#include "AliPoissonCalculator.h" #include "AliForwardCorrectionManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // A class to calculate the multiplicity in @f$(x,y)@f$ bins // using Poisson statistics. // // The input is assumed to be binned in @f$(x,y)@f$ as described by // the 2D histogram passwd to the Reset member function. // // The data is grouped in to regions as defined by the parameters // fXLumping and fYLumping. The total number of cells and number of // empty cells is then calculate in each region. The mean // multiplicity over the region is then determined as // // @f[ // \lange m\rangle = -\log\left(\frac{e}{t}\right) // @f] // where @f$ e@f$ is the number of empty cells and @f$t@f$ is the // total number of cells in the region. A correction for counting // statistics, is then applied // @f{eqnarray*} // c &=& \frac{1}{1 - \exp{-\lange m\rangle}} // &=& \frac{1}{1 - \frac{e}{t}} // @f{eqnarray*} // and the final number in each cell is then // @f[ // h_i c \lange m\rangle // @f] // where @f$h_i@f$ is the number of hits in the cell @f$i@f$ // // namespace { const char* kBasicN = "basic"; const char* kEmptyN = "empty"; const char* kTotalN = "total"; const char* kBasicT = "Basic number of hits"; const char* kEmptyT = "Empty number of bins/region"; const char* kTotalT = "Total number of bins/region"; } //____________________________________________________________________ AliPoissonCalculator::AliPoissonCalculator() : TNamed(), fXLumping(32), fYLumping(4), fTotal(0), fEmpty(0), fBasic(0), fEmptyVsTotal(0), fMean(0), fOcc(0), fCorr(0) { // // CTOR // } //____________________________________________________________________ AliPoissonCalculator::AliPoissonCalculator(const char*) : TNamed("poissonCalculator", "Calculate N_ch using Poisson stat"), fXLumping(32), fYLumping(4), fTotal(0), fEmpty(0), fBasic(0), fEmptyVsTotal(0), fMean(0), fOcc(0), fCorr(0) { // // CTOR // } //____________________________________________________________________ AliPoissonCalculator::AliPoissonCalculator(const AliPoissonCalculator& o) : TNamed(o), fXLumping(o.fXLumping), fYLumping(o.fYLumping), fTotal(0), fEmpty(0), fBasic(0), fEmptyVsTotal(0), fMean(0), fOcc(0), fCorr(0) { Init(); Reset(o.fBasic); } //____________________________________________________________________ AliPoissonCalculator::~AliPoissonCalculator() { // CleanUp(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliPoissonCalculator::CleanUp() { if (fTotal) { delete fTotal; fTotal = 0; } if (fEmpty) { delete fEmpty; fEmpty = 0; } if (fBasic) { delete fBasic; fBasic = 0; } if (fEmptyVsTotal) { delete fEmptyVsTotal; fEmptyVsTotal = 0; } if (fMean) { delete fMean; fMean = 0; } if (fOcc) { delete fOcc; fOcc = 0; } if (fCorr) { delete fCorr; fCorr = 0; } } //____________________________________________________________________ AliPoissonCalculator& AliPoissonCalculator::operator=(const AliPoissonCalculator& o) { if (&o == this) return *this; TNamed::operator=(o); fXLumping = o.fXLumping; fYLumping = o.fYLumping; CleanUp(); Init(); Reset(o.fBasic); return *this; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliPoissonCalculator::Init(Int_t xLumping, Int_t yLumping) { // // Initialize // if (xLumping > 0) fXLumping = xLumping; if (yLumping > 0) fYLumping = yLumping; //Create diagnostics if void if (fEmptyVsTotal) return; MakeOutput(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliPoissonCalculator::Define(const TAxis& xaxis, const TAxis& yaxis) { // // Initialize // const Double_t* xBins = xaxis.GetXbins()->GetArray(); const Double_t* yBins = yaxis.GetXbins()->GetArray(); Int_t nX = xaxis.GetNbins(); Int_t nY = yaxis.GetNbins(); Double_t lX = xaxis.GetXmin(); Double_t hX = xaxis.GetXmax(); Double_t lY = yaxis.GetXmin(); Double_t hY = yaxis.GetXmax(); if (xBins) { if (yBins) fBasic = new TH2D(kBasicN, kBasicT, nX, xBins, nY, yBins); else fBasic = new