/*************************************************************** * * Authors : Antonin Maire, Boris Hippolyte * Contributors are mentioned in the code where appropriate. * * * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * * documentation strictly for non-commercial purposes is hereby granted * * without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appears in all * * copies and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice * * appear in the supporting documentation. The authors make no claims * * about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is * * provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. * **************************************************************************/ //----------------------------------------------------------------- // AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadePbPb class // This task is for a performance study of cascade identification in PbPb. // It works with MC info and ESD/AOD. // Origin : AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascade class by A. Maire Nov2010, antonin.maire@ires.in2p3.fr // Modified for PbPb analysis: M. Nicassio Feb2011, maria.nicassio@ba.infn.it: // - physics selection moved to the run.C macro // - added centrality selection and possibility to select events in nTracks ranges // - added new histograms // - modified binning of some histograms and containers // - flag to enable CF container usage // - check in the destructor for CAF usage // - flag for acceptance cut in the MC part // - in the MC particle selection IsPhysicalPrimary added and number of particles taken as appropriate for HIJING // (however for cascades one gets the same if runs on Nprimaries in the stack and does not check IsPhysicalPrimary) // - automatic settings for PID // - selection of injected cascades and HIJING cascades (kind of "bug" in method IsFromBGEvent()) // - added proper time histograms for cascades and lambdas // - cos of PA V0 wrt Xi vertex and not primary vertex // - distance xi-V0 added in the container // - AOD analysis developed (January 2012) // // Adapted to pp 2.76 analysis: D. Colella, domenico.colella@ba.infn.it (Nov. 2012): // - added new and removed other histograms // - Physics selection moved here (mainly for normalization in the efficiency calcuation) // - Centrality selection deleted // - 3DHisto denominator moved before any event selection for Normalization // - injected and natural part of MC selection removed // // Adapted to pPb 5.02 TeV analysis: D. Colella, domenico.colella@ba.infn.it (Sep. 2014) // - Added the parameter fCollidingSystem, to distingish between pp and pPb procedures // // //----------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include "TList.h" #include "TFile.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "TH2F.h" #include "TH3F.h" #include "TVector3.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliHeader.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliMultiplicity.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliCFContainer.h" #include "AliESDVZERO.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenCocktailEventHeader.h" #include "AliGenHijingEventHeader.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliPIDResponse.h" #include "AliV0vertexer.h" #include "AliCascadeVertexer.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDcascade.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276.h" #include "AliAnalysisUtils.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; ClassImp(AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276) //________________________________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276::AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276() : AliAnalysisTaskSE(), // <- take care to AliAnalysisTask( empty ) fAnalysisType ("ESD"), fESDtrackCuts (0), fUtils (0), fCollidingSystem ("pp"), fPIDResponse (0), fkRerunV0CascVertexers (0), fkSDDselectionOn (kTRUE), fkQualityCutZprimVtxPos (kTRUE), fkRejectEventPileUp (kTRUE), fkQualityCutNoTPConlyPrimVtx (kTRUE), fkQualityCutTPCrefit (kTRUE), fkQualityCutnTPCcls (kTRUE), fwithSDD (kTRUE), fMinnTPCcls (0), fkExtraSelections (0), fVtxRange (0), fVtxRangeMin (0), fApplyAccCut (0), fMinPtCutOnDaughterTracks (0), fEtaCutOnDaughterTracks (0), // - Plots initialisation fListHistCascade(0), // - General Plots // Cascade multiplicity plots fHistCascadeMultiplicityBeforeAnySel(0), fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterSDDSel(0), fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel(0), fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly(0), fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup(0), fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel(0), fHistnXiPlusPerEvTot(0), // After any event selections, in all the eta and pt range fHistnXiMinusPerEvTot(0), // After any event selections, in all the eta and pt range fHistnOmegaPlusPerEvTot(0), // After any event selections, in all the eta and pt range fHistnOmegaMinusPerEvTot(0), // After any event selections, in all the eta and pt range fHistnXiPlusPerEv(0), // After any event selections, in the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum fHistnXiMinusPerEv(0), // After any event selections, in the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum fHistnOmegaPlusPerEv(0), // After any event selections, in the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum fHistnOmegaMinusPerEv(0), // After any event selections, in the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum fHistnAssoXiMinus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades fHistnAssoXiPlus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades fHistnAssoOmegaMinus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades fHistnAssoOmegaPlus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades // Tracks multiplicity plots fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel(0), fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel(0), fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel(0), fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly(0), fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup(0), fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel(0), // Vertex position plots (BestVertex) fHistPVx(0), // After any selections but before |Z| < 10 cm fHistPVy(0), // After any selections but before |Z| < 10 cm fHistPVz(0), // After any selections but before |Z| < 10 cm fHistPVxAnalysis(0), // After any event selections fHistPVyAnalysis(0), // After any event selections fHistPVzAnalysis(0), // After any event selections // - Plots before Physics Selection f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficinecy calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficinecy calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficinecy calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficinecy calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficinecy calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficinecy calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficinecy calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficinecy calculation) // - Generated cascade plots // After all the event selections //Xi- fHistEtaGenCascXiMinus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) fHistThetaGenCascXiMinus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinusPhysEff(0), // f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinusPhysEff(0), // f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaLambdaXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBachXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaMesDghterXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBarDghterXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBachXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtMesDghterXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBarDghterXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) //Xi+ fHistEtaGenCascXiPlus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) fHistThetaGenCascXiPlus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlusPhysEff(0), // f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlusPhysEff(0), // f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaLambdaXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBachXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaMesDghterXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBarDghterXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBachXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtMesDghterXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBarDghterXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) //Omega- fHistEtaGenCascOmegaMinus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) fHistThetaGenCascOmegaMinus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinusPhysEff(0), // f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinusPhysEff(0), // f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaLambdaOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBachOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBachOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtMesDghterOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBarDghterOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) //Omega+ fHistEtaGenCascOmegaPlus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlusPhysEff(0), // f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlusPhysEff(0), // f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaLambdaOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBachOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBachOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtMesDghterOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBarDghterOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) // - Associated to MC cascade plots fHistMassXiMinus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades fHistMassXiPlus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades fHistMassOmegaMinus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades fHistMassOmegaPlus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades // Effective mass histos with combined PID fHistMassWithCombPIDXiMinus(0), fHistMassWithCombPIDXiPlus(0), fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaMinus(0), fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaPlus(0), // PID Probability versus MC Pt(bachelor track) f2dHistPIDprobaKaonVsMCPtBach(0), f2dHistPIDprobaPionVsMCPtBach(0), // Effective mass histos with perfect MC PID on the bachelor fHistMassWithMcPIDXiMinus(0), fHistMassWithMcPIDXiPlus(0), fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaMinus(0), fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaPlus(0), // Effective mass histos for the cascade candidates associated with MC fHistAsMCMassXiMinus(0), fHistAsMCMassXiPlus(0), fHistAsMCMassOmegaMinus(0), fHistAsMCMassOmegaPlus(0), // Generated Pt Vs generated y, for the cascade candidates associated with MC + Info Comb. PID f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiPlus(0), f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus(0), // Generated Pt Vs generated y, for the cascade candidates associated with MC f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiPlus(0), f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus(0), // Generated Eta of the the cascade candidates associated with MC fHistAsMCGenEtaXiMinus(0), fHistAsMCGenEtaXiPlus(0), fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaMinus(0), fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaPlus(0), // Resolution in Pt as function of generated Pt f2dHistAsMCResPtXiMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCResPtXiPlus(0), f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaPlus(0), // Resolution in R(2D) as function of generated R f2dHistAsMCResRXiMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCResRXiPlus(0), f2dHistAsMCResROmegaMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCResROmegaPlus(0), // Resolution in phi as function of generated Pt f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiPlus(0), f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaPlus(0), // Correlation between proton (antiproton) daughter MC pt and Xi/Omega MC pt (to apply Geat/Fluka correction) f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptXiMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptXiPlus(0), f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptOmegaMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptOmegaPlus(0), // QA plots fHistV0toXiCosineOfPointingAngle(0), fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtXi(0), fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtOmega(0), // Containers fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus(0), fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus(0), fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus(0), fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus(0), fCFContAsCascadeCuts(0) //____Dummy costructor____ { for(Int_t iV0selIdx = 0; iV0selIdx < 7; iV0selIdx++ ) { fV0Sels [iV0selIdx ] = -1.; } for(Int_t iCascSelIdx = 0; iCascSelIdx < 8; iCascSelIdx++ ) { fCascSels [iCascSelIdx ] = -1.; } } //_____Non-default Constructor________________________________________________________________ AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276::AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276(const char *name) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fAnalysisType ("ESD"), fESDtrackCuts (0), fUtils (0), fCollidingSystem ("pp"), fPIDResponse (0), fkRerunV0CascVertexers (0), fkSDDselectionOn (kTRUE), fkQualityCutZprimVtxPos (kTRUE), fkRejectEventPileUp (kTRUE), fkQualityCutNoTPConlyPrimVtx (kTRUE), fkQualityCutTPCrefit (kTRUE), fkQualityCutnTPCcls (kTRUE), fwithSDD (kTRUE), fMinnTPCcls (0), fkExtraSelections (0), fVtxRange (0), fVtxRangeMin (0), fApplyAccCut (0), fMinPtCutOnDaughterTracks (0), fEtaCutOnDaughterTracks (0), // - Plots initialisation fListHistCascade(0), // - General Plots // Cascade multiplicity plots fHistCascadeMultiplicityBeforeAnySel(0), fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterSDDSel(0), fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel(0), fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly(0), fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup(0), fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel(0), fHistnXiPlusPerEvTot(0), // After any event selections, in all the eta and pt range fHistnXiMinusPerEvTot(0), // After any event selections, in all the eta and pt range fHistnOmegaPlusPerEvTot(0), // After any event selections, in all the eta and pt range fHistnOmegaMinusPerEvTot(0), // After any event selections, in all the eta and pt range fHistnXiPlusPerEv(0), // After any event selections, in the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum fHistnXiMinusPerEv(0), // After any event selections, in the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum fHistnOmegaPlusPerEv(0), // After any event selections, in the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum fHistnOmegaMinusPerEv(0), // After any event selections, in the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum fHistnAssoXiMinus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades fHistnAssoXiPlus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades fHistnAssoOmegaMinus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades fHistnAssoOmegaPlus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades // Tracks multiplicity plots fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel(0), fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel(0), fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel(0), fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly(0), fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup(0), fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel(0), // Vertex position plots (BestVertex) fHistPVx(0), // After any selections but before |Z| < 10 cm fHistPVy(0), // After any selections but before |Z| < 10 cm fHistPVz(0), // After any selections but before |Z| < 10 cm fHistPVxAnalysis(0), // After any event selections fHistPVyAnalysis(0), // After any event selections fHistPVzAnalysis(0), // After any event selections // - Plots before Physics Selection f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficiency calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficiency calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficiency calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficiency calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficiency calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficiency calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficiency calculation) f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlus(0), // After the SDD event selection (For efficiency calculation) // - Generated cascade plots // After all the event selections //Xi- fHistEtaGenCascXiMinus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) fHistThetaGenCascXiMinus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinusPhysEff(0), // f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinusPhysEff(0), // f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaLambdaXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBachXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaMesDghterXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBarDghterXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBachXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtMesDghterXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBarDghterXiMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) //Xi+ fHistEtaGenCascXiPlus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) fHistThetaGenCascXiPlus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlusPhysEff(0), // f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlusPhysEff(0), // f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaLambdaXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBachXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaMesDghterXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBarDghterXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBachXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtMesDghterXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBarDghterXiPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) //Omega- fHistEtaGenCascOmegaMinus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) fHistThetaGenCascOmegaMinus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinusPhysEff(0), // f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinusPhysEff(0), // f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaLambdaOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBachOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBachOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtMesDghterOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBarDghterOmegaMinus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) //Omega+ fHistEtaGenCascOmegaPlus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlus(0), // In all the eta and pt range (as they are generated) f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlusPhysEff(0), // f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlusPhysEff(0), // f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaLambdaOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBachOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBachOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtMesDghterOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) fHistPtBarDghterOmegaPlus(0), // In