// // Class AliRsnCutTrackQuality // // General implementation of a single cut strategy, which can be: // - a value contained in a given interval [--> IsBetween() ] // - a value equal to a given reference [--> MatchesValue()] // // In all cases, the reference value(s) is (are) given as data members // and each kind of cut requires a given value type (Int, UInt, Double), // but the cut check procedure is then automatized and chosen thanks to // an enumeration of the implemented cut types. // At the end, the user (or any other point which uses this object) has // to use the method IsSelected() to check if this cut has been passed. // // authors: Martin Vala (martin.vala@cern.ch) // Alberto Pulvirenti (alberto.pulvirenti@ct.infn.it) // #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliRsnEvent.h" #include "AliRsnDaughter.h" #include "AliRsnCutTrackQuality.h" ClassImp(AliRsnCutTrackQuality) //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutTrackQuality::AliRsnCutTrackQuality(const char *name) : AliRsnCut(name, AliRsnTarget::kDaughter, 0.0, 0.0), fFlagsOn(0x0), fFlagsOff(0x0), fRejectKinkDaughters(kTRUE), fDCARfixed(kTRUE), fDCARptFormula(""), fDCARmax(1E20), fDCAZfixed(kTRUE), fDCAZptFormula(""), fDCAZmax(1E20), fSPDminNClusters(0), fITSminNClusters(0), fITSmaxChi2(1E20), fTPCminNClusters(0), fTPCmaxChi2(1E20), fCutMaxChi2TPCConstrainedVsGlobal(1E20), fTPCminNCrossedRows(0), fTPCminCrossedRowsOverFindableCls(0), fCutMinLengthActiveVolumeTPC(0), fAODTestFilterBit(-1), fCheckOnlyFilterBit(kTRUE), fESDtrackCuts(0x0) { // // Default constructor. // Initializes all cuts in such a way that all of them are disabled. // SetPtRange(0.0, 1E20); SetEtaRange(-1E20, 1E20); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutTrackQuality::AliRsnCutTrackQuality(const AliRsnCutTrackQuality ©) : AliRsnCut(copy), fFlagsOn(copy.fFlagsOn), fFlagsOff(copy.fFlagsOff), fRejectKinkDaughters(copy.fRejectKinkDaughters), fDCARfixed(copy.fDCARfixed), fDCARptFormula(copy.fDCARptFormula), fDCARmax(copy.fDCARmax), fDCAZfixed(copy.fDCAZfixed), fDCAZptFormula(copy.fDCAZptFormula), fDCAZmax(copy.fDCAZmax), fSPDminNClusters(copy.fSPDminNClusters), fITSminNClusters(copy.fITSminNClusters), fITSmaxChi2(copy.fITSmaxChi2), fTPCminNClusters(copy.fTPCminNClusters), fTPCmaxChi2(copy.fTPCmaxChi2), fCutMaxChi2TPCConstrainedVsGlobal(copy.fCutMaxChi2TPCConstrainedVsGlobal), fTPCminNCrossedRows(copy.fTPCminNCrossedRows), fTPCminCrossedRowsOverFindableCls(copy.fTPCminCrossedRowsOverFindableCls), fCutMinLengthActiveVolumeTPC(copy.fCutMinLengthActiveVolumeTPC), fAODTestFilterBit(copy.fAODTestFilterBit), fCheckOnlyFilterBit(copy.fCheckOnlyFilterBit), fESDtrackCuts(copy.fESDtrackCuts) { // // Copy constructor. // Just copy all data member values. // SetPtRange(copy.fPt[0], copy.fPt[1]); SetEtaRange(copy.fEta[0], copy.fEta[1]); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutTrackQuality &AliRsnCutTrackQuality::operator=(const AliRsnCutTrackQuality ©) { // // Assignment operator. // Just copy all data member values. // if (this == ©) return *this; fFlagsOn = copy.fFlagsOn; fFlagsOff = copy.fFlagsOff; fRejectKinkDaughters = copy.fRejectKinkDaughters; fDCARfixed = copy.fDCARfixed; fDCARptFormula = copy.fDCARptFormula; fDCARmax = copy.fDCARmax; fDCAZfixed = copy.fDCAZfixed; fDCAZptFormula = copy.fDCAZptFormula; fDCAZmax = copy.fDCAZmax; fSPDminNClusters = copy.fSPDminNClusters; fITSminNClusters = copy.fITSminNClusters; fITSmaxChi2 = copy.fITSmaxChi2; fTPCminNClusters = copy.fTPCminNClusters; fTPCmaxChi2 = copy.fTPCmaxChi2; fCutMaxChi2TPCConstrainedVsGlobal = copy.fCutMaxChi2TPCConstrainedVsGlobal; fTPCminNCrossedRows = copy.fTPCminNCrossedRows; fTPCminCrossedRowsOverFindableCls = copy.fTPCminCrossedRowsOverFindableCls; fCutMinLengthActiveVolumeTPC = copy.fCutMinLengthActiveVolumeTPC; fAODTestFilterBit = copy.fAODTestFilterBit; fCheckOnlyFilterBit = copy.fCheckOnlyFilterBit; fESDtrackCuts = copy.fESDtrackCuts; SetPtRange(copy.fPt[0], copy.fPt[1]); SetEtaRange(copy.fEta[0], copy.fEta[1]); return (*this); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutTrackQuality::DisableAll() { // // Disable all cuts // fFlagsOn = 0x0; fFlagsOff = 0x0; fRejectKinkDaughters = kFALSE; fDCARfixed = kTRUE; fDCARptFormula = ""; fDCARmax = 1E20; fDCAZfixed = kTRUE; fDCAZptFormula = ""; fDCAZmax = 1E20; fSPDminNClusters = 0; fITSminNClusters = 0; fITSmaxChi2 = 1E20; fTPCminNClusters = 0; fTPCmaxChi2 = 1E20; fAODTestFilterBit = -1; fCutMaxChi2TPCConstrainedVsGlobal = 1E20; fTPCminNCrossedRows = 0; fTPCminCrossedRowsOverFindableCls = 0; fCutMinLengthActiveVolumeTPC = 0.0; if (fESDtrackCuts) { const char *cutsName = fESDtrackCuts->GetName(); const char *cutsTitle = fESDtrackCuts->GetTitle(); delete fESDtrackCuts; fESDtrackCuts = new AliESDtrackCuts(cutsName,cutsTitle); } SetPtRange(0.0, 1E20); SetEtaRange(-1E20, 1E20); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnCutTrackQuality::IsSelected(TObject *object) { // // Cut checker. // Checks the type of object being evaluated // and then calls the appropriate sub-function (for ESD or AOD) // // coherence check if (!TargetOK(object)) return kFALSE; // status is checked in the same way for all tracks, using AliVTrack // as a convention, if a the collection of 'on' flags is '0x0', it // is assumed that no flags are required, and this check is skipped; // for the collection of 'off' flags this is not needed AliVTrack *vtrack = fDaughter->Ref2Vtrack(); if (!vtrack) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "This object is not either an ESD nor AOD track"); return kFALSE; } ULong_t status = (ULong_t)vtrack->GetStatus(); ULong_t checkOn = status & fFlagsOn; ULong_t checkOff = status & fFlagsOff; if (fFlagsOn != 0x0 && checkOn != fFlagsOn) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, Form("Failed flag check: required %s", Binary(fFlagsOn))); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, Form(" track has %s", Binary(status ))); return kFALSE; } if (checkOff != 0) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, Form("Failed flag check: forbidden %s", Binary(fFlagsOff))); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, Form(" track has %s", Binary(status ))); return kFALSE; } AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 3, Form("Flag check OK: required %s", Binary(fFlagsOn))); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 3, Form(" forbidden %s", Binary(fFlagsOff))); AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 3, Form(" track has %s", Binary(status ))); // retrieve real object type AliESDtrack *esdTrack = fDaughter->Ref2ESDtrack(); AliAODTrack *aodTrack = fDaughter->Ref2AODtrack(); if (esdTrack) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Checking an ESD track"); if (fESDtrackCuts) return fESDtrackCuts->IsSelected(esdTrack); else return CheckESD(esdTrack); } else if (aodTrack) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Checking an AOD track"); return CheckAOD(aodTrack); } else { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, Form("This