// // Analysis task for 'mini' sub-package // Contains all definitions needed for running an analysis: // -- global event cut // -- a list of track cuts (any number) // -- definitions of output histograms // -- values to be computed. // Each one must be defined using the "CREATE" methods, which // add directly a new element in the task collections, and don't // need an external object to be passed to the task itself. // #include #include #include #include #include #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliEventplane.h" #include "AliMultiplicity.h" #include "AliTriggerAnalysis.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliESDUtils.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliRsnCutSet.h" #include "AliRsnMiniPair.h" #include "AliRsnMiniEvent.h" #include "AliRsnMiniParticle.h" #include "AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask.h" ClassImp(AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask) //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask() : AliAnalysisTaskSE(), fUseMC(kFALSE), fEvNum(0), fTriggerMask(0), fUseCentrality(kFALSE), fCentralityType("QUALITY"), fUseAOD049CentralityPatch(kFALSE), fContinuousMix(kTRUE), fNMix(0), fMaxDiffMult(10), fMaxDiffVz(1.0), fMaxDiffAngle(1E20), fOutput(0x0), fHistograms("AliRsnMiniOutput", 0), fValues("AliRsnMiniValue", 0), fHEventStat(0x0), fHAEventsVsMulti(0x0), fHAEventVz(0x0), fHAEventMultiCent(0x0), fHAEventPlane(0x0), fEventCuts(0x0), fTrackCuts(0), fRsnEvent(), fEvBuffer(0x0), fTriggerAna(0x0), fESDtrackCuts(0x0), fMiniEvent(0x0), fBigOutput(kFALSE), fMixPrintRefresh(-1) { // // Dummy constructor ALWAYS needed for I/O. // } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask(const char *name, Bool_t useMC) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fUseMC(useMC), fEvNum(0), fTriggerMask(AliVEvent::kMB), fUseCentrality(kFALSE), fCentralityType("QUALITY"), fUseAOD049CentralityPatch(kFALSE), fContinuousMix(kTRUE), fNMix(0), fMaxDiffMult(10), fMaxDiffVz(1.0), fMaxDiffAngle(1E20), fOutput(0x0), fHistograms("AliRsnMiniOutput", 0), fValues("AliRsnMiniValue", 0), fHEventStat(0x0), fHAEventsVsMulti(0x0), fHAEventVz(0x0), fHAEventMultiCent(0x0), fHAEventPlane(0x0), fEventCuts(0x0), fTrackCuts(0), fRsnEvent(), fEvBuffer(0x0), fTriggerAna(0x0), fESDtrackCuts(0x0), fMiniEvent(0x0), fBigOutput(kFALSE), fMixPrintRefresh(-1) { // // Default constructor. // Define input and output slots here (never in the dummy constructor) // Input slot #0 works with a TChain - it is connected to the default input container // Output slot #1 writes into a TH1 container // DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask(const AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask ©) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(copy), fUseMC(copy.fUseMC), fEvNum(0), fTriggerMask(copy.fTriggerMask), fUseCentrality(copy.fUseCentrality), fCentralityType(copy.fCentralityType), fUseAOD049CentralityPatch(copy.fUseAOD049CentralityPatch), fContinuousMix(copy.fContinuousMix), fNMix(copy.fNMix), fMaxDiffMult(copy.fMaxDiffMult), fMaxDiffVz(copy.fMaxDiffVz), fMaxDiffAngle(copy.fMaxDiffAngle), fOutput(0x0), fHistograms(copy.fHistograms), fValues(copy.fValues), fHEventStat(0x0), fHAEventsVsMulti(0x0), fHAEventVz(0x0), fHAEventMultiCent(0x0), fHAEventPlane(0x0), fEventCuts(copy.fEventCuts), fTrackCuts(copy.fTrackCuts), fRsnEvent(), fEvBuffer(0x0), fTriggerAna(copy.fTriggerAna), fESDtrackCuts(copy.fESDtrackCuts), fMiniEvent(0x0), fBigOutput(copy.fBigOutput), fMixPrintRefresh(copy.fMixPrintRefresh) { // // Copy constructor. // Implemented as requested by C++ standards. // Can be used in PROOF and by plugins. // } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask &AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::operator=(const AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask ©) { // // Assignment operator. // Implemented as requested by C++ standards. // Can be used in PROOF and by plugins. // AliAnalysisTaskSE::operator=(copy); if (this == ©) return *this; fUseMC = copy.fUseMC; fEvNum = copy.fEvNum; fTriggerMask = copy.fTriggerMask; fUseCentrality = copy.fUseCentrality; fCentralityType = copy.fCentralityType; fUseAOD049CentralityPatch = copy.fUseAOD049CentralityPatch; fContinuousMix = copy.fContinuousMix; fNMix = copy.fNMix; fMaxDiffMult = copy.fMaxDiffMult; fMaxDiffVz = copy.fMaxDiffVz; fMaxDiffAngle = copy.fMaxDiffAngle; fHistograms = copy.fHistograms; fValues = copy.fValues; fHEventStat = copy.fHEventStat; fHAEventsVsMulti = copy.fHAEventsVsMulti; fHAEventVz = copy.fHAEventVz; fHAEventMultiCent = copy.fHAEventMultiCent; fHAEventPlane = copy.fHAEventPlane; fEventCuts = copy.fEventCuts; fTrackCuts = copy.fTrackCuts; fTriggerAna = copy.fTriggerAna; fESDtrackCuts = copy.fESDtrackCuts; fBigOutput = copy.fBigOutput; fMixPrintRefresh = copy.fMixPrintRefresh; return (*this); } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::~AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask() { // // Destructor. // Clean-up the output list, but not the histograms that are put inside // (the list is owner and will clean-up these histograms). Protect in PROOF case. // if (fOutput && !AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->IsProofMode()) { delete fOutput; delete fEvBuffer; } } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Int_t AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::AddTrackCuts(AliRsnCutSet *cuts) { // // Add a new cut set for a new criterion for track selection. // A user can add as many as he wants, and each one corresponds // to one of the available bits in the AliRsnMiniParticle mask. // The only check is the following: if a cut set with the same name // as the argument is there, this is not added. // Return value is the array position of this set. // TObject *obj = fTrackCuts.FindObject(cuts->GetName()); if (obj) { AliInfo(Form("A cut set named '%s' already exists", cuts->GetName())); return fTrackCuts.IndexOf(obj); } else { fTrackCuts.AddLast(cuts); return fTrackCuts.IndexOf(cuts); } } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // // Initialization of outputs. // This is called once per worker node. // // reset counter fEvNum = -1; // message AliInfo(Form("Selected event characterization: %s (%s)", (fUseCentrality ? "centrality" : "multiplicity"), fCentralityType.Data())); // initialize trigger analysis if (fTriggerAna) delete fTriggerAna; fTriggerAna = new AliTriggerAnalysis; // initialize ESD quality cuts if (fESDtrackCuts) delete fESDtrackCuts; fESDtrackCuts = AliESDtrackCuts::GetStandardITSTPCTrackCuts2010(); // create list and set it as owner of its content (MANDATORY) if (fBigOutput) OpenFile(1); fOutput = new TList(); fOutput->SetOwner(); // initialize event statistics counter fHEventStat = new TH1F("hEventStat", "Event statistics", 4, 0.0, 4.0); fHEventStat->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1, "CINT1B"); fHEventStat->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2, "V0AND"); fHEventStat->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3, "Candle"); fHEventStat->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(4, "Accepted"); fOutput->Add(fHEventStat); if (fUseCentrality) fHAEventsVsMulti = new TH1F("hAEventsVsMulti", "Accepted events vs Centrality", 100, 0, 100.0); else fHAEventsVsMulti = new TH1F("hAEventsVsMulti", "Accepted events vs Multiplicity",1000, 0, 1000.0); fOutput->Add(fHAEventsVsMulti); if(fHAEventVz) fOutput->Add(fHAEventVz); if(fHAEventMultiCent) fOutput->Add(fHAEventMultiCent); if(fHAEventPlane) fOutput->Add(fHAEventPlane); TIter next(&fTrackCuts); AliRsnCutSet *cs; while ((cs = (AliRsnCutSet *) next())) { cs->Init(fOutput); } // create temporary tree for filtered events if (fMiniEvent) delete fMiniEvent; fEvBuffer = new TTree("EventBuffer", "Temporary buffer for mini events"); fEvBuffer->Branch("events", "AliRsnMiniEvent", &fMiniEvent); // create one histogram per each stored definition (event histograms) Int_t i, ndef = fHistograms.GetEntries(); AliRsnMiniOutput *def = 0x0; for (i = 0; i < ndef; i++) { def = (AliRsnMiniOutput *)fHistograms[i]; if (!def) continue; if (!def->Init(GetName(), fOutput)) { AliError(Form("Def '%s': failed initialization", def->GetName())); continue; } } // post data for ALL output slots >0 here, to get at least an empty histogram PostData(1, fOutput); } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::UserExec(Option_t *) { // // Computation loop. // In this case, it checks if the event is acceptable, and eventually // creates the corresponding mini-event and stores it in the buffer. // The real histogram filling is done at the end, in "FinishTaskOutput". // // increment event counter fEvNum++; // check current event Char_t check = CheckCurrentEvent(); if (!check) return; // setup PID response AliAnalysisManager *man = AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); AliInputEventHandler *inputHandler = (AliInputEventHandler *)man->GetInputEventHandler(); fRsnEvent.SetPIDResponse(inputHandler->GetPIDResponse()); // fill a mini-event from current // and skip this event if no tracks were accepted FillMiniEvent(check); // fill MC based histograms on mothers, // which do need the original event if (fUseMC) { if (fRsnEvent.IsESD() && fMCEvent) FillTrueMotherESD(fMiniEvent); else if (fRsnEvent.IsAOD() && fRsnEvent.GetAODList()) FillTrueMotherAOD(fMiniEvent); } // if the event is not empty, store it if (fMiniEvent->IsEmpty()) { AliDebugClass(2, Form("Rejecting empty event #%d", fEvNum)); } else { Int_t id = fEvBuffer->GetEntries(); AliDebugClass(2, Form("Adding