the detector acceptance and over a pt minimum (Findable particle) // - Associated to MC cascade plots fHistMassXiMinus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades fHistMassXiPlus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades fHistMassOmegaMinus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades fHistMassOmegaPlus(0), // For the Reconstructed-Associated cascades // Effective mass histos with combined PID fHistMassWithCombPIDXiMinus(0), fHistMassWithCombPIDXiPlus(0), fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaMinus(0), fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaPlus(0), // PID Probability versus MC Pt(bachelor track) f2dHistPIDprobaKaonVsMCPtBach(0), f2dHistPIDprobaPionVsMCPtBach(0), // Effective mass histos with perfect MC PID on the bachelor fHistMassWithMcPIDXiMinus(0), fHistMassWithMcPIDXiPlus(0), fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaMinus(0), fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaPlus(0), // Effective mass histos for the cascade candidates associated with MC fHistAsMCMassXiMinus(0), fHistAsMCMassXiPlus(0), fHistAsMCMassOmegaMinus(0), fHistAsMCMassOmegaPlus(0), // Generated Pt Vs generated y, for the cascade candidates associated with MC + Info Comb. PID f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiPlus(0), f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus(0), // Generated Pt Vs generated y, for the cascade candidates associated with MC f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiPlus(0), f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus(0), // Generated Eta of the the cascade candidates associated with MC fHistAsMCGenEtaXiMinus(0), fHistAsMCGenEtaXiPlus(0), fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaMinus(0), fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaPlus(0), // Resolution in Pt as function of generated Pt f2dHistAsMCResPtXiMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCResPtXiPlus(0), f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaPlus(0), // Resolution in R(2D) as function of generated R f2dHistAsMCResRXiMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCResRXiPlus(0), f2dHistAsMCResROmegaMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCResROmegaPlus(0), // Resolution in phi as function of generated Pt f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiPlus(0), f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaPlus(0), // Correlation between proton (antiproton) daughter MC pt and Xi/Omega MC pt (to apply Geat/Fluka correction) f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptXiMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptXiPlus(0), f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptOmegaMinus(0), f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptOmegaPlus(0), // QA plots fHistV0toXiCosineOfPointingAngle(0), fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtXi(0), fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtOmega(0), // Containers fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus(0), fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus(0), fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus(0), fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus(0), fCFContAsCascadeCuts(0) //____Costructor____ { // Define input and output slots here // Input slot #0 works with a TChain // Output slot #1 writes into a TList container (cascade) if (fCollidingSystem == "pp") { fV0Sels[0] = 33. ; // max allowed chi2 fV0Sels[1] = 0.01; // min allowed impact parameter for the 1st daughter fV0Sels[2] = 0.01; // min allowed impact parameter for the 2nd daughter fV0Sels[3] = 1.5; // max allowed DCA between the daughter tracks fV0Sels[4] = 0.9; // min allowed cosine of V0's pointing angle - This is pT dependent fV0Sels[5] = 0.2; // min radius of the fiducial volume fV0Sels[6] = 200.; // max radius of the fiducial volume fCascSels[0] = 33.; // max allowed chi2 (same as PDC07) fCascSels[1] = 0.01; // min allowed V0 impact parameter fCascSels[2] = 0.008; // "window" around the Lambda mass fCascSels[3] = 0.01; // min allowed bachelor's impact parameter fCascSels[4] = 2.0; // max allowed DCA between the V0 and the bachelor fCascSels[5] = 0.95; // min allowed cosine of the cascade pointing angle fCascSels[6] = 0.2; // min radius of the fiducial volume fCascSels[7] = 100.; // max radius of the fiducial volume } else if (fCollidingSystem == "pPb") { fV0Sels[0] = 33. ; // max allowed chi2 fV0Sels[1] = 0.02; // min allowed impact parameter for the 1st daughter (LHC09a4 : 0.05) fV0Sels[2] = 0.02; // min allowed impact parameter for the 2nd daughter (LHC09a4 : 0.05) fV0Sels[3] = 2.0 ; // max allowed DCA between the daughter tracks (LHC09a4 : 0.5) fV0Sels[4] = 0.95; // min allowed cosine of V0's pointing angle (LHC09a4 : 0.99) fV0Sels[5] = 1.0 ; // min radius of the fiducial volume (LHC09a4 : 0.2) fV0Sels[6] = 200. ; // max radius of the fiducial volume (LHC09a4 : 100.0) fCascSels[0] = 33. ; // max allowed chi2 (same as PDC07) fCascSels[1] = 0.05 ; // min allowed V0 impact parameter (PDC07 : 0.05 / LHC09a4 : 0.025 ) fCascSels[2] = 0.010; // "window" around the Lambda mass (PDC07 : 0.008 / LHC09a4 : 0.010 ) fCascSels[3] = 0.03 ; // min allowed bachelor's impact parameter (PDC07 : 0.035 / LHC09a4 : 0.025 ) fCascSels[4] = 2.0 ; // max allowed DCA between the V0 and the bachelor (PDC07 : 0.1 / LHC09a4 : 0.2 ) fCascSels[5] = 0.95 ; // min allowed cosine of the cascade pointing angle (PDC07 : 0.9985 / LHC09a4 : 0.998 ) fCascSels[6] = 0.4 ; // min radius of the fiducial volume (PDC07 : 0.9 / LHC09a4 : 0.2 ) fCascSels[7] = 100. ; // max radius of the fiducial volume (PDC07 : 100 / LHC09a4 : 100 ) } DefineOutput(1, TList::Class()); DefineOutput(2, AliCFContainer::Class()); DefineOutput(3, AliCFContainer::Class()); DefineOutput(4, AliCFContainer::Class()); DefineOutput(5, AliCFContainer::Class()); DefineOutput(6, AliCFContainer::Class()); } //____Destructor____ AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276::~AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276() { // For all TH1, 2, 3 HnSparse and CFContainer are in the fListCascade TList. // They will be deleted when fListCascade is deleted by the TSelector dtor // Because of TList::SetOwner() if (fListHistCascade && !AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->IsProofMode()) {delete fListHistCascade; fListHistCascade = 0x0;} if (fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus && !AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->IsProofMode()) {delete fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus; fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus = 0x0;} if (fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus && !AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->IsProofMode()) {delete fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus; fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus = 0x0;} if (fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus && !AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->IsProofMode()) {delete fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus; fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus = 0x0;} if (fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus && !AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->IsProofMode()) {delete fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus; fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus = 0x0;} if (fCFContAsCascadeCuts && !AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->IsProofMode()) {delete fCFContAsCascadeCuts; fCFContAsCascadeCuts = 0x0;} if (fESDtrackCuts) {delete fESDtrackCuts; fESDtrackCuts = 0x0;} } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // Create histograms // Called once // - Option for AliLog: to suppress the extensive info prompted by a run with MC AliLog::SetGlobalLogLevel(AliLog::kError); // - Definition of the output datamembers fListHistCascade = new TList(); fListHistCascade->SetOwner(); // See http://root.cern.ch/root/html/TCollection.html#TCollection:SetOwner //----------------------------------------------- // Particle Identification Setup (new PID object) //----------------------------------------------- AliAnalysisManager *man=AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager(); AliInputEventHandler* inputHandler = (AliInputEventHandler*) (man->GetInputEventHandler()); fPIDResponse = inputHandler->GetPIDResponse(); // - Only used to get the number of primary reconstructed tracks if (! fESDtrackCuts ){ fESDtrackCuts = new AliESDtrackCuts(); } if (! fUtils){ fUtils = new AliAnalysisUtils(); } //---------------------- // Initialize the histos //---------------------- //---------------------------------- // - Same general binning definition Double_t ptBinLimits[101]; for (Int_t iptbin = 0; iptbin<101; ++iptbin) ptBinLimits[iptbin]=iptbin*0.1; Double_t yBinLimits[111]; for (Int_t iybin = 0; iybin<111; ++iybin) yBinLimits[iybin]=-1.1+iybin*0.02; Double_t ctauBinLimits[112]; for (Int_t ict = 0; ict<112; ++ict) ctauBinLimits[ict] = (Double_t) (ict-1.); //------------------ // - General plots // - Cascades multiplicity plots if(! fHistCascadeMultiplicityBeforeAnySel) { fHistCascadeMultiplicityBeforeAnySel = new TH1F("fHistCascadeMultiplicityBeforeAnySel", "Cascades per event (before any selections);Nbr of Cascades/Evt;Events", 50, 0, 50); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistCascadeMultiplicityBeforeAnySel); } if(! fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterSDDSel) { fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterSDDSel = new TH1F("fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterSDDSel", "Cascades per event (after only the SDD selection);Nbr of Cascades/Evt;Events", 50, 0, 50); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterSDDSel); } if(! fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel) { fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel = new TH1F("fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel", "Cascades per event (after physics selection);Nbr of Cascades/Evt;Events", 50, 0, 50); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel); } if(! fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly) { fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly = new TH1F("fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly", "Cascades per event (for selected events with well-established PV);Nbr of Cascades/Evt;Events", 50, 0, 50); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly); } if(! fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup) { fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup = new TH1F("fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup", "Cascades per event (for selected events with well-establisched PV and no pile-up);Nbr of Cascades/Evt;Events", 50, 0, 50); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup); } if(! fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel) { fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel = new TH1F("fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel", "Cascades per event (after vertex cut selection);Nbr of Cascades/Evt;Events", 50, 0, 50); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel); } // - Tracks multiplicity plots if(! fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel) { fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel = new TH1F("fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel", "Tracks per event (before any selections);Nbr of Tracks/Evt;Events", 200, 0, 200); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel); } if(! fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel) { fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel = new TH1F("fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel", "Tracks per event (after only the SDD selection);Nbr of Tracks/Evt;Events", 200, 0, 200); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel); } if(! fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel) { fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel = new TH1F("fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel", "Tracks per event (after physics selection);Nbr of Tracks/Evt;Events", 200, 0, 200); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel); } if(! fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly) { fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly = new TH1F("fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly", "Tracks per event (for selected events with well-established PV);Nbr of Tracks/Evt;Events", 200, 0, 200); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly); } if(! fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup) { fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup = new TH1F("fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup", "Tracks per event (for selected events with well-establisched PV and no pile-up);Nbr of Tracks/Evt;Events", 200, 0, 200); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup); } if(! fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel) { fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel = new TH1F("fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel", "Tracks per event (after vertex cut selection);Nbr of Tracks/Evt;Events", 200, 0, 200); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel); } // - Vertex position plots if(! fHistPVx ){ fHistPVx = new TH1F("fHistPVx", "Best PV position in x; x (cm); Events", 2000, -0.5, 0.5); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPVx); } if(! fHistPVy ){ fHistPVy = new TH1F("fHistPVy", "Best PV position in y; y (cm); Events", 2000, -0.5, 0.5); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPVy); } if(! fHistPVz ){ fHistPVz = new TH1F("fHistPVz", "Best PV position in z; z (cm); Events", 400, -20, 20); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPVz); } if(! fHistPVxAnalysis ){ fHistPVxAnalysis = new TH1F("fHistPVxAnalysis", "Best PV position in x (after events selections); x (cm); Events", 2000, -0.5, 0.5); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPVxAnalysis); } if(! fHistPVyAnalysis ){ fHistPVyAnalysis = new TH1F("fHistPVyAnalysis", "Best PV position in y (after events selections); y (cm); Events" , 2000, -0.5, 0.5); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPVyAnalysis); } if(! fHistPVzAnalysis ){ fHistPVzAnalysis = new TH1F("fHistPVzAnalysis", "Best PV position in z (after events selections); z (cm); Events", 400, -20, 20); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPVzAnalysis); } //-------------------------- // - Generated cascade plots // - Generated Cascade multiplicity distributions (for singol cascade) fHistnXiPlusPerEvTot = new TH1F("fHistnXiPlusPerEvTot", "", 25, 0, 25); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistnXiPlusPerEvTot); fHistnXiMinusPerEvTot = new TH1F("fHistnXiMinusPerEvTot", "", 25, 0, 25); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistnXiMinusPerEvTot); fHistnOmegaPlusPerEvTot = new TH1F("fHistnOmegaPlusPerEvTot", "", 25, 0, 25); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistnOmegaPlusPerEvTot); fHistnOmegaMinusPerEvTot = new TH1F("fHistnOmegaMinusPerEvTot", "", 25, 0, 25); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistnOmegaMinusPerEvTot); fHistnXiPlusPerEv = new TH1F("fHistnXiPlusPerEv", "", 25, 0, 25); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistnXiPlusPerEv); fHistnXiMinusPerEv = new TH1F("fHistnXiMinusPerEv", "", 25, 0, 25); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistnXiMinusPerEv); fHistnOmegaPlusPerEv = new TH1F("fHistnOmegaPlusPerEv", "", 25, 0, 25); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistnOmegaPlusPerEv); fHistnOmegaMinusPerEv = new TH1F("fHistnOmegaMinusPerEv", "", 25, 0, 25); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistnOmegaMinusPerEv); // - Xi- // - Pseudo-Rapidity distribution if (!fHistEtaGenCascXiMinus) { fHistEtaGenCascXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistEtaGenCascXiMinus", "#eta of any gen. #Xi^{-}; #eta; Number of Casc", 200, -10, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistEtaGenCascXiMinus); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinus) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinus = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of Gen #Xi^{-}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 110, -1.1, 1.1, 200, 0., 200.); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinus); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinus) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinus = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC ctau Vs Y of Gen #Xi^{-}", 100, ptBinLimits, 111, ctauBinLimits, 110, yBinLimits); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinus); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinusPhysEff) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinusPhysEff = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinusPhysEff", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of Gen #Xi^{-}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 110, -1.1, 1.1, 200, 0., 200.); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinusPhysEff); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinusPhysEff) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinusPhysEff = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinusPhysEff", "MC P_{t} Vs MC ctau Vs Y of Gen #Xi^{-}", 100, ptBinLimits, 111, ctauBinLimits, 110, yBinLimits); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinusPhysEff); } // - Info at the generation level of multi-strange particle if (!fHistThetaGenCascXiMinus) { fHistThetaGenCascXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistThetaGenCascXiMinus", "#theta of gen. #Xi^{-}; #theta; Number of Casc.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaGenCascXiMinus); } if (!f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiMinus) { f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiMinus = new TH2D("f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiMinus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of findable Gen #Xi^{-}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiMinus); } // - Theta distribution the daughters (control plots) if (!fHistThetaLambdaXiMinus) { fHistThetaLambdaXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistThetaLambdaXiMinus", "#theta of gen. #Lambda (Xi dghter); #theta_{#Lambda}; Number of #Lambda^0", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaLambdaXiMinus); } if (!fHistThetaBachXiMinus) { fHistThetaBachXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistThetaBachXiMinus", "#theta of gen. Bach.; #theta_{Bach}; Number of Bach.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaBachXiMinus); } if (!fHistThetaMesDghterXiMinus) { fHistThetaMesDghterXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistThetaMesDghterXiMinus", "#theta of gen. Meson #Lambda dghter; #theta_{MesDght}; Number of Mes.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaMesDghterXiMinus); } if (!fHistThetaBarDghterXiMinus) { fHistThetaBarDghterXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistThetaBarDghterXiMinus", "#theta of gen. Baryon #Lambda dghter; #theta_{BarDght}; Number of Bar.