#include "AliOADBForward.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef ALIROOT_SVN_REVISION # define ALIROOT_SVN_REVISION 0 #endif ClassImp(AliOADBForward) #if 0 ; // Do not remove - for Emacs #endif //==================================================================== const char* AliOADBForward::Mode2String(ERunSelectMode mode) { switch (mode) { case kDefault: return "default"; case kExact: return "exact"; case kNewest: return "newest"; case kNear: return "near"; case kOlder: return "older"; case kNewer: return "newer"; } return "?"; // Should never get here } AliOADBForward::ERunSelectMode AliOADBForward::String2Mode(const TString& str) { if (str.EqualTo("default", TString::kIgnoreCase)) return kDefault; else if (str.EqualTo("exact", TString::kIgnoreCase)) return kExact; else if (str.EqualTo("newest", TString::kIgnoreCase)) return kNewest; else if (str.EqualTo("near", TString::kIgnoreCase)) return kNear; else if (str.EqualTo("older", TString::kIgnoreCase)) return kOlder; else if (str.EqualTo("newer", TString::kIgnoreCase)) return kNewer; return kDefault; } AliOADBForward::ERunSelectMode AliOADBForward::Int2Mode(Int_t mode) { switch (mode) { case kDefault: return kDefault; case kExact: return kExact; case kNewest: return kNewest; case kNear: return kNear; case kOlder: return kOlder; case kNewer: return kNewer; } return kDefault; // Should never get here } //==================================================================== AliOADBForward::Entry::Entry(ULong_t runNo, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t field, Bool_t mc, Bool_t sat, TObject* o) : fRunNo(runNo), fSys(sys), fSNN(sNN), fField(field), fMC(mc), fSatellite(sat), fData(o), fTimestamp(0), fAliROOTRevision(0), fAuthor("unknown") { // // Constructor // } //____________________________________________________________________ AliOADBForward::Entry::Entry(const Entry& o) : TObject(o), fRunNo(o.fRunNo), fSys(o.fSys), fSNN(o.fSNN), fField(o.fField), fMC(o.fMC), fSatellite(o.fSatellite), fData(o.fData), fTimestamp(0), fAliROOTRevision(0), fAuthor(o.fAuthor) { // // Copy constructor // } //____________________________________________________________________ AliOADBForward::Entry& AliOADBForward::Entry::operator=(const Entry& o) { // // Assignment operator // if (this == &o) return *this; fRunNo = o.fRunNo; fSys = o.fSys; fSNN = o.fSNN; fField = o.fField; fMC = o.fMC; fSatellite = o.fSatellite; fData = o.fData; fTimestamp = o.fTimestamp; fAliROOTRevision = o.fAliROOTRevision; fAuthor = o.fAuthor; return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ const char* AliOADBForward::Entry::GetTitle() const { TDatime d(fTimestamp); return Form("%09ld, %4s, %4huGeV, %+2hd, %4s, %3s, %19s: %p (%s) by %s", (fRunNo == 0xFFFFFFFF ? -1 : fRunNo), (fSys == 1 ? "pp" : fSys == 2 ? "PbPb" : fSys == 3 ? "pPb" :"?"), fSNN, fField, (fMC ? "mc" : "real"), (fSatellite ? "sat" : "nom"), d.AsSQLString(), fData, (fData ? fData->GetName() : "?"), fAuthor.Data()); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliOADBForward::Entry::Print(Option_t* /*option*/) const { Printf("%s", GetTitle()); } //==================================================================== AliOADBForward::Table::Table(TTree* tree, Bool_t isNew, ERunSelectMode mode) : fTree(tree), fEntry(0), fVerbose(false), fMode(mode), fFallBack(false) { if (!tree) return; if (isNew) { fTree->Branch("e", "AliOADBForward::Entry", &fEntry); fMode = String2Mode(fTree->GetTitle()); } else { if (fMode <= kDefault || fMode > kNewer) { fMode = String2Mode(fTree->GetTitle()); if (fMode == kDefault) fMode = kNear; } fTree->SetBranchAddress("e", &fEntry); } } //____________________________________________________________________ AliOADBForward::Table::Table(const