event #%d with ID = %d", fEvNum, id)); fMiniEvent->ID() = id; fEvBuffer->Fill(); } // post data for computed stuff PostData(1, fOutput); } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::FinishTaskOutput() { // // This function is called at the end of the loop on available events, // and then the buffer will be full with all the corresponding mini-events, // each one containing all tracks selected by each of the available track cuts. // Here a loop is done on each of these events, and both single-event and mixing are computed // // security code: reassign the buffer to the mini-event cursor fEvBuffer->SetBranchAddress("events", &fMiniEvent); TStopwatch timer; // prepare variables Int_t ievt, nEvents = (Int_t)fEvBuffer->GetEntries(); Int_t idef, nDefs = fHistograms.GetEntries(); Int_t imix, iloop, ifill; AliRsnMiniOutput *def = 0x0; AliRsnMiniOutput::EComputation compType; Int_t printNum = fMixPrintRefresh; if (printNum < 0) { if (nEvents>1e5) printNum=nEvents/100; else if (nEvents>1e4) printNum=nEvents/10; else printNum = 0; } // loop on events, and for each one fill all outputs // using the appropriate procedure depending on its type // only mother-related histograms are filled in UserExec, // since they require direct access to MC event timer.Start(); for (ievt = 0; ievt < nEvents; ievt++) { // get next entry fEvBuffer->GetEntry(ievt); if (printNum&&(ievt%printNum==0)) { AliInfo(Form("[%s] Std.Event %d/%d",GetName(), ievt,nEvents)); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); fflush(stdout); timer.Start(kFALSE); } // fill for (idef = 0; idef < nDefs; idef++) { def = (AliRsnMiniOutput *)fHistograms[idef]; if (!def) continue; compType = def->GetComputation(); // execute computation in the appropriate way switch (compType) { case AliRsnMiniOutput::kEventOnly: //AliDebugClass(1, Form("Event %d, def '%s': event-value histogram filling", ievt, def->GetName())); ifill = 1; def->FillEvent(fMiniEvent, &fValues); break; case AliRsnMiniOutput::kTruePair: //AliDebugClass(1, Form("Event %d, def '%s': true-pair histogram filling", ievt, def->GetName())); ifill = def->FillPair(fMiniEvent, fMiniEvent, &fValues); break; case AliRsnMiniOutput::kTrackPair: //AliDebugClass(1, Form("Event %d, def '%s': pair-value histogram filling", ievt, def->GetName())); ifill = def->FillPair(fMiniEvent, fMiniEvent, &fValues); break; case AliRsnMiniOutput::kTrackPairRotated1: //AliDebugClass(1, Form("Event %d, def '%s': rotated (1) background histogram filling", ievt, def->GetName())); ifill = def->FillPair(fMiniEvent, fMiniEvent, &fValues); break; case AliRsnMiniOutput::kTrackPairRotated2: //AliDebugClass(1, Form("Event %d, def '%s': rotated (2) background histogram filling", ievt, def->GetName())); ifill = def->FillPair(fMiniEvent, fMiniEvent, &fValues); break; default: // other kinds are processed elsewhere ifill = 0; AliDebugClass(2, Form("Computation = %d", (Int_t)compType)); } // message AliDebugClass(1, Form("Event %6d: def = '%15s' -- fills = %5d", ievt, def->GetName(), ifill)); } } // if no mixing is required, stop here and post the output if (fNMix < 1) { AliDebugClass(2, "Stopping here, since no mixing is required"); PostData(1, fOutput); return; } // initialize mixing counter Int_t nmatched[nEvents]; TString *smatched = new TString[nEvents]; for (ievt = 0; ievt < nEvents; ievt++) { smatched[ievt] = "|"; nmatched[ievt] = 0; } AliInfo(Form("[%s] Std.Event %d/%d",GetName(), nEvents,nEvents)); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); timer.Start(); fflush(stdout); // search for good matchings for (ievt = 0; ievt < nEvents; ievt++) { if (printNum&&(ievt%printNum==0)) { AliInfo(Form("[%s] EventMixing searching %d/%d",GetName(),ievt,nEvents)); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); timer.Start(kFALSE); fflush(stdout); } if (nmatched[ievt] >= fNMix) continue; fEvBuffer->GetEntry(ievt); AliRsnMiniEvent evMain(*fMiniEvent); for (iloop = 1; iloop < nEvents; iloop++) { imix = ievt + iloop; if (imix >= nEvents) imix -= nEvents; if (imix == ievt) continue; // text next entry fEvBuffer->GetEntry(imix); // skip if events are not matched if (!EventsMatch(&evMain, fMiniEvent)) continue; // check that the array of good matches for mixed does not already contain main event if (smatched[imix].Contains(Form("|%d|", ievt))) continue; // check that the found good events has not enough matches already if (nmatched[imix] >= fNMix) continue; // add new mixing candidate smatched[ievt].Append(Form("%d|", imix)); nmatched[ievt]++; nmatched[imix]++; if (nmatched[ievt] >= fNMix) break; } AliDebugClass(1, Form("Matches for event %5d = %d [%s] (missing are declared above)", evMain.ID(), nmatched[ievt], smatched[ievt].Data())); } AliInfo(Form("[%s] EventMixing searching %d/%d",GetName(),nEvents,nEvents)); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); fflush(stdout); timer.Start(); // perform mixing TObjArray *list = 0x0; TObjString *os = 0x0; for (ievt = 0; ievt < nEvents; ievt++) { if (printNum&&(ievt%printNum==0)) { AliInfo(Form("[%s] EventMixing %d/%d",GetName(),ievt,nEvents)); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); timer.Start(kFALSE); fflush(stdout); } ifill = 0; fEvBuffer->GetEntry(ievt); AliRsnMiniEvent evMain(*fMiniEvent); list = smatched[ievt].Tokenize("|"); TObjArrayIter next(list); while ( (os = (TObjString *)next()) ) { imix = os->GetString().Atoi(); fEvBuffer->GetEntry(imix); for (idef = 0; idef < nDefs; idef++) { def = (AliRsnMiniOutput *)fHistograms[idef]; if (!def) continue; if (!def->IsTrackPairMix()) continue; ifill += def->FillPair(&evMain, fMiniEvent, &fValues, kTRUE); if (!def->IsSymmetric()) { AliDebugClass(2, "Reflecting non symmetric pair"); ifill += def->FillPair(fMiniEvent, &evMain, &fValues, kFALSE); } } } delete list; } delete [] smatched; AliInfo(Form("[%s] EventMixing %d/%d",GetName(),nEvents,nEvents)); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); fflush(stdout); /* OLD ifill = 0; for (iloop = 1; iloop < nEvents; iloop++) { imix = ievt + iloop; // restart from beginning if reached last event if (imix >= nEvents) imix -= nEvents; // avoid to mix an event with itself if (imix == ievt) continue; // skip all events already mixed enough times if (fNMixed[ievt] >= fNMix) break; if (fNMixed[imix] >= fNMix) continue; fEvBuffer->GetEntry(imix); // skip if events are not matched if (TMath::Abs(evMain.Vz() - fMiniEvent->Vz() ) > fMaxDiffVz ) continue; if (TMath::Abs(evMain.Mult() - fMiniEvent->Mult() ) > fMaxDiffMult ) continue; if (TMath::Abs(evMain.Angle() - fMiniEvent->Angle()) > fMaxDiffAngle) continue; // found a match: increment counter for both events AliDebugClass(1, Form("Event %d, def '%s': event mixing (%d with %d)", ievt, def->GetName(), ievt, imix)); fNMixed[ievt]++; fNMixed[imix]++; // process mixing ifill += def->FillPair(&evMain, fMiniEvent, &fValues); // stop if mixed enough times if (fNMixed[ievt] >= fNMix) break; } break; // print number of mixings done with each event for (ievt = 0; ievt < nEvents; ievt++) { AliDebugClass(2, Form("Event %6d: mixed %2d times", ievt, fNMixed[ievt])); } */ // post computed data PostData(1, fOutput); } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::Terminate(Option_t *) { // // Draw result to screen, or perform fitting, normalizations // Called once at the end of the query // fOutput = dynamic_cast(GetOutputData(1)); if (!fOutput) { AliError("Could not retrieve TList fOutput"); return; } } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Char_t AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::CheckCurrentEvent() { // // This method checks if current event is OK for analysis. // In case it is, the pointers of the local AliRsnEvent data member // will point to it, in order to allow cut checking, otherwise the // function exits with a failure message. // --- // ESD events must pass the physics selection, AOD are supposed to do. // --- // While checking the event, a histogram is filled to count the number // of CINT1B, V0AND and CANDLE events, which are needed for normalization // --- // Return values can be: // -- 'E' if the event is accepted and is ESD // -- 'A' if the event is accepted and is AOD // -- 0 if the event is not accepted // // string to sum messages TString msg(""); // check input type // exit points are provided in all cases an event is bad // if this block is passed, an event can be rejected only // if it does not pass the set of event cuts defined in the task Char_t output = 0; Bool_t isSelected; if (fInputEvent->InheritsFrom(AliESDEvent::Class())) { // type ESD output = 'E'; // ESD specific check: Physics Selection // --> if this is failed, the event is rejected isSelected = (((AliInputEventHandler *)(AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()))->IsEventSelected() & fTriggerMask); if (!isSelected) { AliDebugClass(2, "Event does not pass physics selections"); fRsnEvent.SetRef(0x0); fRsnEvent.SetRefMC(0x0); return 0; } // set reference to input fRsnEvent.SetRef(fInputEvent); // add MC if requested and available if (fUseMC) { if (fMCEvent) fRsnEvent.SetRefMC(fMCEvent); else { AliWarning("MC event requested but not available"); fRsnEvent.SetRefMC(0x0); } } } else if (fInputEvent->InheritsFrom(AliAODEvent::Class())) { // type AOD output = 'A'; // set reference to input fRsnEvent.SetRef(fInputEvent); // add MC if requested and available (it is in the same object) if (fUseMC) { fRsnEvent.SetRefMC(fInputEvent); if (!fRsnEvent.GetAODList()) { AliWarning("MC event requested but not available"); fRsnEvent.SetRefMC(0x0); } } } else { AliError(Form("Bad input event class: %s", fInputEvent->ClassName())); // reset pointers in local AliRsnEvent object fRsnEvent.SetRef(0x0); fRsnEvent.SetRefMC(0x0); return 0; } // fill counter of accepted events fHEventStat->Fill(0.1); // check if it is V0AND // --> uses a cast to AliESDEvent even if the input is an AliAODEvent Bool_t v0A = fTriggerAna->IsOfflineTriggerFired((AliESDEvent *)fInputEvent, AliTriggerAnalysis::kV0A); Bool_t v0C = fTriggerAna->IsOfflineTriggerFired((AliESDEvent *)fInputEvent, AliTriggerAnalysis::kV0C); if (v0A && v0C) { msg += " -- VOAND = YES"; fHEventStat->Fill(1.1); } else { msg += " -- VOAND = NO "; } // check candle // --> requires at least one good quality track with Pt > 0.5 and |eta| <= 0.8 Int_t iTrack, ntracksLoop = fInputEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); Bool_t candle = kFALSE; for (iTrack = 0; iTrack < ntracksLoop; iTrack++) { AliVTrack *track = (AliVTrack *)fInputEvent->GetTrack(iTrack); AliESDtrack *esdt = dynamic_cast(track); AliAODTrack *aodt = dynamic_cast(track); if (track->Pt() < 0.5) continue; if(TMath::Abs(track->Eta()) > 0.8) continue; if (esdt) if (!fESDtrackCuts->AcceptTrack(esdt)) continue; if (aodt) if (!aodt->TestFilterBit(5)) continue; candle = kTRUE; break; } if (candle) { msg += " -- CANDLE = YES"; fHEventStat->Fill(2.1); } else { msg += " -- CANDLE = NO "; } // if event cuts are defined, they are checked here // final decision on the event depends on this isSelected = kTRUE; if (fEventCuts) { if (!fEventCuts->IsSelected(&fRsnEvent)) { msg += " -- Local cuts = REJECTED"; isSelected = kFALSE; } else { msg += " -- Local cuts = ACCEPTED"; isSelected = kTRUE; } } else { msg += " -- Local cuts = NONE"; isSelected = kTRUE; } // if the above exit point is not taken, the event is accepted AliDebugClass(2, Form("Stats: %s", msg.Data())); if (isSelected) { fHEventStat->Fill(3.1); Double_t multi = ComputeCentrality((output == 'E')); fHAEventsVsMulti->Fill(multi); if(fHAEventVz) fHAEventVz->Fill(multi,fInputEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZ()); if(fHAEventMultiCent) fHAEventMultiCent->Fill(multi,ComputeMultiplicity(output == 'E',fHAEventMultiCent->GetYaxis()->GetTitle())); if(fHAEventPlane) fHAEventPlane->Fill(multi,ComputeAngle()); return output; } else { return 0; } } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::FillMiniEvent(Char_t evType) { // // Refresh cursor mini-event data member to fill with current event. // Returns the total number of tracks selected. // // assign event-related values if (fMiniEvent) delete fMiniEvent; fMiniEvent = new AliRsnMiniEvent; fMiniEvent->Vz() = fInputEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZ(); fMiniEvent->Angle() = ComputeAngle(); fMiniEvent->Mult() = ComputeCentrality((evType == 'E')); AliDebugClass(2, Form("Event %d: type = %c -- vz = %f -- mult = %f -- angle = %f", fEvNum, evType, fMiniEvent->Vz(), fMiniEvent->Mult(), fMiniEvent->Angle())); // loop on daughters and assign track-related values Int_t ic, ncuts = fTrackCuts.GetEntries(); Int_t ip, npart = fRsnEvent.GetAbsoluteSum(); Int_t npos = 0, nneg = 0, nneu = 0; AliRsnDaughter cursor; AliRsnMiniParticle miniParticle; for (ip = 0; ip < npart; ip++) { // point cursor to next particle fRsnEvent.SetDaughter(cursor, ip); // copy momentum and MC info if present miniParticle.CopyDaughter(&cursor); miniParticle.Index() = ip; // switch on the bits corresponding to passed cuts for (ic = 0; ic < ncuts; ic++) { AliRsnCutSet *cuts = (AliRsnCutSet *)fTrackCuts[ic]; if (cuts->IsSelected(&cursor)) miniParticle.SetCutBit(ic); } // if a track passes at least one track cut, it is added to the pool if (miniParticle.CutBits()) { fMiniEvent->AddParticle(miniParticle); if (miniParticle.Charge() == '+') npos++; else if (miniParticle.Charge() == '-') nneg++; else nneu++; } } // get number of accepted tracks AliDebugClass(1, Form("Event %6d: total = %5d, accepted = %4d (pos %4d, neg %4d, neu %4d)", fEvNum, npart, (Int_t)fMiniEvent->Particles().GetEntriesFast(), npos, nneg, nneu)); } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::ComputeAngle() { // // Get the plane angle // AliEventplane *plane = 0x0; if (fInputEvent->InheritsFrom(AliESDEvent::Class())) plane = fInputEvent->GetEventplane(); else if (fInputEvent->InheritsFrom(AliAODEvent::Class())) { AliAODEvent *aodEvent = (AliAODEvent *)fInputEvent; plane = aodEvent->GetHeader()->GetEventplaneP(); } if (plane) return plane->GetEventplane("Q"); else { AliWarning("No event plane defined"); return 1E20; } } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::ComputeCentrality(Bool_t isESD) { // // Computes event centrality/multiplicity according to the criterion defined // by two elements: (1) choice between multiplicity and centrality and // (2) the string