliForwardUtil::CenterOfMassEnergy(Float_t beam, UShort_t z1, UShort_t a1, Short_t z2, Short_t a2) { // Calculate the center of mass energy given target/projectile // mass and charge numbers if (z2 < 0) z2 = z1; if (a2 < 0) a2 = a1; return TMath::Sqrt(Float_t(z1*z2)/a1/a2) * beam; } //____________________________________________________________________ Float_t AliForwardUtil::CenterOfMassRapidity(UShort_t z1, UShort_t a1, Short_t z2, Short_t a2) { // Calculate the center of mass rapidity (shift) given target/projectile // mass and charge numbers if (z2 < 0) z2 = z1; if (a2 < 0) a2 = a1; if (z2 == z1 && a2 == a1) return 0; return .5 * TMath::Log(Float_t(z1*a2)/z2/a1); } //____________________________________________________________________ UShort_t AliForwardUtil::ParseCenterOfMassEnergy(UShort_t sys, Float_t beam) { // // Parse the center of mass energy given as a float and return known // values as a unsigned integer // // Parameters: // sys Collision system (needed for AA) // beam Center of mass energy * total charge // // Return: // Center of mass energy per nucleon // Float_t energy = beam; // Below no longer needed apparently // if (sys == AliForwardUtil::kPbPb) energy = energy / 208 * 82; if (sys == AliForwardUtil::kPPb) energy = CenterOfMassEnergy(beam, 82, 208, 1, 1); else if (sys == AliForwardUtil::kPbPb) energy = CenterOfMassEnergy(beam, 82, 208, 82, 208); if (TMath::Abs(energy - 900.) < 10) return 900; if (TMath::Abs(energy - 2400.) < 10) return 2400; if (TMath::Abs(energy - 2760.) < 20) return 2760; if (TMath::Abs(energy - 4400.) < 10) return 4400; if (TMath::Abs(energy - 5022.) < 10) return 5023; if (TMath::Abs(energy - 5500.) < 40) return 5500; if (TMath::Abs(energy - 7000.) < 10) return 7000; if (TMath::Abs(energy - 8000.) < 10) return 8000; if (TMath::Abs(energy - 10000.) < 10) return 10000; if (TMath::Abs(energy - 14000.) < 10) return 14000; return 0; } //____________________________________________________________________ const char* AliForwardUtil::CenterOfMassEnergyString(UShort_t cms) { // // Get a string representation of the center of mass energy per nuclean // // Parameters: // cms Center of mass energy per nucleon // // Return: // String representation of the center of mass energy per nuclean // return Form("%04dGeV", cms); } //____________________________________________________________________ Short_t AliForwardUtil::ParseMagneticField(Float_t v) { // // Parse the magnetic field (in kG) as given by a floating point number // // Parameters: // field Magnetic field in kG // // Return: // Short integer value of magnetic field in kG // if (TMath::Abs(v - 5.) < 1 ) return +5; if (TMath::Abs(v + 5.) < 1 ) return -5; if (TMath::Abs(v) < 1) return 0; return 999; } //____________________________________________________________________ const char* AliForwardUtil::MagneticFieldString(Short_t f) { // // Get a string representation of the magnetic field // // Parameters: // field Magnetic field in kG // // Return: // String representation of the magnetic field // return Form("%01dkG", f); } //_____________________________________________________________________ AliAODEvent* AliForwardUtil::GetAODEvent(AliAnalysisTaskSE* task) { // Check if AOD is the output event if (!task) ::Fatal("GetAODEvent", "Null task given, cannot do that"); AliAODEvent* ret = task->AODEvent(); if (ret) return ret; // Check if AOD is the input event ret = dynamic_cast(task->InputEvent()); if (!ret) ::Warning("GetAODEvent", "No AOD event found"); return ret; } //_____________________________________________________________________ UShort_t AliForwardUtil::CheckForAOD() { AliAnalysisManager* am = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (dynamic_cast(am->GetInputEventHandler())) { ::Info("CheckForAOD", "Found AOD Input handler"); return 1; } if (dynamic_cast(am->GetOutputEventHandler())) { ::Info("CheckForAOD", "Found AOD Output handler"); return 2; } ::Warning("CheckForAOD", "Neither and input nor output AOD handler is specified"); return 0; } //_____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliForwardUtil::CheckForTask(const char* clsOrName, Bool_t cls) { AliAnalysisManager* am = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!cls) { AliAnalysisTask* t = am->GetTask(clsOrName); if (!t) { ::Warning("CheckForTask", "Task %s not found in manager", clsOrName); return false; } ::Info("CheckForTask", "Found task %s", clsOrName); return true; } TClass* dep = gROOT->GetClass(clsOrName); if (!dep) { ::Warning("CheckForTask", "Unknown class %s for needed task", clsOrName); return false; } TIter next(am->GetTasks()); TObject* o = 0; while ((o = next())) { if (o->IsA()->InheritsFrom(dep)) { ::Info("CheckForTask", "Found task of class %s: %s", clsOrName, o->GetName()); return true; } } ::Warning("CheckForTask", "No task of class %s was found", clsOrName); return false; } //_____________________________________________________________________ TObject* AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter(const Char_t* name, UShort_t value) { TParameter* ret = new TParameter(name, value); ret->SetMergeMode('f'); ret->SetUniqueID(value); return ret; } //_____________________________________________________________________ TObject* AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter(const