/** * @file ProofHelper.C * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Tue Oct 16 18:58:37 2012 * * @brief * * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_trains_helper * */ #ifndef PROOFHELPER_C #define PROOFHELPER_C #include "Helper.C" #ifndef __CINT__ # include "OutputUtilities.C" # include "ParUtilities.C" # include "ChainBuilder.C" # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include // For SendFile # include # include # include # include #else class TUrl; class TChain; #endif // =================================================================== /** * Handle analysis on a Proof farm. * * This helper is triggered by URIs of the form * * @code * proof://[@][:]/[?][#] * @endcode * where *
Optional user name
PROOF cluster master host
Optional PROOF cluster port on master host
Data set name
Optional tree name in data set, often esdTree or * aodTree
List of options separated by an & *
Set the number of workers to use. If x is appended, * then it's maximum number of workers per slave
dsname[=<output dataset>]
Register tree output (e.g., AOD) as a new data set on the * PROOF cluster. If <output dataset> is not specified, take * the name of the train.
Use PAR files. If the value all is given, then also * PAR files of STEERBase, ESD, AOD, ANALYSIS, OADB, ANALYSISalice * are used.
Set the AliROOT mode. If not specified default * is assumed. See also CreateAliROOTPar
Specify a non-default storage location for special output * (e.g., AOD trees). <url> should be a valid XRootd * server URI accessible to the slaves - e.g., * root://lxplus.cern.ch:10930//tmp.
* * @ingroup pwglf_forward_trains_helper */ struct ProofHelper : public Helper { /** * Constructor * * @param url Url * @param verbose Verbosity level */ ProofHelper(const TUrl& url, Int_t verbose) : Helper(url, verbose), fExtraLibs(""), fExtraPars(""), fExtraSrcs(""), fUsePars(false), fBasePars(false), fAuxFiles() { fOptions.Add("workers", "N[x]", "Number of workers to use", 0); fOptions.Add("dsname", "NAME", "Make output dataset", ""); fOptions.Add("par", "tasks|all", "Use par files", "tasks"); fOptions.Add("mode", "default|rec|sim", "AliROOT mode", "default"); fOptions.Add("storage", "URL", "Location for external storage", ""); fOptions.Add("wrapper", "CMD", "Wrapper command", ""); fOptions.Add("clear", "PKGS", "Clear packages ','-separated", ""); fOptions.Add("reset", "soft|hard", "Reset cluster", "hard"); fOptions.Add("feedback", "Enable feedback mechanism"); fOptions.Add("env", "SCRIPT", "Script to set-up environment","-none-"); fOptions.Add("offset", "EVENTS", "Skip this number of events", 0); if (!fUrl.GetUser() || fUrl.GetUser()[0] == '\0') fUrl.SetUser(gSystem->GetUserInfo()->fUser); fAuxFiles.SetOwner(); } ProofHelper(const ProofHelper& o) : Helper(o), fExtraLibs(""), fExtraPars(""), fExtraSrcs(""), fUsePars(false), fBasePars(false), fAuxFiles() {} ProofHelper& operator=(const ProofHelper& o) { if (&o == this) return *this; Helper::operator=(o); fExtraLibs = o.fExtraLibs; fExtraPars = o.fExtraPars; fExtraSrcs = o.fExtraSrcs; fUsePars = o.fUsePars; fBasePars = o.fBasePars; // fAuxFiles; return *this; } /** * Destructor */ virtual ~ProofHelper() {} /** * Load a library/PAR/script * * @param name Name * @param slaves If true, also load on slaves * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t LoadLibrary(const TString& name, Bool_t slaves=true) { Bool_t isBase = false; if (!fBasePars) { if (name.EqualTo("STEERBase") || name.EqualTo("ESD") || name.EqualTo("AOD") || name.EqualTo("ANALYSIS") || name.EqualTo("OADB") || name.EqualTo("ANALYSISalice")) isBase = true; } if (!fUsePars || isBase) { Int_t ret = gSystem->Load(MakeLibraryName(name)); if (ret < 0) return false; if (slaves) fExtraLibs.Append(Form(":%s", name.Data())); } else { if (!ParUtilities::Find(name)) { Error("ProofHelper::LoadLibrary", "Failed to find PAR file %s", name.Data()); return false; } if (!ParUtilities::Build(name)) { Error("ProofHelper::LoadLibrary", "Failed