defining what criterion must be used for specific computation. // if (fUseCentrality) { if ((!fUseMC) && (!isESD) && (fUseAOD049CentralityPatch)) { return ApplyCentralityPatchAOD049(); } else { AliCentrality *centrality = fInputEvent->GetCentrality(); if (!centrality) { AliError("Cannot compute centrality!"); return -1.0; } return centrality->GetCentralityPercentile(fCentralityType.Data()); } } else { if (!fCentralityType.CompareTo("TRACKS")) return fInputEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); else if (!fCentralityType.CompareTo("QUALITY")) if (isESD) return AliESDtrackCuts::GetReferenceMultiplicity((AliESDEvent *)fInputEvent, kTRUE); else { Double_t count = 0.; Int_t iTrack, ntracksLoop = fInputEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); for (iTrack = 0; iTrack < ntracksLoop; iTrack++) { AliVTrack *track = (AliVTrack *)fInputEvent->GetTrack(iTrack); AliAODTrack *aodt = dynamic_cast(track); if (!aodt) continue; if (!aodt->TestFilterBit(5)) continue; count++; } return count; } else if (!fCentralityType.CompareTo("TRACKLETS")) { if (isESD) { const AliMultiplicity *mult = ((AliESDEvent *)fInputEvent)->GetMultiplicity(); Float_t nClusters[6] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; for(Int_t ilay = 0; ilay < 6; ilay++) nClusters[ilay] = (Float_t)mult->GetNumberOfITSClusters(ilay); return AliESDUtils::GetCorrSPD2(nClusters[1], fInputEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZ()); } else { AliWarning("Cannot compute multiplicity with SPD tracklets from AOD"); return 1E20; } } else { AliError(Form("String '%s' does not define a possible multiplicity/centrality computation", fCentralityType.Data())); return -1.0; } } } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Double_t AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::ComputeMultiplicity(Bool_t isESD,TString type) { // // Computes event multiplicity according to the string defining // what criterion must be used for specific computation. // type.ToUpper(); if (!type.CompareTo("TRACKS")) return fInputEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); else if (!type.CompareTo("QUALITY")) if (isESD) return AliESDtrackCuts::GetReferenceMultiplicity((AliESDEvent *)fInputEvent, kTRUE); else { Double_t count = 0.; Int_t iTrack, ntracksLoop = fInputEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); for (iTrack = 0; iTrack < ntracksLoop; iTrack++) { AliVTrack *track = (AliVTrack *)fInputEvent->GetTrack(iTrack); AliAODTrack *aodt = dynamic_cast(track); if (!aodt) continue; if (!aodt->TestFilterBit(5)) continue; count++; } return count; } else if (!type.CompareTo("TRACKLETS")) { if (isESD) { const AliMultiplicity *mult = ((AliESDEvent *)fInputEvent)->GetMultiplicity(); Float_t nClusters[6] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; for(Int_t ilay = 0; ilay < 6; ilay++) nClusters[ilay] = (Float_t)mult->GetNumberOfITSClusters(ilay); return AliESDUtils::GetCorrSPD2(nClusters[1], fInputEvent->GetPrimaryVertex()->GetZ()); } else { AliWarning("Cannot compute multiplicity with SPD tracklets from AOD"); return 1E20; } } else { AliError(Form("String '%s' does not define a possible multiplicity/centrality computation", type.Data())); return -1.0; } return 1E20; } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::FillTrueMotherESD(AliRsnMiniEvent *miniEvent) { // // Fills the histograms with true mother (ESD version) // Bool_t okMatch; Int_t id, ndef = fHistograms.GetEntries(); Int_t ip, label1, label2, npart = fMCEvent->GetNumberOfTracks(); static AliRsnMiniPair miniPair; AliMCParticle *daughter1, *daughter2; TLorentzVector p1, p2; AliRsnMiniOutput *def = 0x0; for (id = 0; id < ndef; id++) { def = (AliRsnMiniOutput *)fHistograms[id]; if (!def) continue; if (!def->IsMother()) continue; for (ip = 0; ip < npart; ip++) { AliMCParticle *part = (AliMCParticle *)fMCEvent->GetTrack(ip); //get mother pdg code if (part->Particle()->GetPdgCode() != def->GetMotherPDG()) continue; // check that daughters match expected species if (part->Particle()->GetNDaughters() < 2) continue; label1 = part->Particle()->GetDaughter(0); label2 = part->Particle()->GetDaughter(1); daughter1 = (AliMCParticle *)fMCEvent->GetTrack(label1); daughter2 = (AliMCParticle *)fMCEvent->GetTrack(label2); okMatch = kFALSE; if (TMath::Abs(daughter1->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == def->GetPDG(0) && TMath::Abs(daughter2->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == def->GetPDG(1)) { okMatch = kTRUE; p1.SetXYZM(daughter1->Px(), daughter1->Py(), daughter1->Pz(), def->GetMass(0)); p2.SetXYZM(daughter2->Px(), daughter2->Py(), daughter2->Pz(), def->GetMass(1)); } else if (TMath::Abs(daughter1->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == def->GetPDG(1) && TMath::Abs(daughter2->Particle()->GetPdgCode()) == def->GetPDG(0)) { okMatch = kTRUE; p1.SetXYZM(daughter1->Px(), daughter1->Py(), daughter1->Pz(), def->GetMass(1)); p2.SetXYZM(daughter2->Px(), daughter2->Py(), daughter2->Pz(), def->GetMass(0)); } if (!okMatch) continue; // assign momenta to computation object miniPair.Sum(0) = miniPair.Sum(1) = (p1 + p2); miniPair.FillRef(def->GetMotherMass()); // do computations def->FillMother(&miniPair, miniEvent, &fValues); } } } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ void AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::FillTrueMotherAOD(AliRsnMiniEvent *miniEvent) { // // Fills the histograms with true mother (AOD version) // Bool_t okMatch; TClonesArray *list = fRsnEvent.GetAODList(); Int_t id, ndef = fHistograms.GetEntries(); Int_t ip, label1, label2, npart = list->GetEntries(); static AliRsnMiniPair miniPair; AliAODMCParticle *daughter1, *daughter2; TLorentzVector p1, p2; AliRsnMiniOutput *def = 0x0; for (id = 0; id < ndef; id++) { def = (AliRsnMiniOutput *)fHistograms[id]; if (!def) continue; if (!def->IsMother()) continue; for (ip = 0; ip < npart; ip++) { AliAODMCParticle *part = (AliAODMCParticle *)list->At(ip); if (part->GetPdgCode() != def->GetMotherPDG()) continue; // check that daughters match expected species if (part->GetNDaughters() < 2) continue; label1 = part->GetDaughter(0); label2 = part->GetDaughter(1); daughter1 = (AliAODMCParticle *)list->At(label1); daughter2 = (AliAODMCParticle *)list->At(label2); okMatch = kFALSE; if (TMath::Abs(daughter1->GetPdgCode()) == def->GetPDG(0) && TMath::Abs(daughter2->GetPdgCode()) == def->GetPDG(1)) { okMatch = kTRUE; p1.SetXYZM(daughter1->Px(), daughter1->Py(), daughter1->Pz(), def->GetMass(0)); p2.SetXYZM(daughter2->Px(), daughter2->Py(), daughter2->Pz(), def->GetMass(1)); } else if (TMath::Abs(daughter1->GetPdgCode()) == def->GetPDG(1) && TMath::Abs(daughter2->GetPdgCode()) == def->GetPDG(0)) { okMatch = kTRUE; p1.SetXYZM(daughter1->Px(), daughter1->Py(), daughter1->Pz(), def->GetMass(1)); p2.SetXYZM(daughter2->Px(), daughter2->Py(), daughter2->Pz(), def->GetMass(0)); } if (!okMatch) continue; // assign momenta to computation object miniPair.Sum(0) = miniPair.Sum(1) = (p1 + p2); miniPair.FillRef(def->GetMotherMass()); // do computations def->FillMother(&miniPair, miniEvent, &fValues); } } } //__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bool_t AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::EventsMatch(AliRsnMiniEvent *event1, AliRsnMiniEvent *event2) { // // Check if two events are compatible. // If the mixing is continuous, this is true if differences in vz, mult and angle are smaller than // the specified values. // If the mixing is binned, this is true if the events are in the same bin. // if (!event1 || !event2) return kFALSE; Int_t ivz1, ivz2, imult1, imult2, iangle1, iangle2; Double_t dv, dm, da; if (fContinuousMix) { dv = TMath::Abs(event1->Vz() - event2->Vz() ); dm = TMath::Abs(event1->Mult() - event2->Mult() ); da = TMath::Abs(event1->Angle() - event2->Angle()); if (dv > fMaxDiffVz) { //AliDebugClass(2, Form("Events #%4d and #%4d don't match due to a too large diff in Vz = %f", event1->ID(), event2->ID(), dv)); return kFALSE; } if (dm > fMaxDiffMult ) { //AliDebugClass(2, Form("Events #%4d and #%4d don't match due to a too large diff in Mult = %f", event1->ID(), event2->ID(), dm)); return kFALSE; } if (da > fMaxDiffAngle) { //AliDebugClass(2, Form("Events #%4d and #%4d don't match due to a too large diff in Angle = %f", event1->ID(), event2->ID(), da)); return kFALSE; } return kTRUE; } else { ivz1 = (Int_t)(event1->Vz() / fMaxDiffVz); ivz2 = (Int_t)(event2->Vz() / fMaxDiffVz); imult1 = (Int_t)(event1->Mult() / fMaxDiffMult); imult2 = (Int_t)(event2->Mult() / fMaxDiffMult); iangle1 = (Int_t)(event1->Angle() / fMaxDiffAngle); iangle2 = (Int_t)(event2->Angle() / fMaxDiffAngle); if (ivz1 != ivz2) return kFALSE; if (imult1 != imult2) return kFALSE; if (iangle1 != iangle2) return kFALSE; return kTRUE; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- Double_t AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::ApplyCentralityPatchAOD049() { // //Apply centrality patch for AOD049 outliers // if (fInputEvent->InheritsFrom(AliESDEvent::Class())) { AliWarning("Requested patch for AOD049 for ESD. "); return -999.0; } if (fCentralityType!