Char_t* name, Int_t value) { TParameter* ret = new TParameter(name, value); ret->SetMergeMode('f'); ret->SetUniqueID(value); return ret; } //_____________________________________________________________________ TObject* AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter(const Char_t* name, ULong_t value) { TParameter* ret = new TParameter(name, value); ret->SetMergeMode('f'); ret->SetUniqueID(value); return ret; } //_____________________________________________________________________ TObject* AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter(const Char_t* name, Double_t value) { TParameter* ret = new TParameter(name, value); // Float_t v = value; // UInt_t* tmp = reinterpret_cast(&v); ret->SetMergeMode('f'); // ret->SetUniqueID(*tmp); return ret; } //_____________________________________________________________________ TObject* AliForwardUtil::MakeParameter(const Char_t* name, Bool_t value) { TParameter* ret = new TParameter(name, value); ret->SetMergeMode('f'); ret->SetUniqueID(value); return ret; } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::GetParameter(TObject* o, UShort_t& value) { if (!o) return; TParameter* p = static_cast*>(o); if (p->TestBit(BIT(17))) value = p->GetVal(); else value = o->GetUniqueID(); } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::GetParameter(TObject* o, Int_t& value) { if (!o) return; TParameter* p = static_cast*>(o); if (p->TestBit(BIT(17))) value = p->GetVal(); else value = o->GetUniqueID(); } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::GetParameter(TObject* o, ULong_t& value) { if (!o) return; TParameter* p = static_cast*>(o); if (p->TestBit(BIT(17))) value = p->GetVal(); else value = o->GetUniqueID(); } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::GetParameter(TObject* o, Double_t& value) { if (!o) return; TParameter* p = static_cast*>(o); if (p->TestBit(BIT(17))) value = p->GetVal(); // o->GetUniqueID(); else { UInt_t i = o->GetUniqueID(); Float_t v = *reinterpret_cast(&i); value = v; } } //_____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::GetParameter(TObject* o, Bool_t& value) { if (!o) return; TParameter* p = static_cast*>(o); if (p->TestBit(BIT(17))) value = p->GetVal(); // o->GetUniqueID(); else value = o->GetUniqueID(); } #if 0 //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliForwardUtil::GetStripR(Char_t ring, UShort_t strip) { // Get max R of ring // // Optimized version that has a cache static TArrayD inner; static TArrayD outer; if (inner.GetSize() <= 0 || outer.GetSize() <= 0) { const Double_t minR[] = { 4.5213, 15.4 }; const Double_t maxR[] = { 17.2, 28.0 }; const Int_t nStr[] = { 512, 256 }; for (Int_t q = 0; q < 2; q++) { TArrayD& a = (q == 0 ? inner : outer); a.Set(nStr[q]); for (Int_t it = 0; it < nStr[q]; it++) { Double_t rad = maxR[q] - minR[q]; Double_t segment = rad / nStr[q]; Double_t r = minR[q] + segment*strip; a[it] = r; } } } if (ring == 'I' || ring == 'i') return inner.At(strip); return outer.At(strip); } #else //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliForwardUtil::GetStripR(Char_t ring, UShort_t strip) { // Get max R of ring // // New implementation has only one branch const Double_t minR[] = { 4.5213, 15.4 }; const Double_t maxR[] = { 17.2, 28.0 }; const Int_t nStr[] = { 512, 256 }; Int_t q = (ring == 'I' || ring == 'i') ? 0 : 1; Double_t rad = maxR[q] - minR[q]; Double_t segment = rad / nStr[q]; Double_t r = minR[q] + segment*strip; return r; } #endif #if 1 //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliForwardUtil::GetEtaFromStrip(UShort_t det, Char_t ring, UShort_t sec, UShort_t strip, Double_t zvtx) { // Calculate eta from strip with vertex (redundant with // AliESDFMD::Eta but support displaced vertices) // // Slightly more optimized version that uses less branching // Get R of the strip Double_t r = GetStripR(ring, strip); Int_t hybrid = sec / 2; Int_t q = (ring == 'I' || ring == 'i') ? 0 : 1; const Double_t zs[][2] = { { 320.266, -999999 }, { 83.666, 74.966 }, { -63.066, -74.966 } }; if (det > 3 || zs[det-1][q] == -999999) return -999999; Double_t z = zs[det-1][q]; if ((hybrid % 2) == 0) z -= .5; Double_t theta = TMath::ATan2(r,z-zvtx); Double_t eta = -1*TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(0.5*theta)); return eta; } #else //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliForwardUtil::GetEtaFromStrip(UShort_t det, Char_t ring, UShort_t sec, UShort_t strip, Double_t zvtx) { // Calculate eta from strip with vertex (redundant with // AliESDFMD::Eta but support displaced vertices) //Get max R of ring Double_t r = GetStripR(ring, strip); Int_t hybrid = sec / 2; Bool_t inner = (ring == 'I' || ring == 'i'); Double_t z = 0; switch (det) { case 1: z = 320.266; break; case 2: z = (inner ? 83.666 : 74.966); break; case 3: z = (inner ? -63.066 : -74.966); break; default: return -999999; } if ((hybrid % 2) == 0) z -= .5; Double_t theta = TMath::ATan2(r,z-zvtx); Double_t eta = -1*TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(0.5*theta)); return eta; } #endif //_____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliForwardUtil::GetPhiFromStrip(Char_t ring, UShort_t strip, Double_t phi, Double_t xvtx, Double_t yvtx) { // Calculate eta from strip with vertex (redundant with // AliESDFMD::Eta but support displaced vertices) // Unknown x,y -> no change if (yvtx > 999 || xvtx > 999) return phi; //Get max R of ring Double_t r = GetStripR(ring, strip); Double_t amp = TMath::Sqrt(xvtx*xvtx+yvtx*yvtx) / r; Double_t pha = (TMath::Abs(yvtx) < 1e-12 ? 