Table& o) : TObject(o), fTree(o.fTree), fEntry(o.fEntry), fVerbose(o.fVerbose), fMode(o.fMode), fFallBack(o.fFallBack) { // // Copy constructor if (!fTree) return; fTree->SetBranchAddress("e", &fEntry); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliOADBForward::Table::~Table() { // // Close this table // Close(); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliOADBForward::Table& AliOADBForward::Table::operator=(const Table& o) { // // Assignment operator // if (this == &o) return *this; fTree = o.fTree; fEntry = o.fEntry; fVerbose = o.fVerbose; fMode = o.fMode; if (fTree) fTree->SetBranchAddress("e", &fEntry); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ const Char_t* AliOADBForward::Table::GetTableName() const { // // Get the table name or null if (!fTree) return 0; return fTree->GetName(); } //____________________________________________________________________ const Char_t* AliOADBForward::Table::GetName() const { // // Overload of TObject::GetName // if (!fTree) return TObject::GetName(); return GetTableName(); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliOADBForward::Table::Update() { // // Flush to disk // if (!IsOpen()) { Error("Update", "No tree associated"); return false; } TFile* file = fTree->GetCurrentFile(); if (!file) { Error("Update", "No file associated with tree"); return false; } if (!file->IsWritable()) { Error("Update", "File %s not writeable", file->GetName()); return false; } Int_t nBytes = file->Write(); return (nBytes >= 0); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliOADBForward::Table::Close() { // // Close the connection // if (!IsOpen()) { Error("Close", "No tree associated"); return false; } // if (fTree) delete fTree; // if (fEntry) delete fEntry; fTree = 0; fEntry = 0; return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliOADBForward::Table::Query(ULong_t runNo, ERunSelectMode mode, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t fld, Bool_t mc, Bool_t sat) const { // // Query the tree // return Query(runNo, mode, Conditions(sys, sNN, fld, mc, sat)); } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliOADBForward::Table::Query(ULong_t runNo, ERunSelectMode mode, const TString& q) const { // // Run a query against the table // // Check the tree if (!IsOpen()) { Error("Close", "No tree associated"); return -1; } TString query = q; const char* smode = "latest"; if (runNo > 0) { if (mode <= kDefault || mode > kNewer) mode = fMode; smode = Mode2String(mode); switch (mode) { case kExact: AppendToQuery(query, Form("fRunNo == %lu", runNo)); break; case kNewest: break; case kNear: AppendToQuery(query, Form("abs(fRunNo-%lu)<=%d", runNo,kMaxNearDistance)); break; case kOlder: AppendToQuery(query, Form("fRunNo <= %lu", runNo)); break; case kNewer: AppendToQuery(query, Form("fRunNo >= %lu", runNo)); break; case kDefault: Fatal("Query", "Mode should never be 'default'"); break; } } if (query.IsNull()) { Warning("Query", "Empty query!"); return -1; } if (fVerbose) Printf("%s: Query is '%s'", GetName(), query.Data()); fTree->Draw("Entry$:fRunNo:fTimestamp", query, "goff"); Int_t nRows = fTree->GetSelectedRows(); if (nRows <= 0) return -1; if (fVerbose) Printf("Query: %s (%s)\n" " Entry | Run | Timestamp \n" "--------+-----------+------------------------", query.Data(), smode); ULong_t oldRun = (mode == kNewer ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0); ULong_t oldTim = 0; ULong_t oldDist = 0xFFFFFFFF; Int_t entry = -1; for (Int_t row = 0; row < nRows; row++) { Int_t ent = fTree->GetV1()[row]; ULong_t run = fTree->GetV2()[row]; ULong_t tim = fTree->GetV3()[row]; ULong_t dist = (run > runNo ? run - runNo : runNo - run); if (fVerbose) { TDatime t(tim); Printf(" %6d | %9ld | %19s ", ent, run > 0x7FFFFFFF ? -1 : run, t.AsSQLString()); } switch (mode) { case kExact: break; // Done in the draw `query' case kNewest: // Fall-through case kOlder: if (run < oldRun) continue; break; case kNewer: if (run > oldRun) continue; break; case kNear: if (runNo > 0 && dist > oldDist) continue; break; case kDefault: break; } // If we get here, then we have the best run according to the // criteria // Finally, check the timestamp if (tim < oldTim) continue; // Now update last values and set current best entry oldTim = tim; oldDist = dist; oldRun = run; entry = ent; } if (fVerbose) { Printf("Returning entry # %d", entry); } return entry; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliOADBForward::Table::Insert(TObject* o, ULong_t runNo, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t field, Bool_t mc, Bool_t sat, ULong_t aliRev, const TString& author) { // // Insert a new row in the table // // Check if the file is read/write if (fVerbose) Info("Insert", "Inserting object %p for run=%lu, sys=%hu, sNN=%4hu, " "field=%+2hd, mc=%d, sat=%d", o,runNo, sys, sNN, field, mc, sat); if (!IsOpen(true)) { Warning("Insert", "No tree, or not write-able"); return false; } // If the entry doesn't exists if (!fEntry) fEntry = new Entry; // Make author TString auth(author); if (auth.IsNull()) { UserGroup_t* u = gSystem->GetUserInfo(); TInetAddress i = gSystem->GetHostByName(gSystem->HostName()); auth = TString::Format("%s <%s@%s>", u->fRealName.Data(), u->fUser.Data(), i.GetHostName()); } // Set fields fEntry->fData = o; fEntry->fRunNo = runNo; // (runNo <= 0 ? 0xFFFFFFFF : runNo); fEntry->fSys = sys; fEntry->fSNN = sNN; fEntry->fField = field; fEntry->fMC = mc; fEntry->fSatellite = sat; fEntry->fAliROOTRevision = (aliRev != 0 ? aliRev : ALIROOT_SVN_REVISION); fEntry->fAuthor = auth; TDatime now; fEntry->fTimestamp = now.Convert(true); // Fill into tree Int_t nBytes = fTree->Fill(); if (nBytes <= 0) { Warning("Insert", "Failed to insert new entry"); return false; } // do an Auto-save and flush-baskets now fTree->AutoSave("FlushBaskets SaveSelf"); return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliOADBForward::Entry* AliOADBForward::Table::Get(ULong_t run, ERunSelectMode mode, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t fld, Bool_t mc, Bool_t sat) const { // Query the tree for an object. The strategy is as follows. // // - First query with all fields // - If this returns a single entry, return that. // - If not, then ignore the run number (if given) // - If this returns a single entry, return that // - If not, and fall-back is enabled, then // - Ignore the collision energy (if given) // - If this returns a single entry, return that. // - If not, ignore all passed values // - If this returns a single entry, return that. // - Otherwise, give up and return null // - Otherwise, give up and return null // // This allow us to specify default objects for a period, and for // collision system, energy, and field setting. // if (fVerbose) Printf("run=%lu mode=%s sys=%hu sNN=%hu fld=%hd mc=%d sat=%d (fall=%d)", run, Mode2String(mode), sys, sNN, fld, mc, sat, fFallBack); Int_t entry = Query(run, mode, sys, sNN, fld, mc, sat); if (entry < 0 && run > 0) entry = Query(0, mode, sys, sNN, fld, mc, sat); if (entry < 0 && fFallBack && sNN > 0) { if (fVerbose) Printf("Fall-back enabled, will try without sNN=%d", sNN); entry = Query(run, mode, sys, 0, fld, mc, sat); } if (entry < 0 && fFallBack) { if (fVerbose) Printf("Fall-back enabled, will try without any fields"); entry = Query(0, mode, 0, 0, kInvalidField, false, false); } if (entry < 0) { Warning("Get", "No valid object could be found"); return 0; } Int_t nBytes = fTree->GetEntry(entry); if (nBytes <= 0) { Warning("Get", "Failed to get entry # %d\n", entry); return 0; } if (fVerbose) fEntry->Print(); return