/** * @defgroup pwglf_forward_trains Trains * * Train specifications * */ /** * @file TrainSetup.C * @author Christian Holm Christensen * @date Tue Oct 16 17:56:57 2012 * * @brief Base classs for train specifications * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_trains */ #ifndef TRAINSETUP_C #define TRAINSETUP_C #ifndef __CINT__ # include "Helper.C" # include "Option.C" # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include # include #else struct Helper; struct OptionList; class TDatime; class TUrl; class TString; class TStopwatch; class AliVEventHandler; class AliAnalysisManager; class AliInputEventHandler; #endif //==================================================================== /** * Generic set-up of an analysis train * * See also @ref train_setup_doc * * @ingroup pwglf_forward_trains * */ struct TrainSetup { /** * Constructor * * @param name Name of the train */ TrainSetup(const TString& name) : fName(name), fEscapedName(name), fDatimeString(""), fOptions(), fHelper(0) { fOptions.Add("help", "Show help", false); fOptions.Add("date", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM", "Set date", "now"); fOptions.Add("bare-ps", "Use bare physics selection w/o task", false); fOptions.Add("verbose", "LEVEL", "Set verbosity level", 0); fOptions.Add("url", "URL", "Job location & input URL", ""); fOptions.Add("overwrite", "Allow overwrite", false); fOptions.Add("events", "N", "Number of events to analyse", -1); fOptions.Add("type", "ESD|AOD|USER", "Input data stype", ""); fOptions.Add("setup", "Only do the setup", false); fOptions.Add("branches", "Load only requested branches", false); fDatimeString = ""; fEscapedName = EscapeName(fName, fDatimeString); } /** * Copy constructor * * @param o Object to copy from */ TrainSetup(const TrainSetup& o) : fName(o.fName), fEscapedName(o.fEscapedName), fDatimeString(o.fDatimeString), fOptions(o.fOptions), fHelper(o.fHelper) {} /** * Assignment operator * * @param o Object to assign from * * @return Reference to this object */ TrainSetup& operator=(const TrainSetup& o) { if (&o == this) return *this; fName = o.fName; fEscapedName = o.fEscapedName; fDatimeString = o.fDatimeString; fOptions = o.fOptions; fHelper = o.fHelper; return *this; } /** * Destructor */ virtual ~TrainSetup() {} /* @} */ //__________________________________________________________________ /** * @{ * @name Execution */ /** * Initialize * * @return true on success */ Bool_t Init() { // --- Create the helper ----------------------------------------- TString url = fOptions.Get("url"); Int_t verbose = fOptions.AsInt("verbose"); fHelper = Helper::Create(url.Data(), verbose); if (!fHelper) { Error("Init", "Failed to make the worker for URL %s", url.Data()); return false; } // --- Check the type, if possible ------------------------------- UShort_t type = fHelper->InputType(); Bool_t mc = fHelper->IsMC(); if (fOptions.Has("type")) { const TString& it = fOptions.Get("type"); if (it.EqualTo("ESD",TString::kIgnoreCase)) type = Helper::kESD; else if (it.EqualTo("AOD",TString::kIgnoreCase)) type = Helper::kAOD; else if (it.EqualTo("user",TString::kIgnoreCase)) type = Helper::kUser; } // --- Rewrite the escpaed name ---------------------------------- if (fOptions.Has("date")) { fDatimeString = fOptions.Get("date"); fEscapedName = EscapeName(fName, fDatimeString); } // --- Get current directory and set-up sub-directory ------------ TString cwd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); if (!SetupWorkingDirectory()) return false; // --- Do initial helper setup ----------------------------------- if (!fHelper->PreSetup()) return false; // --- Load ROOT libraries --------------------------------------- if (!fHelper->LoadROOT()) return false; // --- Load AliROOT libraries ------------------------------------ if (!fHelper->LoadAliROOT()) return false; // --- Create analysis manager ----------------------------------- AliAnalysisManager *mgr = CreateAnalysisManager(fEscapedName); // In test mode, collect system information on every event // if (oper == kTest) mgr->SetNSysInfo(1); if (verbose > 0) mgr->SetDebugLevel(verbose); mgr->SetAutoBranchLoading(!fOptions.Has("branches")); if (fHelper->Mode() == Helper::kLocal) mgr->SetUseProgressBar(kTRUE, 100); // --- ESD input handler ------------------------------------------ AliVEventHandler* inputHandler = CreateInputHandler(type); if (inputHandler) mgr->SetInputEventHandler(inputHandler); // --- Monte-Carlo ------------------------------------------------ AliVEventHandler* mcHandler = CreateMCHandler(type,mc); if (mcHandler) mgr->SetMCtruthEventHandler(mcHandler); // --- AOD output handler ----------------------------------------- AliVEventHandler* outputHandler = CreateOutputHandler(type); if (outputHandler) mgr->SetOutputEventHandler(outputHandler); // --- Include analysis macro path in search path ---------------- gROOT->SetMacroPath(Form("%s:%s:$ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros", cwd.Data(), gROOT->GetMacroPath())); // --- Physics selction - only for ESD --------------------------- if (type == Helper::kESD) CreatePhysicsSelection(mc, mgr); // --- Create centrality task ------------------------------------ CreateCentralitySelection(mc, mgr); // --- Create tasks ---------------------------------------------- CreateTasks(mgr); // --- Post set-up initialization of helper ---------------------- if (!fHelper->PostSetup()) return false; // --- Set debug level on defined tasks -------------------------- if (verbose > 0) { TIter next(mgr->GetTasks()); AliAnalysisTask* sub = 0; while ((sub = static_cast(next()))) { AliAnalysisTaskSE* se = dynamic_cast(sub); if (!se) continue; se->SetDebugLevel(verbose); } } // --- Print this setup ------------------------------------------ Print(); // --- Initialise the train -------------------------------------- if (!mgr->InitAnalysis()) { gSystem->ChangeDirectory(cwd.Data()); Error("Init","Failed to initialise train"); return false; } // --- Enable progress bar --------------------------------------- if (fHelper->Mode() != Helper::kGrid) mgr->SetUseProgressBar(true, 100); // --- Save setup to disk ---------------------------------------- SaveSetup(true); // --- Some information ------------------------------------------ mgr->PrintStatus(); if (fHelper->Mode() != Helper::kLocal) { TIter next(mgr->GetTasks()); AliAnalysisTask* sub = 0; while ((sub = static_cast(next()))) { sub->Print(); } } return true; } /** * Print timer information * * @param timer The timer * @param where Where this was called from */ void PrintTimer(TStopwatch& timer, const char* where) { timer.Stop(); Double_t t = timer.RealTime(); Int_t h = Int_t(t / 3600); t -= h * 3600; Int_t m = Int_t(t / 60); t -= m * 60; if (t < 0) t = 0; Info(where, "took %4d:%02d:%06.3f", h, m, t); } /** * Run this train * * @return true on success */ Bool_t Run() { TString cwd = gSystem->WorkingDirectory(); Bool_t status = false; TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); try { if (!Init()) throw TString("Failed to intialize the train"); PrintTimer(timer, "Initialization"); timer.Continue(); // Check if we're asked to only do the setup if (fOptions.Has("setup")) { status = true; throw TString("Only did setup, no running"); } // if (r) SaveSetup(*r, nEvents, asShell); Long64_t nEvents = fOptions.AsLong("events", -1); Long64_t ret = fHelper->Run(nEvents); PrintTimer(timer, "Processing"); timer.Continue(); // Make sure we go back gSystem->ChangeDirectory(cwd.Data()); // Return. if (ret < 0) throw TString("Analysis failed"); status = true; } catch (TString& e) { if (status) Warning("Run", "%s", e.Data()); else Error("Run", "%s", e.Data()); } if (fOptions.Has("date")) { TString tmp = ""; TString escaped = EscapeName(fName, tmp); gSystem->Exec(Form("rm -f last_%s", escaped.Data())); gSystem->Exec(Form("ln -sf %s last_%s", fEscapedName.Data(), escaped.Data())); } PrintTimer(timer, "Finish"); timer.Continue(); return status; } /** * Get the options * * * @return Reference ot the options */ OptionList& Options() { return fOptions; } /** * Print information to standard output * */ void Print(Option_t* ="") const { std::cout << "Train: " << fName << " (" << fEscapedName << ")" << std::endl; fOptions.Show(std::cout); if (fHelper) fHelper->Print(); } /** * Show the help * * @param o Output stream * @param asProg If true, output as program options * * @return */ Bool_t Help(std::ostream& o=std::cout, bool asProg=false) { if (!fOptions.Has("help")) return true; if (!asProg) o << "Usage: RunTrain(NAME, CLASS, OPTIONS)"; o << "\n\nTrain Options:\n"; fOptions.Help(o, asProg ? " --" : " "); o << "\n"; if (!fHelper && fOptions.Has("url")) { TString url = fOptions.Get("url"); fHelper = Helper::Create(url.Data()); } if (fHelper) { o << fHelper->Desc() << " URL form:\n\n" << " " << fHelper->UrlHelp() << "\n\n" << "Options:\n"; fHelper->Options().Help(o, " "); o << "\n"; } else { o << "Possible URL forms:\n\n"; Helper::ShowUrlHelp("LocalHelper"); Helper::ShowUrlHelp("ProofHelper"); Helper::ShowUrlHelp("LiteHelper"); Helper::ShowUrlHelp("AAFHelper"); Helper::ShowUrlHelp("AAFPluginHelper"); Helper::ShowUrlHelp("GridHelper"); o << "\n"; } return false; } /** * Run train. This will AcLic compile the setup script, create * an object of that type with the given name, and then pass the * options to it. Then, it will run the setup. * * @param name Train name * @param cls Class name * @param opts Comma seperated list of options * @param asProg Run as program * @param spawn Spawn ROOT shell after execution * * @return true on success */ static Bool_t Main(const TString& name, const TString& cls, const TCollection* opts, Bool_t asProg=true, Bool_t spawn=false) { Bool_t ret = false; try { if (cls.IsNull()) throw TString("No class name specified"); if (name.IsNull()) throw TString("No train name specified"); gROOT->ProcessLine("gSystem->RedirectOutput(\"build.log\",\"w\");"); Int_t error = 0; Int_t r1 = gROOT->LoadMacro(Form("%s.C+g", cls.Data()), &error); gROOT->ProcessLine("gSystem->RedirectOutput(0);"); if (r1 < 0 || error) throw TString::Format("Failed to load setup %s: %d - see build.log", cls.Data(), error); // Make our object using the interpreter TString create = TString::Format("new %s(\"%s\")", cls.Data(), name.Data()); gROOT->ProcessLine("gSystem->RedirectOutput(\"build.log\",\"a\");"); Long_t retP = gROOT->ProcessLine(create, &error); gROOT->ProcessLine("gSystem->RedirectOutput(0);"); if (!retP || error) throw TString::Format("Failed to make object of class %s " "(see build.log): 0x%08lx/%d\n\t%s", cls.Data(), retP, error, create.Data()); TrainSetup* train = reinterpret_cast(retP); // Now parse the options if (!train->Options().Parse(opts)) throw TString("Failed to parse options"); // Info("", "URL=%s", train->Options().Get("url").Data()); // Check if we got a help request if (train->Options().Has("help")) { train->Help(std::cout, asProg); ret = true; throw TString(""); } // return train->Init(); ret = train->Run(); } catch (TString& e) { if (!e.IsNull()) Error("Main", "%s", e.Data()); } // Info("Main", "End of main loop (app=%p, asProg=%s, spawn=%s)", // gApplication, asProg ? "true" : "false", spawn ? "true" : "false"); if (gApplication && asProg) { if (!spawn) { gSystem->Sleep(3); gApplication->Terminate(ret ? 