0 : TMath::ATan2(xvtx, yvtx)); Double_t cha = amp * TMath::Cos(phi+pha); phi += cha; if (phi < 0) phi += TMath::TwoPi(); if (phi > TMath::TwoPi()) phi -= TMath::TwoPi(); return phi; } //==================================================================== Int_t AliForwardUtil::fgConvolutionSteps = 100; Double_t AliForwardUtil::fgConvolutionNSigma = 5; namespace { // // The shift of the most probable value for the ROOT function TMath::Landau // const Double_t mpshift = -0.22278298; // // Integration normalisation // const Double_t invSq2pi = 1. / TMath::Sqrt(2*TMath::Pi()); // // Utility function to use in TF1 defintition // Double_t landauGaus1(Double_t* xp, Double_t* pp) { Double_t x = xp[0]; Double_t constant = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kC]; Double_t delta = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kDelta]; Double_t xi = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kXi]; Double_t sigma = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigma]; Double_t sigmaN = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigmaN]; return constant * AliForwardUtil::LandauGaus(x, delta, xi, sigma, sigmaN); } Double_t landauGausComposite(Double_t* xp, Double_t* pp) { Double_t x = xp[0]; Double_t cP = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kC]; Double_t deltaP = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kDelta]; Double_t xiP = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kXi]; Double_t sigmaP = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigma]; Double_t cS = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigma+1]; Double_t deltaS = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigma+2]; Double_t xiS = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigma+3]; Double_t sigmaS = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigma+4]; return (cP * AliForwardUtil::LandauGaus(x,deltaP,xiP,sigmaP,0) + cS * AliForwardUtil::LandauGaus(x,deltaS,xiS,sigmaS,0)); } // // Utility function to use in TF1 defintition // Double_t landauGausN(Double_t* xp, Double_t* pp) { Double_t x = xp[0]; Double_t constant = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kC]; Double_t delta = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kDelta]; Double_t xi = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kXi]; Double_t sigma = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigma]; Double_t sigmaN = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigmaN]; Int_t n = Int_t(pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kN]); Double_t* a = &(pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kA]); return constant * AliForwardUtil::NLandauGaus(x, delta, xi, sigma, sigmaN, n, a); } // // Utility function to use in TF1 defintition // Double_t landauGausI(Double_t* xp, Double_t* pp) { Double_t x = xp[0]; Double_t constant = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kC]; Double_t delta = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kDelta]; Double_t xi = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kXi]; Double_t sigma = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigma]; Double_t sigmaN = pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigmaN]; Int_t i = Int_t(pp[AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kN]); return constant * AliForwardUtil::ILandauGaus(x,delta,xi,sigma,sigmaN,i); } } //____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliForwardUtil::Landau(Double_t x, Double_t delta, Double_t xi) { // // Calculate the shifted Landau // @f[ // f'_{L}(x;\Delta,\xi) = f_L(x;\Delta+0.22278298\xi) // @f] // // where @f$ f_{L}@f$ is the ROOT implementation of the Landau // distribution (known to have @f$ \Delta_{p}=-0.22278298@f$ for // @f$\Delta=0,\xi=1@f$. // // Parameters: // x Where to evaluate @f$ f'_{L}@f$ // delta Most probable value // xi The 'width' of the distribution // // Return: // @f$ f'_{L}(x;\Delta,\xi) @f$ // return TMath::Landau(x, delta - xi * mpshift, xi); } //____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliForwardUtil::LandauGaus(Double_t x, Double_t delta, Double_t xi, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigmaN) { // // Calculate the value of a Landau convolved with a Gaussian // // @f[ // f(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma') = \frac{1}{\sigma' \sqrt{2 \pi}} // \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} d\Delta' f'_{L}(x;\Delta',\xi) // \exp{-\frac{(\Delta-\Delta')^2}{2\sigma'^2}} // @f] // // where @f$ f'_{L}@f$ is the Landau distribution, @f$ \Delta@f$ the // energy loss, @f$ \xi@f$ the width of the Landau, and // @f$ \sigma'^2=\sigma^2-\sigma_n^2 @f$. Here, @f$\sigma@f$ is the // variance of the Gaussian, and @f$\sigma_n@f$ is a parameter modelling // noise in the detector. // // Note that this function uses the constants fgConvolutionSteps and // fgConvolutionNSigma // // References: // - Nucl.Instrum.Meth.B1:16 // - Phys.Rev.A28:615 // - ROOT implementation // // Parameters: // x where to evaluate @f$ f@f$ // delta @f$ \Delta@f$ of @f$ f(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma')@f$ // xi @f$ \xi@f$ of @f$ f(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma')@f$ // sigma @f$ \sigma@f$ of @f$\sigma'^2=\sigma^2-\sigma_n^2 @f$ // sigma_n @f$ \sigma_n@f$ of @f$\sigma'^2=\sigma^2-\sigma_n^2 @f$ // // Return: // @f$ f@f$ evaluated at @f$ x@f$. // Double_t deltap = delta - xi * mpshift; Double_t sigma2 = sigmaN*sigmaN + sigma*sigma; Double_t sigma1 = sigmaN == 0 ? sigma : TMath::Sqrt(sigma2); Double_t xlow = x - fgConvolutionNSigma * sigma1; Double_t xhigh = x + fgConvolutionNSigma * sigma1; Double_t step = (xhigh - xlow) / fgConvolutionSteps; Double_t sum = 0; for (Int_t i = 0; i <= fgConvolutionSteps/2; i++) { Double_t x1 = xlow + (i - .5) * step; Double_t x2 = xhigh - (i - .5) * step; sum += TMath::Landau(x1, deltap, xi, kTRUE) * TMath::Gaus(x, x1, sigma1); sum += TMath::Landau(x2, deltap, xi, kTRUE) * TMath::Gaus(x, x2, sigma1); } return step * sum * invSq2pi / sigma1; } //____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliForwardUtil::ILandauGaus(Double_t x, Double_t delta, Double_t xi, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigmaN, Int_t i) { // // Evaluate // @f[ // f_i(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma') = f(x;\Delta_i,\xi_i,\sigma_i') // @f] // corresponding to @f$ i@f$ particles i.e., with the substitutions // @f{eqnarray*}{ // \Delta \rightarrow \Delta_i &=& i(\Delta + \xi\log(i)) // \xi \rightarrow \xi_i &=& i \xi // \sigma \rightarrow \sigma_i &=& \sqrt{i}\sigma // \sigma'^2 \rightarrow \sigma_i'^2 &=& \sigma_n^2 + \sigma_i^2 // @f} // // Parameters: // x Where to evaluate // delta @f$ \Delta@f$ // xi @f$ \xi@f$ // sigma @f$ \sigma@f$ // sigma_n @f$ \sigma_n@f$ // i @f$ i @f$ // // Return: // @f$ f_i @f$ evaluated // Double_t deltaI = (i == 1 ? delta : i * (delta + xi * TMath::Log(i))); Double_t xiI = i * xi; Double_t sigmaI = (i == 1 ? sigma : TMath::Sqrt(Double_t(i))*sigma); if (sigmaI < 1e-10) { // Fall back to landau return AliForwardUtil::Landau(x, deltaI, xiI); } return AliForwardUtil::LandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI, sigmaI, sigmaN); } //____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliForwardUtil::IdLandauGausdPar(Double_t x, UShort_t par, Double_t dPar, Double_t delta, Double_t xi, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigmaN, Int_t i) { // // Numerically evaluate // @f[ // \left.\frac{\partial f_i}{\partial p_i}\right|_{x} // @f] // where @f$ p_i@f$ is the @f$ i^{\mbox{th}}@f$ parameter. The mapping // of the parameters is given by // // - 0: @f$\Delta@f$ // - 1: @f$\xi@f$ // - 2: @f$\sigma@f$ // - 3: @f$\sigma_n@f$ // // This is the partial derivative with respect to the parameter of // the response function corresponding to @f$ i@f$ particles i.e., // with the substitutions // @f[ // \Delta \rightarrow \Delta_i = i(\Delta + \xi\log(i)) // \xi \rightarrow \xi_i = i \xi // \sigma \rightarrow \sigma_i = \sqrt{i}\sigma // \sigma'^2 \rightarrow \sigma_i'^2 = \sigma_n^2 + \sigma_i^2 // @f] // // Parameters: // x Where to evaluate // ipar Parameter number // dp @f$ \epsilon\delta p_i@f$ for some value of @f$\epsilon@f$ // delta @f$ \Delta@f$ // xi @f$ \xi@f$ // sigma @f$ \sigma@f$ // sigma_n @f$ \sigma_n@f$ // i @f$ i@f$ // // Return: // @f$ f_i@f$ evaluated // if (dPar == 0) return 0; Double_t dp = dPar; Double_t d2 = dPar / 2; Double_t deltaI = i * (delta + xi * TMath::Log(i)); Double_t xiI = i * xi; Double_t si = TMath::Sqrt(Double_t(i)); Double_t sigmaI = si*sigma; Double_t y1 = 0; Double_t y2 = 0; Double_t y3 = 0; Double_t y4 = 0; switch (par) { case 0: y1 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI+i*dp, xiI, sigmaI, sigmaN, i); y2 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI+i*d2, xiI, sigmaI, sigmaN, i); y3 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI-i*d2, xiI, sigmaI, sigmaN, i); y4 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI-i*dp, xiI, sigmaI, sigmaN, i); break; case 1: y1 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI+i*dp, sigmaI, sigmaN, i); y2 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI+i*d2, sigmaI, sigmaN, i); y3 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI-i*d2, sigmaI, sigmaN, i); y4 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI-i*dp, sigmaI, sigmaN, i); break; case 2: y1 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI, sigmaI+si*dp, sigmaN, i); y2 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI, sigmaI+si*d2, sigmaN, i); y3 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI, sigmaI-si*d2, sigmaN, i); y4 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI, sigmaI-si*dp, sigmaN, i); break; case 3: y1 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI, sigmaI, sigmaN+dp, i); y2 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI, sigmaI, sigmaN+d2, i); y3 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI, sigmaI, sigmaN-d2, i); y4 = ILandauGaus(x, deltaI, xiI, sigmaI, sigmaN-dp, i); break; default: return 0; } Double_t d0 = y1 - y4; Double_t d1 = 2 * (y2 - y3); Double_t g = 1/(2*dp) * (4*d1 - d0) / 3; return g; } //____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliForwardUtil::NLandauGaus(Double_t