// // Task to analyse the AOD for for dN/deta in the forward regions // #ifndef ALIFORWARDDNDETATASK_H #define ALIFORWARDDNDETATASK_H /** * @file AliForwarddNdetaTask.h * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Wed Mar 23 14:04:54 2011 * * @brief * * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_dndeta */ #include "AliBasedNdetaTask.h" class TList; class TH2D; class TH1D; /** * Tasks to determine @f$ dN/d\eta@f$ in the forward regions * * @image html alice-int-2012-040-performance_spdfmdvzero.png "dN/deta in PbPb" * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_tasks_dndeta * @ingroup pwglf_forward_dndeta */ class AliForwarddNdetaTask : public AliBasedNdetaTask { public: /** * Constructor * */ AliForwarddNdetaTask(); /** * Constructor * * @param name Name of task */ AliForwarddNdetaTask(const char* name); /** * Destructor * */ virtual ~AliForwarddNdetaTask() {} protected: /** * Copy constructor * * @param o object to copy from */ AliForwarddNdetaTask(const AliForwarddNdetaTask& o); /** * Assigmement operator * * @return Reference to this */ AliForwarddNdetaTask& operator=(const AliForwarddNdetaTask&); /** * Retrieve the histogram * * @param aod AOD event * @param mc Whether to get the MC histogram or not * * @return Retrieved histogram or null */ TH2D* GetHistogram(const AliAODEvent& aod, Bool_t mc); /** * Get the colour to use for markers (only pp - in PbPb we use a rainbow) * * @return Marker colour */ virtual Int_t GetColor() const { return kRed+2; } /** * Massage data histograms for certain vertices in the satellite analysis * * @param vtx * @param data * @param mcData */ virtual void CheckEventData(Double_t vtx, TH2* data, TH2* mcData); /** * Make a new centrality bin * * @param name Histogram names * @param l Lower cut * @param h Upper cut * * @return Newly allocated object (of our type) */ AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin* MakeCentralityBin(const char* name, Short_t l, Short_t h) const; /** * A structure holding the per-centrality bin information * */ class CentralityBin : public AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin { public: /** * Constructor */ CentralityBin() : AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin() {} /** * Constructor * * @param name Name used for histograms (e.g., Forward) * @param low Lower centrality cut in percent * @param high Upper centrality cut in percent */ CentralityBin(const char* name, Short_t low, Short_t high) : AliBasedNdetaTask::CentralityBin(name, low, high) {} /** * Copy constructor * * @param other Object to copy from */ CentralityBin(const CentralityBin& other); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~CentralityBin() {} /** * Assignement operator * * * @return */ CentralityBin& operator=(const CentralityBin&); /** * End of processing * * @param sums List of sums * @param results Output list of results * @param scheme Normalisation scheme options * @param shapeCorr Shape correction or nil * @param trigEff Trigger efficiency * @param trigEff0 0-bin trigger efficiency * @param symmetrice Whether to symmetrice the results * @param rebin Whether to rebin the results * @param rootProj If true, use TH2::ProjectionX * @param corrEmpty Whether to correct for empty bins * @param cutEdges Whether to cut edges when rebinning * @param triggerMask Trigger mask * @param color Marker colour * @param marker Marker style * @param mclist List of MC results * @param truthlist List of MC truth results */ virtual void End(TList* sums, TList* results, UShort_t scheme, const TH2F* shapeCorr, Double_t trigEff, Double_t trigEff0, Bool_t symmetrice, Int_t rebin, Bool_t rootProj, Bool_t corrEmpty, Bool_t cutEdges, Int_t triggerMask, Int_t marker, Int_t color, TList* mclist, TList* truthlist); protected: ClassDef(CentralityBin,3); // A centrality bin }; ClassDef(AliForwarddNdetaTask,3); // Determine multiplicity in forward region }; #endif // // Local Variables: // mode: C++ // End: //