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaBarDghterXiMinus); } // - Pt distribution (control plots) if (!fHistPtBachXiMinus) { fHistPtBachXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistPtBachXiMinus", "p_{t} of gen. Bach.; pt_{Bach}; Number of Bach.", 200, 0, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPtBachXiMinus); } if (!fHistPtMesDghterXiMinus) { fHistPtMesDghterXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistPtMesDghterXiMinus", "p_{t} of gen. Meson #Lambda dghter; pt_{MesDght}; Number of Mes.", 200, 0, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPtMesDghterXiMinus); } if (!fHistPtBarDghterXiMinus) { fHistPtBarDghterXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistPtBarDghterXiMinus", "p_{t} of gen. Baryon #Lambda dghter; pt_{BarDght}; Number of Bar.", 200, 0, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPtBarDghterXiMinus); } // - Xi+ // - Pseudo-Rapidity distribution if (!fHistEtaGenCascXiPlus) { fHistEtaGenCascXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistEtaGenCascXiPlus", "#eta of any gen. #Xi^{+}; #eta; Number of Casc", 200, -10, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistEtaGenCascXiPlus); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlus) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlus = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of Gen #Xi^{+}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 110, -1.1, 1.1, 200, 0., 200.); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlus); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlus) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlus = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC ctau Vs Yof Gen #Xi^{+}", 100, ptBinLimits, 111, ctauBinLimits, 110, yBinLimits); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlus); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlusPhysEff) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlusPhysEff = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlusPhysEff", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of Gen #Xi^{+}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 110, -1.1, 1.1, 200, 0., 200.); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlusPhysEff); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlusPhysEff) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlusPhysEff = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlusPhysEff", "MC P_{t} Vs MC ctau Vs Yof Gen #Xi^{+}", 100, ptBinLimits, 111, ctauBinLimits, 110, yBinLimits); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlusPhysEff); } // - Info at the generation level of multi-strange particle if (!fHistThetaGenCascXiPlus) { fHistThetaGenCascXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistThetaGenCascXiPlus", "#theta of gen. #Xi^{+}; #theta; Number of Casc.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaGenCascXiPlus); } if (!f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiPlus) { f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiPlus = new TH2D("f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiPlus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of findable Gen #Xi^{+}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiPlus); } // - Theta distribution the daughters (control plots) if (!fHistThetaLambdaXiPlus) { fHistThetaLambdaXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistThetaLambdaXiPlus", "#theta of gen. #Lambda (Xi dghter); #theta_{#Lambda}; Number of #Lambda", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaLambdaXiPlus); } if (!fHistThetaBachXiPlus) { fHistThetaBachXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistThetaBachXiPlus", "#theta of gen. Bach.; #theta_{Bach}; Number of Bach.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaBachXiPlus); } if (!fHistThetaMesDghterXiPlus) { fHistThetaMesDghterXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistThetaMesDghterXiPlus", "#theta of gen. Meson #Lambda dghter; #theta_{MesDght}; Number of Mes.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaMesDghterXiPlus); } if (!fHistThetaBarDghterXiPlus) { fHistThetaBarDghterXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistThetaBarDghterXiPlus", "#theta of gen. Baryon #Lambda dghter; #theta_{BarDght}; Number of Bar.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaBarDghterXiPlus); } // - Pt distribution (control plots) if (!fHistPtBachXiPlus) { fHistPtBachXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistPtBachXiPlus", "p_{t} of gen. Bach.; pt_{Bach}; Number of Bach.", 200, 0, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPtBachXiPlus); } if (!fHistPtMesDghterXiPlus) { fHistPtMesDghterXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistPtMesDghterXiPlus", "p_{t} of gen. Meson #Lambda dghter; pt_{MesDght}; Number of Mes.", 200, 0, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPtMesDghterXiPlus); } if (!fHistPtBarDghterXiPlus) { fHistPtBarDghterXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistPtBarDghterXiPlus", "p_{t} of gen. Baryon #Lambda dghter); pt_{BarDght}; Number of Bar.", 200, 0, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPtBarDghterXiPlus); } // - Omega- // - Pseudo-Rapidity distribution if (!fHistEtaGenCascOmegaMinus) { fHistEtaGenCascOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistEtaGenCascOmegaMinus", "#eta of any gen. #Omega^{-}; #eta; Number of Casc", 200, -10, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistEtaGenCascOmegaMinus); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinus) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinus = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of Gen #Omega^{-}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 110, -1.1, 1.1, 200, 0., 200.); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinus); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinus) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinus = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC ctau Vs Y of Gen #Omega^{-} ", 100, ptBinLimits, 111, ctauBinLimits, 110, yBinLimits); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinus); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinusPhysEff) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinusPhysEff = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinusPhysEff", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of Gen #Omega^{-}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 110, -1.1, 1.1, 200, 0., 200.); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinusPhysEff); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinusPhysEff) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinusPhysEff = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinusPhysEff", "MC P_{t} Vs MC ctau Vs Y of Gen #Omega^{-}", 100, ptBinLimits, 111, ctauBinLimits, 110, yBinLimits); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinusPhysEff); } // - Info at the generation level of multi-strange particle if (!fHistThetaGenCascOmegaMinus) { fHistThetaGenCascOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistThetaGenCascOmegaMinus", "#theta of gen. #Omega^{-}; #theta; Number of Casc.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaGenCascOmegaMinus); } if (!f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaMinus) { f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaMinus = new TH2D("f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaMinus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of findable Gen #Omega^{-}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaMinus); } // - Theta distribution the daughters (control plots) if (!fHistThetaLambdaOmegaMinus) { fHistThetaLambdaOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistThetaLambdaOmegaMinus", "#theta of gen. #Lambda (Omega dghter); #theta_{#Lambda}; Number of #Lambda", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaLambdaOmegaMinus); } if (!fHistThetaBachOmegaMinus) { fHistThetaBachOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistThetaBachOmegaMinus", "#theta of gen. Bach.;#theta_{Bach};Number of Bach.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaBachOmegaMinus); } if (!fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaMinus) { fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaMinus", "#theta of gen. Meson #Lambda dghter; #theta_{MesDght}; Number of Mes.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaMinus); } if (!fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaMinus) { fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaMinus", "#theta of gen. Baryon #Lambda dghter; #theta_{BarDght}; Number of Bar.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaMinus); } // - Pt distribution (control plots) if (!fHistPtBachOmegaMinus) { fHistPtBachOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistPtBachOmegaMinus", "p_{t} of gen. Bach.; pt_{Bach}; Number of Bach.", 200, 0, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPtBachOmegaMinus); } if (!fHistPtMesDghterOmegaMinus) { fHistPtMesDghterOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistPtMesDghterOmegaMinus", "p_{t} of gen. Meson #Lambda dghter); pt_{MesDght}; Number of Mes.", 200, 0, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPtMesDghterOmegaMinus); } if (!fHistPtBarDghterOmegaMinus) { fHistPtBarDghterOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistPtBarDghterOmegaMinus", "p_{t} of gen. Baryon #Lambda dghter); pt_{BarDght}; Number of Bar.", 200, 0, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPtBarDghterOmegaMinus); } // - Omega+ // - Pseudo-Rapidity distribution if (!fHistEtaGenCascOmegaPlus) { fHistEtaGenCascOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistEtaGenCascOmegaPlus", "#eta of any gen. #Omega^{+}; #eta; Number of Casc", 200, -10, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistEtaGenCascOmegaPlus); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlus) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlus = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of Gen #Omega^{+}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 110, -1.1, 1.1, 200, 0., 200.); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlus); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlus) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlus = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC ctau Vs Y of Gen #Omega^{+} ", 100, ptBinLimits, 111, ctauBinLimits, 110, yBinLimits); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlus); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlusPhysEff) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlusPhysEff = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlusPhysEff", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of Gen #Omega^{+}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 110, -1.1, 1.1, 200, 0., 200.); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlusPhysEff); } if (!f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlusPhysEff) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlusPhysEff = new TH3D("f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlusPhysEff", "MC P_{t} Vs MC ctau Vs Y of Gen #Omega^{+}", 100, ptBinLimits, 111, ctauBinLimits, 110, yBinLimits); fListHistCascade->Add(f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlusPhysEff); } // - Info at the generation level of multi-strange particle if (!fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlus) { fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlus", "#theta of gen. #Omega^{+}; #theta; Number of Casc.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlus); } if (!f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus) { f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus = new TH2D("f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of findable Gen #Omega^{+}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus); } // - Info at the generation level of multi-strange particle if (!fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlus) { fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlus", "#theta of gen. #Omega^{+}; #theta; Number of Casc.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlus); } if (!f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus) { f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus = new TH2D("f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of findable Gen #Omega^{+}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus); } // - Theta distribution the daughters (control plots) if (!fHistThetaLambdaOmegaPlus) { fHistThetaLambdaOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistThetaLambdaOmegaPlus", "#theta of gen. #Lambda (Omega dghter); #theta_{#Lambda}; Number of #Lambda", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaLambdaOmegaPlus); } if (!fHistThetaBachOmegaPlus) { fHistThetaBachOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistThetaBachOmegaPlus", "#theta of gen. Bach.; #theta_{Bach}; Number of Bach.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaBachOmegaPlus); } if (!fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaPlus) { fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaPlus", "#theta of gen. Meson #Lambda dghter; #theta_{MesDght}; Number of Mes.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaPlus); } if (!fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaPlus) { fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaPlus", "#theta of gen. Baryon #Lambda dghter; #theta_{BarDght}; Number of Bar.", 200, -10, 190); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaPlus); } // - Pt distribution (control plots) if (!fHistPtBachOmegaPlus) { fHistPtBachOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistPtBachOmegaPlus", "p_{t} of gen. Bach.; pt_{Bach}; Number of Bach.", 200, 0, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPtBachOmegaPlus); } if (!fHistPtMesDghterOmegaPlus) { fHistPtMesDghterOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistPtMesDghterOmegaPlus", "p_{t} of gen. Meson #Lambda dghter; pt_{MesDght}; Number of Mes.", 200, 0, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPtMesDghterOmegaPlus); } if (!fHistPtBarDghterOmegaPlus) { fHistPtBarDghterOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistPtBarDghterOmegaPlus", "p_{t} of gen. Baryon #Lambda dghter); pt_{BarDght}; Number of Bar.", 200, 0, 10); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistPtBarDghterOmegaPlus); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // - Any reconstructed cascades + reconstructed cascades associated with MC // - Multiplicity cascde plots fHistnAssoXiMinus= new TH1F("fHistnAssoXiMinus", "", 25, 0, 25); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistnAssoXiMinus); fHistnAssoXiPlus= new TH1F("fHistnAssoXiPlus", "", 25, 0, 25); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistnAssoXiPlus); fHistnAssoOmegaMinus= new TH1F("fHistnAssoOmegaMinus", "", 25, 0, 25); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistnAssoOmegaMinus); fHistnAssoOmegaPlus= new TH1F("fHistnAssoOmegaPlus", "", 25, 0, 25); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistnAssoOmegaPlus); // - Effective mass histos for cascades candidates. if (! fHistMassXiMinus) { fHistMassXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistMassXiMinus","#Xi^{-} candidates; M( #Lambda , #pi^{-} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 400, 1.2, 2.0); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistMassXiMinus); } if (! fHistMassXiPlus) { fHistMassXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistMassXiPlus","#Xi^{+} candidates; M( #bar{#Lambda}^{0} , #pi^{+} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 400, 1.2, 2.0); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistMassXiPlus); } if (! fHistMassOmegaMinus) { fHistMassOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistMassOmegaMinus","#Omega^{-} candidates; M( #Lambda , K^{-} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 500, 1.5, 2.5); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistMassOmegaMinus); } if (! fHistMassOmegaPlus) { fHistMassOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistMassOmegaPlus","#Omega^{+} candidates; M( #bar{#Lambda}^{0} , K^{+} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 500, 1.5, 2.5); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistMassOmegaPlus); } // - Effective mass histos with combined PID if (! fHistMassWithCombPIDXiMinus) { fHistMassWithCombPIDXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistMassWithCombPIDXiMinus","#Xi^{-} candidates, with Bach. comb. PID; M( #Lambda , #pi^{-} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 400, 1.2, 2.0); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistMassWithCombPIDXiMinus); } if (! fHistMassWithCombPIDXiPlus) { fHistMassWithCombPIDXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistMassWithCombPIDXiPlus","#Xi^{+} candidates, with Bach. comb. PID; M( #bar{#Lambda}^{0} , #pi^{+} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 400, 1.2, 2.0); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistMassWithCombPIDXiPlus); } if (! fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaMinus) { fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaMinus","#Omega^{-} candidates, with Bach. comb. PID; M( #Lambda , K^{-} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 500, 1.5, 2.5); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaMinus); } if (! fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaPlus) { fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaPlus","#Omega^{+} candidates, with Bach. comb. PID; M( #bar{#Lambda}^{0} , K^{+} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 500, 1.5, 2.5); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaPlus); } // - PID Probability versus MC Pt(bachelor track) if (! f2dHistPIDprobaKaonVsMCPtBach ){ f2dHistPIDprobaKaonVsMCPtBach = new TH2F("f2dHistPIDprobaKaonVsMCPtBach", "Comb. PID proba to be K^{#pm} Vs MC Bach. Pt; Pt_{MC}(Bach.) (GeV/c); Comb. PID Proba (Bach. = K^{#pm})", 100, 0.0, 5.0, 110, 0.0, 1.10); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistPIDprobaKaonVsMCPtBach); } if(! f2dHistPIDprobaPionVsMCPtBach ){ f2dHistPIDprobaPionVsMCPtBach = new TH2F("f2dHistPIDprobaPionVsMCPtBach", "Comb. PID proba to be #pi^{#pm} Vs MC Bach. Pt; Pt_{MC}(Bach.) (GeV/c); Comb. PID Proba (Bach. = #pi^{#pm})", 100, 0.0, 5.0, 110, 0.0, 1.10); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistPIDprobaPionVsMCPtBach); } // - Effective mass histos with perfect MC PID on the bachelor if (! fHistMassWithMcPIDXiMinus) { fHistMassWithMcPIDXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistMassWithMcPIDXiMinus", "#Xi^{-} candidates, with Bach. MC PID; M( #Lambda , #pi^{-} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 400, 1.2, 2.0); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistMassWithMcPIDXiMinus); } if (! fHistMassWithMcPIDXiPlus) { fHistMassWithMcPIDXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistMassWithMcPIDXiPlus", "#Xi^{+} candidates, with Bach. MC PID; M( #bar{#Lambda}^{0} , #pi^{+} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 400, 1.2, 2.0); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistMassWithMcPIDXiPlus); } if (! fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaMinus) { fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaMinus", "#Omega^{-} candidates, with Bach. MC PID; M( #Lambda , K^{-} ) (GeV/c^{2});Counts", 500, 1.5, 2.5); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaMinus); } if (! fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaPlus) { fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaPlus", "#Omega^{+} candidates, with Bach. MC PID; M( #bar{#Lambda}^{0} , K^{+} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 500, 1.5, 2.5); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaPlus); } // - Effective mass histos for cascades candidates ASSOCIATED with MC. if (! fHistAsMCMassXiMinus) { fHistAsMCMassXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistAsMCMassXiMinus", "#Xi^{-} candidates