x, Double_t delta, Double_t xi, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigmaN, Int_t n, const Double_t* a) { // // Evaluate // @f[ // f_N(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma') = \sum_{i=1}^N a_i f_i(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma'a) // @f] // // where @f$ f(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma')@f$ is the convolution of a // Landau with a Gaussian (see LandauGaus). Note that // @f$ a_1 = 1@f$, @f$\Delta_i = i(\Delta_1 + \xi\log(i))@f$, // @f$\xi_i=i\xi_1@f$, and @f$\sigma_i'^2 = \sigma_n^2 + i\sigma_1^2@f$. // // References: // - Nucl.Instrum.Meth.B1:16 // - Phys.Rev.A28:615 // - ROOT implementation // // Parameters: // x Where to evaluate @f$ f_N@f$ // delta @f$ \Delta_1@f$ // xi @f$ \xi_1@f$ // sigma @f$ \sigma_1@f$ // sigma_n @f$ \sigma_n@f$ // n @f$ N@f$ in the sum above. // a Array of size @f$ N-1@f$ of the weights @f$ a_i@f$ for // @f$ i > 1@f$ // // Return: // @f$ f_N(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma')@f$ // Double_t result = ILandauGaus(x, delta, xi, sigma, sigmaN, 1); for (Int_t i = 2; i <= n; i++) result += a[i-2] * AliForwardUtil::ILandauGaus(x,delta,xi,sigma,sigmaN,i); return result; } namespace { const Int_t kColors[] = { kRed+1, kPink+3, kMagenta+2, kViolet+2, kBlue+1, kAzure+3, kCyan+1, kTeal+2, kGreen+2, kSpring+3, kYellow+2, kOrange+2 }; } //____________________________________________________________________ TF1* AliForwardUtil::MakeNLandauGaus(Double_t c, Double_t delta, Double_t xi, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigmaN, Int_t n, const Double_t* a, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) { // // Generate a TF1 object of @f$ f_N@f$ // // Parameters: // c Constant // delta @f$ \Delta@f$ // xi @f$ \xi_1@f$ // sigma @f$ \sigma_1@f$ // sigma_n @f$ \sigma_n@f$ // n @f$ N@f$ - how many particles to sum to // a Array of size @f$ N-1@f$ of the weights @f$ a_i@f$ for // @f$ i > 1@f$ // xmin Least value of range // xmax Largest value of range // // Return: // Newly allocated TF1 object // Int_t npar = AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kN+n; TF1* landaun = new TF1(Form("nlandau%d", n), &landauGausN,xmin,xmax,npar); // landaun->SetLineStyle(((n-2) % 10)+2); // start at dashed landaun->SetLineColor(kColors[((n-1) % 12)]); // start at red landaun->SetLineWidth(2); landaun->SetNpx(500); landaun->SetParNames("C","#Delta_{p}","#xi", "#sigma", "#sigma_{n}", "N"); // Set the initial parameters from the seed fit landaun->SetParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kC, c); landaun->SetParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kDelta, delta); landaun->SetParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kXi, xi); landaun->SetParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigma, sigma); landaun->SetParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigmaN, sigmaN); landaun->FixParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kN, n); // Set the range and name of the scale parameters for (UShort_t i = 2; i <= n; i++) {// Take parameters from last fit landaun->SetParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kA+i-2, a[i-2]); landaun->SetParName(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kA+i-2, Form("a_{%d}", i)); } return landaun; } //____________________________________________________________________ TF1* AliForwardUtil::MakeILandauGaus(Double_t c, Double_t delta, Double_t xi, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigmaN, Int_t i, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) { // // Generate a TF1 object of @f$ f_I@f$ // // Parameters: // c Constant // delta @f$ \Delta@f$ // xi @f$ \xi_1@f$ // sigma @f$ \sigma_1@f$ // sigma_n @f$ \sigma_n@f$ // i @f$ i@f$ - the number of particles // xmin Least value of range // xmax Largest value of range // // Return: // Newly allocated TF1 object // Int_t npar = AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kN+1; TF1* landaui = new TF1(Form("ilandau%d", i), &landauGausI,xmin,xmax,npar); // landaui->SetLineStyle(((i-2) % 10)+2); // start at dashed landaui->SetLineColor(kColors[((i-1) % 12)]); // start at red landaui->SetLineWidth(1); landaui->SetNpx(500); landaui->SetParNames("C","#Delta_{p}","#xi", "#sigma", "#sigma_{n}", "i"); // Set the initial parameters from the seed fit landaui->SetParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kC, c); landaui->SetParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kDelta, delta); landaui->SetParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kXi, xi); landaui->SetParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigma, sigma); landaui->SetParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kSigmaN, sigmaN); landaui->FixParameter(AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::kN, i); return landaui; } //==================================================================== AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::ELossFitter(Double_t lowCut, Double_t maxRange, UShort_t minusBins) : fLowCut(lowCut), fMaxRange(maxRange), fMinusBins(minusBins), fFitResults(0), fFunctions(0) { // // Constructor // // Parameters: // lowCut Lower cut of spectrum - data below this cuts is ignored // maxRange