object is not either an ESD nor AOD track, it is an %s", fDaughter->GetRef()->ClassName())); return kFALSE; } } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnCutTrackQuality::CheckESD(AliESDtrack *track) { // // Check an ESD track. // This is done using the default track checker for ESD. // It is declared static, not to recreate it every time. // //static AliESDtrackCuts cuts; AliESDtrackCuts cuts; // general acceptance/pt cuts cuts.SetPtRange(fPt[0], fPt[1]); cuts.SetEtaRange(fEta[0], fEta[1]); // transverse DCA cuts if (fDCARfixed) cuts.SetMaxDCAToVertexXY(fDCARmax); else cuts.SetMaxDCAToVertexXYPtDep(fDCARptFormula.Data()); // longitudinal DCA cuts if (fDCAZfixed) cuts.SetMaxDCAToVertexZ(fDCAZmax); else cuts.SetMaxDCAToVertexZPtDep(fDCAZptFormula.Data()); // these options are always disabled in current version cuts.SetDCAToVertex2D(kFALSE); cuts.SetRequireSigmaToVertex(kFALSE); // TPC related cuts for TPC+ITS tracks if (fIsUseCrossedRowsCut) { cuts.SetMinNCrossedRowsTPC(fTPCminNCrossedRows); cuts.SetMinRatioCrossedRowsOverFindableClustersTPC(fTPCminCrossedRowsOverFindableCls); } else { cuts.SetMinNClustersTPC(fTPCminNClusters); } cuts.SetMaxChi2PerClusterTPC(fTPCmaxChi2); cuts.SetAcceptKinkDaughters(!fRejectKinkDaughters); cuts.SetMaxChi2TPCConstrainedGlobal(fCutMaxChi2TPCConstrainedVsGlobal); if (fIsUseLengthActiveVolumeTPCCut) cuts.SetMinLengthActiveVolumeTPC(fCutMinLengthActiveVolumeTPC); // ITS related cuts for TPC+ITS tracks if (fSPDminNClusters > 0) cuts.SetClusterRequirementITS(AliESDtrackCuts::kSPD, AliESDtrackCuts::kAny); cuts.SetMaxChi2PerClusterITS(fITSmaxChi2); // now that all is initialized, do the check return cuts.IsSelected(track); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnCutTrackQuality::CheckAOD(AliAODTrack *track) { // // Check an AOD track. // This is done doing directly all checks, since there is not // an equivalend checker for AOD tracks // // if a test bit is used, check it and skip the following if (fAODTestFilterBit >= 0) { UInt_t bit = 1 << fAODTestFilterBit; AliDebugClass(2, Form("Required a test filter bit for AOD check: %u (result: %s)", bit, (track->TestFilterBit(bit) ? "accept" : "reject"))); if (!track->TestFilterBit(bit)) return kFALSE; else { if (track->Pt() < fPt[0] || track->Pt() > fPt[1]) return kFALSE; if (track->Eta() < fEta[0] || track->Eta() > fEta[1]) return kFALSE; if (fCheckOnlyFilterBit) return kTRUE; } } // try to retrieve the reference AOD event AliAODEvent *aodEvent = 0x0; if (fEvent) aodEvent = fEvent->GetRefAOD(); if (!aodEvent) { AliError("AOD reference event is not initialized!"); return kFALSE; } // step #0: check SPD and ITS clusters Int_t nSPD = 0; nSPD = TESTBIT(track->GetITSClusterMap(), 0); nSPD += TESTBIT(track->GetITSClusterMap(), 1); if (nSPD < fSPDminNClusters) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Not enough SPD clusters in this track. Rejected"); return kFALSE; } //step #1: check number of clusters if ((!fIsUseCrossedRowsCut) && (track->GetTPCNcls() < fTPCminNClusters)) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Too few TPC clusters. Rejected"); return kFALSE; } if (track->GetITSNcls() < fITSminNClusters) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Too few ITS clusters. Rejected"); return kFALSE; } //check chi square if (track->Chi2perNDF() > fTPCmaxChi2) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Bad chi2. Rejected"); return kFALSE; } if (track->Chi2perNDF() > fITSmaxChi2) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Bad