TH2D(kBasicN, kBasicT, nX, xBins, nY, lY, hY); } else { if (yBins) fBasic = new TH2D(kBasicN, kBasicT, nX, lX, hX, nY, yBins); else fBasic = new TH2D(kBasicN, kBasicT, nX, lX, hX, nY, lY, hY); } fBasic->SetXTitle(xaxis.GetTitle()); fBasic->SetYTitle(yaxis.GetTitle()); Reset(fBasic); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliPoissonCalculator::MakeOutput() { Int_t n = fXLumping * fYLumping + 1; fEmptyVsTotal = new TH2D("emptyVsTotal", "# of empty # bins vs total # bins", n, -.5, n-.5, n, -.5, n-.5); fEmptyVsTotal->SetXTitle("Total # bins"); fEmptyVsTotal->SetYTitle("# empty bins"); fEmptyVsTotal->SetZTitle("Correlation"); fEmptyVsTotal->SetOption("colz"); fEmptyVsTotal->SetDirectory(0); n = (fXLumping + fYLumping); fMean = new TH1D("poissonMean", "Mean N_{ch} as calculated by Poisson", 10*n+1, -.1, n+.1); fMean->SetXTitle("#bar{N_{ch}}=log(empty/total)"); fMean->SetYTitle("Events"); fMean->SetFillColor(kRed+1); fMean->SetFillStyle(3001); fMean->SetLineColor(kBlack); fMean->SetDirectory(0); fOcc = new TH1D("occupancy", "Occupancy = #int_{1}^{#infty}dN P(N)", 1000, 0, 100); fOcc->SetXTitle("#int_{1}^{#infty}dN P(N) [%]"); fOcc->SetYTitle("Events"); fOcc->SetFillColor(kBlue+1); fOcc->SetFillStyle(3001); fOcc->SetLineColor(kBlack); fOcc->SetDirectory(0); fCorr = new TH2D("correction", "Correction as function of mean N_{ch}", 10*n+1, -.1, n+.1, 100, 0, 10); fCorr->SetXTitle("#bar{N_{ch}}"); fCorr->SetYTitle("Correction 1/(1-e^{#bar{N_{c}}})"); fCorr->SetZTitle("Events"); fCorr->SetOption("colz"); fCorr->SetDirectory(0); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliPoissonCalculator::Output(TList* d) { if (!d) return; if (!fEmptyVsTotal) MakeOutput(); d->Add(fEmptyVsTotal); d->Add(fMean); d->Add(fOcc); d->Add(fCorr); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliPoissonCalculator::SetLumping(UShort_t nx, UShort_t ny) { if (nx == fXLumping && ny == fYLumping && fEmptyVsTotal && fTotal) // Check if we have something to do. return; CleanUp(); Init(nx, ny); } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliPoissonCalculator::CheckLumping(char which, Int_t nBins, Int_t lumping) const { if ((nBins % lumping) == 0) return lumping; Int_t l = lumping; do { l--; } while (l > 0 && ((nBins % l) != 0)); Warning("CheckLumping", "%c lumping %d is not a divisor of %d, set to %d", which, lumping, nBins, l); return l; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliPoissonCalculator::Reset(const TH2D* base) { // // Reset histogram // if (fBasic && fTotal && fEmpty) { fBasic->Reset(); fTotal->Reset(); fEmpty->Reset(); return; } if (!base) return; Int_t nXF = base->GetNbinsX(); Double_t xMin = base->GetXaxis()->GetXmin(); Double_t xMax = base->GetXaxis()->GetXmax(); Int_t nYF = base->GetNbinsY(); Double_t yMin = base->GetYaxis()->GetXmin(); Double_t yMax = base->GetYaxis()->GetXmax(); fXLumping = CheckLumping('X', nXF, fXLumping); fYLumping = CheckLumping('Y', nYF, fYLumping); Int_t nY = nYF / fYLumping; Int_t nX = nXF / fXLumping; if (fBasic != base) { fBasic = static_cast(base->Clone(kBasicN)); fBasic->SetTitle(kBasicT); fBasic->SetDirectory(0); fBasic->Sumw2(); } fTotal = new TH2D(kTotalN, kTotalT, nX, xMin, xMax, nY, yMin, yMax); fTotal->SetDirectory(0); fTotal->SetXTitle(fBasic->GetXaxis()->GetTitle()); fTotal->SetYTitle(fBasic->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); fTotal->Sumw2(); fEmpty = static_cast(fTotal->Clone(kEmptyN)); fEmpty->SetTitle(kEmptyT); fEmpty->SetDirectory(0); // fEmpty->Sumw2(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliPoissonCalculator::Fill(UShort_t x, UShort_t y, Bool_t hit, Double_t weight) { // // Fill in an observation // // Parameters: // x X value // Y Y value // hit True if hit // weight Weight if this // fTotal->Fill(x, y); if (hit) fBasic->Fill(x, y, weight); else fEmpty->Fill(x, y); } //____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliPoissonCalculator::CalculateMean(Double_t