associated to MC; M( #Lambda , #pi^{-} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 400, 1.2, 2.0); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistAsMCMassXiMinus); } if (! fHistAsMCMassXiPlus) { fHistAsMCMassXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistAsMCMassXiPlus", "#Xi^{+} candidates associated to MC; M( #bar{#Lambda}^{0} , #pi^{+} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 400, 1.2, 2.0); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistAsMCMassXiPlus); } if (! fHistAsMCMassOmegaMinus) { fHistAsMCMassOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistAsMCMassOmegaMinus", "#Omega^{-} candidates associated to MC; M( #Lambda , K^{-} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 500, 1.5, 2.5); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistAsMCMassOmegaMinus); } if (! fHistAsMCMassOmegaPlus) { fHistAsMCMassOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistAsMCMassOmegaPlus", "#Omega^{+} candidates associated to MC; M( #bar{#Lambda}^{0} , K^{+} ) (GeV/c^{2}); Counts", 500, 1.5, 2.5); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistAsMCMassOmegaPlus); } // - Generated Pt Vs generated Y of the cascade candidates associated with MC + having the proper maximum proba of combined PID for the bachelor if (!f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiMinus) { f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiMinus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiMinus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of #Xi^{-} (associated+Bach.PID); Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 200, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiMinus); } if (!f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiPlus) { f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiPlus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiPlus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of #Xi^{+} (associated+Bach.PID); Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 100, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiPlus); } if (!f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus) { f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of #Omega^{-} (associated+Bach.PID); Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 200, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus); } if (!f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus) { f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of #Omega^{+} (associated+Bach.PID); Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Y_{MC}", 200, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus); } // - Generated Pt Vs Generated Y, for the cascade candidates associated with MC if (!f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiMinus) { f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiMinus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiMinus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of gen. #Xi^{-} (associated); Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Rapidity, Y_{MC}",200, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiMinus ); } if (!f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiPlus) { f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiPlus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiPlus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of gen. #Xi^{+} (associated); Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Rapidity, Y_{MC}",200, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiPlus ); } if (!f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus) { f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of gen. #Omega^{-} (associated); Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Rapidity, Y_{MC}",200, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus ); } if (!f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus) { f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus", "MC P_{t} Vs MC Y of gen. #Omega^{+} (associated); Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); Rapidity, Y_{MC}",200, 0., 10., 220, -1.1, 1.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus ); } // - Generated Eta of the the cascade candidates associated with MC if (!fHistAsMCGenEtaXiMinus) { fHistAsMCGenEtaXiMinus = new TH1F("fHistAsMCGenEtaXiMinus", "#eta of gen. #Xi^{-} (associated); #eta; Count", 100, -5, 5); fListHistCascade->Add( fHistAsMCGenEtaXiMinus ); } if (!fHistAsMCGenEtaXiPlus) { fHistAsMCGenEtaXiPlus = new TH1F("fHistAsMCGenEtaXiPlus", "#eta of gen. #Xi^{+} (associated); #eta; Count", 100, -5, 5); fListHistCascade->Add( fHistAsMCGenEtaXiPlus ); } if (!fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaMinus) { fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaMinus = new TH1F("fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaMinus", "#eta of gen. #Omega^{-} (associated);#eta;Number of Casc", 100, -5, 5); fListHistCascade->Add( fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaMinus ); } if (!fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaPlus) { fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaPlus = new TH1F("fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaPlus", "#eta of gen. #Omega^{+} (associated); #eta; Count", 100, -5, 5); fListHistCascade->Add( fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaPlus ); } // - Resolution in Pt as function of generated Pt if (! f2dHistAsMCResPtXiMinus) { f2dHistAsMCResPtXiMinus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCResPtXiMinus", "Resolution in Pt reconstruction for #Xi^{-}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); (Pt_{reco} - Pt_{MC}) / Pt_{MC}", 200, 0., 10., 200, -0.1, 0.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCResPtXiMinus); } if (! f2dHistAsMCResPtXiPlus) { f2dHistAsMCResPtXiPlus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCResPtXiPlus", "Resolution in Pt reconstruction for #Xi^{+}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); (Pt_{reco} - Pt_{MC}) / Pt_{MC}", 200, 0., 10., 200, -0.1, 0.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCResPtXiPlus); } if (! f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaMinus) { f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaMinus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaMinus", "Resolution in Pt reconstruction for #Omega^{-}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); (Pt_{reco} - Pt_{MC}) / Pt_{MC}", 200, 0., 10., 200, -0.1, 0.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaMinus); } if (! f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaPlus) { f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaPlus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaPlus", "Resolution in Pt reconstruction for #Omega^{+}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); (Pt_{reco} - Pt_{MC}) / Pt_{MC}", 200, 0., 10., 200, -0.1, 0.1); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaPlus); } // - Resolution in R(2D) as function of generated R if (! f2dHistAsMCResRXiMinus) { f2dHistAsMCResRXiMinus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCResRXiMinus", "Resolution in transv. position for #Xi^{-}; R_{MC} (cm); (R_{reco} - R_{MC}) / R_{MC}", 450, 0., 45.0, 240, -0.3, 0.3); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCResRXiMinus); } if (! f2dHistAsMCResRXiPlus) { f2dHistAsMCResRXiPlus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCResRXiPlus", "Resolution in transv. position for #Xi^{+}; R_{MC} (cm); (R_{reco} - R_{MC}) / R_{MC}", 450, 0., 45.0, 240, -0.3, 0.3); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCResRXiPlus); } if (! f2dHistAsMCResROmegaMinus) { f2dHistAsMCResROmegaMinus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCResROmegaMinus", "Resolution in transv. position for #Omega^{-}; R_{MC} (cm); (R_{reco} - R_{MC}) / R_{MC}", 450, 0., 45.0, 240, -0.3, 0.3); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCResROmegaMinus); } if (! f2dHistAsMCResROmegaPlus) { f2dHistAsMCResROmegaPlus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCResROmegaPlus", "Resolution in transv. position for #Omega^{+}; R_{MC} (cm); (R_{reco} - R_{MC}) / R_{MC}", 450, 0., 45.0, 240, -0.3, 0.3); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCResROmegaPlus); } // - Resolution in phi as function of generated Pt if (! f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiMinus) { f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiMinus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiMinus", "Resolution in #phi for #Xi^{-}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); #phi(MC) - #phi(reco) (deg)", 200, 0., 10., 60, -30., 30.); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiMinus); } if (! f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiPlus) { f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiPlus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiPlus", "Resolution in #phi for #Xi^{+}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); #phi(MC) - #phi(reco) (deg)", 200, 0., 10., 60, -30., 30.); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiPlus); } if (! f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaMinus) { f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaMinus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaMinus", "Resolution in #phi for #Omega^{-}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); #phi(MC) - #phi(reco) (deg)", 200, 0., 10., 60, -30., 30.); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaMinus); } if (! f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaPlus) { f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaPlus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaPlus", "Resolution in #phi for #Omega^{+}; Pt_{MC} (GeV/c); #phi(MC) - #phi(reco) (deg)", 200, 0., 10., 60, -30., 30.); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaPlus); } // - Correlation between proton (antiproton) daughter MC pt and Xi/Omega MC pt (to apply Geant/Fluka correction) if (!f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptXiMinus) { f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptXiMinus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptXiMinus", "Proton MC pt vs Xi- MC pt", 100, 0., 10., 100, 0., 10.); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptXiMinus); } if (!f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptXiPlus) { f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptXiPlus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptXiPlus", "Antiproton MC pt vs Xi+ MC pt", 100, 0., 10., 100, 0., 10.); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptXiPlus); } if (!f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptOmegaMinus) { f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptOmegaMinus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptOmegaMinus", "Proton MC pt vs Omega- MC pt", 100, 0., 10., 100, 0., 10.); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptOmegaMinus); } if (!f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptOmegaPlus) { f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptOmegaPlus = new TH2F("f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptOmegaPlus", "Antiproton MC pt vs Omega+ MC pt", 100, 0., 10., 100, 0., 10.); fListHistCascade->Add(f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptOmegaPlus); } // - Cosine of Pointing angle if (! fHistV0toXiCosineOfPointingAngle) { fHistV0toXiCosineOfPointingAngle = new TH1F("fHistV0toXiCosineOfPointingAngle", "Cos. of V0 Ptng Angl / Xi vtx ; Cos(V0 Point. Angl / Xi vtx); Counts", 200, 0.95, 1.0001); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistV0toXiCosineOfPointingAngle); } if (! fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtXi) { fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtXi = new TH2F("fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtXi", "Cos. of V0 Ptng Angl vs cascade Pt; Cos(V0 Point. Angl); Counts", 100, 0., 10., 200, 0.95, 1.0001); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtXi); } if (! fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtOmega) { fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtOmega = new TH2F("fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtOmega", "Cos. of V0 Ptng Angl vs cascade Pt; Cos(V0 Point. Angl); Counts", 100, 0., 10., 200, 0.95, 1.0001); fListHistCascade->Add(fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtOmega); } //-------------- // - CFContainer // PID container Xi- if(! fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus) { const Int_t lNbSteps = 7; const Int_t lNbVariables = 3; //Array for the number of bins in each dimension: Int_t lNbBinsPerVar[3] = {0}; lNbBinsPerVar[0] = 100; lNbBinsPerVar[1] = 800; lNbBinsPerVar[2] = 22; fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus = new AliCFContainer(Form("fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus_minnTPCcls%i_vtxlim%.1f-%.1f_minptdghtrk%.1f_etacutdghtrk%.1f",fMinnTPCcls,fVtxRange,fVtxRangeMin,fMinPtCutOnDaughterTracks,fEtaCutOnDaughterTracks),"Pt_{cascade} Vs M_{#Xi^{-} candidates} Vs Y_{#Xi}", lNbSteps, lNbVariables, lNbBinsPerVar ); //Setting the bin limits fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetBinLimits(0, 0.0 , 10.0 ); // Pt(Cascade) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetBinLimits(1, 1.2 , 2.0 ); // Xi Effective mass fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetBinLimits(2, -1.1 , 1.1 ); // Rapidity //Setting the step title : one per PID case fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetStepTitle(0, "No PID"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetStepTitle(1, "TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor track"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetStepTitle(2, "TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon tracks"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetStepTitle(3, "TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon+Meson tracks"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetStepTitle(4, "Comb. PID / Bachelor"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetStepTitle(5, "Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetStepTitle(6, "Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon+Meson"); //Setting the variable title, per axis fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetVarTitle(0, "Pt_{cascade} (GeV/c)"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetVarTitle(1, "M( #Lambda , #pi^{-} ) (GeV/c^{2})"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->SetVarTitle(2, "Y_{#Xi}"); fListHistCascade->Add(fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); } // PID container Xi+ if(! fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus) { const Int_t lNbSteps = 7; const Int_t lNbVariables = 3; //Array for the number of bins in each dimension : Int_t lNbBinsPerVar[3] = {0}; lNbBinsPerVar[0] = 100; lNbBinsPerVar[1] = 800; lNbBinsPerVar[2] = 22; fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus = new AliCFContainer(Form("fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus_minnTPCcls%i_vtxlim%.1f-%.1f_minptdghtrk%.1f_etacutdghtrk%.1f",fMinnTPCcls,fVtxRange,fVtxRangeMin,fMinPtCutOnDaughterTracks,fEtaCutOnDaughterTracks),"Pt_{cascade} Vs M_{#Xi^{+} candidates} Vs Y_{#Xi}", lNbSteps, lNbVariables, lNbBinsPerVar ); //Setting the bin limits (valid for v4-18-10-AN) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetBinLimits(0, 0.0 , 10.0 ); // Pt(Cascade) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetBinLimits(1, 1.2 , 2.0 ); // Xi Effective mass fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetBinLimits(2, -1.1 , 1.1 ); // Rapidity //Setting the step title : one per PID case fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetStepTitle(0, "No PID"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetStepTitle(1, "TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor track"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetStepTitle(2, "TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon tracks"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetStepTitle(3, "TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon+Meson tracks"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetStepTitle(4, "Comb. PID / Bachelor"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetStepTitle(5, "Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetStepTitle(6, "Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon+Meson"); //Setting the variable title, per axis fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetVarTitle(0, "Pt_{cascade} (GeV/c)"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetVarTitle(1, "M( #Lambda , #pi^{+} ) (GeV/c^{2})"); fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->SetVarTitle(2, "Y_{#Xi}"); fListHistCascade->Add(fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); } // PID container Omega- if(! fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus) { const Int_t lNbSteps = 7; const Int_t lNbVariables = 3; //Array for the number of bins in each dimension : Int_t lNbBinsPerVar[3] = {0}; lNbBinsPerVar[0] = 100; lNbBinsPerVar[1] = 1000; lNbBinsPerVar[2] = 22; fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus = new AliCFContainer(Form("fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus_minnTPCcls%i_vtxlim%.1f-%.1f_minptdghtrk%.1f_etacutdghtrk%.1f",fMinnTPCcls,fVtxRange,fVtxRangeMin,fMinPtCutOnDaughterTracks,fEtaCutOnDaughterTracks),"Pt_{cascade} Vs M_{#Omega^{-} candidates} Vs Y_{#Omega}", lNbSteps, lNbVariables, lNbBinsPerVar ); //Setting the bin limits fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetBinLimits(0, 0.0 , 10.0 ); // Pt(Cascade) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetBinLimits(1, 1.5 , 2.5 ); // Omega Effective mass fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetBinLimits(2, -1.1 , 1.1 ); // Rapidity //Setting the step title : one per PID case fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetStepTitle(0, "No PID"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetStepTitle(1, "TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor track"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetStepTitle(2, "TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon tracks"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetStepTitle(3, "TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon+Meson tracks"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetStepTitle(4, "Comb. PID / Bachelor"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetStepTitle(5, "Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetStepTitle(6, "Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon+Meson"); //Setting the variable title, per axis fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetVarTitle(0, "Pt_{cascade} (GeV/c)"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetVarTitle(1, "M( #Lambda , K^{-} ) (GeV/c^{2})"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->SetVarTitle(2, "Y_{#Omega}"); fListHistCascade->Add(fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); } // PID container Omega+ if(! fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus) { const Int_t lNbSteps = 7; const Int_t lNbVariables = 3; //Array for the number of bins in each dimension : Int_t lNbBinsPerVar[3]= {0}; lNbBinsPerVar[0] = 100; lNbBinsPerVar[1] = 1000; lNbBinsPerVar[2] = 22; fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus = new AliCFContainer(Form("fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus_minnTPCcls%i_vtxlim%.1f-%.1f_minptdghtrk%.1f_etacutdghtrk%.1f",fMinnTPCcls,fVtxRange,fVtxRangeMin,fMinPtCutOnDaughterTracks,fEtaCutOnDaughterTracks),"Pt_{cascade} Vs