// // *** Configuration script for phi->KK analysis with 2010 runs *** // // A configuration script for RSN package needs to define the followings: // // (1) decay tree of each resonance to be studied, which is needed to select // true pairs and to assign the right mass to all candidate daughters // (2) cuts at all levels: single daughters, tracks, events // (3) output objects: histograms or trees // Bool_t ConfigPhiPbPb ( AliRsnMiniAnalysisTask *task, Bool_t isMC, Bool_t isESD, const char *suffix, AliRsnCutSet *cutsPair ) { // manage suffix if (strlen(suffix) > 0) suffix = Form("_%s", suffix); // // -- Define track cuts ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // BB parameterization depends on data sample (MC, data) Double_t bbPar[5]; if (isMC) { bbPar[0] = 2.15898 / 50.0; bbPar[1] = 1.75295E1; bbPar[2] = 3.40030E-9; bbPar[3] = 1.96178; bbPar[4] = 3.91720; } else { bbPar[0] = 1.41543 / 50.0; bbPar[1] = 2.63394E1; bbPar[2] = 5.0411E-11; bbPar[3] = 2.12543; bbPar[4] = 4.88663; } // standard kaon cut AliRsnCutKaonForPhi2010 *cut = new AliRsnCutKaonForPhi2010(Form("cut%s", suffix), 3.0, 3.0, 0.8); // setup (set manually the TPC PID) cut->SetMode(AliRsnCutKaonForPhi2010::kDefaultPID); cut->InitMyPID(isMC, isESD); cut->MyPID()->GetTPCResponse().SetBetheBlochParameters(bbPar[0], bbPar[1], bbPar[2], bbPar[3], bbPar[4]); // cut set AliRsnCutSet *cutSet = new AliRsnCutSet(Form("set%s", suffix), AliRsnTarget::kDaughter); cutSet->AddCut(cut); cutSet->SetCutScheme(cut->GetName()); // add to task Int_t icut = task->AddTrackCuts(cutSet); ::Info("Config", "Cut ID = %d", icut); // // -- Values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // /* invariant mass */ Int_t imID = task->CreateValue(AliRsnMiniValue::kInvMass, kFALSE); /* IM resolution */ Int_t resID = task->CreateValue(AliRsnMiniValue::kInvMassRes, kTRUE); /* transv. momentum */ Int_t ptID = task->CreateValue(AliRsnMiniValue::kPt, kFALSE); /* centrality */ Int_t centID = task->CreateValue(AliRsnMiniValue::kMult, kFALSE); // // -- Create all needed outputs ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // use an array for more compact writing, which are different on mixing and charges // [0] = unlike // [1] = mixing // [2] = like ++ // [3] = like -- Bool_t use [6] = { 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 , isMC , isMC }; Bool_t useIM [6] = { 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 0 }; TString name [6] = {"Unlike", "Mixing", "LikePP", "LikeMM", "Trues" , "Res" }; TString comp [6] = {"PAIR" , "MIX" , "PAIR" , "PAIR" , "TRUE" , "TRUE" }; TString output [6] = {"SPARSE", "SPARSE", "SPARSE", "SPARSE", "SPARSE", "SPARSE" }; Char_t charge1 [6] = {'+' , '+' , '+' , '-' , '+' , '+' }; Char_t charge2 [6] = {'-' , '-' , '+' , '-' , '-' , '-' }; Int_t cutID [6] = { icut , icut , icut , icut , icut , icut }; for (Int_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if (!use[i]) continue; // create output AliRsnMiniOutput *out = task->CreateOutput(Form("phi_%s%s", name[i].Data(), suffix), output[i].Data(), comp[i].Data()); // selection settings out->SetCutID(0, cutID[i]); out->SetCutID(1, cutID[i]); out->SetDaughter(0, AliRsnDaughter::kKaon); out->SetDaughter(1, AliRsnDaughter::kKaon); out->SetCharge(0, charge1[i]); out->SetCharge(1, charge2[i]); out->SetMotherPDG(333); out->SetMotherMass(1.019455); // pair cuts out->SetPairCuts(cutsPair); // axis X: invmass (or resolution) if (useIM) out->AddAxis(imID, 500, 0.9, 1.4); else out->AddAxis(resID, 200, -0.02, 0.02); // axis Y: transverse momentum out->AddAxis(ptID, 100, 0.0, 10.0); // axis Z: centrality out->AddAxis(centID, 100, 0.0, 100.0); } return kTRUE; }