#ifndef AlidNdPtAnalysisPbPbAOD_H #define AlidNdPtAnalysisPbPbAOD_H //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // AlidNdPtAnalysisPbPbAOD class used for dNdPt analysis in PbPb collision // via AODs // // Author: P. Luettig, 15.05.2013 // last modified: 08.10.2013 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class iostream; class TObject; class TFile; class TCint; class THnSparse; #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" #include "TList.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1.h" #include "TH2.h" #include "TH3.h" #include "THnSparse.h" #include "THn.h" #include "TClonesArray.h" #include "TParticlePDG.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliCentrality.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliVEvent.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliAODInputHandler.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliMCEventHandler.h" #include "AliAODMCHeader.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenPythiaEventHeader.h" #include "AliExternalTrackParam.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "TSystem.h" #include "TROOT.h" class AlidNdPtAnalysisPbPbAOD : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public : enum CheckQuantity { cqCrossedRows = 0, cqNcluster = 1, cqChi = 2, cqLength = 3 }; enum KinematicQuantity { kqPt = 0, kqEta = 1, kqPhi = 2 }; enum MaxCheckQuantity { cqMax = 4 }; enum MaxKinematicQuantity { kqMax = 3 }; AlidNdPtAnalysisPbPbAOD(const char *name = "dNdPtPbPbAOD"); ~AlidNdPtAnalysisPbPbAOD(); virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual void Terminate(Option_t *); // Set binning for Histograms (if not set default binning is used) void SetBinsMult(Int_t nbins, Double_t* edges) { Printf("[I] Setting Mult Bins"); fMultNbins = nbins; fBinsMult = GetArrayClone(nbins,edges); } void SetBinsPt(Int_t nbins, Double_t* edges) { Printf("[I] Setting pT Bins"); fPtNbins = nbins; fBinsPt = GetArrayClone(nbins,edges); } void SetBinsPtCorr(Int_t nbins, Double_t* edges) { Printf("[I] Setting pTcorr Bins"); fPtCorrNbins = nbins; fBinsPtCorr = GetArrayClone(nbins,edges); } void SetBinsPtCheck(Int_t nbins, Double_t* edges) { Printf("[I] Setting pTcheck Bins"); fPtCheckNbins = nbins; fBinsPtCheck = GetArrayClone(nbins,edges); } void SetBinsEta(Int_t nbins, Double_t* edges) { Printf("[I] Setting Eta Bins"); fEtaNbins = nbins; fBinsEta = GetArrayClone(nbins,edges); } void SetBinsEtaCheck(Int_t nbins, Double_t* edges) { Printf("[I] Setting EtaCheck Bins"); fEtaCheckNbins = nbins; fBinsEtaCheck = GetArrayClone(nbins,edges); } void SetBinsZv(Int_t nbins, Double_t* edges) { Printf("[I] Setting Zv Bins"); fZvNbins = nbins; fBinsZv= GetArrayClone(nbins,edges); } void SetBinsCentrality(Int_t nbins, Double_t* edges) { Printf("[I] Setting Cent Bins"); fCentralityNbins = nbins; fBinsCentrality = GetArrayClone(nbins,edges); } void SetBinsPhi(Int_t nbins, Double_t* edges) { Printf("[I] Setting Phi Bins"); fPhiNbins = nbins; fBinsPhi = GetArrayClone(nbins,edges); } // set event cut variables void SetCutMaxZVertex( Double_t d) { fCutMaxZVertex = d; } Double_t GetCutMaxZVertex() { return fCutMaxZVertex; } // set track kinematic cut parameters void SetCutPtRange(Double_t ptmin, Double_t ptmax) { fCutPtMin = ptmin; fCutPtMax = ptmax; } Double_t GetCutPtMin() { return fCutPtMin; } Double_t GetCutPtMax() { return fCutPtMax; } void SetCutEtaRange(Double_t etamin, Double_t etamax) { fCutEtaMin = etamin; fCutEtaMax = etamax; } Double_t GetCutEtaMin() { return fCutEtaMin; } Double_t GetCutEtaMax() { return fCutEtaMax; } void EnableRelativeCuts() { Printf("[I] Relative Cuts enabled"); fUseRelativeCuts = kTRUE; } Bool_t AreRelativeCutsEnabled() { return fUseRelativeCuts; } // setter and getter track quality cut parameters void SetCutRequireTPCRefit(Bool_t *b) { fCutRequireTPCRefit = b; } Bool_t IsTPCRefitRequired() { return fCutRequireTPCRefit; } void SetCutMinNClustersTPC(Double_t d) { fCutMinNumberOfClusters = d; } Double_t