Maximum range to fit to // minusBins The number of bins below maximum to use // fFitResults.SetOwner(); fFunctions.SetOwner(); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::~ELossFitter() { // // Destructor // // fFitResults.Delete(); fFunctions.Delete(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::Clear() { // // Clear internal arrays // // fFitResults.Clear(); fFunctions.Clear(); } //____________________________________________________________________ TF1* AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::Fit1Particle(TH1* dist, Double_t sigman) { // // Fit a 1-particle signal to the passed energy loss distribution // // Note that this function clears the internal arrays first // // Parameters: // dist Data to fit the function to // sigman If larger than zero, the initial guess of the // detector induced noise. If zero or less, then this // parameter is ignored in the fit (fixed at 0) // // Return: // The function fitted to the data // // Clear the cache Clear(); // Find the fit range // Find the fit range Int_t cutBin = TMath::Max(dist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fLowCut),3); Int_t maxBin = TMath::Min(dist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fMaxRange), dist->GetNbinsX()); dist->GetXaxis()->SetRange(cutBin, maxBin); // dist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(fLowCut, fMaxRange); // Get the bin with maximum Int_t peakBin = dist->GetMaximumBin(); Double_t peakE = dist->GetBinLowEdge(peakBin); // Get the low edge // dist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(fLowCut, peakE); Int_t minBin = peakBin - fMinusBins; // dist->GetMinimumBin(); Double_t minE = TMath::Max(dist->GetBinCenter(minBin),fLowCut); Double_t maxE = dist->GetBinCenter(peakBin+2*fMinusBins); Int_t minEb = dist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(minE); Int_t maxEb = dist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(maxE); Double_t intg = dist->Integral(minEb, maxEb); if (intg <= 0) { ::Warning("Fit1Particle", "Integral of %s between [%f,%f] [%03d,%03d] = %f < 0", dist->GetName(), minE, maxE, minEb, maxEb, intg); return 0; } // Restore the range dist->GetXaxis()->SetRange(1, maxBin); // Define the function to fit TF1* landau1 = new TF1("landau1", landauGaus1, minE,maxE,kSigmaN+1); // Set initial guesses, parameter names, and limits landau1->SetParameters(1,peakE,peakE/10,peakE/5,sigman); landau1->SetParNames("C","#Delta_{p}","#xi", "#sigma", "#sigma_{n}"); landau1->SetNpx(500); landau1->SetParLimits(kDelta, minE, fMaxRange); landau1->SetParLimits(kXi, 0.00, 0.1); // Was fMaxRange - too wide landau1->SetParLimits(kSigma, 1e-5, 0.1); // Was fMaxRange - too wide if (sigman <= 0) landau1->FixParameter(kSigmaN, 0); else landau1->SetParLimits(kSigmaN, 0, fMaxRange); // Do the fit, getting the result object ::Info("Fit1Particle", "Fitting in the range %f,%f", minE, maxE); TFitResultPtr r = dist->Fit(landau1, "RNQS", "", minE, maxE); // landau1->SetRange(minE, fMaxRange); fFitResults.AddAtAndExpand(new TFitResult(*r), 0); fFunctions.AddAtAndExpand(landau1, 0); return landau1; } //____________________________________________________________________ TF1* AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::FitNParticle(TH1* dist, UShort_t n, Double_t sigman) { // // Fit a N-particle signal to the passed energy loss distribution // // If there's no 1-particle fit present, it does that first // // Parameters: // dist Data to fit the function to // n Number of particle signals to fit // sigman If larger than zero, the initial guess of the // detector induced noise. If zero or less, then this // parameter is ignored in the fit (fixed at 0) // // Return: // The function fitted to the data // // Get the seed fit result TFitResult* r = static_cast(fFitResults.At(0)); TF1* f = static_cast(fFunctions.At(0)); if (!r || !f) { f = Fit1Particle(dist, sigman); r = static_cast(fFitResults.At(0)); if (!r || !f) { ::Warning("FitNLandau", "No first shot at landau fit"); return 0; } } // Get some parameters from seed fit Double_t delta1 = r->Parameter(kDelta); Double_t xi1 = r->Parameter(kXi); Double_t maxEi = n * (delta1 + xi1 * TMath::Log(n)) + 2 * n * xi1; Double_t minE = f->GetXmin(); Int_t minEb = dist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(minE); Int_t maxEb = dist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(maxEi); Double_t intg = dist->Integral(minEb, maxEb); if (intg <= 0) { ::Warning("FitNParticle", "Integral of %s between [%f,%f] [%03d,%03d] = %f < 0", dist->GetName(), minE, maxEi, minEb, maxEb, intg); return 0; } // Array of weights TArrayD a(n-1); for (UShort_t i = 2; i <= n; i++) a.fArray[i-2] = (n == 2 ? 