/** * @file PluginHelper.C * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Tue Oct 16 18:57:18 2012 * * @brief Base class for helpers using the AliAnalysisAlien plugin * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_trains_helper * */ #ifndef PLUGINHELPER_C #define PLUGINHELPER_C #include "Helper.C" #ifndef __CINT__ # include "AvailableSoftware.C" # include "ParUtilities.C" # include "OutputUtilities.C" # include # include # include # include # include # include #else class TUrl; class AliAnalysisAlien; #endif // =================================================================== /** * Handle analysis on using the AliAnalysisAlien plugin - i.e., AAF or Grid * * This helper is triggered by a URL of the form * * @code * ://[@][][:]/[][?][#] * @endcode * where <options> contains plugin *
List of options separated by an & *
Specify a non-default storage location for special output * (e.g., AOD trees). <url> should be a valid XRootd * server URI accessible to the slaves - e.g., * root://lxplus.cern.ch:10930//tmp.
Set the AliROOT mode. If not specified default * is assumed. See also CreateAliROOTPar
Use par files
Set AliROOT version to use
Set ROOT version to use
* * @ingroup pwglf_forward_trains_helper */ struct PluginHelper : public Helper { /** * Constructor * * @param url Url * @param verbose Verbosity level */ PluginHelper(const TUrl& url, Int_t verbose) : Helper(url, verbose), fHandler(0), fUsePars(false), fExtraLibs(), fExtraPars(), fExtraSrcs() { fHandler = new AliAnalysisAlien(); fOptions.Add("aliroot", "VERSION", "AliROOT version", "last"); fOptions.Add("root", "VERSION", "ROOT version", "last"); fOptions.Add("par", "Use par files"); fOptions.Add("mode", "default|rec|sim", "AliROOT mode", "default"); fOptions.Add("storage", "URL", "Location for external storage", ""); fOptions.Add("plugin", "Use AliEn handler"); fExtraLibs.SetOwner(); fExtraPars.SetOwner(); fExtraSrcs.SetOwner(); } /** * Copy constructor * * @param o Object to copy from */ PluginHelper(const PluginHelper& o) : Helper(o), fHandler(o.fHandler), fUsePars(o.fUsePars), fExtraLibs(), fExtraPars(), fExtraSrcs() {} /** * Assignment operator * * @param o Object to assign from * * @return Reference to this */ PluginHelper& operator=(const PluginHelper& o) { if (&o == this) return *this; Helper::operator=(o); fHandler = o.fHandler; fUsePars = o.fUsePars; return *this; } /** * Destructor */ virtual ~PluginHelper() {} /** * Load a library/PAR/script * * @param name Name * @param slaves If true, also load on slaves * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t LoadLibrary(const TString& name, Bool_t slaves=true) { if (!fUsePars) { TString fullName(MakeLibraryName(name)); Int_t ret = gSystem->Load(fullName); if (ret < 0) return false; if (slaves) { fHandler->AddAdditionalLibrary(fullName); fExtraLibs.Add(new TObjString(fullName)); } } else { if (!ParUtilities::Find(name)) { Error("PluginHelper::LoadLibrary", "Failed to find PAR file %s", name.Data()); return false; } if (!ParUtilities::Build(name)) { Error("PluginHelper::LoadLibrary", "Failed to build PAR file %s", name.Data()); return false; } fHandler->EnablePackage(name); fExtraPars.Add(new TObjString(name)); } return true; } /** * Load a source file, and compile it * * @param name Name of the source file * @param copy If true, copy here instead of link * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t LoadSource(const TString& name, bool copy=false) { static TString s; if (!Helper::LoadSource(name, copy)) return false; s.Append(Form(" %s", gSystem->BaseName(name.Data()))); fHandler->SetAnalysisSource(s); fExtraSrcs.Add(new TObjString(name)); return true; } /** * Set-up to load the AliROOT libraries * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t LoadAliROOT() { if (!gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT")) { Error("PluginHelper::LoadAliROOT", "Local AliROOT not available"); return false; } Bool_t tmp = fUsePars; fUsePars = false; if (!LoadLibrary("STEERBase")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("ESD")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("AOD")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("ANALYSIS")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("OADB")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("ANALYSISalice")) return false; fUsePars = tmp; return true; } /** * Set-up done before task set-ups * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t PreSetup() { // --- Set prefered GSI method --------------------------------- gEnv->SetValue("XSec.GSI.DelegProxy", "2"); TString aliroot("last"); TString root("last"); if (fOptions.Has("aliroot")) aliroot = fOptions.Get("aliroot"); if (fOptions.Has("root")) root = fOptions.Get("root"); AvailableSoftware::Check(aliroot, root); fOptions.Set("aliroot", aliroot); fOptions.Set("root", root); fUsePars = fOptions.Has("par"); fHandler->SetROOTVersion(root); fHandler->SetAliROOTVersion(aliroot); // Execute through interpreter until patch is applied fHandler->SetDropToShell(false); if (fOptions.Has("mode")) fHandler->SetAliRootMode(fOptions.Get("mode")); else fHandler->SetAliRootMode("default"); return true; } /** * Set-up done after the task set-ups * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t PostSetup() { AliAnalysisManager* mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!mgr) { Error("PluginHelper::PostSetup", "No analysis manager defined"); return false; } mgr->SetGridHandler(fHandler); fHandler->SetJobTag(mgr->GetName()); fHandler->SetAnalysisMacro(Form("%s.C", mgr->GetName())); if (fOptions.Has("storage")) OutputUtilities::RegisterStorage(fOptions.Get("storage")); return true; }; /** * Pure virtual overload * * @return */ virtual Long64_t Run(Long64_t) = 0; /** * Pure virtual overload * * @return Short description */ virtual const char* Desc() const = 0; /** * Pure virtual overload * * @return URI help string */ virtual const Char_t* UrlHelp() const = 0; /** * Overload * * @param option Options */ virtual void Print(Option_t* option="") const { Helper::Print(option); fHandler->Print(option); } AliAnalysisAlien* fHandler; Bool_t fUsePars; TList fExtraLibs; TList fExtraPars; TList fExtraSrcs; }; #endif // // EOF //