#ifndef ALIRSNMINIPARTICLE_H #define ALIRSNMINIPARTICLE_H // // This object is used as lightweight temporary container // of all information needed from any input object and // useful for resonance analysis. // #include #include #include class AliRsnDaughter; class AliRsnMiniParticle : public TObject { public: AliRsnMiniParticle() : fIndex(-1), fCharge(0), fPDG(0), fMother(0), fMotherPDG(0), fDCA(0), fNTotSisters(0), fIsFromB(kFALSE), fIsQuarkFound(kFALSE), fCutBits(0x0) {Int_t i = 3; while (i--) fPsim[i] = fPrec[i] = fPmother[i] = 0.0;} Int_t &Index() {return fIndex;} Char_t &Charge() {return fCharge;} Float_t &PsimX() {return fPsim[0];} Float_t &PsimY() {return fPsim[1];} Float_t &PsimZ() {return fPsim[2];} Float_t &PrecX() {return fPrec[0];} Float_t &PrecY() {return fPrec[1];} Float_t &PrecZ() {return fPrec[2];} Float_t &PmotherX() {return fPmother[0];} Float_t &PmotherY() {return fPmother[1];} Float_t &PmotherZ() {return fPmother[2];} Float_t &Px(Bool_t mc) {return (mc ? fPsim[0] : fPrec[0]);} Float_t &Py(Bool_t mc) {return (mc ? fPsim[1] : fPrec[1]);} Float_t &Pz(Bool_t mc) {return (mc ? fPsim[2] : fPrec[2]);} Short_t &PDG() {return fPDG;} Short_t PDGAbs() {return TMath::Abs(fPDG);} Double_t Mass(); Int_t &Mother() {return fMother;} Short_t &MotherPDG() {return fMotherPDG;} Bool_t &IsFromB() {return fIsFromB;} Bool_t &IsQuarkFound() {return fIsQuarkFound;} UShort_t &CutBits() {return fCutBits;} Double_t DCA() {return fDCA;} Short_t NTotSisters() {return fNTotSisters;} Bool_t HasCutBit(Int_t i) {UShort_t bit = 1 << i; return ((fCutBits & bit) != 0);} void SetCutBit(Int_t i) {UShort_t bit = 1 << i; fCutBits |= bit;} void ClearCutBit(Int_t i) {UShort_t bit = 1 << i; fCutBits &= (~bit);} void Set4Vector(TLorentzVector &v, Float_t mass=-1.0, Bool_t mc=kFALSE); void CopyDaughter(AliRsnDaughter *daughter); private: Int_t fIndex; // ID of track in its event Char_t fCharge; // track charge *character*: '+', '-', '0' (whatever else = undefined) Float_t fPsim[3]; // MC momentum of the track Float_t fPrec[3]; // reconstructed momentum of the track Float_t fPmother[3]; // MC momentum of the track's mother Short_t fPDG; // particle PDG code Int_t fMother; // index of mother in its container Short_t fMotherPDG; // PDG code of mother Double_t fDCA; // DCA of the particle Short_t fNTotSisters; // number of daughters of the particle Bool_t fIsFromB; // is the particle from B meson flag Bool_t fIsQuarkFound; // is the particle from a quark flag (used to reject or accept Hijing event) UShort_t fCutBits; // list of bits used to know what cuts were passed by this track ClassDef(AliRsnMiniParticle,6) }; #endif