0.05 : 0.000001); // Make the fit function TF1* landaun = MakeNLandauGaus(r->Parameter(kC), r->Parameter(kDelta), r->Parameter(kXi), r->Parameter(kSigma), r->Parameter(kSigmaN), n, a.fArray, minE, maxEi); landaun->SetParLimits(kDelta, minE, fMaxRange); // Delta landaun->SetParLimits(kXi, 0.00, 0.1); // was fMaxRange - too wide landaun->SetParLimits(kSigma, 1e-5, 0.1); // was fMaxRange - too wide // Check if we're using the noise sigma if (sigman <= 0) landaun->FixParameter(kSigmaN, 0); else landaun->SetParLimits(kSigmaN, 0, fMaxRange); // Set the range and name of the scale parameters for (UShort_t i = 2; i <= n; i++) {// Take parameters from last fit landaun->SetParLimits(kA+i-2, 0,1); } // Do the fit ::Info("Fit1Particle", "Fitting in the range %f,%f", minE, maxEi); TFitResultPtr tr = dist->Fit(landaun, "RSQN", "", minE, maxEi); // landaun->SetRange(minE, fMaxRange); fFitResults.AddAtAndExpand(new TFitResult(*tr), n-1); fFunctions.AddAtAndExpand(landaun, n-1); return landaun; } //____________________________________________________________________ TF1* AliForwardUtil::ELossFitter::FitComposite(TH1* dist, Double_t sigman) { // // Fit a composite particle signal to the passed energy loss // distribution // // Parameters: // dist Data to fit the function to // sigman If larger than zero, the initial guess of the // detector induced noise. If zero or less, then this // parameter is ignored in the fit (fixed at 0) // // Return: // The function fitted to the data // // Find the fit range Int_t cutBin = TMath::Max(dist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fLowCut),3); Int_t maxBin = TMath::Min(dist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(fMaxRange), dist->GetNbinsX()); dist->GetXaxis()->SetRange(cutBin, maxBin); // Get the bin with maximum Int_t peakBin = dist->GetMaximumBin(); Double_t peakE = dist->GetBinLowEdge(peakBin); // Get the low edge // dist->GetXaxis()->SetRangeUser(fLowCut, peakE); Int_t minBin = peakBin - fMinusBins; // dist->GetMinimumBin(); Double_t minE = TMath::Max(dist->GetBinCenter(minBin),fLowCut); Double_t maxE = dist->GetBinCenter(peakBin+2*fMinusBins); // Get the range in bins and the integral of that range Int_t minEb = dist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(minE); Int_t maxEb = dist->GetXaxis()->FindBin(maxE); Double_t intg = dist->Integral(minEb, maxEb); if (intg <= 0) { ::Warning("Fit1Particle", "Integral of %s between [%f,%f] [%03d,%03d] = %f < 0", dist->GetName(), minE, maxE, minEb, maxEb, intg); return 0; } // Restore the range dist->GetXaxis()->SetRange(1, maxBin); // Define the function to fit TF1* seed = new TF1("landauSeed", landauGaus1, minE,maxE,kSigmaN+1); // Set initial guesses, parameter names, and limits seed->SetParameters(1,peakE,peakE/10,peakE/5,sigman); seed->SetParNames("C","#Delta_{p}","#xi", "#sigma", "#sigma_{n}"); seed->SetNpx(500); seed->SetParLimits(kDelta, minE, fMaxRange); seed->SetParLimits(kXi, 0.00, 0.1); // Was fMaxRange - too wide seed->SetParLimits(kSigma, 1e-5, 0.1); // Was fMaxRange - too wide if (sigman <= 0) seed->FixParameter(kSigmaN, 0); else seed->SetParLimits(kSigmaN, 0, fMaxRange); // Do the fit, getting the result object ::Info("FitComposite", "Fitting seed in the range %f,%f", minE, maxE); /* TFitResultPtr r = */ dist->Fit(seed, "RNQS", "", minE, maxE); maxE = dist->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); TF1* comp = new TF1("composite", landauGausComposite, minE, maxE, kSigma+1+4); comp->SetParNames("C", "#Delta_{p}", "#xi", "#sigma", "C#prime", "#Delta_{p}#prime", "#xi#prime", "#sigma#prim"); comp->SetParameters(0.8 * seed->GetParameter(kC), // 0 Primary weight seed->GetParameter(kDelta), // 1 Primary Delta seed->GetParameter(kDelta)/10, // 2 primary Xi seed->GetParameter(kDelta)/5, // 3 primary sigma 1.20 * seed->GetParameter(kC), // 5 Secondary weight seed->GetParameter(kDelta), // 6 secondary Delta seed->GetParameter(kXi), // 7 secondary Xi seed->GetParameter(kSigma)); // 8 secondary sigma // comp->SetParLimits(kC, minE, fMaxRange); // C comp->SetParLimits(kDelta, minE, fMaxRange); // Delta comp->SetParLimits(kXi, 0.00, fMaxRange); // Xi comp->SetParLimits(kSigma, 1e-5, fMaxRange); // Sigma // comp->SetParLimits(kSigma+1, minE, fMaxRange); // C comp->SetParLimits(kSigma+2, minE/10, fMaxRange); // Delta comp->SetParLimits(kSigma+3, 0.00, fMaxRange); // Xi comp->SetParLimits(kSigma+4, 1e-6, fMaxRange); // Sigma comp->SetLineColor(kRed+1); comp->SetLineWidth(3); // Do the fit, getting the result object ::Info("FitComposite", "Fitting composite in the range %f,%f", minE, maxE); /* TFitResultPtr r = */ dist->Fit(comp, "RNQS", "", minE, maxE); #if 0 TF1* part1 = static_cast(seed->Clone("part1")); part1->SetLineColor(kGreen+1); part1->SetLineWidth(4); part1->SetRange(minE, maxE); part1->SetParameters(comp->GetParameter(0), // C comp->GetParameter(1), // Delta comp->GetParameter(2), // Xi comp->GetParameter(3), // sigma 0); part1->Save(minE,maxE,0,0,0,0); dist->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(part1); TF1* part2 = static_cast(seed->Clone("part2")); part2->SetLineColor(kBlue+1); part2->SetLineWidth(4); part2->SetRange(minE, maxE); part2->SetParameters(comp->GetParameter(4), // C comp->GetParameter(5), // Delta comp->GetParameter(6), // Xi comp->GetParameter(7), // sigma 0); part2->Save(minE,maxE,0,0,0,0); dist->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(part2); #endif return comp; } //==================================================================== AliForwardUtil::Histos::~Histos() { // // Destructor // } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::Histos::Delete(Option_t* opt) { if (fFMD1i) delete fFMD1i; if (fFMD2i) delete fFMD2i; if (fFMD2o) delete fFMD2o; if (fFMD3i) delete fFMD3i; if (fFMD3o) delete fFMD3o; fFMD1i = 0; fFMD2i = 0; fFMD2o = 0; fFMD3i = 0; fFMD3o = 0; TObject::Delete(opt); } //____________________________________________________________________ TH2D* AliForwardUtil::Histos::Make(UShort_t d, Char_t r, const TAxis& etaAxis) { // // Make a histogram // // Parameters: // d Detector // r Ring // etaAxis Eta axis to use // // Return: // Newly allocated histogram // Int_t ns = (r == 'I' || r == 'i') ? 