A Simplified Way of Defining Analysis Trains ============================================ Introduction: ------------- The code in this directory presents a simplified way of defining an analysis train. The idea is that the user defines a class that derives from TrainSetup: #include "TrainSetup.C" class MyTrain : public TrainSetup { public: MyTrain(const char* name="myTest") : TrainSetup(name) { } void CreateTasks(AliAnalysisManager* mgr) { LoadLibrary("MyAnalysis"); gROOT->Macro("AddTaskMyAnalysis.C"); } const char* ClassName() const { return "MyTrain"; } }; which then can be executed using either the program "runTrain": runTrain --class=MyTrain --name=myTrain --url=URL [OPTIONS] or the script "RunTrain.C": > aliroot Root> .L $ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/FORWARD/trains/RunTrain.C Root> RunTrain("myTrain", "MyTrain", URL, OPTIONS) The execution environment and input is specified in the URL string, while general parameters for the job (including the task(s)) can be specified in OPTIONS. Code Organization: ------------------- TrainSetup - Base class Helper - Base class for URL LocalHelper - Local analysis URLs ProofHelper - Proof URLs LiteHelper - Proof-lite URLs AAFHelper - AAF URLs (no AliEn) PluginHelper - Base class for URLs AAFPluginHelper - AAF URLs (w/AliEn) GridHelper - Grid URLs Option - Option handling AvailableSoftware - Find SW on AAF/Grid ChainBuilder - Build local/lite chain OutputUtilities - Special output ParUtilities - PAR utilities RunTrain - Script to run train MyAnalysis - Example task MyTrain - Example train QATrain - Full QA train example CreateFileCollection - Utility trainMain - The runTrain utility Local Variables: mode: text End: LocalWords: TrainSetup RunTrain MyTrain myTrain PWGLF aliroot url QA LocalWords: runTrain AddTaskMyAnalysis AliAnalysisManager gROOT AAF LocalWords: CreateTasks LoadLibrary MyAnalysis const ClassName AliEn LocalWords: LocalHelper ProofHelper LiteHelper AAFHelper GridHelper LocalWords: PluginHelper AAFPluginHelper AvailableSoftware QATrain LocalWords: ChainBuilder OutputUtilities ParUtilities trainMain LocalWords: CreateFileCollection