M_{#Omega^{+} candidates} Vs Y_{#Omega}", lNbSteps, lNbVariables, lNbBinsPerVar ); //Setting the bin limits fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetBinLimits(0, 0.0 , 10.0 ); // Pt(Cascade) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetBinLimits(1, 1.5 , 2.5 ); // Omega Effective mass fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetBinLimits(2, -1.1 , 1.1 ); // Rapidity //Setting the step title : one per PID case fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetStepTitle(0, "No PID"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetStepTitle(1, "TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor track"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetStepTitle(2, "TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon tracks"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetStepTitle(3, "TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon+Meson tracks"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetStepTitle(4, "Comb. PID / Bachelor"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetStepTitle(5, "Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetStepTitle(6, "Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon+Meson"); //Setting the variable title, per axis fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetVarTitle(0, "Pt_{cascade} (GeV/c)"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetVarTitle(1, "M( #Lambda , K^{+} ) (GeV/c^{2})"); fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->SetVarTitle(2, "Y_{#Omega}"); fListHistCascade->Add(fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); } // Container for optimisation of topological selections if(! fCFContAsCascadeCuts){ // Container meant to store all the relevant distributions corresponding to the cut variables. // - NB overflow/underflow of variables on which we want to cut later should be 0!!! const Int_t lNbSteps = 4; const Int_t lNbVariables = 19; //Array for the number of bins in each dimension : Int_t lNbBinsPerVar[lNbVariables] = {0}; lNbBinsPerVar[0] = 25; //DcaCascDaughters : [0.0,2.,3.0] -> Rec.Cut = 2.0; lNbBinsPerVar[1] = 25; //DcaBachToPrimVertex : [0.0,0.24,100.0] -> Rec.Cur = 0.01; lNbBinsPerVar[2] = 60; //CascCosineOfPointingAngle : [0.94,1.0] -> Rec.Cut = 0.95; //lNbBinsPerVar[2] = 30; //CascCosineOfPointingAngle : [0.97,1.] -> Rec.Cut = 0.98; lNbBinsPerVar[3] = 40; //CascRadius : [0.0,3.9,1000.0] -> Rec.Cut = 0.2; lNbBinsPerVar[4] = 30; //InvMassLambdaAsCascDghter : [1.1,1.3] -> Rec.Cut = 0.008; lNbBinsPerVar[5] = 20; //DcaV0Daughters : [0.0,2.0] -> Rec.Cut = 1.5; lNbBinsPerVar[6] = 201; //V0CosineOfPointingAngle : [0.89,1.0] -> Rec.Cut = 0.9; lNbBinsPerVar[7] = 40; //V0Radius : [0.0,3.9,1000.0] -> Rec.Cut = 0.2; lNbBinsPerVar[8] = 40; //DcaV0ToPrimVertex : [0.0,0.39,110.0] -> Rec.Cut = 0.01; lNbBinsPerVar[9] = 25; //DcaPosToPrimVertex : [0.0,0.24,100.0] -> Rec.Cut = 0.05; lNbBinsPerVar[10] = 25; //DcaNegToPrimVertex : [0.0,0.24,100.0] -> Rec.Cut = 0.05; lNbBinsPerVar[11] = 150; //InvMassXi : 2-MeV/c2 bins lNbBinsPerVar[12] = 120; //InvMassOmega : 2-MeV/c2 bins lNbBinsPerVar[13] = 100; //CascTransvMom : [0.0,10.0] lNbBinsPerVar[14] = 110; //Y(Xi) : 0.02 unit of y per bin lNbBinsPerVar[15] = 110; //Y(Omega) : 0.02 unit of y per bin lNbBinsPerVar[16] = 112; //Proper lenght of cascade lNbBinsPerVar[17] = 112; //Proper lenght of V0 lNbBinsPerVar[18] = 112; //Distance V0-Xi in the transverse plane fCFContAsCascadeCuts = new AliCFContainer(Form("fCFContAsCascadeCuts_minnTPCcls%i_vtxlim%.1f-%.1f_minptdghtrk%.1f_etacutdghtrk%.1f",fMinnTPCcls,fVtxRange,fVtxRangeMin,fMinPtCutOnDaughterTracks,fEtaCutOnDaughterTracks),"Cut Container for Asso. Cascades", lNbSteps, lNbVariables, lNbBinsPerVar ); //Setting the bin limits //0 - DcaCascDaughters Double_t *lBinLim0 = new Double_t[ lNbBinsPerVar[0]+1 ]; for(Int_t i=0; i SetBinLimits(0, lBinLim0); delete[] lBinLim0; //1 - DcaBachToPrimVertex Double_t *lBinLim1 = new Double_t[ lNbBinsPerVar[1]+1 ]; for(Int_t i=0; i SetBinLimits(1, lBinLim1); delete [] lBinLim1; //2 - CascCosineOfPointingAngle fCFContAsCascadeCuts -> SetBinLimits(2, .94, 1.); //3 - CascRadius Double_t *lBinLim3 = new Double_t[ lNbBinsPerVar[3]+1 ]; for(Int_t i=0; i SetBinLimits(3, lBinLim3); delete[] lBinLim3; //4 - InvMassLambdaAsCascDghter fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetBinLimits(4, 1.1, 1.13); //5 - DcaV0Daughters fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetBinLimits(5, 0., 2.); //6 - V0CosineOfPointingAngle fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetBinLimits(6, 0.8, 1.001); //7 - V0Radius Double_t *lBinLim7 = new Double_t[ lNbBinsPerVar[7]+1 ]; for(Int_t i=0; i SetBinLimits(7, lBinLim7); delete [] lBinLim7; //8 - DcaV0ToPrimVertexXi : 0. to 0.4 Double_t *lBinLim8 = new Double_t[ lNbBinsPerVar[8]+1 ]; for(Int_t i=0; i SetBinLimits(8, lBinLim8); delete [] lBinLim8; //9 - DcaPosToPrimVertexXi Double_t *lBinLim9 = new Double_t[ lNbBinsPerVar[9]+1 ]; for(Int_t i=0; i SetBinLimits(9, lBinLim9); delete [] lBinLim9; //10 - DcaNegToPrimVertexXi Double_t *lBinLim10 = new Double_t[ lNbBinsPerVar[10]+1 ]; for(Int_t i=0; i SetBinLimits(10, lBinLim10); delete [] lBinLim10; //11 - InvMassXi fCFContAsCascadeCuts -> SetBinLimits(11, 1.25, 1.40); //12 - InvMassOmega fCFContAsCascadeCuts -> SetBinLimits(12, 1.62, 1.74); //13 - XiTransvMom fCFContAsCascadeCuts -> SetBinLimits(13, 0.0, 10.0); //14 - Y(Xi) fCFContAsCascadeCuts -> SetBinLimits(14, -1.1, 1.1); //15 - Y(Omega) fCFContAsCascadeCuts -> SetBinLimits(15, -1.1, 1.1); //16 - Proper time cascade Double_t *lBinLim16 = new Double_t[ lNbBinsPerVar[16]+1 ]; for(Int_t i=0; i SetBinLimits(16, lBinLim16); //17 - Proper time V0 fCFContAsCascadeCuts -> SetBinLimits(17, lBinLim16); //18 - Distance V0-Xi in the transverse plane fCFContAsCascadeCuts -> SetBinLimits(18, lBinLim16); delete [] lBinLim16; // Setting the number of steps : one for each cascade species (Xi-, Xi+ and Omega-, Omega+) fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetStepTitle(0, "#Xi^{-} candidates associated to MC"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetStepTitle(1, "#bar{#Xi}^{+} candidates associated to MC"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetStepTitle(2, "#Omega^{-} candidates associated to MC"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetStepTitle(3, "#bar{#Omega}^{+} candidates associated to MC"); // Setting the variable title, per axis fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(0, "DCA(cascade daughters) (cm)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(1, "ImpactParamToPV(bachelor) (cm)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(2, "cos(cascade PA)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(3, "R_{2d}(cascade decay) (cm)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(4, "M_{#Lambda}(as casc dghter) (GeV/c^{2})"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(5, "DCA(V0 daughters) (cm)"); if (fCollidingSystem == "pp") fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(6, "cos(V0 PA) to cascade vtx"); else if (fCollidingSystem == "pPb") fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(6, "cos(V0 PA) to primary vtx"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(7, "R_{2d}(V0 decay) (cm)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(8, "ImpactParamToPV(V0) (cm)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(9, "ImpactParamToPV(Pos) (cm)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(10, "ImpactParamToPV(Neg) (cm)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(11, "Inv. Mass(Xi) (GeV/c^{2})"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(12, "Inv. Mass(Omega) (GeV/c^{2})"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(13, "Pt_{MC}(cascade) (GeV/c)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(14, "Y_{MC}(Xi)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(15, "Y_{MC}(Omega)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(16, "mL/p cascade (cm)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(17, "mL/p V0 (cm)"); fCFContAsCascadeCuts->SetVarTitle(18, "Distance V0-Cascade in the transverse plane (cm)"); fListHistCascade->Add(fCFContAsCascadeCuts); } PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); }// end CreateOutputObjects //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276::UserExec(Option_t *) { //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // Main loop (called for each event) //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //------------------ // - Define variables AliESDEvent *lESDevent = 0x0; AliAODEvent *lAODevent = 0x0; AliMCEvent *lMCevent = 0x0; AliStack *lMCstack = 0x0; TClonesArray *arrayMC = 0; //------------------------- // - Check the PID response if (!fPIDResponse) { AliError("Cannot get pid response"); return; } ////////////////// // Event selection ////////////////// // In order: // 1) SDD selection // 2) Physics selection // 3) Select only looking at events with well-established PV // 4) Pileup selection // 5) |Z| < 10 cm //--------------------------------------------------------- // Load the InputEvent and check it (for the ESD and AOD) if (fAnalysisType == "ESD") { lESDevent = dynamic_cast( InputEvent() ); if (!lESDevent) { Printf("ERROR: lESDevent not available \n"); cout << "Name of the file with pb :" << CurrentFileName() << endl; return; } lMCevent = MCEvent(); if (!lMCevent) { Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC event \n"); cout << "Name of the file with pb :" << CurrentFileName() << endl; return; } lMCstack = lMCevent->Stack(); if (!lMCstack) { Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve MC stack \n"); cout << "Name of the file with pb :" << CurrentFileName() << endl; return; } } else if (fAnalysisType == "AOD") { lAODevent = dynamic_cast( InputEvent() ); if (!lAODevent) { Printf("ERROR: lAODevent not available \n"); cout << "Name of the file with pb :" << CurrentFileName() << endl; return; } arrayMC = (TClonesArray*) lAODevent->GetList()->FindObject(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName()); if (!arrayMC) AliFatal("Error: MC particles branch not found!\n"); } else { Printf("Analysis type (ESD or AOD) not specified \n"); return; } //------------------------------ // - Plots Before any selections //------------------------------ // - Define variables Int_t ncascadesBeforeAnySel = -1; //number of cascades before any selections Int_t nTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel = -1; //number of tracks before any selections if (fAnalysisType == "ESD") { //Multiplicity Int_t lMultiplicity = -100; lMultiplicity = fESDtrackCuts->GetReferenceMultiplicity(lESDevent, AliESDtrackCuts::kTrackletsITSTPC, 0.5); nTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel = lMultiplicity; ncascadesBeforeAnySel = lESDevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); } else if (fAnalysisType == "AOD") { //Multiplicity Int_t lMultiplicity = -100; nTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel = lMultiplicity; ncascadesBeforeAnySel = lAODevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); } fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel->Fill(nTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel); fHistCascadeMultiplicityBeforeAnySel->Fill(ncascadesBeforeAnySel); //---------------- // - SDD selection //---------------- // - Define variables Int_t ncascadesAfterSDDSel = -1; //number of cascades after SDD selection Int_t nTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel = -1; //number of tracks after SDD selection if (fkSDDselectionOn && fCollidingSystem == "pp") { TString trcl = " "; trcl = lESDevent->GetFiredTriggerClasses(); if (fAnalysisType == "ESD") trcl = lESDevent->GetFiredTriggerClasses(); else if (fAnalysisType == "AOD") trcl = lAODevent->GetFiredTriggerClasses(); if (fwithSDD){ // ---> Select event with SDD ON if(!(trcl.Contains("ALLNOTRD"))) { PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); cout<<"Bad event: SDD turn OFF => RETURN!! (Exclude it)..."< Select event with SDD OFF if((trcl.Contains("ALLNOTRD"))) { PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); cout<<"Bad event: SDD turn ON => RETURN!! (Exclude it)..."<GetReferenceMultiplicity(lESDevent, AliESDtrackCuts::kTrackletsITSTPC, 0.5); ncascadesAfterSDDSel = lESDevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); nTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel = lMultiplicity; } else if (fAnalysisType == "AOD") { Int_t lMultiplicity = -100; ncascadesAfterSDDSel = lAODevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); nTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel = lMultiplicity; } // - Fill the plots fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel->Fill(nTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel); fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterSDDSel->Fill(ncascadesAfterSDDSel); //------------------------------ // - Plots pre-physics selection //------------------------------ // - Produce the 3Dhisto for the efficiency denominator Int_t lNbMCPrimary = 0; lNbMCPrimary = lMCstack->GetNprimary(); for (Int_t iCurrentLabelStack = 0; iCurrentLabelStack < lNbMCPrimary; iCurrentLabelStack++) { Double_t partEnergy = 0.; Double_t partPz = 0.; Double_t partP = 0.; Double_t partPt = 0.; Double_t partVx = 0.; Double_t partVy = 0.; Double_t partVz = 0.; Double_t bacVx = 0.; Double_t bacVy = 0.; Double_t bacVz = 0.; Double_t partMass = 0.; Int_t PDGcode = 0; Int_t lPrimaryTrackMultiplicity = nTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel; if ( fAnalysisType == "ESD" ) { TParticle* lCurrentParticlePrimary = 0x0; lCurrentParticlePrimary = lMCstack->Particle( iCurrentLabelStack ); if (!lCurrentParticlePrimary) { Printf("Cascade loop %d - MC TParticle pointer to current stack particle = 0x0 ! Skip ...\n", iCurrentLabelStack ); continue; } if (!lMCstack->IsPhysicalPrimary(iCurrentLabelStack)) continue; TParticle* xiMC = 0x0; xiMC = lCurrentParticlePrimary; if (!xiMC) { Printf("MC TParticle pointer to Cascade = 0x0 ! Skip ..."); continue; } partEnergy = xiMC->Energy(); partPz = xiMC->Pz(); partPt = xiMC->Pt(); partP = xiMC->P(); partMass = xiMC->GetMass(); partVx = xiMC->Vx(); partVy = xiMC->Vy(); partVz = xiMC->Vz(); if (xiMC->GetDaughter(0)>=0) { TParticle *mcBach = lMCstack->Particle(xiMC->GetDaughter(0)); if (mcBach) { bacVx = mcBach->Vx(); bacVy = mcBach->Vy(); bacVz = mcBach->Vz(); } } PDGcode = lCurrentParticlePrimary->GetPdgCode(); } else if ( fAnalysisType == "AOD" ) { AliAODMCParticle *lCurrentParticleaod = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At(iCurrentLabelStack); if (!lCurrentParticleaod) { Printf("Cascade loop %d - MC TParticle pointer to current stack particle = 0x0 ! Skip ...\n", iCurrentLabelStack ); continue; } if (!lCurrentParticleaod->IsPhysicalPrimary()) continue; partEnergy = lCurrentParticleaod->E(); partPz = lCurrentParticleaod->Pz(); partP = lCurrentParticleaod->P(); partPt = lCurrentParticleaod->Pt(); partMass = lCurrentParticleaod->M(); partVx = lCurrentParticleaod->Xv(); partVy = lCurrentParticleaod->Yv(); partVz = lCurrentParticleaod->Zv(); if (lCurrentParticleaod->GetDaughter(0)>=0) { AliAODMCParticle *mcBach = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At(lCurrentParticleaod->GetDaughter(0)); if (mcBach) { bacVx = mcBach->Xv(); bacVy = mcBach->Yv(); bacVz = mcBach->Zv(); } } PDGcode = lCurrentParticleaod->GetPdgCode(); } // - Calculate rapidity Double_t lRapXiMC = 0.5*TMath::Log((partEnergy + partPz) / (partEnergy - partPz + 1.e-13)); // - Calculate proper lenght Double_t lctau = TMath::Sqrt((partVx-bacVx)*(partVx-bacVx)+(partVy-bacVy)*(partVy-bacVy)+(partVz-bacVz)*(partVz-bacVz)); if (partP != 0.) lctau = lctau*partMass/partP; else lctau = -1.; // - Fill Histograms if (PDGcode == 3312) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinus->Fill(partPt, lRapXiMC, lPrimaryTrackMultiplicity); f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinus->Fill(partPt, lctau, lRapXiMC); } if (PDGcode == -3312) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlus->Fill(partPt, lRapXiMC, lPrimaryTrackMultiplicity); f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlus->Fill(partPt, lctau, lRapXiMC); } if (PDGcode == 3334) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinus->Fill(partPt, lRapXiMC, lPrimaryTrackMultiplicity); f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinus->Fill(partPt, lctau, lRapXiMC); } if (PDGcode == -3334) { f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlus->Fill(partPt, lRapXiMC, lPrimaryTrackMultiplicity); f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlus->Fill(partPt, lctau, lRapXiMC); } } //-------------------- // - Physics selection //-------------------- // - Define new variables Int_t ncascadesAfterPhysicsSel = -1; //number of cascades after physics selection Int_t nTrackMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel = -1; //number of tracks after physics selection // - Selection for ESD and AOD UInt_t maskIsSelected = ((AliInputEventHandler*)(AliAnalysisManager::GetAnalysisManager()->GetInputEventHandler()))->IsEventSelected(); Bool_t isSelected = 0; if (fCollidingSystem == "pp" ) isSelected = (maskIsSelected & AliVEvent::kMB) == AliVEvent::kMB; else if (fCollidingSystem == "pPb") isSelected = (maskIsSelected & AliVEvent::kINT7) == AliVEvent::kINT7; if(!isSelected){ PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); return; } if (fAnalysisType == "ESD") { // - Take the number of cascades and tracks after physics selection ncascadesAfterPhysicsSel = lESDevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); nTrackMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel = fESDtrackCuts->GetReferenceMultiplicity(lESDevent, AliESDtrackCuts::kTrackletsITSTPC, 0.5); } else if (fAnalysisType == "AOD") { // - Take the number of cascades and tracks after physics selection ncascadesAfterPhysicsSel = lAODevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); nTrackMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel = -100; } fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel->Fill(ncascadesAfterPhysicsSel); fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel->Fill(nTrackMultiplicityAfterPhysicsSel); //------------------------ // - Cascade vertexer (ESD) //------------------------- // Relaunch V0 and Cascade vertexer if (fAnalysisType == "ESD" && fkRerunV0CascVertexers) { lESDevent->ResetCascades(); lESDevent->ResetV0s(); AliV0vertexer *lV0vtxer = new AliV0vertexer(); AliCascadeVertexer *lCascVtxer = new AliCascadeVertexer(); //lV0vtxer->GetCuts(fV0Sels); //lCascVtxer->GetCuts(fCascSels); lV0vtxer->SetCuts(fV0Sels); // NB don't use SetDefaultCuts!! because it acts on static variables lCascVtxer->SetCuts(fCascSels); lV0vtxer->Tracks2V0vertices(lESDevent); lCascVtxer->V0sTracks2CascadeVertices(lESDevent); //delete lV0vtxer; //delete lCascVtxer; } //------------------------------------------------------- // Select only looking at events with well-established PV //------------------------------------------------------- Int_t ncascadesForSelEvtNoTPCOnly = -1; //number of cascades after the TPConly selection Int_t nTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly = -1; //number of tracks after the TPConly selection // - Selection for the two colliding systems if (fCollidingSystem == "pp") { if (fAnalysisType == "ESD" ) { // - Select only looking at events with well-established PV if (fkQualityCutNoTPConlyPrimVtx) { const AliESDVertex *lPrimarySPDVtx = lESDevent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD(); const AliESDVertex *lPrimaryTrackingVtx = lESDevent->GetPrimaryVertexTracks(); if (!lPrimarySPDVtx->GetStatus() && !lPrimaryTrackingVtx->GetStatus() ){ AliWarning("Pb / No SPD prim. vertex nor prim. Tracking vertex ... return !"); PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); return; } } // - Take the number of cascades and tracks after TPConly selection ncascadesForSelEvtNoTPCOnly = lESDevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); nTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly = fESDtrackCuts->GetReferenceMultiplicity(lESDevent,AliESDtrackCuts::kTrackletsITSTPC,0.5); } else if (fAnalysisType == "AOD") { // - Select only looking at events with well-established PV if (fkQualityCutNoTPConlyPrimVtx) { const AliAODVertex *lPrimarySPDVtx = lAODevent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD(); const AliAODVertex *lPrimaryTrackingAODVtx = lAODevent->GetPrimaryVertex(); if (!lPrimarySPDVtx && !lPrimaryTrackingAODVtx) { AliWarning("Pb / No SPD prim. vertex nor prim. Tracking vertex ... return !"); PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); return; } } // - Take the number of cascades and tracks after TPConly selection ncascadesForSelEvtNoTPCOnly = lAODevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); nTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly = -100; //FIXME } } else if (fCollidingSystem == "pPb") { if (fAnalysisType == "ESD") { Bool_t fHasVertex = kFALSE; const AliESDVertex *vertex = lESDevent->GetPrimaryVertexTracks(); if (vertex->GetNContributors() < 1) { vertex = lESDevent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD(); if (vertex->GetNContributors() < 1) fHasVertex = kFALSE; else fHasVertex = kTRUE; TString vtxTyp = vertex->GetTitle(); Double_t cov[6]={0}; vertex->GetCovarianceMatrix(cov); Double_t zRes = TMath::Sqrt(cov[5]); if (vtxTyp.Contains("vertexer:Z") && (zRes>0.25)) fHasVertex = kFALSE; } else fHasVertex = kTRUE; if (fUtils->IsFirstEventInChunk(lESDevent)) { //Is First event in chunk rejection: Still present! AliWarning("Pb / No SPD prim. vertex nor prim. Tracking vertex ... return !"); PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); return; } // - Take the number of cascades and tracks after TPConly selection ncascadesForSelEvtNoTPCOnly = lESDevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); nTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly = fESDtrackCuts->GetReferenceMultiplicity(lESDevent,AliESDtrackCuts::kTrackletsITSTPC,0.5); } else if (fAnalysisType == "AOD") { Bool_t fHasVertex = kFALSE; const AliAODVertex *vertex = lAODevent->GetPrimaryVertex(); if (vertex->GetNContributors() < 1) { vertex = lAODevent->GetPrimaryVertexSPD(); if (vertex->GetNContributors() < 1) fHasVertex = kFALSE; else fHasVertex = kTRUE; TString vtxTyp = vertex->GetTitle(); Double_t cov[6]={0}; vertex->GetCovarianceMatrix(cov); Double_t zRes = TMath::Sqrt(cov[5]); if (vtxTyp.Contains("vertexer:Z") && (zRes>0.25)) fHasVertex = kFALSE; } else fHasVertex = kTRUE; if (fHasVertex == kFALSE) { //Is First event in chunk rejection: Still present! //FIXME AliWarning("Pb / No SPD prim. vertex nor prim. Tracking vertex ... return !"); PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); return; } // - Take the number of cascades and tracks after TPConly selection ncascadesForSelEvtNoTPCOnly = lAODevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); nTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly = -100; //FIXME: I can't find the equivalent method for the AOD } } // - Fill the plots fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly->Fill(ncascadesForSelEvtNoTPCOnly); fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly->Fill(nTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnly); //----------------- // Pileup selection //----------------- Int_t ncascadesForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup = -1; //number of cascades after the NoPileup selection Int_t nTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup = -1; //number of tracks after the Pileup selection if (fkRejectEventPileUp && fCollidingSystem == "pp") { if (fAnalysisType == "ESD") { if(lESDevent->IsPileupFromSPD()){ AliWarning("Pb / Pile-up event ... return!"); PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); return; } } else if (fAnalysisType == "AOD") { if(lAODevent->IsPileupFromSPD()){ AliWarning("Pb / Pile-up event ... return!"); PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); return; } } } // - Take the number of cascades and tracks after Pileup selection if (fAnalysisType == "ESD") { ncascadesForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup = lESDevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); nTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup = fESDtrackCuts->GetReferenceMultiplicity(lESDevent,AliESDtrackCuts::kTrackletsITSTPC,0.5); } else if (fAnalysisType == "AOD") { ncascadesForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup = lAODevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); nTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup = -100; } fHistCascadeMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup->Fill(ncascadesForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup); fHistTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup->Fill(nTrackMultiplicityForSelEvtNoTPCOnlyNoPileup); //------------------- // - Vertex selection //------------------- Int_t ncascadesAfterVertexSel = -1; //number of cascades after vertex selection Int_t nTrackMultiplicityAfterVertexSel = -1; //number of tracks after vertex selection Double_t lBestPrimaryVtxPos[3] = {-100.0, -100.0, -100.0}; Double_t tPrimaryVtxPosition[3] = {-100.0, -100.0, -100.0}; Double_t lMagneticField = -10.; if (fAnalysisType == "ESD" ) { // - Primary vertex definition const AliESDVertex *lPrimaryBestVtx = lESDevent->GetPrimaryVertex(); if (!lPrimaryBestVtx) { AliWarning("No prim. vertex in AOD... return!"); PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); return; } lPrimaryBestVtx->GetXYZ( lBestPrimaryVtxPos ); // - Vertex position before any event selection on vertex position const AliVVertex *primaryVtx = lESDevent->GetPrimaryVertex(); tPrimaryVtxPosition[0] = primaryVtx->GetX(); tPrimaryVtxPosition[1] = primaryVtx->GetY(); tPrimaryVtxPosition[2] = primaryVtx->GetZ(); fHistPVx->Fill( tPrimaryVtxPosition[0] ); fHistPVy->Fill( tPrimaryVtxPosition[1] ); fHistPVz->Fill( tPrimaryVtxPosition[2] ); // - Get magnetic filed info lMagneticField = lESDevent->GetMagneticField(); // - Selection on the primary vertex Z position if (fkQualityCutZprimVtxPos) { if (TMath::Abs(lBestPrimaryVtxPos[2]) > fVtxRange || TMath::Abs(lBestPrimaryVtxPos[2]) < fVtxRangeMin) { AliWarning("Pb / | Z position of Best Prim Vtx | > 10.0 cm ... return !"); PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); return; } } // - Take the number of cascades and tracks after vertex Z position selection ncascadesAfterVertexSel = lESDevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); nTrackMultiplicityAfterVertexSel = fESDtrackCuts->GetReferenceMultiplicity(lESDevent,AliESDtrackCuts::kTrackletsITSTPC,0.5); } else if (fAnalysisType == "AOD") { // - Primary vertex definition const AliAODVertex *lPrimaryBestAODVtx = lAODevent->GetPrimaryVertex(); // get the best primary vertex available for the event GetVertex(0) if (!lPrimaryBestAODVtx) { AliWarning("No prim. vertex in AOD... return!"); PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); return; } lPrimaryBestAODVtx->GetXYZ( lBestPrimaryVtxPos ); // - Vertex position before any event selection on vertex position const AliVVertex *primaryVtx = lAODevent->GetPrimaryVertex(); tPrimaryVtxPosition[0] = primaryVtx->GetX(); tPrimaryVtxPosition[1] = primaryVtx->GetY(); tPrimaryVtxPosition[2] = primaryVtx->GetZ(); fHistPVx->Fill( tPrimaryVtxPosition[0] ); fHistPVy->Fill( tPrimaryVtxPosition[1] ); fHistPVz->Fill( tPrimaryVtxPosition[2] ); // - Get magnetic filed info lMagneticField = lAODevent->GetMagneticField(); // - Selection on the primary vertex Z position if (fkQualityCutZprimVtxPos) { if (TMath::Abs(lBestPrimaryVtxPos[2]) > fVtxRange && TMath::Abs(lBestPrimaryVtxPos[2]) < fVtxRangeMin) { AliWarning("Pb / | Z position of Best Prim Vtx | > 10.0 cm ... return !"); PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); return; } } // - Take the number of cascades and tracks after vertex Z position selection ncascadesAfterVertexSel = lAODevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); nTrackMultiplicityAfterVertexSel = -100; } // - Fill the plots fHistCascadeMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel->Fill(ncascadesAfterVertexSel); fHistTrackMultiplicityAfterVertexCutSel->Fill(nTrackMultiplicityAfterVertexSel); // - Vertex position plots: after any event selections tPrimaryVtxPosition[0] = 0; tPrimaryVtxPosition[1] = 0; tPrimaryVtxPosition[2] = 0; if (fAnalysisType == "ESD" ) { const AliVVertex *primaryVtx = lESDevent->GetPrimaryVertex(); tPrimaryVtxPosition[0] = primaryVtx->GetX(); tPrimaryVtxPosition[1] = primaryVtx->GetY(); tPrimaryVtxPosition[2] = primaryVtx->GetZ(); } else if (fAnalysisType == "AOD") { const AliVVertex *primaryVtx = lAODevent->GetPrimaryVertex(); tPrimaryVtxPosition[0] = primaryVtx->GetX(); tPrimaryVtxPosition[1] = primaryVtx->GetY(); tPrimaryVtxPosition[2] = primaryVtx->GetZ(); } fHistPVxAnalysis->Fill( tPrimaryVtxPosition[0] ); fHistPVyAnalysis->Fill( tPrimaryVtxPosition[1] ); fHistPVzAnalysis->Fill( tPrimaryVtxPosition[2] ); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // - Loop over the different types of GENERATED cascades (Xi-+, Omega-+) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // - Initialisation of useful local variables Int_t lPdgCodeCasc = 0; Int_t lPdgCodeBach = 0; Int_t lPdgCodeLambda = 0; Int_t lPdgCodeDghtMesV0 = 0; Int_t lPdgCodeDghtBarV0 = 0; TH1F *lHistEtaGenCasc = 0; TH3D *l3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksPhysEff = 0; TH3D *l3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYPhysEff = 0; TH1F *lHistThetaGenCasc = 0; TH2D *l2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdbl = 0; TH1F *lHistThetaLambda = 0; TH1F *lHistThetaBach = 0; TH1F *lHistThetaBarDghter = 0; TH1F *lHistThetaMesDghter = 0; TH1F *lHistPtBach = 0; TH1F *lHistPtBarDghter = 0; TH1F *lHistPtMesDghter = 0; Int_t ncascperev = 0; Int_t ncascperevtot = 0; for (Int_t iCascType = 1; iCascType < 5; iCascType++) { ncascperev = 0; ncascperevtot = 0; Int_t lPrimaryTrackMultiplicity = nTrackMultiplicityAfterSDDSel; switch (iCascType) { case 1: // Xi- lPdgCodeCasc = 3312; //Xi- lPdgCodeBach = -211; //Pi- lPdgCodeLambda = 3122; //Lambda0 lPdgCodeDghtMesV0 = -211; //Pi- lPdgCodeDghtBarV0 = 2212; //Proton lHistEtaGenCasc = fHistEtaGenCascXiMinus; // this plot for any Xi- lHistThetaGenCasc = fHistThetaGenCascXiMinus; // cascades generated within acceptance (cut in pt + theta) l3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksPhysEff = f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiMinusPhysEff; l3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYPhysEff = f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiMinusPhysEff; l2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdbl = f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiMinus; lHistThetaLambda = fHistThetaLambdaXiMinus; lHistThetaBach = fHistThetaBachXiMinus; lHistThetaBarDghter = fHistThetaBarDghterXiMinus; lHistThetaMesDghter = fHistThetaMesDghterXiMinus; lHistPtBach = fHistPtBachXiMinus; lHistPtBarDghter = fHistPtBarDghterXiMinus; lHistPtMesDghter = fHistPtMesDghterXiMinus; break; case 2: // Xi+ lPdgCodeCasc = -3312; //Xi+ lPdgCodeBach = 211; //Pi+ lPdgCodeLambda = -3122; //AntiLambda0 lPdgCodeDghtMesV0 = 211; //Pi+ lPdgCodeDghtBarV0 = -2212; //AntiProton lHistEtaGenCasc = fHistEtaGenCascXiPlus; // this plot for any Xi+ lHistThetaGenCasc = fHistThetaGenCascXiPlus; // cascades generated within acceptance (cut in pt + theta) l3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksPhysEff = f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksXiPlusPhysEff; l3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYPhysEff = f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYXiPlusPhysEff; l2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdbl = f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblXiPlus; lHistThetaLambda = fHistThetaLambdaXiPlus; lHistThetaBach = fHistThetaBachXiPlus; lHistThetaBarDghter = fHistThetaBarDghterXiPlus; lHistThetaMesDghter = fHistThetaMesDghterXiPlus; lHistPtBach = fHistPtBachXiPlus; lHistPtBarDghter = fHistPtBarDghterXiPlus; lHistPtMesDghter = fHistPtMesDghterXiPlus; break; case 3: // Omega- lPdgCodeCasc = 3334; //Omega- lPdgCodeBach = -321; //K- lPdgCodeLambda = 3122; //Lambda0 lPdgCodeDghtMesV0 = -211; //Pi- lPdgCodeDghtBarV0 = 2212; //Proton lHistEtaGenCasc = fHistEtaGenCascOmegaMinus; // this plot for any Omega+ lHistThetaGenCasc = fHistThetaGenCascOmegaMinus; // cascades generated within acceptance (cut in pt + theta) l2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdbl = f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaMinus; l3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksPhysEff = f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaMinusPhysEff; l3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYPhysEff = f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaMinusPhysEff; lHistThetaLambda = fHistThetaLambdaOmegaMinus; lHistThetaBach = fHistThetaBachOmegaMinus; lHistThetaBarDghter = fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaMinus; lHistThetaMesDghter = fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaMinus; lHistPtBach = fHistPtBachOmegaMinus; lHistPtBarDghter = fHistPtBarDghterOmegaMinus; lHistPtMesDghter = fHistPtMesDghterOmegaMinus; break; case 4: // Omega+ lPdgCodeCasc = -3334; //Omega+ lPdgCodeBach = 321; //K+ lPdgCodeLambda = -3122; //AntiLambda0 lPdgCodeDghtMesV0 = 211; //Pi+ lPdgCodeDghtBarV0 = -2212; //AntiProton lHistEtaGenCasc = fHistEtaGenCascOmegaPlus; // this plot for any Omega- lHistThetaGenCasc = fHistThetaGenCascOmegaPlus; // cascades generated within acceptance (cut in pt + theta) l2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdbl = f2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdblOmegaPlus; l3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksPhysEff = f3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksOmegaPlusPhysEff; l3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYPhysEff = f3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYOmegaPlusPhysEff; lHistThetaLambda = fHistThetaLambdaOmegaPlus; lHistThetaBach = fHistThetaBachOmegaPlus; lHistThetaBarDghter = fHistThetaBarDghterOmegaPlus; lHistThetaMesDghter = fHistThetaMesDghterOmegaPlus; lHistPtBach = fHistPtBachOmegaPlus; lHistPtBarDghter = fHistPtBarDghterOmegaPlus; lHistPtMesDghter = fHistPtMesDghterOmegaPlus; break; } for (Int_t iCurrentLabelStack = 0; iCurrentLabelStack < lNbMCPrimary; iCurrentLabelStack++) { Double_t partEnergy = 0.; Double_t partPz = 0.; Double_t partEta = 0.; Double_t partTheta = 0.; Double_t partP = 0.; Double_t partPt = 0.; Double_t partVx = 0.; Double_t partVy = 0.; Double_t partVz = 0.; Double_t bacVx = 0.; Double_t bacVy = 0.; Double_t bacVz = 0.; Double_t partMass = 0.; if ( fAnalysisType == "ESD" ) { TParticle* lCurrentParticle = 0x0; lCurrentParticle = lMCstack->Particle( iCurrentLabelStack ); if (!lCurrentParticle) { Printf("Cascade loop %d - MC TParticle pointer to current stack particle = 0x0 ! Skip ...\n", iCurrentLabelStack ); continue; } if (!lMCstack->IsPhysicalPrimary(iCurrentLabelStack)) continue; if (lCurrentParticle->GetPdgCode() == lPdgCodeCasc) { // Here ! TParticle* xiMC = 0x0; xiMC = lCurrentParticle; if (!xiMC) { Printf("MC TParticle pointer to Cascade = 0x0 ! Skip ..."); continue; } partEnergy = xiMC->Energy(); partPz = xiMC->Pz(); partEta = xiMC->Eta(); partPt = xiMC->Pt(); partP = xiMC->P(); partTheta = xiMC->Theta(); partMass = xiMC->GetMass(); partVx = xiMC->Vx(); partVy = xiMC->Vy(); partVz = xiMC->Vz(); if (xiMC->GetDaughter(0)>=0) { TParticle *mcBach = lMCstack->Particle(xiMC->GetDaughter(0)); if (mcBach) { bacVx = mcBach->Vx(); bacVy = mcBach->Vy(); bacVz = mcBach->Vz(); } } } else continue; } else if ( fAnalysisType == "AOD" ) { AliAODMCParticle *lCurrentParticleaod = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At(iCurrentLabelStack); if (!lCurrentParticleaod) { Printf("Cascade loop %d - MC TParticle pointer to current stack particle = 0x0 ! Skip ...\n", iCurrentLabelStack ); continue; } if (!lCurrentParticleaod->IsPhysicalPrimary()) continue; if (!(lCurrentParticleaod->PdgCode() == lPdgCodeCasc)) continue; partEnergy = lCurrentParticleaod->E(); partPz = lCurrentParticleaod->Pz(); partEta = lCurrentParticleaod->Eta(); partP = lCurrentParticleaod->P(); partPt = lCurrentParticleaod->Pt(); partTheta = lCurrentParticleaod->Theta(); partMass = lCurrentParticleaod->M(); //FIXME: not sure this works, seems not implemented partVx = lCurrentParticleaod->Xv(); partVy = lCurrentParticleaod->Yv(); partVz = lCurrentParticleaod->Zv(); if (lCurrentParticleaod->GetDaughter(0)>=0) { AliAODMCParticle *mcBach = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At(lCurrentParticleaod->GetDaughter(0)); if (mcBach) { bacVx = mcBach->Xv(); bacVy = mcBach->Yv(); bacVz = mcBach->Zv(); } } } ncascperevtot++; // - Fill the first histos : = any generated Xi, not necessarily within the acceptance Double_t lRapXiMC = 0.5*TMath::Log((partEnergy + partPz) / (partEnergy - partPz +1.e-13)); // - Calculate proper time Double_t lctau = TMath::Sqrt((partVx-bacVx)*(partVx-bacVx)+(partVy-bacVy)*(partVy-bacVy)+(partVz-bacVz)*(partVz-bacVz)); if (partP!