to build PAR file %s", name.Data()); return false; } if (gProof->UploadPackage(name.Data(), TProof::kRemoveOld) < 0) { Error("ProofHelper::LoadLibrary", "Failed to upload PAR file %s", name.Data()); return false; } fExtraPars.Append(Form(":%s", name.Data())); } return true; } /** * Load a source file, and compile it * * @param name Name of the source file * @param copy If true, copy not link * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t LoadSource(const TString& name, bool copy=false) { if (!Helper::LoadSource(name, copy)) return false; fExtraSrcs.Append(Form(":%s", gSystem->BaseName(name.Data()))); return true; } /** * Set-up to load the AliROOT libraries * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t LoadAliROOT() { if (!gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT")) { Error("ProofHelper::LoadAliROOT", "Local AliROOT not available"); return false; } Bool_t tmp = fUsePars; fUsePars = fBasePars; if (!LoadLibrary("STEERBase")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("ESD")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("AOD")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("ANALYSIS")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("OADB")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("ANALYSISalice")) return false; fUsePars = tmp; return CreateAliROOTPar(); } /** * Get the name of the AliROOT par file to use * * @return String */ virtual const char* AliROOTParName() const { return "ALIROOT"; } /** * Create an AliROOT par file from the executing AliROOT. This PAR * file basically uses the environment of the client - that is, we * assume that the used AliROOT is accessible on the slaves - e.g., * via an NFS export. * * Note, the SETUP.C script take one argument - a TList of TNamed * parameters. Parameters processed are * * - ALIROOT_MODE=[default,aliroot,rec,sim,train] * - default: Load base analysis libraries * - aliroot: Load $ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibs.C * - rec: Load $ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibsrec.C * - sim: Load $ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibssim.C * - ALIROOT_EXTRA_LIBS Colon separated list of additional (Ali)ROOT * libraries to load on the slaves. * * The generated PAR file is uploaded but not enabled until we have * populated fExtraLibs. The enabling takes place at the end of the * set-up. * * @return true on success, false otherwise. */ virtual Bool_t CreateAliROOTPar() { if (fBasePars) return true; TString parName(AliROOTParName()); TString parFile(Form("%s.par", parName.Data())); // --- Check if we have the drirectory already ------------------- if (gSystem->AccessPathName(parName.Data()) == 0) { // Let's remove it to get a clean slate if (gSystem->Exec(Form("rm -rf %s", parName.Data())) != 0) { Error("ProofHelper", "Failed to remove %s", parName.Data()); return false; } } // --- Check if the PAR file is there, and remove it if so ------- if (gSystem->AccessPathName(parFile.Data()) == 0) { if (gSystem->Unlink(parFile.Data()) != 0) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Failed to remove %s", parFile.Data()); return false; } } // Set-up directories if (gSystem->MakeDirectory(parName) < 0) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Could not make directory '%s'", parName.Data()); return false; } if (gSystem->MakeDirectory(Form("%s/PROOF-INF", parName.Data()))) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Could not make directory %s/PROOF-INF", parName.Data()); return false; } std::ofstream b(Form("%s/PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh",parName.Data())); if (!b) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Failed to make BUILD.sh shell script"); return false; } b << "#!