// // Class AliRsnCutV0 // // General implementation of a single cut strategy, which can be: // - a value contained in a given interval [--> IsBetween() ] // - a value equal to a given reference [--> MatchesValue()] // // In all cases, the reference value(s) is (are) given as data members // and each kind of cut requires a given value type (Int, UInt, Double), // but the cut check procedure is then automatized and chosen thanks to // an enumeration of the implemented cut types. // At the end, the user (or any other point which uses this object) has // to use the method IsSelected() to check if this cut has been passed. // // authors: Massimo Venaruzzo (massimo.venaruzzo@ts.infn.it) // modified: Enrico Fragiacomo (enrico.fragiacomo@ts.infn.it) // #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliRsnEvent.h" #include "AliRsnDaughter.h" #include "AliRsnCutV0.h" ClassImp(AliRsnCutV0) //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutV0::AliRsnCutV0(const char *name, Int_t hypothesis, AliPID::EParticleType pid, AliPID::EParticleType pid2) : AliRsnCut(name, AliRsnTarget::kDaughter), fHypothesis(0), fMass(0.0), fTolerance(0.01), fMaxDCAVertex(0.3), fMinCosPointAngle(0.95), fMaxDaughtersDCA(0.5), fMinTPCcluster(70), fMaxRapidity(0.8), fPID(pid), fPID2(pid2), fPIDCutProton(0), fPIDCutPion(0), fESDtrackCuts(0x0), fCutQuality(Form("%sDaughtersQuality", name)), fAODTestFilterBit(5) { // // Default constructor. // Initializes all cuts in such a way that all of them are disabled. // SetHypothesis(hypothesis); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutV0::AliRsnCutV0(const AliRsnCutV0 ©) : AliRsnCut(copy), fHypothesis(copy.fHypothesis), fMass(copy.fMass), fTolerance(copy.fTolerance), fMaxDCAVertex(copy.fMaxDCAVertex), fMinCosPointAngle(copy.fMinCosPointAngle), fMaxDaughtersDCA(copy.fMaxDaughtersDCA), fMinTPCcluster(copy.fMinTPCcluster), fMaxRapidity(copy.fMaxRapidity), fPID(copy.fPID), fPID2(copy.fPID2), fPIDCutProton(copy.fPIDCutProton), fPIDCutPion(copy.fPIDCutPion), fESDtrackCuts(copy.fESDtrackCuts), fCutQuality(copy.fCutQuality), fAODTestFilterBit(copy.fAODTestFilterBit) { // // Copy constructor. // Just copy all data member values.:IsSelected: Object is not a V0 (RESONANCES/AliRsnCutV0.cxx:149) // fCutQuality.SetPtRange(0.15, 1E+20); fCutQuality.SetEtaRange(-0.8, 0.8); fCutQuality.SetSPDminNClusters(1); fCutQuality.SetITSminNClusters(0); fCutQuality.SetITSmaxChi2(1E+20); fCutQuality.SetTPCminNClusters(fMinTPCcluster); fCutQuality.SetTPCmaxChi2(4.0); fCutQuality.SetRejectKinkDaughters(); fCutQuality.SetAODTestFilterBit(5); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnCutV0 &AliRsnCutV0::operator=(const AliRsnCutV0 ©) { // // Assignment operator. // Just copy all data member values. // if (this == ©) return *this; fHypothesis = copy.fHypothesis; fMass = copy.fMass; fTolerance = copy.fTolerance; fMaxDCAVertex = copy.fMaxDCAVertex; fMinCosPointAngle = copy.fMinCosPointAngle; fMaxDaughtersDCA = copy.fMaxDaughtersDCA; fMinTPCcluster = copy.fMinTPCcluster; fMaxRapidity = copy.fMaxRapidity; fCutQuality = copy.fCutQuality; fPID = copy.fPID; fPID2 = copy.fPID2; fPIDCutProton = copy.fPIDCutProton; fPIDCutPion = copy.fPIDCutPion; fESDtrackCuts = copy.fESDtrackCuts; fCutQuality = copy.fCutQuality; fAODTestFilterBit = copy.fAODTestFilterBit; return (*this); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnCutV0::IsSelected(TObject *object) { //:IsSelected: Object is not a V0 (RESONANCES/AliRsnCutV0.cxx:149) // Cut checker. // Checks the type of object being evaluated // and then calls the appropriate sub-function (for ESD or AOD) // // coherence check if (!TargetOK(object)) return kFALSE; // check cast AliESDv0 *v0esd = fDaughter->Ref2ESDv0(); AliAODv0 *v0aod = fDaughter->Ref2AODv0(); //cout << fDaughter->GetRef()->ClassName() << ' ' << v0esd << ' ' << v0aod << endl; // operate depending on cast:IsSelected: Object is not a V0 (RESONANCES/AliRsnCutV0.cxx:149) if (v0esd) { return CheckESD(v0esd); } else if (v0aod) { return CheckAOD(v0aod); } else { AliDebugClass(1, "Object is not a V0"); return kFALSE; } } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnCutV0::CheckESD(AliESDv0 *v0) { // // Check an ESD V0. // This is done using the default track checker for ESD. // It is declared static, not to recreate it every time. // AliDebugClass(1, "Check ESD"); if (v0->GetOnFlyStatus()) { AliDebugClass(1, "Rejecting V0 in 'on fly' status"); return kFALSE; // if kTRUE, then this V0 is recontructed } // retrieve pointer to owner event AliESDEvent *lESDEvent = fEvent->GetRefESD(); Double_t xPrimaryVertex = lESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetX(); Double_t yPrimaryVertex = lESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetY(); Double_t zPrimaryVertex = lESDEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZ(); AliDebugClass(2, Form("Primary vertex: %f %f %f", xPrimaryVertex, yPrimaryVertex, zPrimaryVertex)); // retrieve the V0 daughters UInt_t lIdxPos = (UInt_t) TMath::Abs(v0->GetPindex()); UInt_t lIdxNeg = (UInt_t) TMath::Abs(v0->GetNindex()); AliESDtrack *pTrack = lESDEvent->GetTrack(lIdxPos); AliESDtrack *nTrack = lESDEvent->GetTrack(lIdxNeg); // check quality cuts if (fESDtrackCuts) { AliDebugClass(2, "Checking quality cuts"); if (!fESDtrackCuts->IsSelected(pTrack)) { AliDebugClass(2, "Positive daughter failed quality cuts"); return kFALSE; } if (!fESDtrackCuts->IsSelected(nTrack)) { AliDebugClass(2, "Negative daughter failed quality cuts"); return kFALSE; } } // filter like-sign V0 if ( TMath::Abs( ((pTrack->GetSign()) - (nTrack->GetSign())) ) < 0.1) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed like-sign V0 check"); return kFALSE; } // check compatibility with expected species hypothesis v0->ChangeMassHypothesis(fHypothesis); if ((TMath::Abs(v0->GetEffMass() - fMass)) > fTolerance) { AliDebugClass(2, "V0 is not in the expected inv mass range"); return kFALSE; } // topological checks if (TMath::Abs(v0->GetD(xPrimaryVertex, yPrimaryVertex, zPrimaryVertex)) > fMaxDCAVertex) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed check on DCA to primary vertes"); return kFALSE; } if (TMath::Abs(v0->GetV0CosineOfPointingAngle()) < fMinCosPointAngle) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed check on cosine of pointing angle"); return kFALSE; } if (TMath::Abs(v0->GetDcaV0Daughters()) > fMaxDaughtersDCA) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed check on DCA between daughters"); return kFALSE; } if (TMath::Abs(v0->Y(fHypothesis)) > fMaxRapidity) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed check on V0 rapidity"); return kFALSE; } // check PID on proton or antiproton from V0 // check initialization of PID object AliPIDResponse *pid = fEvent->GetPIDResponse(); if (!pid) { AliFatal("NULL PID response"); return kFALSE; } // check if TOF is matched // and computes all values used in the PID cut //Bool_t isTOFpos = MatchTOF(ptrack); //Bool_t isTOFneg = MatchTOF(ntrack); //Double_t pospTPC = pTrack->GetTPCmomentum(); //Double_t negpTPC = nTrack->GetTPCmomentum(); //Double_t posp = pTrack->P(); //Double_t negp = nTrack->P(); Double_t posnsTPC = TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTPC(pTrack, fPID)); Double_t posnsTPC2 = TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTPC(pTrack, fPID2)); //Double_t posnsTOF = TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTOF(ptrack, fPID)); Double_t negnsTPC = TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTPC(nTrack, fPID)); Double_t negnsTPC2 = TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTPC(nTrack, fPID2)); //Double_t negnsTOF = TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTOF(ntrack, fPID)); Double_t maxTPC = 1E20; Double_t maxTPC2 = 1E20; //Double_t maxTOF = 1E20; // applies the cut differently depending on the PID and the momentum if(fHypothesis==kLambda0) { //if (isTOFpos) { // TPC: 5sigma cut for all //if (posnsTPC > 5.0) return kFALSE; // TOF: 3sigma // maxTOF = 3.0; //return (posnsTOF <= maxTOF); //} else { // TPC: maxTPC = fPIDCutProton; maxTPC2 = fPIDCutPion; if (! ((posnsTPC <= maxTPC) && (negnsTPC2 <= maxTPC2)) ) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed check on V0 PID"); return kFALSE; } } //} if(fHypothesis==kLambda0Bar) { //if (isTOFneg) { // TPC: 5sigma cut for all //if (negnsTPC > 5.0) return kFALSE; // TOF: 3sigma // maxTOF = 3.0; //return (negnsTOF <= maxTOF); //} else { // TPC: maxTPC = fPIDCutProton; maxTPC2 = fPIDCutPion; if(! ((negnsTPC <= maxTPC) && (posnsTPC2 <= maxTPC2)) ) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed check on V0 PID"); return kFALSE; } } //} // if we reach this point, all checks were successful AliDebugClass(2, "Good V0 (hallelujah)"); return kTRUE; } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnCutV0::CheckAOD(AliAODv0 *v0) { // // Check an AOD V0. // This is done doing directly all checks, since there is not // an equivalend checker for AOD tracks // AliDebugClass(2, "Check AOD"); if (v0->GetOnFlyStatus()) { AliDebugClass(2, "Rejecting V0 in 'on fly' status"); return kFALSE; // if kTRUE, then this V0 is recontructed } // retrieve pointer to owner event AliAODEvent *lAODEvent = fEvent->GetRefAOD(); Double_t xPrimaryVertex = lAODEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetX(); Double_t yPrimaryVertex = lAODEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetY(); Double_t zPrimaryVertex = lAODEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZ(); AliDebugClass(2, Form("Primary vertex: %f %f %f", xPrimaryVertex, yPrimaryVertex, zPrimaryVertex)); // retrieve the V0 daughters AliAODTrack *pTrack = (AliAODTrack *) (v0->GetSecondaryVtx()->GetDaughter(0)); AliAODTrack *nTrack = (AliAODTrack *) (v0->GetSecondaryVtx()->GetDaughter(1)); // check quality cuts UInt_t filtermapP = 9999; UInt_t filtermapN = 9999; filtermapP = pTrack->GetFilterMap(); filtermapN = nTrack->GetFilterMap(); if ( !pTrack->TestFilterBit(fAODTestFilterBit) ) { AliDebugClass(2, Form("Positive daughter failed quality cuts filtermapP=%d",filtermapP)); return kFALSE; } if ( !nTrack->TestFilterBit(fAODTestFilterBit) ) { AliDebugClass(2, Form("Negative daughter failed quality cuts filtermapN=%d",filtermapN)); return kFALSE; } /*AliDebugClass(1, Form("fESDtrackCuts=%p",fESDtrackCuts)); if (fESDtrackCuts) { // use fESDtrackCuts to retrieve cuts values AliDebugClass(2, "Checking quality cuts"); const Bool_t CutAcceptKinkDaughters = fESDtrackCuts->GetAcceptKinkDaughters(); // 0 = kFalse const Float_t CutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC = fESDtrackCuts->GetMaxChi2PerClusterTPC(); const Int_t CutMinNClusterTPC = fESDtrackCuts->GetMinNClusterTPC(); const Bool_t CutRequireTPCRefit = fESDtrackCuts->GetRequireTPCRefit(); //AliDebugClass(2, Form("accept kink=%d maxchi2=%f minnclSTPC=%d requireTPCrefit=%d", CutAcceptKinkDaughters, // CutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC, CutMinNClusterTPC, CutRequireTPCRefit)); //AliDebugClass(2, Form("pTrack->TPCNcls=%d", pTrack->GetTPCNcls() )); //AliDebugClass(2, Form("nTrack->TPCNcls=%d", nTrack->GetTPCNcls() )); if(pTrack->GetTPCNcls() < CutMinNClusterTPC) {AliDebugClass(2, "Positive daughter not