20 : 40; TH2D* hist = 0; if (etaAxis.GetXbins() && etaAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray()) hist = new TH2D(Form("FMD%d%c_cache", d, r), Form("FMD%d%c cache", d, r), etaAxis.GetNbins(), etaAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray(), ns, 0, TMath::TwoPi()); else hist = new TH2D(Form("FMD%d%c_cache", d, r), Form("FMD%d%c cache", d, r), etaAxis.GetNbins(), etaAxis.GetXmin(), etaAxis.GetXmax(), ns, 0, TMath::TwoPi()); hist->SetXTitle("#eta"); hist->SetYTitle("#phi [radians]"); hist->SetZTitle("d^{2}N_{ch}/d#etad#phi"); hist->Sumw2(); hist->SetDirectory(0); return hist; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::Histos::RebinEta(TH2D* hist, const TAxis& etaAxis) { TAxis* xAxis = hist->GetXaxis(); if (etaAxis.GetXbins() && etaAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray()) xAxis->Set(etaAxis.GetNbins(), etaAxis.GetXbins()->GetArray()); else xAxis->Set(etaAxis.GetNbins(), etaAxis.GetXmin(), etaAxis.GetXmax()); hist->Rebuild(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::Histos::Init(const TAxis& etaAxis) { // // Initialize the object // // Parameters: // etaAxis Eta axis to use // fFMD1i = Make(1, 'I', etaAxis); fFMD2i = Make(2, 'I', etaAxis); fFMD2o = Make(2, 'O', etaAxis); fFMD3i = Make(3, 'I', etaAxis); fFMD3o = Make(3, 'O', etaAxis); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::Histos::ReInit(const TAxis& etaAxis) { // // Initialize the object // // Parameters: // etaAxis Eta axis to use // RebinEta(fFMD1i, etaAxis); RebinEta(fFMD2i, etaAxis); RebinEta(fFMD2o, etaAxis); RebinEta(fFMD3i, etaAxis); RebinEta(fFMD3o, etaAxis); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::Histos::Clear(Option_t* option) { // // Clear data // // Parameters: // option Not used // if (fFMD1i) fFMD1i->Reset(option); if (fFMD2i) fFMD2i->Reset(option); if (fFMD2o) fFMD2o->Reset(option); if (fFMD3i) fFMD3i->Reset(option); if (fFMD3o) fFMD3o->Reset(option); } //____________________________________________________________________ TH2D* AliForwardUtil::Histos::Get(UShort_t d, Char_t r) const { // // Get the histogram for a particular detector,ring // // Parameters: // d Detector // r Ring // // Return: // Histogram for detector,ring or nul // switch (d) { case 1: return fFMD1i; case 2: return (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? fFMD2i : fFMD2o); case 3: return (r == 'I' || r == 'i' ? fFMD3i : fFMD3o); } return 0; } //==================================================================== TList* AliForwardUtil::RingHistos::DefineOutputList(TList* d) const { // // Define the outout list in @a d // // Parameters: // d Where to put the output list // // Return: // Newly allocated TList object or null // if (!d) return 0; TList* list = new TList; list->SetOwner(); list->SetName(fName.Data()); d->Add(list); return list; } //____________________________________________________________________ TList* AliForwardUtil::RingHistos::GetOutputList(const TList* d) const { // // Get our output list from the container @a d // // Parameters: // d where to get the output list from // // Return: // The found TList or null // if (!d) return 0; TList* list = static_cast(d->FindObject(fName.Data())); return list; } //____________________________________________________________________ TH1* AliForwardUtil::RingHistos::GetOutputHist(const TList* d, const char* name) const { // // Find a specific histogram in the source list @a d // // Parameters: // d (top)-container // name Name of histogram // // Return: // Found histogram or null // return static_cast(d->FindObject(name)); } //==================================================================== AliForwardUtil::DebugGuard::DebugGuard(Int_t lvl, Int_t msgLvl, const char* format, ...) : fMsg("") { if (lvl < msgLvl) return; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); Format(fMsg, format, ap); va_end(ap); Output(+1, fMsg); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliForwardUtil::DebugGuard::~DebugGuard() { if (fMsg.IsNull()) return; Output(-1, fMsg); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::DebugGuard::Message(Int_t lvl, Int_t msgLvl, const char* format, ...) { if (lvl < msgLvl) return; TString msg; va_list ap; va_start(ap, format); Format(msg, format, ap); va_end(ap); Output(0, msg); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::DebugGuard::Format(TString& out, const char* format, va_list ap) { static char buf[512]; Int_t n = gROOT->GetDirLevel() + 2; for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) buf[i] = ' '; vsnprintf(&(buf[n]), 511-n, format, ap); buf[511] = '\0'; out = buf; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliForwardUtil::DebugGuard::Output(int in, TString& msg) { msg[0] = (in > 0 ? '>' : in < 0 ? '<' : '='); AliLog::Message(AliLog::kInfo, msg, 0, 0, "PWGLF/forward", 0, 0); if (in > 0) gROOT->IncreaseDirLevel(); else if (in < 0) gROOT->DecreaseDirLevel(); } // // EOF //