/** * @file DrawAODSummary.C * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Tue Oct 30 09:47:30 2012 * * @brief Script to draw summary of AOD pass into a PDF * * */ #if 1 //____________________________________________________________________ void DrawdNdetaSummary(const char* fname="forward_dndeta.root", UShort_t what=0x0) { gROOT->SetMacroPath(Form("%s:$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/FORWARD/analysis2/scripts", gROOT->GetMacroPath())); gROOT->LoadMacro("SummarydNdetaDrawer.C++g"); SummarydNdetaDrawer d; d.Run(fname, what); } #else #ifndef __CINT__ # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include #else class TCollection; class TDirectory; class TH1; class TH2; class THStack; class TCanvas; class TLatex; class TVirtualPad; class TLegend; class TAxis; #endif //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Find an object in a collection * * @param parent Parent list * @param name Name of object * * @return Pointer to object or null */ TObject* GetObject(const TCollection* parent, const TString& name) { // Info("GetObject", "Getting object %s from %p", name.Data(), parent); // --- Check parent ------------------------------------------------ if (!parent) { Warning("GetObject", "No parent list"); return 0; } // --- Check name -------------------------------------------------- if (name.IsNull()) { Warning("GetObject", "No name specified"); return 0; } // --- Find the object --------------------------------------------- TObject* o = parent->FindObject(name); if (!o) { Warning("GetObject", "Object \"%s\" not found in parent \"%s\"", name.Data(), parent->GetName()); return 0; } return o; } //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Find an object in a directory * * @param parent Parent directory * @param name Name of object * * @return Pointer to object or null */ TObject* GetObject(TDirectory* parent, const TString& name) { // Info("GetObject", "Getting object %s from %p", name.Data(), parent); // --- Check parent ------------------------------------------------ if (!parent) { Warning("GetObject", "No parent directory"); return 0; } // --- Check name -------------------------------------------------- if (name.IsNull()) { Warning("GetObject", "No name specified"); return 0; } // --- Find the object --------------------------------------------- TObject* o = parent->Get(name); if (!o) { Warning("GetObject", "Object \"%s\" not found in parent \"%s\"", name.Data(), parent->GetName()); return 0; } return o; } //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Check the type of a found object * * @param o Object * @param cl Class * @param src Source of object * * @return true on success, false otherwise */ Bool_t CheckType(const TObject* o, const TClass* cl, const TString& src) { // Info("CheckType", "Checking type of %s vs %s", o->GetName(), cl->GetName()); if (!o->IsA()->InheritsFrom(cl)) { Warning("CheckType", "Object \"%s\" retrieved from \"%s\" is not a " "%s but a %s", o->GetName(), src.Data(), cl->GetName(), o->ClassName()); return false; } return true; } //_____________________________________________________________________ void GetParameter(const TCollection* c, const TString& name, UShort_t& value) { // Info("GetParameter", "Getting parameter of %s from %p", name.Data(), c); TObject* o = GetObject(c, name); if (!o) return; value = o->GetUniqueID(); } //_____________________________________________________________________ void GetParameter(const TCollection* c, const TString& name, Int_t& value) { // Info("GetParameter", "Getting