MinNclsTPC"); return kFALSE;} if(nTrack->GetTPCNcls() < CutMinNClusterTPC) {AliDebugClass(2, "Negative daughter not MinNclsTPC"); return kFALSE;} }*/ // filter like-sign V0 if ( TMath::Abs( ((pTrack->Charge()) - (nTrack->Charge())) ) < 0.1) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed like-sign V0 check"); return kFALSE; } // check compatibility with expected species hypothesis Double_t mass = 0.0; if(fHypothesis==kLambda0) { mass = v0->MassLambda(); } else if (fHypothesis==kLambda0Bar) { mass = v0->MassAntiLambda(); } if ((TMath::Abs(mass - fMass)) > fTolerance) { AliDebugClass(2, Form("V0 is not in the expected inv mass range Mass: %d %f %f", fHypothesis, fMass, mass)); return kFALSE; } AliDebugClass(2, Form("Mass: %d %f %f", fHypothesis, fMass, mass)); // topological checks if (TMath::Abs(v0->DcaV0ToPrimVertex()) > fMaxDCAVertex) { AliDebugClass(2, Form("Failed check on DCA to primary vertes dca=%f maxdca=%f",TMath::Abs(v0->DcaV0ToPrimVertex()),fMaxDCAVertex)); return kFALSE; } if (TMath::Abs( TMath::Cos(v0->OpenAngleV0()) ) < fMinCosPointAngle) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed check on cosine of pointing angle"); return kFALSE; } if (TMath::Abs(v0->DcaV0Daughters()) > fMaxDaughtersDCA) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed check on DCA between daughters"); return kFALSE; } if (TMath::Abs(v0->RapLambda()) > fMaxRapidity) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed check on V0 rapidity"); return kFALSE; } // check initialization of PID object AliPIDResponse *pid = fEvent->GetPIDResponse(); if (!pid) { AliFatal("NULL PID response"); return kFALSE; } // check if TOF is matched // and computes all values used in the PID cut //Bool_t isTOFpos = MatchTOF(ptrack); //Bool_t isTOFneg = MatchTOF(ntrack); //Double_t pospTPC = pTrack->GetTPCmomentum(); //Double_t negpTPC = nTrack->GetTPCmomentum(); //Double_t posp = pTrack->P(); //Double_t negp = nTrack->P(); Double_t posnsTPC = TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTPC(pTrack, fPID)); Double_t posnsTPC2 = TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTPC(pTrack, fPID2)); //Double_t posnsTOF = TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTOF(ptrack, fPID)); Double_t negnsTPC = TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTPC(nTrack, fPID)); Double_t negnsTPC2 = TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTPC(nTrack, fPID2)); //Double_t negnsTOF = TMath::Abs(pid->NumberOfSigmasTOF(ntrack, fPID)); Double_t maxTPC = 1E20; Double_t maxTPC2 = 1E20; //Double_t maxTOF = 1E20; // applies the cut differently depending on the PID and the momentum if(fHypothesis==kLambda0) { //if (isTOFpos) { // TPC: 5sigma cut for all //if (posnsTPC > 5.0) return kFALSE; // TOF: 3sigma // maxTOF = 3.0; //return (posnsTOF <= maxTOF); //} else { // TPC: maxTPC = fPIDCutProton; maxTPC2 = fPIDCutPion; if (! ((posnsTPC <= maxTPC) && (negnsTPC2 <= maxTPC2)) ) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed check on V0 PID"); return kFALSE; } } if(fHypothesis==kLambda0Bar) { //if (isTOFneg) { // TPC: 5sigma cut for all //if (negnsTPC > 5.0) return kFALSE; // TOF: 3sigma // maxTOF = 3.0; //return (negnsTOF <= maxTOF); //} else { // TPC: maxTPC = fPIDCutProton; maxTPC2 = fPIDCutPion; if(! ((negnsTPC <= maxTPC) && (posnsTPC2 <= maxTPC2)) ) { AliDebugClass(2, "Failed check on V0 PID"); return kFALSE; } } // if we reach this point, all checks were successful AliDebugClass(1, "Good AOD V0 (hallelujah)"); AliDebugClass(1, Form("Mass: %d %f %f %d %d", fHypothesis, fMass, mass, filtermapP, filtermapN)); return kTRUE; } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnCutV0::Print(const Option_t *) const { // // Print information on this cut // }