// // Utilities used in the forward multiplcity analysis // // #ifndef ALIFORWARDUTIL_H #define ALIFORWARDUTIL_H /** * @file AliForwardUtil.h * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Wed Mar 23 14:06:54 2011 * * @brief * * * @ingroup pwglf_forward */ #include #include #include class TH2D; class TH1I; class TH1; class TF1; class TAxis; class AliESDEvent; /** * Utilities used in the forward multiplcity analysis * * @ingroup pwglf_forward */ class AliForwardUtil : public TObject { public: /** * Get the standard color for a ring * * @param d Detector * @param r Ring * * @return */ static Color_t RingColor(UShort_t d, Char_t r) { return ((d == 1 ? kRed : (d == 2 ? kGreen : kBlue)) + ((r == 'I' || r == 'i') ? 2 : -3)); } //================================================================== /** * @{ * @name Collision/run parameters */ /** * Defined collision types */ enum ECollisionSystem { kUnknown, kPP, kPbPb, kPPb }; //__________________________________________________________________ /** * Parse a collision system spec given in a string. Known values are * * - "pp", "p-p" which returns kPP * - "PbPb", "Pb-Pb", "A-A", which returns kPbPb * - "pPb", "p-Pb", "pA", p-A" which returns kPPb * - Everything else gives kUnknown * * @param sys Collision system spec * * @return Collision system id */ static UShort_t ParseCollisionSystem(const char* sys); /** * Get a string representation of the collision system * * @param sys Collision system * - kPP -> "pp" * - kPbPb -> "PbPb" * - kPPb -> "pPb" * - anything else gives "unknown" * * @return String representation of the collision system */ static const char* CollisionSystemString(UShort_t sys); //__________________________________________________________________ /** * Parse the center of mass energy given as a float and return known * values as a unsigned integer * * @param sys Collision system (needed for AA) * @param cms Center of mass energy * total charge * * @return Center of mass energy per nucleon */ static UShort_t ParseCenterOfMassEnergy(UShort_t sys, Float_t cms); /** * Get a string representation of the center of mass energy per nuclean * * @param cms Center of mass energy per nucleon * * @return String representation of the center of mass energy per nuclean */ static const char* CenterOfMassEnergyString(UShort_t cms); //__________________________________________________________________ /** * Parse the magnetic field (in kG) as given by a floating point number * * @param field Magnetic field in kG * * @return Short integer value of magnetic field in kG */ static Short_t ParseMagneticField(Float_t field); /** * Get a string representation of the magnetic field * * @param field Magnetic field in kG * * @return String representation of the magnetic field */ static const char* MagneticFieldString(Short_t field); /* @} */ /** * @{ * @name Energy stragling functions */ //__________________________________________________________________ /** * Number of steps to do in the Landau, Gaussiam convolution */ static Int_t fgConvolutionSteps; // Number of convolution steps //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * How many sigma's of the Gaussian in the Landau, Gaussian * convolution to integrate over */ static Double_t fgConvolutionNSigma; // Number of convolution sigmas //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Calculate the shifted Landau * @f[ * f'_{L}(x;\Delta,\xi) = f_L(x;\Delta+0.22278298\xi) * @f] * * where @f$ f_{L}@f$ is the ROOT implementation of the Landau * distribution (known to have @f$ \Delta_{p}=-0.22278298@f$ for * @f$\Delta=0,\xi=1@f$. * * @param x Where to evaluate @f$ f'_{L}@f$ * @param delta Most probable value * @param xi The 'width' of the distribution * * @return @f$ f'_{L}(x;\Delta,\xi) @f$ */ static Double_t Landau(Double_t x, Double_t delta, Double_t xi); //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Calculate