fEntry; } //____________________________________________________________________ TObject* AliOADBForward::Table::GetData(ULong_t run, ERunSelectMode mode, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t fld, Bool_t mc, Bool_t sat) const { // // Get data associated with a row or null. // See also AliOADBForward::Get // Entry* e = Get(run, mode, sys, sNN, fld, mc, sat); if (!e) return 0; return e->fData; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliOADBForward::Table::Print(Option_t* option) const { // // Print the full table // if (!IsOpen()) return; Printf("Table %s (default mode: %s)", GetName(), Mode2String(fMode)); Int_t n = fTree->GetEntries(); for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { fTree->GetEntry(i); printf("%4d/%4d: ", i, n); fEntry->Print(option); } } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliOADBForward::Table::Browse(TBrowser* b) { // Browse this table if (fTree) b->Add(fTree); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliOADBForward::Table::IsOpen(Bool_t rw) const { if (!fTree) return false; if (!rw) return true; return fTree->GetCurrentFile()->IsWritable(); } //==================================================================== AliOADBForward::AliOADBForward() : TObject(), fTables() { // // Constructor // } #if 0 //____________________________________________________________________ AliOADBForward::AliOADBForward(const AliOADBForward& other) : TObject(other), fTables(other.fTables) { // // Copy constructor // } #endif //____________________________________________________________________ AliOADBForward::~AliOADBForward() { // // Destructor // Close(); } #if 0 //____________________________________________________________________ AliOADBForward& AliOADBForward::operator=(const AliOADBForward& other) { // // Copy constructor // if (&other == this) return *this; fTables = other.fTables; return *this; } #endif //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliOADBForward::Open(const TString& fileName, const TString& tables, Bool_t rw, Bool_t verb, Bool_t fallback) { TString absPath(gSystem->ExpandPathName(fileName)); if (absPath.IsNull()) { Error("Open", "Empty path for tables %s", tables.Data()); return false; } TObject* previous = gROOT->GetListOfFiles()->FindObject(absPath); TFile* file = 0; if (previous) { file = static_cast(previous); } else { file = TFile::Open(fileName, (rw ? "UPDATE" : "READ")); } if (!file) { Error("Open", "Failed to open %s", GetName()); return false; } return Open(file, tables, rw, verb, fallback); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliOADBForward::Open(TFile* file, const TString& tables, Bool_t rw, Bool_t verb, Bool_t fallback) { // // Open database file and find or create listed tables // if (!file) return false; if (rw && !file->IsWritable()) { Warning("Open", "Read+write access requested, but %s opened read-only", file->GetName()); if (file->ReOpen("UPDATE") < 0) { Error("Open", "Failed to reopen file in read+write access mode"); return false; } } if (tables.EqualTo("*")) { if (rw) { Error("Open", "Cannot open with '*' in read/write mode"); return false; } TList* l = file->GetListOfKeys(); TIter next(l); TKey* key = 0; while ((key = static_cast(next()))) { TClass* cl = gROOT->GetClass(key->GetClassName()); if (!cl) continue; if (!cl->InheritsFrom(TTree::Class())) continue; Table* t = GetTableFromFile(file, false, key->GetName(), "DEFAULT"); if (!t) continue; fTables.Add(new TObjString(key->GetName()), t); t->SetVerbose(verb); t->SetEnableFallBack(fallback); if (verb) Printf("Found table %s. Opened with verbose=%d, fallback=%d", key->GetName(), verb, fallback); } // file->Close(); return true; } TObjArray* tokens = tables.Tokenize(":,"); TObjString* token = 0; TIter nextToken(tokens); while ((token = static_cast(nextToken()))) { TString& tn = token->String(); if (tn.IsNull()) continue; TObjArray* parts = tn.Tokenize("/"); TObjString* onam = static_cast(parts->At(0)); TString& name = onam->String(); TString mode = "DEFAULT"; if (parts->GetEntries() > 1) mode = static_cast(parts->At(1))->String(); mode.ToUpper(); Table* t = GetTableFromFile(file, rw, name, mode); if (!t) continue; t->SetVerbose(verb); t->SetEnableFallBack(fallback); fTables.Add(onam->Clone(), t); if (verb) Printf("Has table %s. Opened with verbose=%d, fallback=%d", name.Data(), verb, fallback); delete parts; } delete tokens; return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliOADBForward::Close() { // // Flush all tables and close all files // TList files; Int_t nFiles = GetFiles(files); if (nFiles <= 0) { // Nothing to close return true; } TIter nextFile(&files); TFile* file = 0; while ((file = static_cast(nextFile()))) { // if (file->IsWritable()) file->Write(); file->Close(); } fTables.DeleteAll(); return true; } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliOADBForward::Update() { // // Flush all tables // TList files; Int_t nFiles = GetFiles(files); if (nFiles <= 0) { // Nothing to close return true; } TIter nextFile(&files); TFile* file = 0; Int_t nBytes = 0; while ((file = static_cast(nextFile()))) { if (!file->IsWritable()) { Error("Update", "File %s not writeable", file->GetName()); continue; } nBytes += file->Write(); } return (nBytes >= 0); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliOADBForward::Entry* AliOADBForward::Get(const TString& table, ULong_t run, ERunSelectMode mode, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t fld, Bool_t mc, Bool_t sat) const { // // Get a row from selected table // Table* t = FindTable(table); if (!t) return 0; return t->Get(run, mode, sys, sNN, fld, mc, sat); } //____________________________________________________________________ TObject* AliOADBForward::GetData(const TString& table, ULong_t run, ERunSelectMode mode, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t fld, Bool_t mc, Bool_t sat) const { Table* t = FindTable(table); if (!t) return 0; return t->GetData(run, mode, sys, sNN, fld, mc, sat); } //____________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliOADBForward::Insert(const TString& table, TObject* o, ULong_t runNo, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t field, Bool_t mc, Bool_t sat, ULong_t aliRev, const TString& author) { // // Insert a row into the selected table // Table* t = FindTable(table); if (!t) return false; return t->Insert(o, runNo, sys, sNN, field, mc, sat, aliRev, author); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliOADBForward::Print(const Option_t* option) const { // // Print everything // TIter nextTable(&fTables); TObjString* key = 0; Table* table = 0; while ((key = static_cast(nextTable()))) { Printf("Table: %p", key->GetName()); table = static_cast(fTables.GetValue(key)); if (!table) continue; table->Print(option); } } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliOADBForward::Browse(TBrowser* b) { // // Browse this object // TIter nextTable(&fTables); TObjString* key = 0; Table* table = 0; while ((key = static_cast(nextTable()))) { table = static_cast(fTables.GetValue(key)); if (!table) continue; b->Add(table, key->GetName()); } } //____________________________________________________________________ AliOADBForward::Table* AliOADBForward::FindTable(const TString& name, Bool_t quite) const { // // Find a table by name // TPair* p = static_cast(fTables.FindObject(name)); if (!p) { if (!quite) Warning("FindTable", "Table %s not registered", name.Data()); return 0; } return static_cast(p->Value()); } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliOADBForward::GetFiles(TList& files) const { // // Get all associated files // Int_t ret = 0; TIter nextTable(&fTables); TObjString* key = 0; Table* table = 0; while ((key = static_cast(nextTable()))) { table = static_cast(fTables.GetValue(key)); if (!table->fTree) continue; TFile* f = table->fTree->GetCurrentFile(); if (!f) continue; if (files.FindObject(f)) continue; files.Add(f); ret++; } return ret; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliOADBForward::Table* AliOADBForward::GetTableFromFile(TFile* file, Bool_t rw, const TString& name, const TString& mode) const { // // Get a table from a file, or make a new table // if (!file) return 0; if (FindTable(name, true)) return 0; TObject* o = file->Get(name); TTree* t = 0; Bool_t n = false; if (!o) { if (!rw) { // We only fail if in read-only mode Error("Open", "No such object: %s in %s", name.Data(), file->GetName()); return 0; } // Create the tree in the file t = new TTree(name, mode); t->SetDirectory(file); n = true; } else { // Get the tree, and set the branch t = static_cast(o); } Table* ret = new Table(t, n, String2Mode(mode)); return ret; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliOADBForward::AppendToQuery(TString& q, const TString& s, Bool_t andNotOr) { // // Helper function // if (!q.IsNull()) q.Append(andNotOr ? " && " : " || "); q.Append(s); } //____________________________________________________________________ TString AliOADBForward::Conditions(UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t fld, Bool_t mc, Bool_t sat) { // Build query string TString q; if (sys > 0) AppendToQuery(q, Form("fSys == %hu", sys)); if (sNN > 0) AppendToQuery(q, Form("abs(fSNN - %hu) < 11", sNN)); if (TMath::Abs(fld) < 10) AppendToQuery(q, Form("fField == %hd",fld)); // Boolean fields always queried. In cases where these do not matter, // we always write down the false value, so we get the correct query // anyways. AppendToQuery(q, Form("%sfMC", (mc ? " " : "!"))); AppendToQuery(q, Form("%sfSatellite", (sat ? " " : "!"))); return q; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliOADBForward::TestGet(AliOADBForward& t, const TString& table, ULong_t runNo, ERunSelectMode mode, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t fld, Bool_t mc, Bool_t sat) { Printf("=== Test query: t=%s r=%ld s=%d t=%d f=%d m=%d v=%d", table.Data(), runNo, sys, sNN, fld, int(mc), int(sat)); AliOADBForward::Entry* e = t.Get(table, runNo, mode, sys, sNN, fld, mc, sat); if (!e) return; e->Print(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliOADBForward::TestInsert(AliOADBForward& t, const TString& table, ULong_t runNo, UShort_t sys, UShort_t sNN, Short_t fld, Bool_t mc, Bool_t sat) { static Int_t cnt = 0; TString what = TString::Format("%s-%03d", table.Data(), cnt++); Printf("=== Insert: t=%s r=%ld s=%d t=%d f=%d m=%d v=%d w=%s", table.Data(), runNo, sys, sNN, fld, int(mc), int(sat), what.Data()); t.Insert(table, new TObjString(what), runNo, sys, sNN, fld, mc, sat); gSystem->Sleep(500); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliOADBForward::Test() { AliOADBForward* tt = new AliOADBForward(); if (!tt->Open("db.root", "A,B", true, true)) { ::Error("Test", "Failed to open DB"); return; } AliOADBForward& t = *tt; TestInsert(t, "A", 137161); TestInsert(t, "A", 137161); TestInsert(t, "A", 0 ); TestInsert(t, "A", 999999); TestInsert(t, "A", 137166); TestInsert(t, "B", 137161); TestInsert(t, "B", 0 ); t.Print(); t.Close(); if (!t.Open("db.root", "A,B",false,true)) { ::Error("Test", "Failed to open DB"); return; } TestGet(t, "A", 137161); TestGet(t, "A", 137160); TestGet(t, "A", 0 ); TestGet(t, "A", 137160, kNewest); TestGet(t, "A", 137160, kNewer); TestGet(t, "A", 137168, kOlder); TestGet(t, "A", 137161, kExact); new TBrowser("b", tt); } // // EOF //