GetCutMinNClustersTPC() { return fCutMinNumberOfClusters; } void SetCutPercMinNClustersTPC(Double_t d) { Printf("[I] Take only %.2f%% tracks with most clusters", d*100.); fCutPercMinNumberOfClusters = d; } Double_t GetCutPercMinNClustersTPC() { return fCutPercMinNumberOfClusters; } void SetCutMinNCrossedRowsTPC(Double_t d) { fCutMinNumberOfCrossedRows = d; } Double_t GetCutMinNCrossedRowsTPC() { return fCutMinNumberOfCrossedRows; } void SetCutPercMinNCrossedRowsTPC(Double_t d) { Printf("[I] Take only %.2f%% tracks with most crossedRows", d*100.); fCutPercMinNumberOfCrossedRows = d; } Double_t GetCutPercMinNCrossedRowsTPC() { return fCutPercMinNumberOfCrossedRows; } void SetCutMinRatioCrossedRowsOverFindableClustersTPC(Double_t d) { fCutMinRatioCrossedRowsOverFindableClustersTPC = d; } Double_t GetCutMinRatioCrossedRowsOverFindableClustersTPC() { return fCutMinRatioCrossedRowsOverFindableClustersTPC; } void SetCutLengthInTPCPtDependent() { fCutLengthInTPCPtDependent = kTRUE; } Bool_t DoCutLengthInTPCPtDependent() { return fCutLengthInTPCPtDependent; } void SetPrefactorLengthInTPCPtDependent(Double_t d) { fPrefactorLengthInTPCPtDependent = d; } Double_t GetPrefactorLengthInTPCPtDependent() { return fPrefactorLengthInTPCPtDependent; } void SetCutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC(Double_t d) { fCutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC = d; } void SetCutMaxFractionSharedTPCClusters(Double_t d) { fCutMaxFractionSharedTPCClusters = d; } void SetCutMaxDCAToVertexZ(Double_t d) { fCutMaxDCAToVertexZ = d; } void SetCutMaxDCAToVertexXY(Double_t d) { fCutMaxDCAToVertexXY = d; } void SetCutRequireITSRefit(Bool_t *b) { fCutRequireITSRefit = b; } void SetCutMaxChi2PerClusterITS(Double_t d) { fCutMaxChi2PerClusterITS = d; } void SetCutDCAToVertex2D(Bool_t *b) { fCutDCAToVertex2D = b; } void SetCutRequireSigmaToVertex(Bool_t *b) { fCutRequireSigmaToVertex = b; } void SetCutMaxDCAToVertexXYPtDep(Double_t d0, Double_t d1, Double_t d2) { fCutMaxDCAToVertexXYPtDepPar0 = d0; fCutMaxDCAToVertexXYPtDepPar1 = d1; fCutMaxDCAToVertexXYPtDepPar2 = d2; } void SetCutAcceptKinkDaughters(Bool_t *b) { fCutAcceptKinkDaughters = b; } void SetCutMaxChi2TPCConstrainedGlobal(Double_t d) { fCutMaxChi2TPCConstrainedGlobal = d; } // fill function for cross check histos Bool_t FillDebugHisto(Double_t *dCrossCheckVar, Double_t *dKineVar, Double_t dCentrality, Bool_t bIsAccepted); // getter for DCA Bool_t GetDCA(const AliAODTrack *track, AliAODEvent *evt, Double_t d0z0[2]); THnSparseF *GetHistZvPtEtaCent() const { return fZvPtEtaCent; } TH1F *GetHistEventStatistics() const { return fEventStatistics; } const char * GetParticleName(Int_t pdg); AliGenHijingEventHeader* GetHijingEventHeader(AliAODMCHeader *header); AliGenPythiaEventHeader* GetPythiaEventHeader(AliAODMCHeader *header); Bool_t SetRelativeCuts(AliAODEvent *event); Bool_t IsTrackAccepted(AliAODTrack *tr, Double_t dCentrality, Double_t bMagZ); Bool_t IsMCTrackAccepted(AliAODMCParticle *part); Bool_t IsHijingParticle(const AliAODMCParticle *part, AliGenHijingEventHeader* hijingGenHeader); Bool_t IsPythiaParticle(const AliAODMCParticle *part, AliGenPythiaEventHeader* pythiaGenHeader); static Double_t* GetArrayClone(Int_t n, Double_t* source); private : // Output List TList *fOutputList; // Histograms TH1F *fPt; // simple pT histogramm TH1F *fMCPt; // simple pT truth histogramm THnSparseF *fZvPtEtaCent; //-> Zv:Pt:Eta:Cent THnSparseF *fPhiPtEtaCent; //-> Phi:Pt:Eta:Cent THnSparseF *fMCRecPrimZvPtEtaCent; //-> MC Zv:Pt:Eta:Cent THnSparseF *fMCGenZvPtEtaCent; //-> MC Zv:Pt:Eta:Cent THnSparseF *fMCRecSecZvPtEtaCent; //-> MC Zv:Pt:Eta:Cent, only secondaries THnSparseF *fMCRecPrimPhiPtEtaCent; //-> MC Phi:Pt:Eta:Cent THnSparseF *fMCGenPhiPtEtaCent; //-> MC Phi:Pt:Eta:Cent THnSparseF *fMCRecSecPhiPtEtaCent; //-> MC Phi:Pt:Eta:Cent, only secondaries TH1F *fEventStatistics; // contains statistics of number of events after each cut TH1F *fEventStatisticsCentrality; // contains number of