empty, Double_t total) const { if (total <= 0) return 0; if (empty < .001) empty = .001; return -TMath::Log(empty/total); } //____________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliPoissonCalculator::CalculateCorrection(Double_t empty, Double_t total) const { if (total <= 0) return 0; if (TMath::Abs(empty-total) < .001) empty = total - .001; return 1 / (1 - empty / total); } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliPoissonCalculator::GetReducedXBin(Int_t ix) const { if (!fBasic) return 0; Double_t mx = fBasic->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ix); return GetReducedXBin(mx); } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliPoissonCalculator::GetReducedXBin(Double_t x) const { if (!fEmpty) return 0; return fEmpty->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x); } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliPoissonCalculator::GetReducedYBin(Int_t iy) const { if (!fBasic) return 0; Double_t my = fBasic->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iy); return GetReducedYBin(my); } //____________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliPoissonCalculator::GetReducedYBin(Double_t y) const { if (!fEmpty) return 0; return fEmpty->GetYaxis()->FindBin(y); } //____________________________________________________________________ TH2D* AliPoissonCalculator::Result(Bool_t correct) { // // Calculate result and store in @a output // // Return: // The result histogram (fBase overwritten) // // Double_t total = fXLumping * fYLumping; for (Int_t ix = 1; ix <= fBasic->GetNbinsX(); ix++) { // Double_t x = fBasic->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(ix); Int_t jx = GetReducedXBin(ix); // fEmpty->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x); for (Int_t iy = 1; iy <= fBasic->GetNbinsY(); iy++) { // Double_t y = fBasic->GetYaxis()->GetBinCenter(iy); Int_t jy = GetReducedYBin(iy); // fEmpty->GetYaxis()->FindBin(y); Double_t empty = fEmpty->GetBinContent(jx, jy); Double_t total = fTotal->GetBinContent(jx, jy); Double_t hits = fBasic->GetBinContent(ix,iy); // Mean in region of interest Double_t poissonM = CalculateMean(empty, total); Double_t poissonC = (correct ? CalculateCorrection(empty, total) : 1); Double_t poissonV = hits * poissonM * poissonC; Double_t poissonE = TMath::Sqrt(poissonV); if(poissonV > 0) poissonE = TMath::Sqrt(poissonV); fBasic->SetBinContent(ix,iy,poissonV); fBasic->SetBinError(ix,iy,poissonE); } } for (Int_t ix = 1; ix <= fEmpty->GetNbinsX(); ix++) { for (Int_t iy = 1; iy <= fEmpty->GetNbinsY(); iy++) { Double_t empty = fEmpty->GetBinContent(ix, iy); Double_t total = fTotal->GetBinContent(ix, iy); Double_t mean = CalculateMean(empty, total); Double_t corr = CalculateCorrection(empty, total); fEmptyVsTotal->Fill(total, empty); fMean->Fill(mean); fOcc->Fill(100 * (1 - empty/total)); //Old fOcc->Fill(100 * (1 - TMath::PoissonI(0,mean))); fCorr->Fill(mean, corr); } } return fBasic; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliPoissonCalculator::Print(const Option_t*) const { // // Print information // // Parameters: // option Not used // char ind[gROOT->GetDirLevel()+3]; for (Int_t i = 0; i < gROOT->GetDirLevel(); i++) ind[i] = ' '; ind[gROOT->GetDirLevel()] = '\0'; std::cout << ind << ClassName() << ": " << GetName() << '\n' << std::boolalpha << ind << " X lumping: " << fXLumping << '\n' << ind << " Y lumping: " << fYLumping << '\n' << std::noboolalpha << std::endl; } //____________________________________________________________________ void AliPoissonCalculator::Browse(TBrowser* b) { // // Browse this object // // Parameters: // b Object to browse // if (fTotal) b->Add(fTotal); if (fEmpty) b->Add(fEmpty); if (fBasic) b->Add(fBasic); if (fEmptyVsTotal) b->Add(fEmptyVsTotal); if (fMean) b->Add(fMean); if (fOcc) b->Add(fOcc); if (fCorr) b->Add(fCorr); } // // EOF //