//#include "AliAnalysisTaskTriggerStudy.h" Int_t GetNumberOfEventsWithBit(TH1 * hVenn, UInt_t bitMask, UInt_t excludeMask=0) ; void TriggerStudyResults(const char * filename = "outTrigger/collection_136854.xml/trigger_study.root", TString trigger = "C0SM1-A-NOPF-ALL") { TFile * f = new TFile (filename); LoadLibs(); // Draw trigger venn diagram // hTrigStat_All_C0OM2-A-NOPF-ALL TString vennName = "hTrigStat_All"; if (trigger != "") vennName = vennName+"_"+trigger; cout << "Venn name: " << vennName.Data() << endl; TH1 * hVenn = (TH1*) f->Get(vennName); hVenn->Draw(); Int_t colors[] = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15}; TPie * pie = new TPie(hVenn); Int_t nbin = hVenn->GetNbinsX(); for(Int_t ibin = 0; ibin < nbin; ibin++){ pie->SetEntryLabel(ibin, Form("%s, %d (%1.2f%%)", pie->GetEntryLabel(ibin), (int) pie->GetEntryVal(ibin), pie->GetEntryVal(ibin)/hVenn->GetEntries()*100)); } pie->SortSlices(1,1); // Sort slices and merge the empty ones pie->SortSlices(0,0); // Sort in increasing order. Sorting in increasing order directly leads to segfault pie->SetRadius(.31); pie->SetX(.53); pie->SetY(.34); pie->SetLabelsOffset(.01); pie->SetLabelFormat("");//#splitline{%val (%perc)}{%txt}"); pie->SetFillColors(colors); // pie->SetTextSize(0.01); TCanvas * c = new TCanvas("c", "c", 1000,1000); pie->Draw(""); pie->MakeLegend(0.224832, 0.66958, 0.833893, 0.97028, trigger.Data()); cout << pie << endl; // Make a table of trigger efficiencies for all histos results // AliLatexTable table(2,"cc"); // // table.InsertCustomRow("\\multicolumn{c}{2}{Integrated efficiency}"); // table.InsertCustomRow(Form("Trigger Name & Efficiency (%s)\\\\",trigger.Data())); // table.InsertHline(); // TList * l = gDirectory->GetListOfKeys(); // TIterator * iter = l->MakeIterator(); // TKey * key = 0; // TH1F * hall = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get("hTracklets_all"); // FIXME: get the normalization for a given trigger? // while (key = (TKey*) iter->Next()){ // TString name = key->GetName(); // if(!name.Contains("Tracklets")) continue; // if(!name.Contains(trigger)) continue; // if(name.Contains("all")) continue; // TH1F * h = (TH1F*) gDirectory->Get(name); // TString label = name(name.Index("_")+1, name.Index("_",name.Index("_")+1)-name.Index("_")-1); // table.SetNextCol(label); // table.SetNextCol(h->GetEntries()/hall->GetEntries()); // table.InsertRow(); // } // cout << "Integrated trigger efficiency" << endl; // table.PrintTable("ASCII"); Int_t v0ANDOnline = GetNumberOfEventsWithBit(hVenn,0x1 <0 ? Float_t(recCandle)/genCandle : genCandle) << endl; cout << "REC/GEN CANDLEV0 " << (genCandleAndV0>0 ? Float_t(recCandle)/genCandleAndV0 : genCandleAndV0) << endl; cout << "Phys Sel CINT1B " << physSel << endl; // cout << "Dummy " << GetNumberOfEventsWithBit(hVenn,0x1 <Load("libCore"); gSystem->Load("libGeom"); gSystem->Load("libPhysics"); gSystem->Load("libVMC"); gSystem->Load("libTree"); gSystem->Load("libProof"); gSystem->Load("libMatrix"); gSystem->Load("libSTEERBase"); gSystem->Load("libESD"); gSystem->Load("libAOD"); gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS"); gSystem->Load("libOADB"); gSystem->Load("libANALYSISalice"); gSystem->Load("libTender"); gSystem->Load("libCORRFW"); gSystem->Load("libPWG0base"); gSystem->Load("libMinuit"); gSystem->Load("libPWG2spectra"); gROOT->ProcessLine(gSystem->ExpandPathName(".include $ALICE_ROOT/PWG0/multPbPb")); gROOT->ProcessLine(gSystem->ExpandPathName(".include $ALICE_ROOT/PWGPP/background")); // Load helper classes // TODO: replace this by a list of TOBJStrings TString taskName("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG0/multPbPb/AliAnalysisTaskTriggerStudy.cxx+"); TString histoManName("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG0/multPbPb/AliAnalysisMultPbTrackHistoManager.cxx+"); TString centrName("$ALICE_ROOT/PWG0/multPbPb/AliAnalysisMultPbCentralitySelector.cxx+"); TString listName("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGPP/background/AliHistoListWrapper.cxx+"); gSystem->ExpandPathName(taskName); // gSystem->ExpandPathName(histoManName); // gSystem->ExpandPathName(centrName); // gSystem->ExpandPathName(listName); Bool_t debug=0; // gROOT->LoadMacro(listName +(debug?"+g":"")); // gROOT->LoadMacro(histoManName+(debug?"+g":"")); // gROOT->LoadMacro(centrName +(debug?"+g":"")); gROOT->LoadMacro(taskName +(debug?"+g":"")); // Histo fitter // gROOT->LoadMacro("/Users/mfloris/Work/ALICE/ANALYSIS/HistoFitter/fcn.cxx+g"); // gROOT->LoadMacro("/Users/mfloris/Work/ALICE/ANALYSIS/HistoFitter/AliHistoFitter.cxx+g"); } Int_t GetNumberOfEventsWithBit(TH1 * hVenn, UInt_t bitMask, UInt_t excludeMask) { // If more than 1 bit is on in bitMask, they are used in and Int_t nbins = hVenn->GetNbinsX(); // cout << "bitMask " << hex << bitMask << endl; Int_t nev = 0; for(Int_t ibins = 1; ibins <= nbins; ibins++){ Int_t x = Int_t(hVenn->GetBinCenter(ibins)); Bool_t useBin = x&bitMask; // printf("Bood 0x%x 0x%x %d\n", x, bitMask, useBin); for (Int_t i = 0; i < 4*sizeof(bitMask) ; i++){ UInt_t localMask = bitMask & (0x1 << i); // cout << "localMask " << localMask << endl; if(localMask && !(x & localMask)) useBin = kFALSE; } // cout << hex << x << " " << bitMask << endl; if (useBin && !(x&excludeMask)) { nev += hVenn->GetBinContent(ibins); // cout << "Using " << hVenn->GetXaxis()->GetBinLabel(ibins) << " " << hVenn->GetBinContent(ibins) << endl; } } return nev; }