events vs centrality, events need to have a track in kinematic range TH1F *fMCEventStatisticsCentrality; // contains MC number of events vs centrality, events need to have a track in kinematic range TH1F *fAllEventStatisticsCentrality; // contains number of events vs centrality, events need to be triggered TH2F *fEventStatisticsCentralityTrigger; // contains number of events vs centrality in 1% bins vs trigger THnSparseF *fZvMultCent; // Zv:Mult:Cent TH1F *fTriggerStatistics; // contains number of events per trigger TH1F *fMCTrackPdgCode; // contains statistics of pdg codes of tracks TH1F *fMCTrackStatusCode; // contains statistics of status codes of tracks TH1F *fCharge; // charge distribution in data TH1F *fMCCharge; // charge distribution in MC TH2F *fMCPdgPt; // PDGvs PT for MC Particles TH1F *fMCHijingPrim; // number of particles, which are Hijing particles and primaries THnSparseF *fDCAPtAll; //control histo: DCAz:DCAxy:pT:eta:phi for all reconstructed tracks THnSparseF *fDCAPtAccepted; //control histo: DCAz:DCAxy:pT:eta:phi for all accepted reco tracks THnSparseF *fMCDCAPtSecondary; //control histo: DCAz:DCAxy:pT:eta:phi for all accepted reco track, which are secondaries (using MC info) THnSparseF *fMCDCAPtPrimary; //control histo: DCAz:DCAxy:pT:eta:phi for all accepted reco track, which are primaries (using MC info) THnF *fCrossCheckAll[4]; //control histo: {CrossedRows,Ncluster,Chi} vs pT,eta,phi,Centrality for all tracks THnF *fCrossCheckAcc[4]; //control histo: {CrossedRows,Ncluster,Chi} vs pT,eta,phi,Centrality after cuts TH1F *fCutPercClusters; // control histo: number of clusters, where the relative cut has been set e-by-e TH1F *fCutPercCrossed; // control histo: number of crossed rows, where the relative cut has been set e-by-e TH2F *fCrossCheckRowsLength; // control histo: number of crossed rows vs length in TPC TH2F *fCrossCheckClusterLength; // control histo: number of clusters vs length in TPC TH2F *fCrossCheckRowsLengthAcc; // control histo: number of crossed rows vs length in TPC for all accepted tracks TH2F *fCrossCheckClusterLengthAcc; // control histo: number of clusters vs length in TPC for all accepted tracks // global variables Bool_t fIsMonteCarlo; // event cut variables Double_t fCutMaxZVertex; // track kinematic cut variables Double_t fCutPtMin; Double_t fCutPtMax; Double_t fCutEtaMin; Double_t fCutEtaMax; // track quality cut variables Bool_t fUseRelativeCuts; Bool_t fCutRequireTPCRefit; Double_t fCutMinNumberOfClusters; Double_t fCutPercMinNumberOfClusters; Double_t fCutMinNumberOfCrossedRows; Double_t fCutPercMinNumberOfCrossedRows; Double_t fCutMinRatioCrossedRowsOverFindableClustersTPC; Double_t fCutMaxChi2PerClusterTPC; Double_t fCutMaxFractionSharedTPCClusters; Double_t fCutMaxDCAToVertexZ; Double_t fCutMaxDCAToVertexXY; Bool_t fCutRequireITSRefit; Double_t fCutMaxChi2PerClusterITS; Bool_t fCutDCAToVertex2D; Bool_t fCutRequireSigmaToVertex; Double_t fCutMaxDCAToVertexXYPtDepPar0; Double_t fCutMaxDCAToVertexXYPtDepPar1; Double_t fCutMaxDCAToVertexXYPtDepPar2; Bool_t fCutAcceptKinkDaughters; Double_t fCutMaxChi2TPCConstrainedGlobal; Bool_t fCutLengthInTPCPtDependent; Double_t fPrefactorLengthInTPCPtDependent; //binning for THNsparse Int_t fMultNbins; Int_t fPtNbins; Int_t fPtCorrNbins; Int_t fPtCheckNbins; Int_t fEtaNbins; Int_t fEtaCheckNbins; Int_t fZvNbins; Int_t fCentralityNbins; Int_t fPhiNbins; Double_t* fBinsMult; //[fMultNbins] Double_t* fBinsPt; //[fPtNbins] Double_t* fBinsPtCorr; //[fPtCorrNbins] Double_t* fBinsPtCheck; //[fPtCheckNbins] Double_t* fBinsEta; //[fEtaNbins] Double_t* fBinsEtaCheck; //[fEtaCheckNbins] Double_t* fBinsZv; //[fZvNbins] Double_t* fBinsCentrality; //[fCentralityNbins] Double_t* fBinsPhi; //[fPhiNbins] AlidNdPtAnalysisPbPbAOD(const AlidNdPtAnalysisPbPbAOD&); // not implemented AlidNdPtAnalysisPbPbAOD& operator=(const AlidNdPtAnalysisPbPbAOD&); // not implemented ClassDef(AlidNdPtAnalysisPbPbAOD,4); // has to be at least 1, otherwise not streamable... }; #endif