0 : 1); } } return ret; } protected: //__________________________________________________________________ /** * @{ * @name Overloadable behaviour */ //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Create the analysis manager * * @param name Name of the analysis * * @return Created analysis manager */ virtual AliAnalysisManager* CreateAnalysisManager(const char* name) { return new AliAnalysisManager(name,"Analysis Train"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Create input handler * * @param type * * @return */ virtual AliVEventHandler* CreateInputHandler(UShort_t type) { switch (type) { case Helper::kESD: return new AliESDInputHandler(); case Helper::kAOD: return new AliAODInputHandler(); case Helper::kUser: return 0; } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Create MC input handler * * @param mc Assume monte-carlo input * * @return */ virtual AliVEventHandler* CreateMCHandler(UShort_t /*type*/, bool mc) { if (!mc) return 0; AliMCEventHandler* mcHandler = new AliMCEventHandler(); mcHandler->SetReadTR(true); return mcHandler; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Create output event handler * * @param type * * @return */ virtual AliVEventHandler* CreateOutputHandler(UShort_t type) { AliAODHandler* ret = new AliAODHandler(); switch (type) { case Helper::kESD: ret->SetOutputFileName("AliAOD.root"); break; case Helper::kAOD: ret->SetOutputFileName("AliAOD.pass2.root"); break; case Helper::kUser: break; } return ret; } //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Create physics selection, and add to manager * * @param mc Whether this is for MC * @param mgr Manager */ virtual void CreatePhysicsSelection(Bool_t mc, AliAnalysisManager* mgr) { if (fOptions.Has("bare-ps")) { AliInputEventHandler* input = dynamic_cast (mgr->GetInputEventHandler()); if (!input) return; AliPhysicsSelection* ps = new AliPhysicsSelection(); if (mc) ps->SetAnalyzeMC(); input->SetEventSelection(ps); return; } gROOT->Macro(Form("AddTaskPhysicsSelection.C(%d)", mc)); mgr->RegisterExtraFile("event_stat.root"); mgr->AddStatisticsTask(AliVEvent::kAny); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Create centrality selection, and add to manager * * @param mc Whether this is for MC * @param mgr Manager */ virtual void CreateCentralitySelection(Bool_t mc, AliAnalysisManager* mgr) { gROOT->Macro("AddTaskCentrality.C(true)"); const char* name = "CentralitySelection"; AliCentralitySelectionTask* ctask = dynamic_cast(mgr->GetTask(name)); if (!ctask) return; if (mc) ctask->SetMCInput(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Create analysis tasks. Must be overloaded by sub-class * * @param mgr Manager */ virtual void CreateTasks(AliAnalysisManager* mgr)=0; /** * Add a task using a script and possibly some arguments * * @param macro Script to execute * @param args Optional arguments to the script * * @return Created task or null */ virtual AliAnalysisTask* AddTask(const TString& macro, const TString& args) { TString p = gSystem->Which(gROOT->GetMacroPath(), macro.Data()); if (p.IsNull()) { Error("AddTask", "Macro %s not found", macro.Data()); return 0; } TString cmd(p); if (!args.IsNull()) cmd.Append(TString::Format("(%s)", args.Data())); Int_t err; Long_t ret = gROOT->Macro(cmd.Data(), &err, false); if (!ret) { Error("AddTask", "Failed to execute %s", cmd.Data()); return 0; } return reinterpret_cast(ret); } /** * Add a task to the train with no arguments passed to the script * * @param macro The AddTask macro. * * @return The added task, if any */ virtual AliAnalysisTask* AddTask(const TString& macro) { TString args; return AddTask(macro, args); } /** * Add a single event analysis task to the train, passing the * specified arguments to the macro. * * @param macro The AddTask macro * @param args Arguments to pass the macro * * @return The added task, if any */ virtual AliAnalysisTaskSE* AddSETask(const TString& macro, const TString& args) { return dynamic_cast(AddTask(macro, args)); } /** * Add a single event task to the train with no arguments passed to * the script * * @param macro The AddTask macro. * * @return The added task, if any */ virtual AliAnalysisTaskSE* AddSETask(const TString& macro) { TString args; return AddSETask(macro, args); } /** * Set the name of the train - should be name of the class. Must be * overloaded. * * @return Class name as a constant