the value of a Landau convolved with a Gaussian * * @f[ * f(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma') = \frac{1}{\sigma' \sqrt{2 \pi}} * \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} d\Delta' f'_{L}(x;\Delta',\xi) * \exp{-\frac{(\Delta-\Delta')^2}{2\sigma'^2}} * @f] * * where @f$ f'_{L}@f$ is the Landau distribution, @f$ \Delta@f$ the * energy loss, @f$ \xi@f$ the width of the Landau, and * @f$ \sigma'^2=\sigma^2-\sigma_n^2 @f$. Here, @f$\sigma@f$ is the * variance of the Gaussian, and @f$\sigma_n@f$ is a parameter modelling * noise in the detector. * * Note that this function uses the constants fgConvolutionSteps and * fgConvolutionNSigma * * References: * - Nucl.Instrum.Meth.B1:16 * - Phys.Rev.A28:615 * - ROOT implementation * * @param x where to evaluate @f$ f@f$ * @param delta @f$ \Delta@f$ of @f$ f(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma')@f$ * @param xi @f$ \xi@f$ of @f$ f(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma')@f$ * @param sigma @f$ \sigma@f$ of @f$\sigma'^2=\sigma^2-\sigma_n^2 @f$ * @param sigma_n @f$ \sigma_n@f$ of @f$\sigma'^2=\sigma^2-\sigma_n^2 @f$ * * @return @f$ f@f$ evaluated at @f$ x@f$. */ static Double_t LandauGaus(Double_t x, Double_t delta, Double_t xi, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigma_n); //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Evaluate * @f[ * f_i(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma') = f(x;\Delta_i,\xi_i,\sigma_i') * @f] * corresponding to @f$ i@f$ particles i.e., with the substitutions * @f{eqnarray*}{ * \Delta \rightarrow \Delta_i &=& i(\Delta + \xi\log(i))\\ * \xi \rightarrow \xi_i &=& i \xi\\ * \sigma \rightarrow \sigma_i &=& \sqrt{i}\sigma\\ * \sigma'^2 \rightarrow \sigma_i'^2 &=& \sigma_n^2 + \sigma_i^2 * @f} * * @param x Where to evaluate * @param delta @f$ \Delta@f$ * @param xi @f$ \xi@f$ * @param sigma @f$ \sigma@f$ * @param sigma_n @f$ \sigma_n@f$ * @param i @f$ i @f$ * * @return @f$ f_i @f$ evaluated */ static Double_t ILandauGaus(Double_t x, Double_t delta, Double_t xi, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigma_n, Int_t i); //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Numerically evaluate * @f[ * \left.\frac{\partial f_i}{\partial p_i}\right|_{x} * @f] * where @f$ p_i@f$ is the @f$ i^{\mbox{th}}@f$ parameter. The mapping * of the parameters is given by * * - 0: @f$\Delta@f$ * - 1: @f$\xi@f$ * - 2: @f$\sigma@f$ * - 3: @f$\sigma_n@f$ * * This is the partial derivative with respect to the parameter of * the response function corresponding to @f$ i@f$ particles i.e., * with the substitutions * @f[ * \Delta \rightarrow \Delta_i = i(\Delta + \xi\log(i))\\ * \xi \rightarrow \xi_i = i \xi\\ * \sigma \rightarrow \sigma_i = \sqrt{i}\sigma\\ * \sigma'^2 \rightarrow \sigma_i'^2 = \sigma_n^2 + \sigma_i^2 * @f] * * @param x Where to evaluate * @param ipar Parameter number * @param dp @f$ \epsilon\delta p_i@f$ for some value of @f$\epsilon@f$ * @param delta @f$ \Delta@f$ * @param xi @f$ \xi@f$ * @param sigma @f$ \sigma@f$ * @param sigma_n @f$ \sigma_n@f$ * @param i @f$ i@f$ * * @return @f$ f_i@f$ evaluated */ static Double_t IdLandauGausdPar(Double_t x, UShort_t ipar, Double_t dp, Double_t delta, Double_t xi, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigma_n, Int_t i); //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Evaluate * @f[ * f_N(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma') = \sum_{i=1}^N a_i f_i(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma'a) * @f] * * where @f$ f(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma')@f$ is the convolution of a * Landau with a Gaussian (see LandauGaus). Note that * @f$ a_1 = 1@f$, @f$\Delta_i = i(\Delta_1 + \xi\log(i))@f$, * @f$\xi_i=i\xi_1@f$, and @f$\sigma_i'^2 = \sigma_n^2 + i\sigma_1^2@f$. * * References: * - Nucl.Instrum.Meth.B1:16 * - Phys.Rev.A28:615 * - ROOT implementation * * @param x Where to evaluate @f$ f_N@f$ * @param delta @f$ \Delta_1@f$ * @param xi @f$ \xi_1@f$ * @param sigma @f$ \sigma_1@f$ * @param sigma_n @f$ \sigma_n@f$ * @param n @f$ N@f$ in the sum above. * @param a Array of size @f$ N-1@f$ of the weights @f$ a_i@f$ for * @f$ i > 1@f$ * * @return @f$ f_N(x;\Delta,\xi,\sigma')@f$ */ static Double_t NLandauGaus(Double_t x, Double_t delta, Double_t xi, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigma_n, Int_t n, const Double_t* a); /** * Generate a TF1 object of @f$ f_I@f$ * * @param c Constant * @param delta @f$ \Delta@f$ * @param xi @f$ \xi_1@f$ * @param sigma @f$ \sigma_1@f$ * @param sigma_n @f$ \sigma_n@f$ * @param i @f$ i@f$ - the number of particles * @param xmin Least value of range * @param xmax Largest value of range * * @return Newly allocated TF1 object */ static TF1* MakeILandauGaus(Double_t c, Double_t delta, Double_t xi, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigma_n, Int_t i, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax); /** * Generate a TF1 object of @f$ f_N@f$ * * @param c Constant * @param delta @f$ \Delta@f$ * @param xi @f$ \xi_1@f$ * @param sigma @f$ \sigma_1@f$ * @param sigma_n @f$ \sigma_n@f$ * @param n @f$ N@f$ - how many particles to sum to * @param a Array of size @f$ N-1@f$ of the weights @f$ a_i@f$ for * @f$ i > 1@f$ * @param xmin Least value of range * @param xmax Largest value of range * * @return Newly allocated TF1 object */ static TF1* MakeNLandauGaus(Double_t c, Double_t delta, Double_t xi, Double_t sigma, Double_t sigma_n, Int_t n, const Double_t* a, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax); //__________________________________________________________________ /** * Structure to do fits to the energy loss spectrum * * @ingroup pwglf_forward */ struct ELossFitter { enum { kC = 0, kDelta, kXi, kSigma, kSigmaN, kN, kA }; /** * Constructor * * @param lowCut Lower cut of spectrum - data below this cuts is ignored * @param maxRange Maximum range to fit to * @param minusBins The number of bins below maximum to use */ ELossFitter(Double_t lowCut, Double_t maxRange, UShort_t minusBins); /** * Destructor * */ virtual ~ELossFitter(); /** * Clear internal arrays * */ void Clear(); /** * Fit a 1-particle signal to the passed energy loss distribution * * Note that this function clears the internal arrays first * * @param dist Data to fit the function to * @param sigman If larger than zero, the initial guess of the * detector induced noise. If zero or less, then this * parameter is ignored in the fit (fixed at 0) * * @return The function fitted to the data */ TF1* Fit1Particle(TH1* dist, Double_t sigman=-1); /** * Fit a N-particle signal to the passed energy loss distribution * * If there's no 1-particle fit present, it does that first * * @param dist Data to fit the function to * @param n Number of particle signals to fit * @param sigman If larger than zero, the initial guess of the * detector induced noise. If zero or less, then this * parameter is ignored in the fit (fixed at 0) * * @return The function fitted to the data */ TF1* FitNParticle(TH1* dist, UShort_t n, Double_t sigman=-1); /** * Get Lower cut on data * * @return Lower cut on data */ Double_t GetLowCut() const { return fLowCut; } /** * Get Maximum range to fit * * @return Maximum range to fit */ Double_t GetMaxRange() const { return fMaxRange; } /** * Get Number of bins from maximum to fit 1st peak * * @return Number of bins from maximum to fit 1st peak */ UShort_t GetMinusBins() const { return fMinusBins; } /** * Get Array of fit results * * @return Array of fit results */ const TObjArray& GetFitResults() const { return fFitResults; } /** * Get Array of fit results * * @return Array of fit results */ TObjArray& GetFitResults() { return fFitResults; } /** * Get Array of functions * * @return Array of functions */ const TObjArray& GetFunctions() const { return fFunctions; } /** * Get Array of functions * * @return Array of functions */ TObjArray& GetFunctions() { return fFunctions; } private: const Double_t fLowCut; // Lower cut on data const Double_t fMaxRange; // Maximum range to fit const UShort_t fMinusBins; // Number of bins from maximum to fit 1st peak TObjArray fFitResults; // Array of fit results TObjArray fFunctions; // Array of functions }; /* @} */ //================================================================== /** * @{ * @name Convenience containers */ /** * Structure to hold histograms * * @ingroup pwglf_forward */ struct Histos : public TObject { /** * Constructor * * */ Histos() : fFMD1i(0), fFMD2i(0), fFMD2o(0), fFMD3i(0), fFMD3o(0) {} /** * Copy constructor * * @param o Object to copy from */ Histos(const Histos& o) : TObject(o), fFMD1i(o.fFMD1i), fFMD2i(o.fFMD2i), fFMD2o(o.fFMD2o), fFMD3i(o.fFMD3i), fFMD3o(o.fFMD3o) {} /** * Assignement operator * * @return Reference to this */ Histos& operator=(const Histos&) { return *this;} /** * Destructor */ ~Histos(); /** * Initialize the object * * @param etaAxis Eta axis to use */ void Init(const TAxis& etaAxis); /** * Make a histogram * * @param d Detector * @param r Ring * @param etaAxis Eta axis to use * * @return Newly allocated histogram */ TH2D* Make(UShort_t d, Char_t r, const TAxis& etaAxis) const; /** * Clear data * * @param option Not used */ void Clear(Option_t* option=""); // const TH2D* Get(UShort_t d, Char_t r) const; /** * Get the histogram for a particular detector,ring * * @param d Detector * @param r Ring * * @return Histogram for detector,ring or nul */ TH2D* Get(UShort_t d, Char_t r) const; TH2D* fFMD1i; // Histogram for FMD1i TH2D* fFMD2i; // Histogram for FMD2i TH2D* fFMD2o; // Histogram for FMD2o TH2D* fFMD3i; // Histogram for FMD3i TH2D* fFMD3o; // Histogram for FMD3o ClassDef(Histos,1) }; //__________________________________________________________________ /** * Base class for structure holding ring specific histograms * * @ingroup pwglf_forward */ struct RingHistos : public TObject { /** * Constructor * */ RingHistos() : fDet(0), fRing('\0'), fName("") {} /** * * * @param d Detector * @param r Ring */ RingHistos(UShort_t d, Char_t r) : fDet(d), fRing(r), fName(TString::Format("FMD%d%c", d, r)) {} /** * Copy constructor * * @param o Object to copy from */ RingHistos(const RingHistos& o) : TObject(o), fDet(o.fDet), fRing(o.fRing), fName(o.fName) {} /** * */ virtual ~RingHistos() {} /** * Assignement operator * * @param o Object to assign from * * @return Reference to this */ RingHistos& operator=(const RingHistos& o) { if (&o == this) return *this; TObject::operator=(o); fDet = o.fDet; fRing = o.fRing; fName = o.fName; return *this; } /** * Define the outout list in @a d * * @param d Where to put the output list * * @return Newly allocated TList object or null */ TList* DefineOutputList(TList* d) const; /** * Get our output list from the container @a d * * @param d where to get the output list from * * @return The found TList or null */ TList* GetOutputList(const TList* d) const; /** * Find a specific histogram in the source list @a d * * @param d (top)-container * @param name Name of histogram * * @return Found histogram or null */ TH1* GetOutputHist(const TList* d, const char* name) const; /** * * * * @return */ Color_t Color() const { return AliForwardUtil::RingColor(fDet, fRing); } const char* GetName() const { return fName.Data(); } UShort_t fDet; // Detector Char_t fRing; // Ring TString fName; // Name ClassDef(RingHistos,1) }; /* @} */ private: AliForwardUtil() {} AliForwardUtil(const AliForwardUtil& o) : TObject(o) {} AliForwardUtil& operator=(const AliForwardUtil&) { return *this; } ~AliForwardUtil() {} ClassDef(AliForwardUtil,1) // Utilities - do not make object }; #endif // Local Variables: // mode: C++ // End: