/** * @file ProofHelper.C * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Tue Oct 16 18:58:37 2012 * * @brief * * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_trains_helper * */ #ifndef PROOFHELPER_C #define PROOFHELPER_C #include "Helper.C" #ifndef __CINT__ # include "OutputUtilities.C" # include "ParUtilities.C" # include "ChainBuilder.C" # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include #else class TUrl; class TChain; #endif // =================================================================== /** * Handle analysis on a Proof farm. * * This helper is triggered by URIs of the form * * @code * proof://[@][:]/[?][#] * @endcode * where *
Optional user name
PROOF cluster master host
Optional PROOF cluster port on master host
Data set name
is the base directory holding data files
is an ASCII or XML list of input sources
is a single ROOT file
Optional tree name in data set, often esdTree or * aodTree
List of options separated by an & *
Set the number of workers to use. If x is appended, * then it's maximum number of workers per slave
dsname[=<output dataset>]
Register tree output (e.g., AOD) as a new data set on the * PROOF cluster. If <output dataset> is not specified, take * the name of the train.
Use PAR files. If the value all is given, then also * PAR files of STEERBase, ESD, AOD, ANALYSIS, OADB, ANALYSISalice * are used.
Set the AliROOT mode. If not specified default * is assumed. See also CreateAliROOTPar
Specify a non-default storage location for special output * (e.g., AOD trees). <url> should be a valid XRootd * server URI accessible to the slaves - e.g., * root://lxplus.cern.ch:10930//tmp.
* * @ingroup pwglf_forward_trains_helper */ struct ProofHelper : public Helper { /** * Constructor * * @param url Url * @param opts Options */ ProofHelper(const TUrl& url, Int_t verbose) : Helper(url, verbose), fExtraLibs(""), fExtraPars(""), fExtraSrcs(""), fUsePars(false), fBasePars(false) { fOptions.Add("workers", "N[x]", "Number of workers to use", 0); fOptions.Add("dsname", "NAME", "Make output dataset"); fOptions.Add("par", "tasks|all", "Use par files", "tasks"); fOptions.Add("mode", "default|rec|sim", "AliROOT mode", "default"); fOptions.Add("storage", "URL", "Location for external storage"); fOptions.Add("wrapper", "CMD", "Wrapper command"); fOptions.Add("clear", "PKGS", "Clear packages ','-separated"); fOptions.Add("reset", "soft|hard", "Reset cluster", "hard"); if (!fUrl.GetUser() || fUrl.GetUser()[0] == '\0') fUrl.SetUser(gSystem->GetUserInfo()->fUser); } /** * Destructor */ virtual ~ProofHelper() {} /** * Load a library/PAR/script * * @param name Name * @param par If true, upload & enable PAR * @param slaves If true, also load on slaves * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t LoadLibrary(const TString& name, Bool_t slaves=true) { if (!fUsePars) { Int_t ret = gSystem->Load(MakeLibraryName(name)); if (ret < 0) return false; if (slaves) fExtraLibs.Append(Form(":%s", name.Data())); } else { if (!ParUtilities::Find(name)) { Error("ProofHelper::LoadLibrary", "Failed to find PAR file %s", name.Data()); return false; } if (!ParUtilities::Build(name)) { Error("ProofHelper::LoadLibrary", "Failed to build PAR file %s", name.Data()); return false; } if (gProof->UploadPackage(name.Data(), TProof::kRemoveOld) < 0) { Error("ProofHelper::LoadLibrary", "Failed to upload PAR file %s", name.Data()); return false; } fExtraPars.Append(Form(":%s", name.Data())); } return true; } /** * Load a source file, and compile it * * @param name Name of the source file * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t LoadSource(const TString& name, bool copy=false) { if (!Helper::LoadSource(name, copy)) return false; fExtraSrcs.Append(Form(":%s", gSystem->BaseName(name.Data()))); return true; } /** * Set-up to load the AliROOT libraries * * @param par Whether to use PAR files * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t LoadAliROOT() { if (!gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT")) { Error("ProofHelper::LoadAliROOT", "Local AliROOT not available"); return false; } Bool_t tmp = fUsePars; fUsePars = fBasePars; if (!LoadLibrary("STEERBase")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("ESD")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("AOD")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("ANALYSIS")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("OADB")) return false; if (!LoadLibrary("ANALYSISalice")) return false; fUsePars = tmp; return CreateAliROOTPar(); } /** * Get the name of the AliROOT par file to use * * @return String */ virtual const char* AliROOTParName() const { return "ALIROOT"; } /** * Create an AliROOT par file from the executing AliROOT. This PAR * file basically uses the environment of the client - that is, we * assume that the used AliROOT is accessible on the slaves - e.g., * via an NFS export. * * Note, the SETUP.C script take one argument - a TList of TNamed * parameters. Parameters processed are * * - ALIROOT_MODE=[default,aliroot,rec,sim,train] * - default: Load base analysis libraries * - aliroot: Load $ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibs.C * - rec: Load $ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibsrec.C * - sim: Load $ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibssim.C * - ALIROOT_EXTRA_LIBS Colon separated list of additional (Ali)ROOT * libraries to load on the slaves. * * The generated PAR file is uploaded but not enabled until we have * populated fExtraLibs. The enabling takes place at the end of the * set-up. * * @return true on success, false otherwise. */ virtual Bool_t CreateAliROOTPar() { if (fBasePars) return true; TString parName(AliROOTParName()); TString parFile(Form("%s.par", parName.Data())); // --- Check if we have the drirectory already ------------------- if (gSystem->AccessPathName(parName.Data()) == 0) { // Let's remove it to get a clean slate if (gSystem->Exec(Form("rm -rf %s", parName.Data())) != 0) { Error("ProofHelper", "Failed to remove %s", parName.Data()); return false; } } // --- Check if the PAR file is there, and remove it if so ------- if (gSystem->AccessPathName(parFile.Data()) == 0) { if (gSystem->Unlink(parFile.Data()) != 0) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Failed to remove %s", parFile.Data()); return false; } } // Set-up directories if (gSystem->MakeDirectory(parName) < 0) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Could not make directory '%s'", parName.Data()); return false; } if (gSystem->MakeDirectory(Form("%s/PROOF-INF", parName.Data()))) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Could not make directory %s/PROOF-INF", parName.Data()); return false; } std::ofstream b(Form("%s/PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh",parName.Data())); if (!b) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Failed to make BUILD.sh shell script"); return false; } b << "#!/bin/sh\n\n" << "# echo Nothing to do\n" << "exit 0\n" << std::endl; b.close(); gSystem->Exec(Form("chmod a+x %s/PROOF-INF/BUILD.sh",parName.Data())); std::ofstream s(Form("%s/PROOF-INF/SETUP.C", parName.Data())); if (!s) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Failed to make SETUP.C ROOT script"); return false; } s << "void SETUP(TList* opts) {\n" << " gSystem->Setenv(\"ALICE\",\"" << gSystem->Getenv("ALICE") << "\");\n" << " gSystem->Setenv(\"ALICE_ROOT\",\"" << gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT") << "\");\n" << " gSystem->Setenv(\"ALICE_TARGET\",\"" << gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_TARGET") << "\");\n" << " gSystem->AddDynamicPath(" << "\"$(ALICE_ROOT)/lib/tgt_$(ALICE_TARGET)\");\n"; if (gSystem->Getenv("OADB_PATH")) s << " gSystem->Setenv(\"OADB_PATH\",\"" << gSystem->Getenv("OADB_PATH") << "\");\n"; s << " \n" << " // Info(\"SETUP\",\"Loading ROOT libraries\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libTree\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libGeom\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libVMC\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libPhysics\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libMinuit\");\n" << " \n"; s << " // Info(\"SETUP\",\"Parameter list:\");\n" << " if (!opts) return;\n" << " //opts->ls();\n" << " \n"; s << " TObject* par = opts->FindObject(\"ALIROOT_MODE\");\n" << " if (par) {\n" << " // Info(\"SETUP\",\"ALIROOT mode: %s\", par->GetTitle());\n" << " TString mode(par->GetTitle());\n" << " if (mode.EqualTo(\"default\",TString::kIgnoreCase)) {\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libSTEERBase\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libESD\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libAOD\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libANALYSIS\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libOADB\");\n" << " gSystem->Load(\"libANALYSISalice\");\n" << " }\n" << " else if (mode.EqualTo(\"aliroot\",TString::kIgnoreCase)) \n" << " gROOT->Macro(\"$ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibs.C\");\n" << " else if (mode.EqualTo(\"rec\",TString::kIgnoreCase)) \n" << " gROOT->Macro(\"$ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibsrec.C\");\n" << " else if (mode.EqualTo(\"sim\",TString::kIgnoreCase)) \n" << " gROOT->Macro(\"$ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibssim.C\");\n" << " else if (mode.EqualTo(\"train\",TString::kIgnoreCase)) \n" << " gROOT->Macro(\"$ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibstrain.C\");\n" << " else if (mode.EqualTo(\"custom\",TString::kIgnoreCase)) \n" << " gROOT->Macro(\"$ALICE_ROOT/macros/loadlibstrain.C\");\n" << " }\n" << " \n"; s << " par = opts->FindObject(\"ALIROOT_EXTRA_LIBS\");\n" << " if (par) {\n" << " Info(\"SETUP\",\"Libaries to load: %s\n\",par->GetTitle());\n" << " TString tit(par->GetTitle());\n" << " TObjArray* tokens = tit.Tokenize(\":\");\n" << " TObject* lib = 0;\n" << " TIter next(tokens);\n" << " while ((lib = next())) {\n" << " TString libName(lib->GetName());\n" << " if (!libName.BeginsWith(\"lib\")) libName.Prepend(\"lib\");\n" << " // Info(\"SETUP\",\"Loading %s ...\",libName.Data());\n" << " gSystem->Load(Form(\"lib%s\",lib->GetName()));\n" << " }\n" << " }\n" << "}\n" << std::endl; s.close(); Int_t ret = gSystem->Exec(Form("tar -czf %s %s", parFile.Data(), parName.Data())); if (ret != 0) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Failed to pack up PAR file %s", parFile.Data()); return false; } ret = gProof->UploadPackage(parFile.Data(),TProof::kRemoveOld); if (ret != 0) { Error("ProofHelper::CreateAliROOTPar", "Failed to upload the AliROOT PAR file"); return false; } // Note, the PAR isn't enabled until much later when we've // collected all the needed libraries in fExtraLibs return true; } /** * Get the mode identifier * * @return Always kProof */ virtual UShort_t Mode() const { return kProof; } /** * Get the mode string used for AliAnalysisManager::StartAnalysis */ virtual const char* ModeString() const { return "proof"; } /** * Set-up done before task set-ups * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t PreSetup() { // --- Set prefered GSI method --------------------------------- gEnv->SetValue("XSec.GSI.DelegProxy", "2"); // --- Add ALICE_ROOT directory to search path for packages ---- // Info("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Set location of packages"); gEnv->SetValue("Proof.GlobalPackageDirs", Form("%s:%s", gEnv->GetValue("Proof.GlobalPackageDirs", "."), gSystem->Getenv("ALICE_ROOT"))); // --- Forming the URI we use to connect with -------------------- TUrl connect(fUrl); connect.SetAnchor(""); connect.SetFile(""); connect.SetOptions(""); // --- Check if we need to reset first --------------------------- if (fOptions.Has("reset")) { TString reset = fOptions.Get("reset"); Bool_t hard = (reset.IsNull() || reset.EqualTo("hard", TString::kIgnoreCase)); Info("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Doing a %s reset of %s", hard ? "hard" : "soft", connect.GetUrl()); TProof::Reset(connect.GetUrl(), hard); Int_t secs = 3; Info("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Waiting for %d second%s for things to settle", secs, secs > 1 ? "s" : ""); gSystem->Sleep(1000*secs); } // --- Check if we're using a wrapper ---------------------------- if (fOptions.Has("wrapper")) { TString wrapper = fOptions.Get("wrapper"); if (wrapper.IsNull()) // In case of no argument, use GDB // Just run and backtrace wrapper = "/usr/bin/gdb --batch -ex run -ex bt --args"; Info("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Using wrapper command: %s", wrapper.Data()); TProof::AddEnvVar("PROOF_WRAPPERCMD", wrapper); } // --- PAR parameters -------------------------------------------- fUsePars = fOptions.Has("par"); fBasePars = (fUsePars && fOptions.Get("par").EqualTo("all",TString::kIgnoreCase)); // --- Connect to the cluster ------------------------------------ TString opts; if (fOptions.Has("workers")) opts.Append(Form("workers=%s", fOptions.Get("workers").Data())); Info("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Connecting to %s with %soptions %s", connect.GetUrl(), opts.IsNull() ? "no " : "", opts.Data()); TString proto(connect.GetProtocol()); if (proto.BeginsWith("lite") && fOptions.Has("workers")) TProof::Open(opts); else TProof::Open(connect.GetUrl(), opts); // TProof::Open(connect.GetHost(), opts); if (!gProof) { Error("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Failed to open Proof connection %s", connect.GetUrl()); return false; } // --- Check if we need to clear packages ------------------------ if (fOptions.Has("clear")) { TString pkgs = fOptions.Get("clear"); if (pkgs.IsNull() || pkgs.EqualTo("all", TString::kIgnoreCase)) { // No value given, clear all if (gProof->ClearPackages() != 0) Warning("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Failed to lear all packages"); } else { // Tokenize on ',' and clear each package TObjArray* pars = pkgs.Tokenize(","); TObject* pkg = 0; TIter next(pars); while ((pkg = next())) { if (gProof->ClearPackage(pkg->GetName()) != 0) Warning("ProofHelper::PreSetup", "Failed to clear package %s", pkg->GetName()); } pars->Delete(); } } return true; } /** * Set-up done after the task set-ups * * @return true on success */ virtual Bool_t PostSetup() { AliAnalysisManager* mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); if (!mgr) { Error("ProofHelper::PostSetup", "No analysis manager defined"); return false; } // --- Check for output ------------------------------------------ if (fOptions.Has("dsname")) OutputUtilities::RegisterDataset(fOptions.Get("dsname")); if (fOptions.Has("storage")) OutputUtilities::RegisterStorage(fOptions.Get("storage")); // --- If we are not using PARs for Base, enable special PAR ----- if (!fBasePars) { TString tmp(fExtraLibs.Strip(TString::kBoth,':')); TList* params = new TList; params->SetOwner(true); params->Add(new TNamed("ALIROOT_EXTRA_LIBS", tmp.Data())); if (fOptions.Has("mode")) params->Add(new TNamed("ALIROOT_MODE", fOptions.Get("mode").Data())); else params->Add(new TNamed("ALIROOT_MODE", "default")); Int_t ret = gProof->EnablePackage(AliROOTParName(), params, true); if (ret < 0) { Error("ProofHelper::EnableAliROOT", "Failed to enable AliROOT PAR %s", AliROOTParName()); return false; } } // --- Load par files -------------------------------------------- TString tmp = fExtraPars.Strip(TString::kBoth,':'); TObjArray* pars = tmp.Tokenize(":"); TObject* obj = 0; TIter next(pars); while ((obj = next())) { // Enable the package, but do not build on client - already done Int_t ret = gProof->EnablePackage(obj->GetName(), true); if (ret < 0) { Error("ProofHelper::PostSetup", "Failed to enable PAR %s", obj->GetName()); return false; } } // --- Load extra sources ---------------------------------------- TString tmp2 = fExtraSrcs.Strip(TString::kBoth, ':'); TObjArray* srcs = tmp2.Tokenize(":"); TIter next2(srcs); while ((obj = next())) { Int_t ret = gProof->Load(Form("%s++g", obj->GetName()), true); if (ret < 0) { Error("ProofHelper::PostSetup", "Failed to compile %s", obj->GetName()); return false; } } return true; } /** * Start the analysis * * @param nEvents Number of events to analyse * * @return The return value of AliAnalysisManager::StartAnalysis */ virtual Long64_t Run(Long64_t nEvents=-1) { AliAnalysisManager* mgr = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); gProof->SetLogLevel(TMath::Max(fVerbose-2,0), /* TProofDebug::kPacketizer| */ TProofDebug::kLoop| /* TProofDebug::kSelector| TProofDebug::kOutput| TProofDebug::kInput| TProofDebug::kGlobal|*/ TProofDebug::kPackage); TString dsName(fUrl.GetFile()); // if (fUrl.GetAnchor() && fUrl.GetAnchor()[0] != '\0') // dsName.Append(Form("#%s", fUrl.GetAnchor())); Long64_t ret = mgr->StartAnalysis(fUrl.GetProtocol(), dsName, nEvents); if (fVerbose > 10) TProof::Mgr(fUrl.GetUrl())->GetSessionLogs()->Save("*","proof.log"); return ret; } /** * Print information to standard output * * @param option */ virtual void Print(Option_t* option="") const { Helper::Print(option); std::cout << std::boolalpha << " --- Other settings -------\n" << " Extra libraries : " << fExtraLibs << "\n" << " Extra PARs : " << fExtraPars << "\n" << " Extra sources : " << fExtraSrcs << "\n" << " Use PARs of tasks: " << fUsePars << "\n" << " Use PARs of base : " << fBasePars << std::noboolalpha << std::endl; } /** * Path of output * * @return Path to output - possibly a data set */ virtual TString OutputPath() const { TString ret; if (fOptions.Has("dsname")) { ret = Form("/%s/%s/", gProof->GetGroup(), gProof->GetUser()); ret.Append(OutputUtilities::RegisteredDataset()); } return ret; } /** * @return URL help string */ virtual const Char_t* UrlHelp() const { return "proof://[:]/[|][?][#]"; } /** * @return Short description */ virtual const char* Desc() const { return "PROOF"; } TString fExtraLibs; TString fExtraPars; TString fExtraSrcs; Bool_t fUsePars; Bool_t fBasePars; }; #endif // // EOF //