="V0M") { AliWarning("Requested patch forAOD049 for wrong value (not centrality from V0)."); return -999.0; } AliCentrality *centrality = fInputEvent->GetCentrality(); if (!centrality) { AliWarning("Cannot get centrality from AOD event."); return -999.0; } Float_t cent = (Float_t)(centrality->GetCentralityPercentile("V0M")); /* Bool_t isSelRun = kFALSE; Int_t selRun[5] = {138364, 138826, 138828, 138836, 138871}; if(cent<0){ Int_t quality = centrality->GetQuality(); if(quality<=1){ cent=(Float_t)centrality->GetCentralityPercentileUnchecked("V0M"); } else { Int_t runnum=aodEvent->GetRunNumber(); for(Int_t ir=0;ir<5;ir++){ if(runnum==selRun[ir]){ isSelRun=kTRUE; break; } } if((quality==8||quality==9)&&isSelRun) cent=(Float_t)centrality->GetCentralityPercentileUnchecked("V0M"); } } */ if(cent>=0.0) { Float_t v0 = 0.0; AliAODEvent *aodEvent = (AliAODEvent *)fInputEvent; AliAODVZERO *aodV0 = (AliAODVZERO *) aodEvent->GetVZEROData(); v0+=aodV0->GetMTotV0A(); v0+=aodV0->GetMTotV0C(); if ( (cent==0) && (v0<19500) ) { AliDebug(3, Form("Filtering issue in centrality -> cent = %5.2f",cent)); return -999.0; } Float_t tkl = (Float_t)(aodEvent->GetTracklets()->GetNumberOfTracklets()); Float_t val = 1.30552 + 0.147931 * v0; Float_t tklSigma[101] = {176.644, 156.401, 153.789, 153.015, 142.476, 137.951, 136.127, 129.852, 127.436, 124.86, 120.788, 115.611, 113.172, 110.496, 109.127, 104.421, 102.479, 99.9766, 97.5152, 94.0654, 92.4602, 89.3364, 87.1342, 83.3497, 82.6216, 81.1084, 78.0793, 76.1234, 72.9434, 72.1334, 68.0056, 68.2755, 66.0376, 62.9666, 62.4274, 59.65, 58.3776, 56.6361, 54.5184, 53.4224, 51.932, 50.8922, 48.2848, 47.912, 46.5717, 43.4114, 43.2083, 41.3065, 40.1863, 38.5255, 37.2851, 37.5396, 34.4949, 33.8366, 31.8043, 31.7412, 30.8392, 30.0274, 28.8793, 27.6398, 26.6488, 25.0183, 25.1489, 24.4185, 22.9107, 21.2002, 21.6977, 20.1242, 20.4963, 19.0235, 19.298, 17.4103, 16.868, 15.2939, 15.2939, 16.0295, 14.186, 14.186, 15.2173, 12.9504, 12.9504, 12.9504, 15.264, 12.3674, 12.3674, 12.3674, 12.3674, 12.3674, 18.3811, 13.7544, 13.7544, 13.7544, 13.7544, 13.7544, 13.7544, 13.7544, 13.7544, 13.7544, 13.7544, 13.7544, 13.7544 }; if ( TMath::Abs(tkl-val) > 6.*tklSigma[(Int_t)cent] ) { AliDebug(3, Form("Outlier event in centrality -> cent = %5.2f",cent)); return -999.0; } } else { //force it to be -999. whatever the negative value was cent = -999.; } return cent; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::SetEventQAHist(TString type,TH2F *histo) { if(!histo) { AliWarning(Form("event QA histogram pointer not defined for slot %s",type.Data())); return; } type.ToLower(); if(!type.CompareTo("vz")) fHAEventVz = histo; else if(!type.CompareTo("multicent")) { TString mtype(histo->GetYaxis()->GetTitle()); mtype.ToUpper(); if(mtype.CompareTo("QUALITY") && mtype.CompareTo("TRACKS") && mtype.CompareTo("TRACKLETS")) { AliWarning(Form("multiplicity vs. centrality histogram y-axis %s unknown, setting to TRACKS",mtype.Data())); histo->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("TRACKS"); } fHAEventMultiCent = histo; } else if(!type.CompareTo("eventplane")) fHAEventPlane = histo; else AliWarning(Form("event QA histogram slot %s undefined",type.Data())); return; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::CreateValue(AliRsnMiniValue::EType type, Bool_t useMC) { // // Create a new value in the task, // and returns its ID, which is needed for setting up histograms. // If that value was already initialized, returns its ID and does not recreate it. // Int_t valID = ValueID(type, useMC); if (valID >= 0 && valID < fValues.GetEntries()) { AliInfo(Form("Value '%s' is already created in slot #%d", AliRsnMiniValue::ValueName(type, useMC), valID)); } else { valID = fValues.GetEntries(); AliInfo(Form("Creating value '%s' in slot #%d", AliRsnMiniValue::ValueName(type, useMC), valID)); new (fValues[valID]) AliRsnMiniValue(type, useMC); } return valID; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Int_t AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::ValueID(AliRsnMiniValue::EType type, Bool_t useMC) { // // Searches if a value computation is initialized // const char *name = AliRsnMiniValue::ValueName(type, useMC); TObject *obj = fValues.FindObject(name); if (obj) return fValues.IndexOf(obj); else return -1; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliRsnMiniOutput *AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::CreateOutput(const char *name, AliRsnMiniOutput::EOutputType type, AliRsnMiniOutput::EComputation src) { // // Create a new histogram definition in the task, // which is then returned to the user for its configuration // Int_t n = fHistograms.GetEntries(); AliRsnMiniOutput *newDef = new (fHistograms[n]) AliRsnMiniOutput(name, type, src); return newDef; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AliRsnMiniOutput *AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask::CreateOutput(const char *name, const char *outType, const char *compType) { // // Create a new histogram definition in the task, // which is then returned to the user for its configuration // Int_t n = fHistograms.GetEntries(); AliRsnMiniOutput *newDef = new (fHistograms[n]) AliRsnMiniOutput(name, outType, compType); return newDef; }