#ifndef ALIANALYSISKINKESDat_H #define ALIANALYSISKINKESDat_H /* See cxx source for full Copyright notice */ //----------------------------------------------------------------- // AliAnalysisKinkESDat class // This task is an example of an analysis task // for kink topology Study // Authors: Martha Spyropoulou-Stassinaki // and members of the Greek group at the // Physics Department of Athens University // mspyrop@phys.uoa.gr //----------------------------------------------------------------- //class AliTPCPIDResponse; class AliESDVertex; class AliESDtrack; class TF1; class TH1F; class TH2F; class TH3F; class TH1D; class TH2D; class TList; class AliESDtrackCuts; #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" class AliAnalysisKinkESDat : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: // AliAnalysisKinkESDat(); AliAnalysisKinkESDat(const char *name = "AliAnalysisKinkESDat"); virtual ~AliAnalysisKinkESDat() {} virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual void Terminate(Option_t *); const AliESDVertex *GetEventVertex(const AliESDEvent* esd) const; // Marek multiplicity bins void SetMulCut(Int_t low, Int_t up){fLowMulcut=low;fUpMulcut=up;} private: TH1F *fHistPtESD; //Pt spectrum of all ESD inside eta, Pt cuts TH1F *fHistPt; //Pt spectrum of all ESD tracks TH1F *fHistQtAll; //Qt spectrum of all kinks TH1F *fHistQt1; //Qt spectrum of Kaon selected sample TH1F *fHistQt2; //Qt spectrum in Qt region of kaons TH1F *fHistPtKaon; //Pt Kaon spectrum of clean sample TH1F *fHistPtKPDG; //Pt Kaon spectrum , confirmed by PDG,inside kaon Qt region TH1F *fHistEta; //Eta spectrum of all kinks TH1F *fHistEtaK; //Eta spectrum of kaons selected by kink topology TH1F *fptKMC; //Pt Kaon spectrum MC, inside eta and pt cuts TH1F *fMultiplMC; //charge multipl MC TH1F *fESDMult; //ESD charged mult TH1F *fgenpt; //Pt Kaon-Kink->mu spectrum , MC, inside eta, Pt, radius cuts TH1F *frad; //radius of kinks, MC , inside the eta nad Pt cuts TH1F *fKinkKaon; //Pt of PDG Kaons inside the selcted ones by the KInk topology TH1F *fKinKRbn; //Pt of PDG Kaons inside the selcted ones by the KInk topology TH1F *fKinkKaonBg; //Pt of the BG inside the kink-Kaon identified spectrum TH1F *fM1kaon; //inv mass of kink-tracks taken as kaons decaying to mu + neutrino TH1F *fgenPtEtR; //MC Pt spectrum of kaons decaying to muon+neutrino and pi +pi, inside eta,Pt,Rad cuts TH1F *fPtKink; //Pt spectrum of all kinks from track bank TH1F *fptKink; //Pt spectrum of all kinks from kink bank TH2F *fcodeH ; //PDG code(mother) vrs PDG dcode(daughter) of kinks with Qt <0.12 (fake) TH2F *fdcodeH ; //inks, code vrs dcode of BG,if mother code is 321 and daughter code > TH2F *fAngMomK; // Decay angle vrs Mother Mom for pdg kaons TH2F *fAngMomPi; // Decay angle vrs Mother Mom for pdg pions TH2F *fAngMomKC; //Decay angle vrs Mother Mom for pdg kaons, inside the selected sample TH1F *fMultESDK; //ESD charged mult TH1F *fMultMCK; //MC K charged mult TH2F *fSignPtNcl;//signPt vrs number of clusters in TPC for kaons from kink sele sample TH2F *fSignPtEta;//signPt vrs Eta in TPC for kaons from kink sele sample TH2F *fEtaNcl;//Eta vrs Nclu in TPC for kaons from kink sele sample TH1F *fSignPt;//signPt in TPC for kaons from kink sele sample TH2F *fChi2NclTPC;//chi2 vrs TPC Nclusters for kaons from kink sele sample TH1F *fRatChi2Ncl;// Ratio chi2/ Ncl TPC for kaons from kink sele sample TH2F *fRadiusNcl;//kink Radius Ncl TPC for kaons from kink sele sample TH2F *fTPCSgnlP;//kink Radius Ncl TPC for kaons from kink sele sample TH2F *fTPCSgnlPa;//kink Radius Ncl TPC for kink sele sample TH1D *fRpr; // Radius of VTX at Y , X plane TH1D *fZpr; //Z distrio of main vertex TH1D *fdcatoVxXY; //dca to Vertex XY distrio TH1D *fnSigmToVx; //nSigma to Vertex distrio of main vertex TH2F *fKinkMothDau; //Mother vrs Daughter TH2F *fZvXv; //two dime of Z vrs X of vtx main TH2F *fZvYv; // two dime of Z vrs Y of vtx main TH2F *fXvYv; // two dime of X vrs Y of main tracks vtx main TH1F *fPtPrKink; // pt of Primary PDG kaons inside the selected ones by the kink topology TH1F *fHistPtKaoP; //Pt Kaon spectrum of clean sample pos TH1F *fHistPtKaoN; //Pt Kaon spectrum of clean sample neg TH1F *frapiKESD;// rapidi K TH1F *flifetime;//radius of kinks, MC , inside the eta nad Pt cuts TH1F *fradLK;//Length of kinks, MC , inside the eta nad Pt cuts TH3F *fradPtRpDt;//radius of kinks, MC , inside the eta nad Pt cuts TH1F *fInvMuNuAll;//radius of kinks, MC , inside the eta nad Pt cuts TH2F *fQtInvM;// TH1F *fDCAkink;//!MC dcs kink TH2F *fPosiKink;//!MC position kink TH2F *fPosiKinkK;//!MC position kink TH2F *fPosiKinKXZ;//!MC position kink TH2F *fPosiKinKYZ;//!MC position kink TH2F *fPosiKinKBg;//!MC position kink TH2F *fQtMothP;//!qt vrs p mother TF1 *f1; TF1 *f2; TList *fListOfHistos; // list of histos // Marek Multiplicity Int_t fLowMulcut; // Int_t fUpMulcut; AliESDtrackCuts* fCutsMul; AliAnalysisKinkESDat(const AliAnalysisKinkESDat&); // not implemented AliAnalysisKinkESDat& operator=(const AliAnalysisKinkESDat&); // not implemented ClassDef(AliAnalysisKinkESDat, 1); // example of analysis }; #endif