C string */ virtual const Char_t* ClassName() const = 0; /* @} */ //__________________________________________________________________ /** * @{ * @name Utility functions */ /** * Escape bad elements of the name * * @param name Name to escape * @param datimeStr Date and Time string * * @return escaped name */ static TString EscapeName(const char* name, TString& datimeStr) { TString escaped = name; char c[] = { ' ', '/', '@', 0 }; char* p = c; while (*p) { char tmp[] = { *p, '\0' }; escaped.ReplaceAll(tmp, "_"); p++; } if (!datimeStr.IsNull()) { TDatime datime; if (datimeStr.EqualTo("now", TString::kIgnoreCase)) datime.Set(); else { // Try various formats struct tm t; const char* formats[] = { "%Ec", // Locale "%c", // Locale "%Ex EX", // Locale "%x %X", // Locale "%Y%m%d_%H%M", // YYYYMMDD_HHMM "%F %R", // ISO standard, no seconds 0 }; const char** f = formats; Bool_t found = false; while (*f && !found) { // Reset needed fields t.tm_year = 0; t.tm_mon = 0; t.tm_mday = 0; t.tm_hour = 0; t.tm_min = 0; // Stop processing on first match if (strptime(datimeStr.Data(), *f, &t) != 0) found = true; f++; } if (found) { t.tm_mon += 1; // Return 0-based month datime.Set(t.tm_year, t.tm_mon, t.tm_mday, t.tm_hour, t.tm_min, 0); } } if (datime.GetYear() <= 1995 || datime.GetMonth() == 0 || datime.GetDay() == 0) return escaped; datimeStr = Form("%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d", datime.GetYear(), datime.GetMonth(), datime.GetDay(), datime.GetHour(), datime.GetMinute()); escaped.Append(Form("_%s", datimeStr.Data())); } return escaped; } /** * Make our working directory if so requested * * @return true on success */ Bool_t SetupWorkingDirectory() { // Get the name of the target directory TString& nam = fEscapedName; // Check if the directory exists already Bool_t exists = gSystem->AccessPathName(nam.Data()) == 0; if (fHelper->Operation() == Helper::kTerminate && !exists) { Error("SetupWorkingDirectory", "File/directory %s does not exists", nam.Data()); return false; } Bool_t overwrite = fOptions.Has("overwrite"); // If we're not allowed to overwrite, then complain if (!overwrite && exists) { Error("SetupWorkingDirectory", "File/directory %s already exists", nam.Data()); return false; } // Make the target directory if it doesn't exists if (!exists) { if (gSystem->MakeDirectory(nam.Data())) { Error("SetupWorkingDirectory", "Failed to make directory '%s'", nam.Data()); return false; } } // Change directory to target directory if (!gSystem->ChangeDirectory(nam.Data())) { Error("SetupWorkingDirectory", "Failed to change directory to %s", nam.Data()); return false; } // Info("SetupWorkingDirectory", "Made subdirectory %s, and cd'ed there", // nam.Data()); return true; } /** * Save the setup as a ROOT script and possibly also a shell script * * @param asShellScript If true, also save as shell script */ virtual void SaveSetup(Bool_t asShellScript) { OptionList tmp(fOptions); const OptionList* uopts = (fHelper ? &fHelper->Options() : 0); if (tmp.Find("overwrite")) tmp.Set("overwrite"); if (tmp.Find("date") && fEscapedName.Length() > fName.Length()+1) { Int_t n = fName.Length()+1; tmp.Set("date", fEscapedName(n, fEscapedName.Length()-n)); } if (asShellScript) SaveSetupShell("rerun", ClassName(), fName, tmp, uopts); SaveSetupROOT("ReRun", ClassName(), fName, tmp, uopts); if (fHelper) fHelper->AuxSave(fEscapedName, asShellScript); SavePostShellScript(); } /** * Save a setup as a shell script * * @param out Output name of shell script * @param cls Class of the train * @param name Name of the train * @param opts Option list * @param uopts Url options */ static void SaveSetupShell(const TString& out, const TString& cls, const TString& name, const OptionList& opts, const OptionList* uopts) { std::ofstream o(Form("%s.sh", out.Data())); o << "#!