/bin/sh\n\n" << "# echo Nothing to do\n" << "exit 0\n" << std::endl; b.close(); gSystem->Exec(Form("chmod a+x %s/PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh",parName.Data())); TString envScript = fOptions.Get("env"); if (envScript.EqualTo("-none-", TString::kIgnoreCase)) envScript = ""; if (!envScript.IsNull()) { // If an environment script was specified, copy that to the par if (gSystem->AccessPathName(envScript.Data()) == 0) { // Copy script if (gSystem->Exec(Form("cp %s %s/PROOF-INF/", envScript.Data(), parName.Data())) != 0) { Error("ProofHelper", "Failed to copy %s", envScript.Data()); return false; } } else { Warning("CreateALIROOTPar", "Couldn't read %s", envScript.Data()); envScript = ""; } } std::ofstream s(Form("%s/PROOF-INF/SETUP.C", parName.Data())); if (!s) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Failed to make SETUP.C ROOT script"); return false; } s << "void SETUP(TList* opts) {\n"; if (envScript.IsNull()) { s << " gSystem->Setenv(\"ALICE\",\"" << gSystem->Getenv("ALICE") << "\");\n" << " gSystem->Setenv(\"ALICE_ROOT\",\"" << gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT") << "\");\n" << " gSystem->Setenv(\"ALICE_TARGET\",\"" << gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_TARGET") << "\");\n"; if (gSystem->Getenv("OADB_PATH")) s << " gSystem->Setenv(\"OADB_PATH\",\"" << gSystem->Getenv("OADB_PATH") << "\");\n"; } else { s << " gROOT->Macro(\"PROOF-INF/" << gSystem->BaseName(envScript.Data()) << "\");\n"; } s << " gSystem->AddDynamicPath(" << "\"$(ALICE_ROOT)/lib/tgt_$(ALICE_TARGET)\");\n"; s << " \n" << " // Info(\"SETUP\",\"Loading ROOT libraries\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libTree\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libGeom\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libVMC\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libPhysics\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libMinuit\");\n" << " \n"; s << " // Info(\"SETUP\",\"Parameter list:\");\n" << " if (!opts) return;\n" << " //opts->ls();\n" << " \n"; s << " TObject* par = opts->FindObject(\"ALIROOT_MODE\");\n" << " if (par) {\n" << " // Info(\"SETUP\",\"ALIROOT mode: %s\", par->GetTitle());\n" << " TString mode(par->GetTitle());\n" << " if (mode.EqualTo(\"default\",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libSTEERBase\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libESD\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libAOD\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libANALYSIS\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libOADB\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libANALYSISalice\");\n" << " }\n" << " else if (mode.EqualTo(\"aliroot\",TString::kIgnoreCase)) \n" << " gROOT->Macro(\"$ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibs.C\");\n" << " else if (mode.EqualTo(\"rec\",TString::kIgnoreCase)) \n" << " gROOT->Macro(\"$ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibsrec.C\");\n" << " else if (mode.EqualTo(\"sim\",TString::kIgnoreCase)) \n" << " gROOT->Macro(\"$ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibssim.C\");\n" << " else if (mode.EqualTo(\"train\",TString::kIgnoreCase)) \n" << " gROOT->Macro(\"$ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibstrain.C\");\n" << " else if (mode.EqualTo(\"custom\",TString::kIgnoreCase)) \n" << " gROOT->Macro(\"$ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibstrain.C\");\n" << " }\n" << " \n"; s << " par = opts->FindObject(\"ALIROOT_EXTRA_LIBS\");\n" << " if (par) {\n" << " Info(\"SETUP\",\"Libaries to load: %s\\n\",par->GetTitle());\n" << " TString tit(par->GetTitle());\n" << " TObjArray* tokens = tit.Tokenize(\":\");\n" << " TObject* lib = 0;\n" << " TIter next(tokens);\n" << " while ((lib = next())) {\n" << " TString libName(lib->GetName());\n" << " if (!libName.BeginsWith(\"lib\")) libName.Prepend(\"lib\");\n" << " // Info(\"SETUP\",\"Loading %s ...