chi2. Rejected"); return kFALSE; } //step #2a: check number of crossed rows in TPC if (fIsUseCrossedRowsCut) { Float_t nCrossedRowsTPC = track->GetTPCNCrossedRows(); if (nCrossedRowsTPC < fTPCminNCrossedRows) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Too few TPC crossed rows. Rejected"); return kFALSE; } if (track->GetTPCNclsF()>0) { Float_t ratioCrossedRowsOverFindableClustersTPC = nCrossedRowsTPC / track->GetTPCNclsF(); if (ratioCrossedRowsOverFindableClustersTPC < fTPCminCrossedRowsOverFindableCls){ AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Too few TPC crossed rows/findable clusters. Rejected"); return kFALSE; } } else { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Negative value for TPC crossed rows/findable clusters. Rejected"); return kFALSE; } } //step #2b: check on track length in active volume of TPC implemented only for ESD tracks //if (fIsUseLengthActiveVolumeTPCCut) { // not yet implemented in AODs} //step #3: reject kink daughters AliAODVertex *vertex = track->GetProdVertex(); if (vertex && fRejectKinkDaughters) { if (vertex->GetType() == AliAODVertex::kKink) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Kink daughter. Rejected"); return kFALSE; } } // step #4: DCA cut (transverse) // --> reject all tracks not ITS refitted Double_t b[2], cov[3]; vertex = aodEvent->GetPrimaryVertex(); if (!vertex) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "NULL vertex"); return kFALSE; } if ((track->GetStatus() & AliESDtrack::kITSrefit) == 0) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Not ITS refitted"); return kFALSE; } if (!track->PropagateToDCA(vertex, aodEvent->GetMagneticField(), kVeryBig, b, cov)) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Failed propagation to vertex"); return kFALSE; } // if the DCA cut is not fixed, compute current value if (!fDCARfixed) { TString str(fDCARptFormula); str.ReplaceAll("pt", "x"); TFormula dcaXY(Form("%s_dcaXY", GetName()), str.Data()); fDCARmax = dcaXY.Eval(track->Pt()); } // check the cut if (TMath::Abs(b[0]) > fDCARmax) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Too large transverse DCA"); return kFALSE; } // step #5: DCA cut (longitudinal) // the DCA has already been computed above // if the DCA cut is not fixed, compute current value if (!fDCAZfixed) { TString str(fDCAZptFormula); str.ReplaceAll("pt", "x"); TFormula dcaZ(Form("%s_dcaXY", GetName()), str.Data()); fDCAZmax = dcaZ.Eval(track->Pt()); } // check the cut if (TMath::Abs(b[1]) > fDCAZmax) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Too large longitudinal DCA"); return kFALSE; } // step #6: check eta/pt range if (track->Eta() < fEta[0] || track->Eta() > fEta[1]) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Outside ETA acceptance"); return kFALSE; } if (track->Pt() < fPt[0] || track->Pt() > fPt[1]) { AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "Outside PT acceptance"); return kFALSE; } // if we are here, all cuts were passed and no exit point was got AliDebug(AliLog::kDebug + 2, "============================= ACCEPTED TRACK ====================================================="); return kTRUE; } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutTrackQuality::Print(const Option_t *) const { // // Print information on this cut // AliInfo(Form("Cut name : %s", GetName())); AliInfo(Form("Required flags (off, on): %lx %lx", fFlagsOn, fFlagsOff)); AliInfo(Form("Ranges in eta, pt : %.2f - %.2f, %.2f - %.2f", fEta[0], fEta[1], fPt[0], fPt[1])); AliInfo(Form("Kink daughters are : %s", (fRejectKinkDaughters ? "rejected" : "accepted"))); AliInfo(Form("TPC requirements (clusters) : min. cluster = %i, max chi2 = %f", fTPCminNClusters, fTPCmaxChi2)); AliInfo(Form("TPC requirements (crossed rows) : min. crossed rows = %f, min. crossed rows/findable clusters = %f", fTPCminNCrossedRows, fTPCminCrossedRowsOverFindableCls)); AliInfo(Form("TPC requirements (track length) : min. track length in active volume TPC = %f", fCutMinLengthActiveVolumeTPC)); AliInfo(Form("ITS requirements : min. cluster = %d (all), %d (SPD), max chi2 = %f", fITSminNClusters, fSPDminNClusters, fITSmaxChi2)); if (fDCARfixed) { AliInfo(Form("DCA r cut : fixed to %f cm", fDCARmax)); } else { AliInfo(Form("DCA r cut formula : %s", fDCARptFormula.Data())); } if (fDCAZfixed) { AliInfo(Form("DCA z cut : fixed to %f cm", fDCAZmax)); } else { AliInfo(Form("DCA z cut formula : %s", fDCAZptFormula.Data())); } AliInfo(Form("fAODTestFilterBit : filter bit %i",fAODTestFilterBit)); AliInfo(Form("fCheckOnlyFilterBit : %i",((int) fCheckOnlyFilterBit))); } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutTrackQuality::SetDefaults2010() { // // Default settings for cuts used in 2010 // AddStatusFlag(AliESDtrack::kTPCin , kTRUE); AddStatusFlag(AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit, kTRUE); AddStatusFlag(AliESDtrack::kITSrefit, kTRUE); SetPtRange(0.15, 1E+20); SetEtaRange(-0.8, 0.8); SetDCARPtFormula("0.0182+0.0350/pt^1.01"); SetDCAZmax(2.0); SetSPDminNClusters(1); SetITSminNClusters(0); // SetITSmaxChi2(36); // SetMaxChi2TPCConstrainedGlobal(36); SetTPCminNClusters(70); SetTPCmaxChi2(4.0); SetRejectKinkDaughters(); SetAODTestFilterBit(5); } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutTrackQuality::SetDefaultsHighPt2011(Bool_t useTPCCrossedRows) { // // Default settings for cuts used in 2011 (for high-pT) // fIsUseCrossedRowsCut=useTPCCrossedRows; fESDtrackCuts = AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardITSTPCTrackCuts2011(kTRUE, useTPCCrossedRows); fESDtrackCuts->SetMinNCrossedRowsTPC(120); //default is min 70 crossed rows -> use 120 to go to higher pt fESDtrackCuts->SetMaxFractionSharedTPCClusters(0.4);//default is not set --> use to go to higher pt //fESDtrackCuts->SetMinRatioCrossedRowsOverFindableClustersTPC(0.8);//already in 2011 std //fESDtrackCuts->SetMaxChi2PerClusterITS(36);//already in 2011 std //fESDtrackCuts->SetMaxChi2TPCConstrainedGlobal(36);//already in 2011 std // AddStatusFlag(AliESDtrack::kTPCin , kTRUE); //already in 2011 std // AddStatusFlag(AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit, kTRUE);//already in 2011 std // AddStatusFlag(AliESDtrack::kITSrefit, kTRUE);//already in 2011 std SetPtRange(0.15, 1E+20); SetEtaRange(-0.8, 0.8); SetAODTestFilterBit(10); return; } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutTrackQuality::SetDefaults2011(Bool_t useTPCCrossedRows) { // // Default std cuts 2011 with crossed rows (=70) // fIsUseCrossedRowsCut=useTPCCrossedRows; fESDtrackCuts = AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardITSTPCTrackCuts2011(kTRUE,useTPCCrossedRows); SetPtRange(0.15, 1E+20); SetEtaRange(-0.8, 0.8); SetAODTestFilterBit(5); return; } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ const char *AliRsnCutTrackQuality::Binary(UInt_t number) { // // Convert an integer in binary // static char b[50]; b[0] = '\0'; UInt_t z; for (z = 512; z > 0; z >>= 1) strncat(b, ((number & z) == z) ? "1" : "0", 1); return b; }