/bin/bash\n\n" << "class=\"" << cls << "\"\n" << "name=\"" << name << "\"\n\n" << "# Available options\n" << "# \n"; opts.Help(o, "# --"); if (uopts) { o << "#\n" << "# Available URI options\n" << "# \n"; uopts->Help(o, "# "); } o << "#\n" << "opts=(--class=$class \\\n" << " --name=$name"; opts.Store(o, " \\\n --", "", true); o << ")\n\n" << "echo \"Running runTrain ${opts[@]} $@\"\n" << "runTrain \"${opts[@]}\" $@\n\n" << "# EOF" << std::endl; o.close(); gSystem->Exec(Form("chmod a+x %s.sh", out.Data())); } /** * Save a setup as a ROOT script * * @param out Output name of shell script * @param cls Class of the train * @param name Name of the train * @param opts Option list * @param uopts Url options */ static void SaveSetupROOT(const TString& out, const TString& cls, const TString& name, const OptionList& opts, const OptionList* uopts) { OptionList tmp(opts); tmp.Remove("url"); std::ofstream o(Form("%s.C", out.Data())); o << "// Available options:\n" << "// \n"; tmp.Help(o, "// "); if (uopts) { o << "// \n" << "// Available URI options\n"; uopts->Help(o, "// "); } o << "//\n" << "Bool_t " << out << "()\n" << "{\n" << " TString name(\"" << name << "\");\n" << " TString cls(\"" << cls << "\");\n" << " TUrl uri(\"" << opts.Get("url") << "\");\n" << " \n" << " TString opts("; tmp.Store(o, "\"", ",\"\n ", false); o << ");\n\n" << " TString path("; TString path(gROOT->GetMacroPath()); TObjArray* elements = path.Tokenize(":"); TObjString* element = 0; TIter next(elements); while ((element = static_cast(next()))) { if (element->String().IsNull()) continue; o << "\n \"" << element->GetName() << ":\""; } elements->Delete(); o << ");\n" << " path.Append(\"$ALICE_ROOT/PWGLF/FORWARD/trains\");\n" << " gROOT->SetMacroPath(path);\n\n" << " gROOT->LoadMacro(\"RunTrain.C\");\n\n" << " return RunTrain(name, cls, uri, opts);\n" << "}\n" << "//\n" << "// EOF\n" << "//" << std::endl; o.close(); } /** * Write shell code to do post processing after terminate. This * code should deal with a single run (or run range). The following * shell variables are available to the code: * * - @c $prefix Relative path to job directory or empty * - @c $dest Destination for output to be stored * * Note, the code is injected into a shell function, and should * therefor not define new functions or the like. * * @param o The output stream. */ virtual void PostShellCode(std::ostream& o) { o << " echo \"Nothing to do for " << ClassName() << " train\"" << std::endl; } /** * Save a script to do post processing after terminate on each run * or run-range. * * The shell script will execute the train defined code (in * PostShellCode) for each run or run-range. The train defined code * and call drawing and summarizing macros or the like. * * In case of Grid analysis, this script will download and extract * the appropriate ZIP files to separate directories, and then * change directory to these directories and execute the train * defined shell code there. In this case, the script defines the * shell variable @c $prefix as the relative path to the job * directory. * */ void SavePostShellScript() { std::ofstream f("post.sh"); if (!f) { Error("SavePostAll", "Failed to open post.sh script"); return; } f << "#!/bin/bash\n" << "# Generated by " << ClassName() << "\n" << "set -e\n" << "\n" << "dest=$1\n" << "prefix=\n" << "\n" << "doall() {" << std::endl; PostShellCode(f); f << "}\n" << "\n" << "if test ! -f Download.C ;then\n" << " doall\n" << " exit\n" << "fi\n" << "\n" << "if test ! -f .download ; then\n" << " aliroot -l -b -q Download.C\\(1\\)\n" << " touch .download\n" << "fi\n" << "prefix=../\n" << "\n" << "for i in root_archive_*.zip ; do\n" << " d=`basename $i .zip` \n" << " if test ! -d $d ; then\n" << " echo \"Directory $d missing\"\n" << " continue\n" << " fi\n" << " \n" << " (cd $d && doall)\n" << "done\n" << "# EOF" << std::endl; f.close(); gSystem->Exec("chmod a+x post.sh"); } /* @} */ TString fName; TString fEscapedName; TString fDatimeString; OptionList fOptions; Helper* fHelper; }; #endif