=0.) lctau = lctau*partMass/partP; else lctau = -1.; Double_t lRadToDeg = 180.0/TMath::Pi(); // - Fill the first histos : = any generated Xi, not necessarily within the acceptance lHistEtaGenCasc->Fill( partEta ); l3dHistGenPtVsGenYvsNtracksPhysEff->Fill( partPt, lRapXiMC, lPrimaryTrackMultiplicity ); l3dHistGenPtVsGenctauvsYPhysEff->Fill( partPt, lctau, lRapXiMC ); lHistThetaGenCasc->Fill( lRadToDeg * partTheta ); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // - Check the emission of particle stays within the acceptance of the detector (cut in theta) if (fApplyAccCut) { if( partTheta < TMath::Pi()/4.0 || partTheta > 3.0*TMath::Pi()/4.0 ) continue;} Float_t lambdaTheta = 0.; Float_t bacTheta = 0.; Float_t dghtBarV0Theta = 0.; Float_t dghtMesV0Theta = 0.; Float_t bacPt = 0.; Float_t dghtBarV0Pt = 0.; Float_t dghtMesV0Pt = 0.; if ( fAnalysisType == "ESD" ) { TParticle* xiMC = lMCstack->Particle( iCurrentLabelStack ); if ( xiMC->GetNDaughters() != 2) continue; if ( xiMC->GetDaughter(0) < 0 ) continue; if ( xiMC->GetDaughter(1) < 0 ) continue; TParticle* lDght0ofXi = lMCstack->Particle( xiMC->GetDaughter(0) ); TParticle* lDght1ofXi = lMCstack->Particle( xiMC->GetDaughter(1) ); TParticle* lLambda = 0; TParticle* lBach = 0; // Xi - Case 1 if ( lDght0ofXi->GetPdgCode() == lPdgCodeLambda && lDght1ofXi->GetPdgCode() == lPdgCodeBach ){ lLambda = lDght0ofXi; // dghter0 = Lambda lBach = lDght1ofXi; // dghter1 = Pi- } // Xi - Case 2 else if ( lDght0ofXi->GetPdgCode() == lPdgCodeBach && lDght1ofXi->GetPdgCode() == lPdgCodeLambda ){ lBach = lDght0ofXi; // dghter0 = Pi- lLambda = lDght1ofXi; // dghter1 = Lambda } // Otherwise - Case 3 else continue; // - Check the emission of particle stays within the acceptance of the detector (cut in pt + theta) if (fApplyAccCut) { if( lLambda->Theta() < TMath::Pi()/4.0 || lLambda->Theta() > 3.0*TMath::Pi()/4.0 ) continue; if( lBach->Theta() < TMath::Pi()/4.0 || lBach->Theta() > 3.0*TMath::Pi()/4.0 ) continue; if( lBach->Pt() < 0.150 ) continue; //FIXME: maybe tuned for Xi but not for K- from Omega ... } //--------- // - V0 level TParticle* lDghtBarV0 = 0; TParticle* lDghtMesV0 = 0; if( lLambda->GetNDaughters() != 2 ) continue; if( lLambda->GetDaughter(0) < 0 ) continue; if( lLambda->GetDaughter(1) < 0 ) continue; TParticle* lDght0ofLambda = lMCstack->Particle( lLambda->GetDaughter(0) ); TParticle* lDght1ofLambda = lMCstack->Particle( lLambda->GetDaughter(1) ); // V0 - Case 1 if ( lDght0ofLambda->GetPdgCode() == lPdgCodeDghtBarV0 && lDght1ofLambda->GetPdgCode() == lPdgCodeDghtMesV0 ) { // Here ! lDghtBarV0 = lDght0ofLambda; // dghter0 = Proton lDghtMesV0 = lDght1ofLambda; // dghter1 = Pi- } // V0 - Case 2 else if ( lDght0ofLambda->GetPdgCode() == lPdgCodeDghtMesV0 && lDght1ofLambda->GetPdgCode() == lPdgCodeDghtBarV0 ) { // Here ! lDghtMesV0 = lDght0ofLambda; // dghter0 = Pi- lDghtBarV0 = lDght1ofLambda; // dghter1 = Proton } // Otherwise - Case 3 else continue; // - Check the emission of particle stays within the acceptance of the detector if (fApplyAccCut) { if( lDghtBarV0->Theta() < TMath::Pi()/4.0 || lDghtBarV0->Theta() > 3.0*TMath::Pi()/4.0 ) continue; if( lDghtMesV0->Theta() < TMath::Pi()/4.0 || lDghtMesV0->Theta() > 3.0*TMath::Pi()/4.0 ) continue; if( lDghtBarV0->Pt() < 0.250 ) continue; if( lDghtMesV0->Pt() < 0.150 ) continue; } lambdaTheta = lLambda->Theta(); bacTheta = lBach->Theta(); dghtBarV0Theta = lDghtBarV0->Theta(); dghtMesV0Theta = lDghtMesV0->Theta(); bacPt = lBach->Pt(); dghtBarV0Pt = lDghtBarV0->Pt(); dghtMesV0Pt = lDghtMesV0->Pt(); } else if ( fAnalysisType == "AOD") { AliAODMCParticle *xiMC = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At(iCurrentLabelStack); if (xiMC->GetNDaughters() != 2) continue; if (xiMC->GetDaughter(0) < 0 ) continue; if (xiMC->GetDaughter(1) < 0 ) continue; AliAODMCParticle* lDght0ofXi = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( xiMC->GetDaughter(0) ); AliAODMCParticle* lDght1ofXi = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( xiMC->GetDaughter(1) ); AliAODMCParticle* lLambda = 0; AliAODMCParticle* lBach = 0; // Xi - Case 1 if ( lDght0ofXi->PdgCode() == lPdgCodeLambda && lDght1ofXi->PdgCode() == lPdgCodeBach ){ lLambda = lDght0ofXi; // dghter0 = Lambda lBach = lDght1ofXi; // dghter1 = Pi- } // Xi - Case 2 else if ( lDght0ofXi->PdgCode() == lPdgCodeBach && lDght1ofXi->PdgCode() == lPdgCodeLambda ){ lBach = lDght0ofXi; // dghter0 = Pi lLambda = lDght1ofXi; //dghter1 = Lambda } // Otherwise - Case 3 else continue; // - Check the emission of particle stays within the acceptance of the detector (cut in pt + theta) if (fApplyAccCut) { if ( lLambda->Theta() < TMath::Pi()/4.0 || lLambda->Theta() > 3.0*TMath::Pi()/4.0 ) continue; if( lBach->Theta() < TMath::Pi()/4.0 || lBach->Theta() > 3.0*TMath::Pi()/4.0 ) continue; if( lBach->Pt() < 0.150 ) continue; //FIXME : maybe tuned for Xi but not for K- from Omega ... } //----------- // - V0 level AliAODMCParticle* lDghtBarV0 = 0; AliAODMCParticle* lDghtMesV0 = 0; if( lLambda->GetNDaughters() != 2 ) continue; if( lLambda->GetDaughter(0) < 0 ) continue; if( lLambda->GetDaughter(1) < 0 ) continue; AliAODMCParticle* lDght0ofLambda = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( lLambda->GetDaughter(0) ); AliAODMCParticle* lDght1ofLambda = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( lLambda->GetDaughter(1) ); // V0 - Case 1 if ( lDght0ofLambda->PdgCode() == lPdgCodeDghtBarV0 && lDght1ofLambda->PdgCode() == lPdgCodeDghtMesV0 ) { lDghtBarV0 = lDght0ofLambda; // dghter0 = Proton lDghtMesV0 = lDght1ofLambda; // dghter1 = Pi- } // V0 - Case 2 else if ( lDght0ofLambda->PdgCode() == lPdgCodeDghtMesV0 && lDght1ofLambda->PdgCode() == lPdgCodeDghtBarV0 ) { lDghtMesV0 = lDght0ofLambda; // dghter0 = Pi- lDghtBarV0 = lDght1ofLambda; // dghter1 = proton } // V0 otherwise - Case 3 else continue; // - Check the emission of particle stays within the acceptance of the detector if (fApplyAccCut) { if( lDghtBarV0->Theta() < TMath::Pi()/4.0 || lDghtBarV0->Theta() > 3.0*TMath::Pi()/4.0 ) continue; if( lDghtMesV0->Theta() < TMath::Pi()/4.0 || lDghtMesV0->Theta() > 3.0*TMath::Pi()/4.0 ) continue; if( lDghtBarV0->Pt() < 0.250 ) continue; if( lDghtMesV0->Pt() < 0.150 ) continue; } lambdaTheta = lLambda->Theta(); bacTheta = lBach->Theta(); dghtBarV0Theta = lDghtBarV0->Theta(); dghtMesV0Theta = lDghtMesV0->Theta(); bacPt = lBach->Pt(); dghtBarV0Pt = lDghtBarV0->Pt(); dghtMesV0Pt = lDghtMesV0->Pt(); } //--------------------------------------- // - Filling histos for findable cascades // - Fill theta histos lHistThetaLambda->Fill( lRadToDeg * lambdaTheta ); lHistThetaBach->Fill( lRadToDeg * bacTheta ); lHistThetaBarDghter->Fill( lRadToDeg * dghtBarV0Theta ); lHistThetaMesDghter->Fill( lRadToDeg * dghtMesV0Theta ); // - Fill pt histos lHistPtBach ->Fill( bacPt ); lHistPtBarDghter ->Fill( dghtBarV0Pt ); lHistPtMesDghter ->Fill( dghtMesV0Pt ); l2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdbl ->Fill( partPt, lRapXiMC ); ncascperev++; }// This is the end of the loop on primaries if (iCascType == 1) { fHistnXiMinusPerEv->Fill(ncascperev); fHistnXiMinusPerEvTot->Fill(ncascperevtot); } if (iCascType == 2) { fHistnXiPlusPerEv->Fill(ncascperev); fHistnXiPlusPerEvTot->Fill(ncascperevtot); } if (iCascType == 3) { fHistnOmegaMinusPerEv->Fill(ncascperev); fHistnOmegaMinusPerEvTot->Fill(ncascperevtot); } if (iCascType == 4) { fHistnOmegaPlusPerEv->Fill(ncascperev); fHistnOmegaPlusPerEvTot->Fill(ncascperevtot); } // - Re-initialisation of the local THF pointers lHistEtaGenCasc = 0x0; lHistThetaGenCasc = 0x0; l2dHistGenPtVsGenYFdbl = 0x0; lHistThetaLambda = 0x0; lHistThetaBach = 0x0; lHistThetaBarDghter = 0x0; lHistThetaMesDghter = 0x0; lHistPtBach = 0x0; lHistPtBarDghter = 0x0; lHistPtMesDghter = 0x0; } // end of loop over the different types of cascades (Xi-+, Omega-+) //----------------------------------------- // - Loop over the reconstructed candidates //----------------------------------------- Int_t nAssoXiMinus = 0; Int_t nAssoXiPlus = 0; Int_t nAssoOmegaMinus = 0; Int_t nAssoOmegaPlus = 0; Int_t lPosTPCClusters = 0; Int_t lNegTPCClusters = 0; Int_t lBachTPCClusters = 0; Double_t lDcaXiDaughters = -1. ; Double_t lDcaBachToPrimVertexXi = -1. ; Double_t lXiCosineOfPointingAngle = -1. ; Double_t lPosXi[3] = { -1000.0, -1000.0, -1000.0 }; Double_t lXiRadius = -1000. ; Double_t lInvMassLambdaAsCascDghter = 0.; Double_t lDcaV0DaughtersXi = -1.; Double_t lV0CosineOfPointingAngleXi = -1.; Double_t lV0CosineOfPointingAngle = -1.; Double_t lPosV0Xi[3] = { -1000. , -1000., -1000. }; // Position of VO coming from cascade Double_t lV0RadiusXi = -1000.; Double_t lDcaV0ToPrimVertexXi = -1.; Double_t lDcaPosToPrimVertexXi = -1.; Double_t lDcaNegToPrimVertexXi = -1.; Double_t lChargeXi = -1.; Double_t lV0mom = -1000.; Double_t lmcPt = -1.; Double_t lmcRapCasc = -1.; Double_t lmcEta = -1000.; Double_t lmcTransvRadius = -1000.; Double_t lrecoPt = -100.; Double_t lrecoTransvRadius = -1000.; Double_t lDeltaPhiMcReco = -1.; Double_t lBachTransvMom = 0.; Double_t lpTrackTransvMom = 0.; Double_t lnTrackTransvMom = 0.; Double_t lmcPtPosV0Dghter = -100.; Double_t lmcPtNegV0Dghter = -100.; Double_t lrecoP = -100.; Double_t lmcPtBach = -100.; Double_t cascadeMass = 0.; // - Get the number of cascades Int_t ncascades = 0; if ( fAnalysisType == "ESD" ) { ncascades = lESDevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); } else if ( fAnalysisType == "AOD" ) { ncascades = lAODevent->GetNumberOfCascades(); } //------------------------------- // - Begining of the Cascade Loop for (Int_t iXi = 0; iXi < ncascades; iXi++) { Bool_t lIsPosInXiProton = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsPosInXiPion = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsPosInOmegaProton = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsPosInOmegaPion = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsNegInXiProton = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsNegInXiPion = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsNegInOmegaProton = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsNegInOmegaPion = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsBachelorKaon = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsBachelorPion = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsBachelorKaonForTPC = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsBachelorPionForTPC = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsNegPionForTPC = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsPosPionForTPC = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsNegProtonForTPC = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsPosProtonForTPC = kFALSE; // - Combined PID // Reasonable guess for the priors for the cascade track sample (e-, mu, pi, K, p) Double_t lPriorsGuessXi[14] = {0, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; Double_t lPriorsGuessOmega[14] = {0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; Double_t ppionBach = 0.0, pkaonBach = 0.0; Bool_t lIsBachelorMCPiMinus = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsBachelorMCPiPlus = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsBachelorMCKMinus = kFALSE; Bool_t lIsBachelorMCKPlus = kFALSE; Double_t lInvMassXiMinus = 0.; Double_t lInvMassXiPlus = 0.; Double_t lInvMassOmegaMinus = 0.; Double_t lInvMassOmegaPlus = 0.; Bool_t lAssoXiMinus = kFALSE; Bool_t lAssoXiPlus = kFALSE; Bool_t lAssoOmegaMinus = kFALSE; Bool_t lAssoOmegaPlus = kFALSE; Float_t etaBach = 0.; Float_t etaPos = 0.; Float_t etaNeg = 0.; if ( fAnalysisType == "ESD" ) { // - Load the cascade AliESDcascade *xiESD = lESDevent->GetCascade(iXi); if (!xiESD) continue; // - Connection to daughter tracks of the current cascade UInt_t lIdxPosXi = (UInt_t) TMath::Abs( xiESD->GetPindex() ); UInt_t lIdxNegXi = (UInt_t) TMath::Abs( xiESD->GetNindex() ); UInt_t lBachIdx = (UInt_t) TMath::Abs( xiESD->GetBindex() ); // - Rejection of a double use of a daughter track (nothing but just a crosscheck of what is done in the cascade vertexer) if(lBachIdx == lIdxNegXi) { AliWarning("Pb / Idx(Bach. track) = Idx(Neg. track) ... continue!"); continue; } if(lBachIdx == lIdxPosXi) { AliWarning("Pb / Idx(Bach. track) = Idx(Pos. track) ... continue!"); continue; } // - Get the daughter tracks AliESDtrack *pTrackXi = lESDevent->GetTrack( lIdxPosXi ); AliESDtrack *nTrackXi = lESDevent->GetTrack( lIdxNegXi ); AliESDtrack *bachTrackXi = lESDevent->GetTrack( lBachIdx ); if (!pTrackXi || !nTrackXi || !bachTrackXi ) { Printf("ERROR: Could not retrieve one of the 3 daughter tracks of the cascade ..."); continue; } // Get the number of TPC clusters lPosTPCClusters = pTrackXi->GetTPCNcls(); lNegTPCClusters = nTrackXi->GetTPCNcls(); lBachTPCClusters = bachTrackXi->GetTPCNcls(); // - Rejection of a poor quality tracks if(fkQualityCutTPCrefit){ // - Poor quality related to TPCrefit ULong_t pStatus = pTrackXi->GetStatus(); ULong_t nStatus = nTrackXi->GetStatus(); ULong_t bachStatus = bachTrackXi->GetStatus(); if ((pStatus&AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit) == 0) { AliWarning("Pb / V0 Pos. track has no TPCrefit ... continue!"); continue; } if ((nStatus&AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit) == 0) { AliWarning("Pb / V0 Neg. track has no TPCrefit ... continue!"); continue; } if ((bachStatus&AliESDtrack::kTPCrefit) == 0) { AliWarning("Pb / Bach. track has no TPCrefit ... continue!"); continue; } } if(fkQualityCutnTPCcls){ // - Poor quality related to TPC clusters if(lPosTPCClusters < fMinnTPCcls) { AliWarning("Pb / V0 Pos. track has less than 80 TPC clusters ... continue!"); continue; } if(lNegTPCClusters < fMinnTPCcls) { AliWarning("Pb / V0 Neg. track has less than 80 TPC clusters ... continue!"); continue; } if(lBachTPCClusters < fMinnTPCcls) { AliWarning("Pb / Bach. track has less than 80 TPC clusters ... continue!"); continue; } } etaPos = pTrackXi->Eta(); etaNeg = nTrackXi->Eta(); etaBach = bachTrackXi->Eta(); // - Info over reconstructed cascades Double_t lV0quality = 0.; if( bachTrackXi->Charge() < 0 ) { //Calculate the effective mass of the Xi- candidate: Xi- hyp. (pdg code 3312 lV0quality = 0.; xiESD->ChangeMassHypothesis(lV0quality , 3312); lInvMassXiMinus = xiESD->GetEffMassXi(); //Calculate the effective mass of the Xi- candidate: Omega- hyp. (pdg code 3334) lV0quality = 0.; xiESD->ChangeMassHypothesis(lV0quality , 3334); lInvMassOmegaMinus = xiESD->GetEffMassXi(); //Back to "default" hyp. (Xi-) lV0quality = 0.; xiESD->ChangeMassHypothesis(lV0quality , 3312); } if( bachTrackXi->Charge() > 0 ){ //Calculate the effective mass of the Xi- candidate: Xi+ hyp. (pdg code -3312) lV0quality = 0.; xiESD->ChangeMassHypothesis(lV0quality , -3312); lInvMassXiPlus = xiESD->GetEffMassXi(); //Calculate the effective mass of the Xi- candidate: Omega+ hyp. (pdg code -3334) lV0quality = 0.; xiESD->ChangeMassHypothesis(lV0quality , -3334); lInvMassOmegaPlus = xiESD->GetEffMassXi(); //Back to "default" hyp. (Xi-) lV0quality = 0.; xiESD->ChangeMassHypothesis(lV0quality , -3312); } lDcaXiDaughters = xiESD->GetDcaXiDaughters(); lDcaBachToPrimVertexXi = TMath::Abs( bachTrackXi->GetD(lBestPrimaryVtxPos[0],lBestPrimaryVtxPos[1],lMagneticField) ); lXiCosineOfPointingAngle = xiESD->GetCascadeCosineOfPointingAngle( lBestPrimaryVtxPos[0], lBestPrimaryVtxPos[1], lBestPrimaryVtxPos[2] ); xiESD->GetXYZcascade( lPosXi[0], lPosXi[1], lPosXi[2] ); lInvMassLambdaAsCascDghter = xiESD->GetEffMass(); lDcaV0DaughtersXi = xiESD->GetDcaV0Daughters(); lV0CosineOfPointingAngleXi = xiESD->GetV0CosineOfPointingAngle( lPosXi[0], lPosXi[1], lPosXi[2] ); lV0CosineOfPointingAngle = xiESD->GetV0CosineOfPointingAngle( lBestPrimaryVtxPos[0], lBestPrimaryVtxPos[1], lBestPrimaryVtxPos[2]); xiESD->GetXYZ( lPosV0Xi[0], lPosV0Xi[1], lPosV0Xi[2] ); lDcaV0ToPrimVertexXi = xiESD->GetD( lBestPrimaryVtxPos[0], lBestPrimaryVtxPos[1], lBestPrimaryVtxPos[2] ); lDcaPosToPrimVertexXi = TMath::Abs( pTrackXi->GetD(lBestPrimaryVtxPos[0],lBestPrimaryVtxPos[1],lMagneticField) ); lDcaNegToPrimVertexXi = TMath::Abs( nTrackXi->GetD(lBestPrimaryVtxPos[0],lBestPrimaryVtxPos[1],lMagneticField) ); lChargeXi = xiESD->Charge(); //------------------ // - PID Information // - Combined VO-positive-daughter PID AliPID pPidXi; pPidXi.SetPriors( lPriorsGuessXi ); AliPID pPidOmega; pPidOmega.SetPriors( lPriorsGuessOmega ); if( pTrackXi->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kESDpid) ){ Double_t r[10] = {0.}; pTrackXi->GetESDpid(r); pPidXi.SetProbabilities(r); pPidOmega.SetProbabilities(r); // Check if the V0 positive track is a proton (case for Xi-) Double_t pproton = pPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton); if (pproton > pPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron) && pproton > pPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon) && pproton > pPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion) && pproton > pPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon) ) lIsPosInXiProton = kTRUE; // Check if the V0 positive track is a pi+ (case for Xi+) Double_t ppion = pPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion); if (ppion > pPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron) && ppion > pPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon) && ppion > pPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon) && ppion > pPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton) ) lIsPosInXiPion = kTRUE; // Check if the V0 positive track is a proton (case for Omega-) pproton = 0.; pproton = pPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton); if (pproton > pPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron) && pproton > pPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon) && pproton > pPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion) && pproton > pPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon) ) lIsPosInOmegaProton = kTRUE; // Check if the V0 positive track is a pi+ (case for Omega+) ppion = 0.; ppion = pPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion); if (ppion > pPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron) && ppion > pPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon) && ppion > pPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon) && ppion > pPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton) ) lIsPosInOmegaPion = kTRUE; } // - Combined VO-negative-daughter PID AliPID nPidXi; nPidXi.SetPriors( lPriorsGuessXi ); AliPID nPidOmega; nPidOmega.SetPriors( lPriorsGuessOmega ); if( nTrackXi->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kESDpid) ) { Double_t r[10] = {0.}; nTrackXi->GetESDpid(r); nPidXi.SetProbabilities(r); nPidOmega.SetProbabilities(r); // Check if the V0 negative track is a pi- (case for Xi-) Double_t ppion = nPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion); if (ppion > nPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron) && ppion > nPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon) && ppion > nPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon) && ppion > nPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton) ) lIsNegInXiPion = kTRUE; // Check if the V0 negative track is an anti-proton (case for Xi+) Double_t pproton = nPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton); if (pproton > nPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron) && pproton > nPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon) && pproton > nPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion) && pproton > nPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon) ) lIsNegInXiProton = kTRUE; // Check if the V0 negative track is a pi- (case for Omega-) ppion = 0.; ppion = nPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion); if (ppion > nPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron) && ppion > nPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon) && ppion > nPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon) && ppion > nPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton) ) lIsNegInOmegaPion = kTRUE; // Check if the V0 negative track is an anti-proton (case for Omega+) pproton = 0.; pproton = nPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton); if (pproton > nPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron) && pproton > nPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon) && pproton > nPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion) && pproton > nPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon) ) lIsNegInOmegaProton = kTRUE; } // - Combined bachelor PID AliPID bachPidXi; bachPidXi.SetPriors( lPriorsGuessXi ); AliPID bachPidOmega; bachPidOmega.SetPriors( lPriorsGuessOmega ); if ( bachTrackXi->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kESDpid) ) { Double_t r[10] = {0.