parameter of %s from %p", name.Data(), c); TObject* o = GetObject(c, name); if (!o) return; value = o->GetUniqueID(); } //_____________________________________________________________________ void GetParameter(const TCollection* c, const TString& name, Double_t& value) { // Info("GetParameter", "Getting parameter of %s from %p", name.Data(), c); TObject* o = GetObject(c, name); if (!o) return; UInt_t i = o->GetUniqueID(); Float_t v = *reinterpret_cast(&i); value = v; } //_____________________________________________________________________ void GetParameter(const TCollection* c, const TString& name, Bool_t& value) { // Info("GetParameter", "Getting parameter of %s from %p", name.Data(), c); TObject* o = GetObject(c, name); if (!o) return; value = o->GetUniqueID(); } //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Find a collection in another collection * * @param parent Parent collection * @param name Name of the collection * * @return pointer to collection on success, otherwise null */ TCollection* GetCollection(const TCollection* parent, const TString& name) { // Info("GetCollection", "Getting collection of %s from %p", name.Data(), c); // --- Find the object --------------------------------------------- TObject* o = GetObject(parent, name); if (!o) return 0; // --- Check type of found object ---------------------------------- if (!CheckType(o, TCollection::Class(), parent->GetName())) return 0; // --- Return the collection --------------------------------------- return static_cast(o); } //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Find a collection in a directory * * @param parent Parent directory * @param name Name of the collection * * @return pointer to collection on success, otherwise null */ TCollection* GetCollection(TDirectory* parent, const TString& name) { // Info("GetCollection", "Getting collection of %s from %p", // name.Data(), parent); // --- Find the object --------------------------------------------- TObject* o = GetObject(parent, name); if (!o) return 0; // --- Check the type of object ------------------------------------ if (!CheckType(o, TCollection::Class(), parent->GetName())) return 0; // --- Return the collection --------------------------------------- return static_cast(o); } //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Get a 1D histogram from a collection * * @param parent Parent collection * @param name Name of histogram * * @return pointer or null */ TH1* GetH1(const TCollection* parent, const TString& name) { // Info("GetH1", "Getting 1D histogram of %s from %p", name.Data(), c); // --- Find the object --------------------------------------------- TObject* o = GetObject(parent, name); if (!o) return 0; // --- Check the type of object ------------------------------------ if (!CheckType(o, TH1::Class(), parent->GetName())) return 0; // --- Return the collection --------------------------------------- return static_cast(o); } //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Get a 2D histogram from a collection * * @param parent Parent collection * @param name Name of histogram * * @return pointer or null */ TH2* GetH2(const TCollection* parent, const TString& name) { // Info("GetH2", "Getting 2D histogram of %s from %p", name.Data(), c); // --- Find the object --------------------------------------------- TObject* o = GetObject(parent, name); if (!o) return 0; // --- Check the type of object ------------------------------------ if (!CheckType(o, TH2::Class(), parent->GetName())) return 0; // --- Return the collection --------------------------------------- return static_cast(o); } //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Get a histogram stack from a collection * * @param parent Parent collection * @param name Name of histogram * * @return pointer or null */ THStack* GetStack(const TCollection* parent, const TString& name, const char* sub=0) { // Info("GetStack", "Getting histogram stack %s from %p", name.Data(), parent); // --- Find the object --------------------------------------------- TObject* o = GetObject(parent, name); if (!o) return 0; // --- Check the type of object ------------------------------------ if (!CheckType(o, THStack::Class(), parent->GetName())) return 0; THStack* stack = static_cast(o); if (sub == 0) return stack; if (stack->GetHists()->GetEntries() <= 0 ||stack->GetMaximum() < 1) { stack->GetHists()->Delete(); const char* subs[] = { "FMD1I", "FMD2I", "FMD2O", "FMD3O", "FMD3I", 0 }; const char** ptr = subs; while (*ptr) { TCollection* sc = GetCollection(parent, *ptr); if (!sc) { ptr++; continue; } TH2* h = GetH2(sc, sub); if (!h) continue; TH1* p = h->ProjectionX(*ptr, 1, h->GetNbinsY(), "e"); p->Scale(1., "width"); p->SetTitle(*ptr); p->SetDirectory(0); stack->Add(p); ptr++; } } // --- Return the collection --------------------------------------- return stack; } //____________________________________________________________________ void Pause() { printf("Press enter to continue"); std::cin.get(); } //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Clear canvas * * @param c Canvas to clear * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_scripts_corr */ void ClearCanvas(TCanvas* c) { // Info("ClearCanvas", "Clearing canvas"); c->SetLeftMargin(.1); c->SetRightMargin(.05); c->SetBottomMargin(.1); c->SetTopMargin(.05); c->Clear(); Float_t dy = .05; TPad* p1 = new TPad("top", "Top", 0, 1-dy, 1, 1, 0, 0); p1->SetNumber(1); p1->SetFillColor(kBlue-5); p1->SetBorderSize(0); p1->SetBorderMode(0); c->cd(); p1->Draw(); TPad* p2 = new TPad("body", "Body", 0, 0, 1, 1-dy, 0, 0); p2->SetNumber(2); p2->SetFillColor(0); p2->SetFillStyle(0); p2->SetBorderSize(0); p2->SetBorderMode(0); p2->SetRightMargin(0.02); p2->SetTopMargin(0.02); c->cd(); p2->Draw(); p2->cd(); } //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Create a canvas * * @param pname Name of PDF file to make * * @return Created canvas */ TCanvas* CreateCanvas(const TString& pname) { // Info("CreateCanvas", "Creating canvas"); Int_t size = 1000; TCanvas* c = new TCanvas("c", pname.Data(), size / TMath::Sqrt(2), size); c->SetFillColor(0); c->SetBorderSize(0); c->SetBorderMode(0); c->Print(Form("%s[", pname.Data())); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetTitleColor(0); gStyle->SetTitleStyle(0); gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(0); gStyle->SetTitleX(.5); gStyle->SetTitleY(1); gStyle->SetTitleW(.8); gStyle->SetTitleH(.09); gStyle->SetFrameFillColor(kWhite); gStyle->SetFrameBorderSize(1); gStyle->SetFrameBorderMode(1); gStyle->SetPalette(1); ClearCanvas(c); return c; } //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Close the PDF * * @param c Canvas */ void CloseCanvas(TCanvas* c) { // Info("CloseCanvas", "Closing canvas"); ClearCanvas(c); c->Print(Form("%s]", c->GetTitle())); } //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Print the canvas * * @param c Canvas * @param title Title */ void PrintCanvas(TCanvas* c, const TString& title, Float_t size=.7, Bool_t pause=false) { // Info("PrintCanvas", "Printing page %s", title.Data()); TString