\",libName.Data());\n" << " gSystem->Load(libName.Data());\n" << " }\n" << " }\n" << "}\n" << std::endl; s.close(); Int_t ret = gSystem->Exec(Form("tar -czf %s %s", parFile.Data(), parName.Data())); if (ret != 0) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Failed to pack up PAR file %s", parFile.Data()); return false; } ret = gProof->UploadPackage(parFile.Data(),TProof::kRemoveOld); if (ret != 0) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Failed to upload the AliROOT PAR file"); return false; } // Note, the PAR isn't enabled until much later when we've // collected all the needed libraries in fExtraLibs return true; } /** * Get the mode identifier * * @return Always kProof */ virtual UShort_t Mode() const { return kProof; } /** * Get the mode string used for AliAnalysisManager::StartAnalysis */ virtual const char* ModeString() const { return "proof"; } /** * Set-up done before task set-ups * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t PreSetup() { // --- Set prefered GSI method --------------------------------- gEnv->SetValue("XSec.GSI.DelegProxy", "2"); // --- Add ALICE_ROOT directory to search path for packages ---- // Info("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Set location of packages"); gEnv->SetValue("Proof.GlobalPackageDirs", Form("%s:%s", gEnv->GetValue("Proof.GlobalPackageDirs", "."), gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT"))); // --- Forming the URI we use to connect with -------------------- TUrl connect(fUrl); connect.SetAnchor(""); connect.SetFile(""); connect.SetOptions(""); // --- Check if we need to reset first --------------------------- if (fOptions.Has("reset")) { TString reset = fOptions.Get("reset"); Bool_t hard = (reset.IsNull() || reset.EqualTo("hard", TString::kIgnoreCase)); Info("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Doing a %s reset of %s", hard ? "hard" : "soft", connect.GetUrl()); TProof::Reset(connect.GetUrl(), hard); Int_t secs = 3; Info("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Waiting for %d second%s for things to settle", secs, secs > 1 ? "s" : ""); gSystem->Sleep(1000*secs); } // --- Check if we're using a wrapper ---------------------------- if (fOptions.Has("wrapper")) { TString wrapper = fOptions.Get("wrapper"); if (wrapper.IsNull()) // In case of no argument, use GDB // Just run and backtrace wrapper = "/usr/bin/gdb --batch -ex run -ex bt --args"; Info("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Using wrapper command: %s", wrapper.Data()); TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_WRAPPERCMD", wrapper); } // --- PAR parameters -------------------------------------------- fUsePars = fOptions.Has("par"); fBasePars = (fUsePars && fOptions.Get("par").EqualTo("all",TString::kIgnoreCase)); // --- Connect to the cluster ------------------------------------ TString opts; if (fOptions.Has("workers")) opts.Append(Form("workers=%s", fOptions.Get("workers").Data())); Info("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Connecting to %s with %soptions %s", connect.GetUrl(), opts.IsNull() ? "no " : "", opts.Data()); TString proto(connect.GetProtocol()); if (proto.BeginsWith("lite") && fOptions.Has("workers")) TProof::Open(opts); else TProof::Open(connect.GetUrl(), opts); // TProof::Open(connect.GetHost(), opts); if (!gProof) { Error("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Failed to open Proof connection %s", connect.GetUrl()); return false; } // --- Check if we need to clear packages ------------------------ if (fOptions.Has("clear")) { TString pkgs = fOptions.Get("clear"); if (pkgs.IsNull() || pkgs.EqualTo("all", TString::kIgnoreCase)) { // No value given, clear all if (gProof->ClearPackages() != 0) Warning("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Failed to lear all packages"); } else { // Tokenize on ',' and clear each package TObjArray* pars = pkgs.Tokenize(","); TObject* pkg = 0; TIter next(pars); while ((pkg = next())) { if (gProof->ClearPackage(pkg->GetName()) != 0) Warning("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Failed to clear package %s", pkg->GetName()); } pars->Delete(); } } return true; } /** * Set-up done after the task set-ups * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t PostSetup() { AliAnalysisManager* mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!mgr) { Error("ProofHelper::PostSetup", "No analysis manager defined"); return false; } // --- Check for output ------------------------------------------ if (fOptions.Has("dsname")) OutputUtilities::RegisterDataset(fOptions.Get("dsname")); if (fOptions.Has("storage")) OutputUtilities::RegisterStorage(fOptions.Get("storage")); // --- Check for feedback mechanism ------------------------------ if (!fOptions.Has("feedback")) gProof->ClearFeedback(); // --- If we are not using PARs for Base, enable special PAR ----- if (!fBasePars) { TString tmp(fExtraLibs.Strip(TString::kBoth,':')); TList* params = new TList; params->SetOwner(true); params->Add(new TNamed("ALIROOT_EXTRA_LIBS", tmp.Data())); if (fOptions.Has("mode")) params->Add(new TNamed("ALIROOT_MODE", fOptions.Get("mode").Data())); else params->Add(new TNamed("ALIROOT_MODE", "default")); Int_t ret = gProof->EnablePackage(AliROOTParName(), params, true); if (ret < 0) { Error("ProofHelper::EnableAliROOT", "Failed to enable AliROOT PAR %s", AliROOTParName()); return false; } } // --- Make PAR file of Aux Files -------------------------------- if (fAuxFiles.GetEntries() > 0) { TString name = TString::Format("%s_auxfiles", mgr->GetName()); ParUtilities::MakeAuxFilePAR(fAuxFiles, name); if (gProof->UploadPackage(name.Data(), TProof::kRemoveOld) < 0) Error("ProofHelper::PostSetup", "Failed to upload PAR file %s", name.Data()); else fExtraPars.Append(Form(":%s", name.Data())); } // --- Load par files -------------------------------------------- TString tmp = fExtraPars.Strip(TString::kBoth,':'); TObjArray* pars = tmp.Tokenize(":"); TObject* obj = 0; TIter next(pars); while ((obj = next())) { // Enable the package, but do not build on client - already done Int_t ret = gProof->EnablePackage(obj->GetName(), true); if (ret < 0) { Error("ProofHelper::PostSetup", "Failed to enable PAR %s", obj->GetName()); return false; } } // --- Load extra sources ---------------------------------------- TString tmp2 = fExtraSrcs.Strip(TString::kBoth, ':'); TObjArray* srcs = tmp2.Tokenize(":"); TIter next2(srcs); while ((obj = next())) { Int_t ret = gProof->Load(Form("%s++g", obj->GetName()), true); if (ret < 0) { Error("ProofHelper::PostSetup", "Failed to compile %s", obj->GetName()); return false; } } return true; } /** * Start the analysis * * @param nEvents Number of events to analyse * * @return The return value of AliAnalysisManager::StartAnalysis */ virtual Long64_t Run(Long64_t nEvents=-1) { AliAnalysisManager* mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); gProof->SetLogLevel(TMath::Max(fVerbose-2,0), /* TProofDebug::kPacketizer| */ TProofDebug::kLoop| /* TProofDebug::kSelector| TProofDebug::kOutput| TProofDebug::kInput| TProofDebug::kGlobal|*/ TProofDebug::kPackage); TString dsName(fUrl.GetFile()); // if (fUrl.GetAnchor() && fUrl.GetAnchor()[0] != '\0') // dsName.Append(Form("#%s", fUrl.GetAnchor())); // Info("Run", "Output objects registered with PROOF:"); // gProof->GetOutputList()->ls(); Long64_t off = fOptions.AsLong("offset", 0); if (nEvents > 0 && nEvents < off) { Warning("Run", "Number of events %lld < offset (%lld), stopping", nEvents, off); return 0; } Long64_t ret = mgr->StartAnalysis(fUrl.GetProtocol(), dsName, nEvents, off); if (fVerbose > 10) TProof::Mgr(fUrl.GetUrl())->GetSessionLogs()->Save("*","proof.log"); return ret; } #if 0 Bool_t AddMonitor(const TString& path) { if (path.IsNull()) return true; TObjArray* tokens = path.Tokenize("/"); Int_t nTokens = tokens->GetEntries(); if (nTokens < 2) { Error("AddMonitor", "Monitors must be of the form:\n" " [:]/\n" " [:]//"); return false; } // --- Get the manager AliAnalysisManager* mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); // --- Extract task and possibly slot number TString& sTask = static_cast(tokens->At(0))->String(); Int_t slotNo = 0; Ssiz_t colon = sTask.Index(":"); if (colon != kNPOS) { TString sSlot = sTask(colon+1, sTask.Length()-colon-1); if (!sSlot.IsNull()) slotNo = sSlot.Atoi(); sTask.Remove(colon, sTask.Length()-colon); } AliAnalysisTask* task = mgr->GetTask(sTask); if (!task) { Error("AddMonitor", "Task \"%s\" not registered with manager", sTask.Data()); return false; } AliAnalysisDataSlot* slot = task->GetOutputSlot(slotNo); if (!slot) { Error("AddMonitor", "Task \"%s\" does not have an output slot at %d", task->GetName(), slotNo); return false; } AliAnalysisDataContainer* cont = slot->GetContainer(); if (!cont) { Error("AddMonitor", "Output slot %d of task \"%s\" has no container", slotNo, task->GetName()); return false; } Int_t idx = 1; TString& first = static_cast(tokens->At(idx))->String(); if (first.EqualTo(cont->GetName())) { idx++; } TObject* data = cont->GetData(); TObject* obj = data; for (; idx < nTokens; idx++) { } return true; } #endif /** * Print information to standard output * * @param option */ virtual void Print(Option_t* option="") const { Helper::Print(option); std::cout << std::boolalpha << " --- Other settings -------\n" << " Extra libraries : " << fExtraLibs << "\n" << " Extra PARs : " << fExtraPars << "\n" << " Extra sources : " << fExtraSrcs << "\n" << " Use PARs of tasks: " << fUsePars << "\n" << " Use PARs of base : " << fBasePars << std::noboolalpha << std::endl; } /** * Link an auxilary file to working directory * * @param name Name of the file * @param copy Copy rather than link * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t AuxFile(const TString& name, bool copy=false) { Bool_t ret = Helper::AuxFile(name, copy); if (!name.BeginsWith("/")) { fAuxFiles.Add(new TObjString(name)); } #if 0 if (ret && name.EndsWith(".root")) { TFile* file = TFile::Open(name, "READ"); if (file) { Info("AuxFile", "Adding input file %s", name.Data()); gProof->AddInputData(file, true); } } #endif return ret; } Int_t SendFile(const TString& fileName) { Int_t bufSize = 32768; Char_t buf[bufSize]; Long64_t size = 0; Long_t id = 0, flags = 0, modtime = 0; if (gSystem->GetPathInfo(fileName.Data(), &id, &size, &flags, &modtime)==1 || size <= 0) { Error("SendFile", "Cannot stat %s", fileName.Data()); return -1; } TString fn(gSystem->BaseName(fileName.Data())); TList* slaves = 0; // gProof->GetListOfActiveSlaves(); - protected TIter next(slaves); TSlave* sl = 0; Int_t ret = 0; Int_t fd = open(fileName.Data(), O_RDONLY); while ((sl = static_cast(next()))) { if (!sl->IsValid()) continue; if (sl->GetSlaveType() != TSlave::kSlave) continue; // Always binary (first 1), never forward (last 0). snprintf(buf,bufSize,"%s %d %lld %d", fn.Data(), 1, size, 0); if (sl->GetSocket()->Send(buf, kPROOF_SENDFILE) == -1) { Warning("SendFile", "Could not send kPROOF_SENDFILE request"); continue; } // Go to the beginning of the file lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); Int_t len = 0; do { while ((len = read(fd, buf, bufSize)) < 0 && TSystem::GetErrno() == EINTR) TSystem::ResetErrno(); if (len < 0) { Error("SendFile", "error reading input"); close(fd); return -1; } if (len > 0 && sl->GetSocket()->SendRaw(buf, len) == -1) { Error("SendFile", "error writing to slave"); sl = 0; break; } } while (len > 0); ret ++; // Wait for slave - private // if (sl) gProof->Collect(sl,gEnv->GetValue("Proof.CollectTimeout",-1)); } // Close the file close(fd); return ret; } /** * Path of output * * @return Path to output - possibly a data set */ virtual TString OutputPath() const { TString ret; if (fOptions.Has("dsname")) { ret = Form("/%s/%s/", gProof->GetGroup(), gProof->GetUser()); ret.Append(OutputUtilities::RegisteredDataset()); } return ret; } /** * @return URL help string */ virtual const Char_t* UrlHelp() const { return "proof://[:]/[|][?][#]"; } /** * @return Short description */ virtual const char* Desc() const { return "PROOF"; } TString fExtraLibs; TString fExtraPars; TString fExtraSrcs; Bool_t fUsePars; Bool_t fBasePars; TList fAuxFiles; }; #endif // // EOF //