tit; tit.Form("Title:%s", title.Data()); c->cd(1); TLatex* ltx = new TLatex(.5, .5, title); ltx->SetNDC(); ltx->SetTextAlign(22); ltx->SetTextSize(size); ltx->SetTextColor(kWhite); ltx->SetTextFont(62); ltx->Draw(); c->Modified(); c->Update(); c->cd(); gSystem->RedirectOutput("/dev/null"); c->Print(c->GetTitle(), tit); gSystem->RedirectOutput(0); // std::cin.peek(); if (pause) Pause(); ClearCanvas(c); } //____________________________________________________________________ /** * Make a chapter page * * @param c Canvas * @param title Title */ void MakeChapter(TCanvas* c, const TString& title) { c->cd(2); // Info("MakeChapter", "Making chapter %s", title.Data()); TLatex* ltx = new TLatex(.5, .5, title); ltx->SetNDC(); ltx->SetTextAlign(22); ltx->Draw(); PrintCanvas(c, title); } //____________________________________________________________________ void DrawInPad(TVirtualPad* c, Int_t padNo, TObject* h, Option_t* opts="", UShort_t flags=0x0) { // Info("DrawInPad", "Drawing %p in pad # %d of %p w/options %s, flags 0x%x", // h, padNo, c, opts, flags); TVirtualPad* p = c->cd(padNo); if (!p) { Warning("DrawInPad", "Pad # %d not found in %s", padNo, c->GetName()); return; } if (flags & 0x1) p->SetLogx(); if (flags & 0x2) p->SetLogy(); if (flags & 0x4) p->SetLogz(); p->SetFillColor(0); TString o(opts); if (o.Contains("colz", TString::kIgnoreCase)) p->SetRightMargin(0.15); if (o.Contains("text", TString::kIgnoreCase)) { TH1* hh = static_cast(h); hh->SetMaximum(1.1*hh->GetMaximum()); hh->SetMarkerSize(2); o.Append("30"); } if (!h) { Warning("DrawInPad", "Nothing to draw in pad # %d", padNo); return; } h->Draw(o); if (flags& 0x10) { TLegend* l = p->BuildLegend(); l->SetFillColor(0); l->SetFillStyle(0); l->SetBorderSize(0); } p->Modified(); p->Update(); p->cd(); } //____________________________________________________________________ void CreateTemplates(TLatex*& name, TLatex*& value, Float_t size=.03) { Double_t x1 = .1; Double_t x2 = .6; Double_t y = .8; name = new TLatex(x1, y, ""); name->SetTextAlign(13); name->SetNDC(); name->SetTextSize(size); value = new TLatex(x2, y, ""); value->SetTextAlign(13); value->SetNDC(); value->SetTextSize(size); } //____________________________________________________________________ void DrawParameter(TLatex* name, TLatex* value, Double_t& y, const TString& sName, const TString& sValue) { if (sName.IsNull() && sValue.IsNull()) return; if (!sName.IsNull()) name->DrawLatex(name->GetX(), y, Form("%s:", sName.Data())); if (!sValue.IsNull()) value->DrawLatex(value->GetX(), y, sValue.Data()); y -= name->GetTextSize() + .02; } //____________________________________________________________________ void DrawCentSum(const TCollection* sums, TCanvas* can, const TString& base, Int_t cLow, Int_t cHigh) { TString folder; if (cLow < 0 || cHigh < 0 || cLow >= cHigh) { folder = "all"; cHigh *= -1; } else folder.Form("cent%03d_%03d", cLow, cHigh); TCollection* c = GetCollection(sums, folder); if (!c) return; TVirtualPad* body = can->cd(2); body->Divide(2, 2); DrawInPad(body, 1, GetH1(c, "triggers"), "HIST TEXT"); DrawInPad(body, 2, GetH1(c, Form("%sEvents",base.Data())), "HIST TEXT"); DrawInPad(body, 3, GetH2(c, base.Data()), "colz"); DrawInPad(body, 4, GetH2(c, Form("%s0", base.Data())), "colz"); PrintCanvas(can, Form("%s sums: %3d%% - %3d%%", base.Data(), cLow, cHigh)); } //____________________________________________________________________ void DrawSums(TDirectory* top, const TString& base, TCanvas* can, bool onlyMB) { TCollection* c = GetCollection(top, Form("%sSums", base.Data())); if (!c) return; TAxis* centAxis = static_cast(GetObject(c, "centAxis")); TVirtualPad* body = can->cd(2); body->Divide(1, 2); body->cd(1); TLatex* name; TLatex* value; Double_t y = .8; CreateTemplates(name, value); for (Int_t i = 1; i <= centAxis->GetNbins(); i++) { DrawParameter(name, value, y, (i == 1 ? "Centrality classes" : ""), Form("%3d%% - %3d%%", Int_t(centAxis->GetBinLowEdge(i)), Int_t(centAxis->GetBinUpEdge(i)))); } Int_t sys, sNN, scheme, trigger; GetParameter(c, "sNN", sNN); GetParameter(c, "sys", sys); GetParameter(c, "scheme", scheme); GetParameter(c, "trigger", trigger); DrawParameter(name, value, y, "Collision system", (sys == 1 ? "pp" : (sys == 2 ? "PbPb" : (sys == 3 ? "pPb" : "unknown")))); DrawParameter(name, value, y, "#sqrt{s_{NN}}", Form("%4dGeV", sNN)); DrawParameter(name, value, y, "Normalization scheme", Form("0x%x", scheme)); DrawParameter(name, value, y, "Triggers", Form("0x%x", trigger)); DrawInPad(body, 2, GetH1(c, "cent")); PrintCanvas(can, Form("%s sums", base.Data())); DrawCentSum(c, can, base, centAxis->GetXmin(), -centAxis->GetXmax()); if (onlyMB) return; for (Int_t i = 1; i <= centAxis->GetNbins(); i++) DrawCentSum(c, can, base, centAxis->GetBinLowEdge(i), centAxis->GetBinUpEdge(i)); } //____________________________________________________________________ THStack* CleanStack(const THStack* stack, TLegend* l, const TAxis* axis) { THStack* ret = new THStack(stack->GetName(), stack->GetTitle()); TList* hists = stack->GetHists(); TIter next(hists); TH1* h = 0; Int_t j = 0; while ((h = static_cast(next()))) { TString name(h->GetName()); if (name.Contains("_mirror")) continue; if (l) { j++; name.Form("%3d%% - %3d%%", Int_t(axis->GetBinLowEdge(j)), Int_t(axis->GetBinUpEdge(j))); TLegendEntry* e = l->AddEntry("dummy", name, "f"); e->SetFillStyle(1001); e->SetFillColor(h->GetMarkerColor()); } ret->Add(h); } return ret; #if 0 // There's no dictinary for TObjLink TObjLink* lnk = hists->FirstLink(); Int_t j = 0; while (lnk) { TH1* h = static_cast(lnk->GetObject()); bool remove = false; TString name(h->GetName()); if (name.Contains("_mirror")) { // AliWarning(Form("No entries in %s - removing", h->GetName())); remove = true; } else if (l) { j++; name.Form("%3d%% - %3d%%", Int_t(axis->GetBinLowEdge(j)), Int_t(axis->GetBinUpEdge(j))); TLegendEntry* e = l->AddEntry("dummy", name, "f"); e->SetFillStyle(1001); e->SetFillColor(h->GetMarkerColor()); } if (remove) { TObjLink* keep = lnk->Next(); hists->Remove(lnk); lnk = keep; continue; } lnk = lnk->Next(); } #endif } //____________________________________________________________________ void DrawCentRes(const TCollection* sums, TCanvas* can, const TString& base, Int_t cLow, Int_t cHigh) { TString folder; if (cLow < 0 || cHigh < 0 || cLow >= cHigh) { folder = "all"; cHigh *= -1; } else folder.Form("cent%03d_%03d", cLow, cHigh); TCollection* c = GetCollection(sums, folder); if (!c) return; TVirtualPad* body = can->cd(2); body->Divide(2, 3, 0.05, 0); Int_t trP = 1; TVirtualPad* p = body->GetPad(trP); p->SetBottomMargin(0.15); p->SetLeftMargin(0.15); if (trP > 2) p->SetTopMargin(0.05); DrawInPad(body, trP, GetH1(c, "triggers"), "HIST TEXT"); DrawInPad(body, 2, GetH1(c, Form("norm%s",base.Data()))); DrawInPad(body, 4, GetH1(c, Form("dndeta%s",base.Data()))); DrawInPad(body, 6, GetH1(c, Form("dndeta%s_rebin05",base.Data()))); DrawInPad(body, 5, GetH2(c, Form("d2Ndetadphi%s", base.Data())),"colz"); body->GetPad(2)->SetGridx(); body->GetPad(2)->SetLeftMargin(0.15); body->GetPad(4)->SetGridx(); body->GetPad(4)->SetLeftMargin(0.15); body->GetPad(6)->SetGridx(); body->GetPad(6)->SetLeftMargin(0.15); TObject* normCalc = GetObject(c, "normCalc"); TString calc = normCalc->GetTitle(); TObjArray* lines = calc.Tokenize("\n"); TPaveText* disp = new TPaveText(.1,.1,.9,.9, "NDC"); TIter next(lines); TObject* line = 0; while ((line = next())) disp->AddText(line->GetName()); disp->SetBorderSize(0); disp->SetBorderSize(0); disp->SetFillStyle(0); DrawInPad(body, 3, disp); PrintCanvas(can, Form("%s result: %3d%% - %3d%%", base.Data(), cLow, cHigh)); } //____________________________________________________________________ THStack* DrawRes(TDirectory* top, const TString& base, TCanvas* can, Bool_t onlyMB) { TCollection* c = GetCollection(top, Form("%sResults", base.Data())); if (!c) return 0; TAxis* centAxis = static_cast(GetObject(c, "centAxis")); can->cd(2); TLatex* name; TLatex* value; Double_t y = .9; CreateTemplates(name, value, .02); for (Int_t i = 1; i <= centAxis->GetNbins(); i++) { DrawParameter(name, value, y, (i == 1 ? "Centrality classes" : ""), Form("%3d%% - %3d%%", Int_t(centAxis->GetBinLowEdge(i)), Int_t(centAxis->GetBinUpEdge(i)))); } DrawParameter(name, value, y, "Collision system", GetObject(c, "sys")->GetTitle()); DrawParameter(name, value, y, "#sqrt{s_{NN}}",GetObject(c,"sNN")->GetTitle()); DrawParameter(name, value, y, "trigger",GetObject(c,"trigger")->GetTitle()); DrawParameter(name, value, y, "scheme", GetObject(c,"scheme")->GetTitle()); Double_t epsT, epsT0; GetParameter(c, "triggerEff", epsT); GetParameter(c, "triggerEff0", epsT0); DrawParameter(name, value, y, "#epsilon_{T}", Form("%f", epsT)); DrawParameter(name, value, y, "#epsilon_{T,zero bin}", Form("%f", epsT0)); PrintCanvas(can, Form("%s results", base.Data())); TVirtualPad* body = can->cd(2); body->Divide(1, 3, 0, 0); TLegend* l = new TLegend(0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9, "Centralities"); l->SetNColumns(2); l->SetFillStyle(0); l->SetBorderSize(0); THStack* dndeta_ = GetStack(c, "dndeta"); THStack* dndeta = CleanStack(dndeta_, l, centAxis); THStack* dndeta5_ = GetStack(c, "dndeta_rebin05"); THStack* dndeta5 = CleanStack(dndeta5_, 0, 0); DrawInPad(body, 1, l, ""); DrawInPad(body, 2, dndeta, "nostack"); DrawInPad(body, 3, dndeta5, "nostack"); body->GetPad(2)->SetGridx(); body->GetPad(3)->SetGridx(); PrintCanvas(can, Form("%s results - stacks", base.Data())); DrawCentRes(c, can, base, centAxis->GetXmin(), -centAxis->GetXmax()); if (onlyMB) return dndeta; for (Int_t i = 1; i <= centAxis->GetNbins(); i++) DrawCentRes(c, can, base, centAxis->GetBinLowEdge(i), centAxis->GetBinUpEdge(i)); return dndeta; } //____________________________________________________________________ void DrawdNdetaSummary(const char* fname="forward_dndeta.root", bool onlyMB=true) { // --- Open the file ----------------------------------------------- TString filename(fname); TFile* file = TFile::Open(filename.Data(), "READ"); if (!file) { Error("DrawAODSummary", "Failed to open \"%s\"", filename.Data()); return; } // --- Make our canvas --------------------------------------------- TString pdfName(filename); pdfName.ReplaceAll(".root", ".pdf"); TCanvas* c = CreateCanvas(pdfName); // --- Do each sub-algorithm --------------------------------------- DrawSums(file, "Forward", c, onlyMB); THStack* rF = DrawRes(file, "Forward", c, onlyMB); DrawSums(file, "Central", c, onlyMB); THStack* rC = DrawRes(file, "Central", c, onlyMB); TIter next(rF->GetHists()); TH1* h = 0; while ((h = static_cast(next()))) rC->Add(h); rC->Draw("nostack"); PrintCanvas(c, "Both"); CloseCanvas(c); } #endif // // EOF //