}; bachTrackXi->GetESDpid(r); bachPidXi.SetProbabilities(r); bachPidOmega.SetProbabilities(r); // Check if the bachelor track is a pion ppionBach = bachPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion); if (ppionBach > bachPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron) && ppionBach > bachPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon) && ppionBach > bachPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon) && ppionBach > bachPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton) ) lIsBachelorPion = kTRUE; // Check if the bachelor track is a kaon pkaonBach = bachPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon); if (pkaonBach > bachPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron) && pkaonBach > bachPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon) && pkaonBach > bachPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion) && pkaonBach > bachPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton) ) lIsBachelorKaon = kTRUE; } // - 4-sigma bands on Bethe-Bloch curve // Bachelor if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC( bachTrackXi,AliPID::kKaon)) < 4) lIsBachelorKaonForTPC = kTRUE; if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC( bachTrackXi,AliPID::kPion)) < 4) lIsBachelorPionForTPC = kTRUE; // Negative V0 daughter if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC( nTrackXi,AliPID::kPion )) < 4) lIsNegPionForTPC = kTRUE; if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC( nTrackXi,AliPID::kProton )) < 4) lIsNegProtonForTPC = kTRUE; // Positive V0 daughter if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC( pTrackXi,AliPID::kPion )) < 4) lIsPosPionForTPC = kTRUE; if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC( pTrackXi,AliPID::kProton )) < 4) lIsPosProtonForTPC = kTRUE; /* const AliExternalTrackParam *pInnerWallTrackXi = pTrackXi ->GetInnerParam(); // Do not use GetTPCInnerWall const AliExternalTrackParam *nInnerWallTrackXi = nTrackXi ->GetInnerParam(); const AliExternalTrackParam *bachInnerWallTrackXi = bachTrackXi ->GetInnerParam(); if(pInnerWallTrackXi && nInnerWallTrackXi && bachInnerWallTrackXi ){ Double_t pMomInnerWall = pInnerWallTrackXi ->GetP(); Double_t nMomInnerWall = nInnerWallTrackXi ->GetP(); Double_t bachMomInnerWall = bachInnerWallTrackXi->GetP(); // Bachelor if (TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( bachTrackXi,AliPID::kPion)) < 3) lIsBachelorPionForTPC = kTRUE; if (bachMomInnerWall < 0.350 && TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( bachTrackXi,AliPID::kKaon)) < 5) lIsBachelorKaonForTPC = kTRUE; if (bachMomInnerWall > 0.350 && TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( bachTrackXi,AliPID::kKaon)) < 3) lIsBachelorKaonForTPC = kTRUE; // Negative V0 daughter if (TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( nTrackXi,AliPID::kPion )) < 3 ) lIsNegPionForTPC = kTRUE; if (nMomInnerWall < 0.6 && TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( nTrackXi,AliPID::kProton ) ) < 5 ) lIsNegProtonForTPC = kTRUE; if (nMomInnerWall > 0.6 && TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( nTrackXi,AliPID::kProton ) ) < 3 ) lIsNegProtonForTPC = kTRUE; // Positive V0 daughter if (TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( pTrackXi,AliPID::kPion )) < 3 ) lIsPosPionForTPC = kTRUE; if (pMomInnerWall < 0.6 && TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( pTrackXi,AliPID::kProton )) < 5) lIsPosProtonForTPC = kTRUE; if (pMomInnerWall > 0.6 && TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( pTrackXi,AliPID::kProton )) < 3) lIsPosProtonForTPC = kTRUE; }*/ // - PID proba Vs Pt(Bach) Int_t lblBachForPID = (Int_t) TMath::Abs( bachTrackXi->GetLabel() ); TParticle* mcBachForPID = lMCstack->Particle( lblBachForPID ); lmcPtBach = mcBachForPID->Pt(); // - MC perfect PID if( mcBachForPID->GetPdgCode() == -211) lIsBachelorMCPiMinus = kTRUE; if( mcBachForPID->GetPdgCode() == 211) lIsBachelorMCPiPlus = kTRUE; if( mcBachForPID->GetPdgCode() == -321) lIsBachelorMCKMinus = kTRUE; if( mcBachForPID->GetPdgCode() == 321) lIsBachelorMCKPlus = kTRUE; //--------------------------------------------------------------- // - MC association (care : lots of "continue;" below this line) if(fDebug > 5) cout<< "MC EventNumber: "<Header()->GetEvent()<<" / MC event Number in Run : "<Header()->GetEventNrInRun()<GetLabel() ); Int_t lblNegV0Dghter = (Int_t) TMath::Abs( nTrackXi->GetLabel() ); TParticle* mcPosV0Dghter = lMCstack->Particle( lblPosV0Dghter ); TParticle* mcNegV0Dghter = lMCstack->Particle( lblNegV0Dghter ); // - Level of the Xi daughters Int_t lblMotherPosV0Dghter = mcPosV0Dghter->GetFirstMother() ; Int_t lblMotherNegV0Dghter = mcNegV0Dghter->GetFirstMother(); if( lblMotherPosV0Dghter != lblMotherNegV0Dghter) continue; // same mother if( lblMotherPosV0Dghter < 0 ) continue; // this particle is primary, no mother if( lblMotherNegV0Dghter < 0 ) continue; // this particle is primary, no mother // mothers = Lambda candidate ... a priori TParticle* mcMotherPosV0Dghter = lMCstack->Particle( lblMotherPosV0Dghter ); TParticle* mcMotherNegV0Dghter = lMCstack->Particle( lblMotherNegV0Dghter ); // MN: redundant?? already checked that labels are the same...-->same part from stack Int_t lblBach = (Int_t) TMath::Abs( bachTrackXi->GetLabel() ); TParticle* mcBach = lMCstack->Particle( lblBach ); // - Level of Xi candidate Int_t lblGdMotherPosV0Dghter = mcMotherPosV0Dghter->GetFirstMother() ; Int_t lblGdMotherNegV0Dghter = mcMotherNegV0Dghter->GetFirstMother() ; if( lblGdMotherPosV0Dghter != lblGdMotherNegV0Dghter ) continue; if( lblGdMotherPosV0Dghter < 0 ) continue; // primary lambda ... if( lblGdMotherNegV0Dghter < 0 ) continue; // primary lambda ... // Gd mothers = Xi candidate ... a priori TParticle* mcGdMotherPosV0Dghter = lMCstack->Particle( lblGdMotherPosV0Dghter ); TParticle* mcGdMotherNegV0Dghter = lMCstack->Particle( lblGdMotherNegV0Dghter ); Int_t lblMotherBach = (Int_t) TMath::Abs( mcBach->GetFirstMother() ); if( lblMotherBach != lblGdMotherPosV0Dghter ) continue; //same mother for bach and V0 daughters TParticle* mcMotherBach = lMCstack->Particle( lblMotherBach ); // - Check if cascade is primary if (!(lMCstack->IsPhysicalPrimary(lblMotherBach))) continue; // - Manage boolean for association if ( mcMotherBach ->GetPdgCode() == 3312 && mcGdMotherPosV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == 3312 && mcGdMotherNegV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == 3312 ) {lAssoXiMinus = kTRUE; cascadeMass = 1.321; nAssoXiMinus++; } else if( mcMotherBach ->GetPdgCode() == -3312 && mcGdMotherPosV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == -3312 && mcGdMotherNegV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == -3312 ) {lAssoXiPlus = kTRUE; cascadeMass = 1.321; nAssoXiPlus++; } else if( mcMotherBach ->GetPdgCode() == 3334 && mcGdMotherPosV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == 3334 && mcGdMotherNegV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == 3334 ) {lAssoOmegaMinus = kTRUE; cascadeMass = 1.672; nAssoOmegaMinus++; } else if( mcMotherBach ->GetPdgCode() == -3334 && mcGdMotherPosV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == -3334 && mcGdMotherNegV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == -3334 ) {lAssoOmegaPlus = kTRUE; cascadeMass = 1.672; nAssoOmegaPlus++; } // If a proper association exists ... if(fDebug > 4){ cout<<"XiMinus = "< 5){ cout<GetTitle()<GetTitle()<GetTitle()<GetTitle()<GetTitle()<GetTitle()<GetTitle()<GetTitle()<Pt(); lmcRapCasc = 0.5*TMath::Log( (mcMotherBach->Energy() + mcMotherBach->Pz()) / (mcMotherBach->Energy() - mcMotherBach->Pz() +1.e-13) ); lmcEta = mcMotherBach->Eta(); lmcTransvRadius = mcBach->R(); // to get the decay point of Xi, = the production vertex of Bachelor ... TVector3 lmcTVect3Mom( mcMotherBach->Px(), mcMotherBach->Py(), mcMotherBach->Pz() ); lrecoPt = xiESD->Pt(); lrecoTransvRadius = TMath::Sqrt( xiESD->Xv() * xiESD->Xv() + xiESD->Yv() * xiESD->Yv() ); TVector3 lrecoTVect3Mom( xiESD->Px(), xiESD->Py(), xiESD->Pz() ); lDeltaPhiMcReco = lmcTVect3Mom.DeltaPhi( lrecoTVect3Mom ) * 180.0/TMath::Pi(); lmcPtPosV0Dghter = mcPosV0Dghter->Pt() ; lmcPtNegV0Dghter = mcNegV0Dghter->Pt(); lrecoP = xiESD->P(); Double_t nV0mom[3] = {0. ,0. ,0. }; Double_t pV0mom[3] = {0. ,0. ,0. }; xiESD->GetNPxPyPz(nV0mom[0],nV0mom[1],nV0mom[2]); xiESD->GetPPxPyPz(pV0mom[0],pV0mom[1],pV0mom[2]); lV0mom = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(nV0mom[0]+pV0mom[0],2)+TMath::Power(nV0mom[1]+pV0mom[1],2)+TMath::Power(nV0mom[2]+pV0mom[2],2)); Double_t lBachMomX = 0.; Double_t lBachMomY = 0.; Double_t lBachMomZ = 0.; xiESD->GetBPxPyPz( lBachMomX, lBachMomY, lBachMomZ ); lBachTransvMom = TMath::Sqrt( lBachMomX*lBachMomX + lBachMomY*lBachMomY ); lnTrackTransvMom = TMath::Sqrt( nV0mom[0]*nV0mom[0] + nV0mom[1]*nV0mom[1] ); lpTrackTransvMom = TMath::Sqrt( pV0mom[0]*pV0mom[0] + pV0mom[1]*pV0mom[1] ); } else if ( fAnalysisType == "AOD" ) { // - Load the cascade const AliAODcascade *xiAOD = lAODevent->GetCascade(iXi); if (!xiAOD) continue; // - Connection to daughter tracks of the current cascade AliAODTrack *pTrackXi = dynamic_cast( xiAOD->GetDaughter(0) ); AliAODTrack *nTrackXi = dynamic_cast( xiAOD->GetDaughter(1) ); AliAODTrack *bachTrackXi = dynamic_cast( xiAOD->GetDecayVertexXi()->GetDaughter(0) ); if (!pTrackXi || !nTrackXi || !bachTrackXi ) { AliWarning("ERROR: Could not retrieve one of the 3 AOD daughter tracks of the cascade ..."); continue; } UInt_t lIdxPosXi = (UInt_t) TMath::Abs( pTrackXi->GetID() ); UInt_t lIdxNegXi = (UInt_t) TMath::Abs( nTrackXi->GetID() ); UInt_t lBachIdx = (UInt_t) TMath::Abs( bachTrackXi->GetID() ); // - Rejection of a double use of a daughter track (nothing but just a crosscheck of what is done in the cascade vertexer) if(lBachIdx == lIdxNegXi) { AliWarning("Pb / Idx(Bach. track) = Idx(Neg. track) ... continue!"); continue; } if(lBachIdx == lIdxPosXi) { AliWarning("Pb / Idx(Bach. track) = Idx(Pos. track) ... continue!"); continue; } lPosTPCClusters = pTrackXi->GetTPCNcls(); lNegTPCClusters = nTrackXi->GetTPCNcls(); lBachTPCClusters = bachTrackXi->GetTPCNcls(); // - Rejection of a poor quality tracks if (fkQualityCutTPCrefit) { // - Poor quality related to TPCrefit if (!(pTrackXi->IsOn(AliAODTrack::kTPCrefit))) { AliWarning("Pb / V0 Pos. track has no TPCrefit ... continue!"); continue; } if (!(nTrackXi->IsOn(AliAODTrack::kTPCrefit))) { AliWarning("Pb / V0 Neg. track has no TPCrefit ... continue!"); continue; } if (!(bachTrackXi->IsOn(AliAODTrack::kTPCrefit))) { AliWarning("Pb / Bach. track has no TPCrefit ... continue!"); continue; } } if (fkQualityCutnTPCcls) { // - Poor quality related to TPC clusters if(lPosTPCClusters < fMinnTPCcls) { AliWarning("Pb / V0 Pos. track has less than 80 TPC clusters ... continue!"); continue; } if(lNegTPCClusters < fMinnTPCcls) { AliWarning("Pb / V0 Neg. track has less than 80 TPC clusters ... continue!"); continue; } if(lBachTPCClusters < fMinnTPCcls) { AliWarning("Pb / Bach. track has less than 80 TPC clusters ... continue!"); continue; } } etaPos = pTrackXi->Eta(); etaNeg = nTrackXi->Eta(); etaBach = bachTrackXi->Eta(); // - Info over reconstructed cascades if( bachTrackXi->Charge() < 0 ) { lInvMassXiMinus = xiAOD->MassXi(); lInvMassOmegaMinus = xiAOD->MassOmega(); } if( bachTrackXi->Charge() > 0 ){ lInvMassXiPlus = xiAOD->MassXi(); lInvMassOmegaPlus = xiAOD->MassOmega(); } lDcaXiDaughters = xiAOD->DcaXiDaughters(); lDcaBachToPrimVertexXi = xiAOD->DcaBachToPrimVertex(); lXiCosineOfPointingAngle = xiAOD->CosPointingAngleXi( lBestPrimaryVtxPos[0], lBestPrimaryVtxPos[1], lBestPrimaryVtxPos[2] ); lPosXi[0] = xiAOD->DecayVertexXiX(); lPosXi[1] = xiAOD->DecayVertexXiY(); lPosXi[2] = xiAOD->DecayVertexXiZ(); lInvMassLambdaAsCascDghter = xiAOD->MassLambda(); lDcaV0DaughtersXi = xiAOD->DcaV0Daughters(); lV0CosineOfPointingAngleXi = xiAOD->CosPointingAngle( lPosXi ); lV0CosineOfPointingAngle = xiAOD->CosPointingAngle( lBestPrimaryVtxPos ); lPosV0Xi[0] = xiAOD->DecayVertexV0X(); lPosV0Xi[1] = xiAOD->DecayVertexV0Y(); lPosV0Xi[2] = xiAOD->DecayVertexV0Z(); lDcaV0ToPrimVertexXi = xiAOD->DcaV0ToPrimVertex(); lDcaPosToPrimVertexXi = xiAOD->DcaPosToPrimVertex(); lDcaNegToPrimVertexXi = xiAOD->DcaNegToPrimVertex(); lChargeXi = xiAOD->ChargeXi(); //------------------ // - PID Information // Combined VO-positive-daughter PID // Combined bachelor PID /* AliPID bachPidXi; bachPidXi.SetPriors( lPriorsGuessXi ); AliPID bachPidOmega; bachPidOmega.SetPriors( lPriorsGuessOmega ); if ( bachTrackXi->IsOn(AliESDtrack::kESDpid) ) { // Combined PID exists Double_t r[10] = {0.}; bachTrackXi->GetESDpid(r); bachPidXi.SetProbabilities(r); bachPidOmega.SetProbabilities(r); // Check if the bachelor track is a pion ppionBach = bachPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion); if (ppionBach > bachPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron) && ppionBach > bachPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon) && ppionBach > bachPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon) && ppionBach > bachPidXi.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton) ) lIsBachelorPion = kTRUE; // Check if the bachelor track is a kaon pkaonBach = bachPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kKaon); if (pkaonBach > bachPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kElectron) && pkaonBach > bachPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kMuon) && pkaonBach > bachPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kPion) && pkaonBach > bachPidOmega.GetProbability(AliPID::kProton) ) lIsBachelorKaon = kTRUE; }// end if bachelor track with existing combined PID */ // - TPC PID: 4-sigma bands on Bethe-Bloch curve // Bachelor if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC( bachTrackXi,AliPID::kKaon)) < 4) lIsBachelorKaonForTPC = kTRUE; if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC( bachTrackXi,AliPID::kPion)) < 4) lIsBachelorPionForTPC = kTRUE; // Negative V0 daughter if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC( nTrackXi,AliPID::kPion )) < 4) lIsNegPionForTPC = kTRUE; if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC( nTrackXi,AliPID::kProton )) < 4) lIsNegProtonForTPC = kTRUE; // Positive V0 daughter if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC( pTrackXi,AliPID::kPion )) < 4) lIsPosPionForTPC = kTRUE; if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC( pTrackXi,AliPID::kProton )) < 4) lIsPosProtonForTPC = kTRUE; /* const AliExternalTrackParam *pInnerWallTrackXi = pTrackXi ->GetInnerParam(); // Do not use GetTPCInnerWall const AliExternalTrackParam *nInnerWallTrackXi = nTrackXi ->GetInnerParam(); const AliExternalTrackParam *bachInnerWallTrackXi = bachTrackXi ->GetInnerParam(); if(pInnerWallTrackXi && nInnerWallTrackXi && bachInnerWallTrackXi ){ Double_t pMomInnerWall = pInnerWallTrackXi ->GetP(); Double_t nMomInnerWall = nInnerWallTrackXi ->GetP(); Double_t bachMomInnerWall = bachInnerWallTrackXi->GetP(); // Bachelor if (TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( bachTrackXi,AliPID::kPion)) < 3) lIsBachelorPionForTPC = kTRUE; if (bachMomInnerWall < 0.350 && TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( bachTrackXi,AliPID::kKaon)) < 5) lIsBachelorKaonForTPC = kTRUE; if (bachMomInnerWall > 0.350 && TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( bachTrackXi,AliPID::kKaon)) < 3) lIsBachelorKaonForTPC = kTRUE; // Negative V0 daughter if (TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( nTrackXi,AliPID::kPion )) < 3 ) lIsNegPionForTPC = kTRUE; if (nMomInnerWall < 0.6 && TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( nTrackXi,AliPID::kProton ) ) < 5 ) lIsNegProtonForTPC = kTRUE; if (nMomInnerWall > 0.6 && TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( nTrackXi,AliPID::kProton ) ) < 3 ) lIsNegProtonForTPC = kTRUE; // Positive V0 daughter if (TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( pTrackXi,AliPID::kPion )) < 3 ) lIsPosPionForTPC = kTRUE; if (pMomInnerWall < 0.6 && TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( pTrackXi,AliPID::kProton )) < 5) lIsPosProtonForTPC = kTRUE; if (pMomInnerWall > 0.6 && TMath::Abs(fESDpid->NumberOfSigmasTPC( pTrackXi,AliPID::kProton )) < 3) lIsPosProtonForTPC = kTRUE; }*/ // - PID proba Vs Pt(Bach) Int_t lblBachForPID = (Int_t) TMath::Abs( bachTrackXi->GetLabel() ); AliAODMCParticle* mcBachForPID = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( lblBachForPID ); lmcPtBach = mcBachForPID->Pt(); // - MC perfect PID if( mcBachForPID->PdgCode() == -211) lIsBachelorMCPiMinus = kTRUE; if( mcBachForPID->PdgCode() == 211) lIsBachelorMCPiPlus = kTRUE; if( mcBachForPID->PdgCode() == -321) lIsBachelorMCKMinus = kTRUE; if( mcBachForPID->PdgCode() == 321) lIsBachelorMCKPlus = kTRUE; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // - MC association (care : lots of "continue;" below this line) if(fDebug > 5) cout<<"MC EventNumber : "<Header()->GetEvent()<<" / MC event Number in Run : "<Header()->GetEventNrInRun()<GetLabel() ); Int_t lblNegV0Dghter = (Int_t) TMath::Abs( nTrackXi->GetLabel() ); AliAODMCParticle* mcPosV0Dghter = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( lblPosV0Dghter ); AliAODMCParticle* mcNegV0Dghter = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( lblNegV0Dghter ); // - Level of the Xi daughters Int_t lblMotherPosV0Dghter = mcPosV0Dghter->GetMother(); Int_t lblMotherNegV0Dghter = mcNegV0Dghter->GetMother(); if( lblMotherPosV0Dghter != lblMotherNegV0Dghter) continue; // same mother if( lblMotherPosV0Dghter < 0 ) continue; // this particle is primary, no mother if( lblMotherNegV0Dghter < 0 ) continue; // this particle is primary, no mother // mothers = Lambda candidate ... a priori AliAODMCParticle* mcMotherPosV0Dghter = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( lblMotherPosV0Dghter ); AliAODMCParticle* mcMotherNegV0Dghter = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( lblMotherNegV0Dghter ); Int_t lblBach = (Int_t) TMath::Abs( bachTrackXi->GetLabel() ); AliAODMCParticle* mcBach = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( lblBach ); // - Level of Xi candidate Int_t lblGdMotherPosV0Dghter = mcMotherPosV0Dghter->GetMother() ; Int_t lblGdMotherNegV0Dghter = mcMotherNegV0Dghter->GetMother() ; if( lblGdMotherPosV0Dghter != lblGdMotherNegV0Dghter ) continue; if( lblGdMotherPosV0Dghter < 0 ) continue; // primary lambda ... if( lblGdMotherNegV0Dghter < 0 ) continue; // primary lambda ... // Gd mothers = Xi candidate ... a priori AliAODMCParticle* mcGdMotherPosV0Dghter = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( lblGdMotherPosV0Dghter ); AliAODMCParticle* mcGdMotherNegV0Dghter = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( lblGdMotherNegV0Dghter ); Int_t lblMotherBach = (Int_t) TMath::Abs( mcBach->GetMother() ); if( lblMotherBach != lblGdMotherPosV0Dghter ) continue; //same mother for bach and V0 daughters AliAODMCParticle* mcMotherBach = (AliAODMCParticle*) arrayMC->At( lblMotherBach ); // - Check if cascade is primary if (!(mcMotherBach->IsPhysicalPrimary())) continue; // - Manage boolean for association if ( mcMotherBach ->GetPdgCode() == 3312 && mcGdMotherPosV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == 3312 && mcGdMotherNegV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == 3312 ) {lAssoXiMinus = kTRUE; cascadeMass = 1.321; nAssoXiMinus++; } else if( mcMotherBach ->GetPdgCode() == -3312 && mcGdMotherPosV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == -3312 && mcGdMotherNegV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == -3312 ) {lAssoXiPlus = kTRUE; cascadeMass = 1.321; nAssoXiPlus++; } else if( mcMotherBach ->GetPdgCode() == 3334 && mcGdMotherPosV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == 3334 && mcGdMotherNegV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == 3334 ) {lAssoOmegaMinus = kTRUE; cascadeMass = 1.672; nAssoOmegaMinus++; } else if( mcMotherBach ->GetPdgCode() == -3334 && mcGdMotherPosV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == -3334 && mcGdMotherNegV0Dghter ->GetPdgCode() == -3334 ) {lAssoOmegaPlus = kTRUE; cascadeMass = 1.672; nAssoOmegaPlus++; } lmcPt = mcMotherBach->Pt(); lmcRapCasc = 0.5*TMath::Log( (mcMotherBach->E() + mcMotherBach->Pz()) / (mcMotherBach->E() - mcMotherBach->Pz() +1.e-13) ); lmcEta = mcMotherBach->Eta(); Float_t decayCascX = mcBach->Xv(); Float_t decayCascY = mcBach->Yv(); lmcTransvRadius = TMath::Sqrt(decayCascX*decayCascX+decayCascY*decayCascY); // decay point of Xi, = the production vertex of Bachelor ... TVector3 lmcTVect3Mom( mcMotherBach->Px(), mcMotherBach->Py(), mcMotherBach->Pz() ); Double_t xiMomX = xiAOD->MomXiX(); Double_t xiMomY = xiAOD->MomXiY(); Double_t xiMomZ = xiAOD->MomXiZ(); lrecoPt = TMath::Sqrt( xiMomX*xiMomX + xiMomY*xiMomY ); lrecoTransvRadius = TMath::Sqrt( xiAOD->DecayVertexXiX() * xiAOD->DecayVertexXiX() + xiAOD->DecayVertexXiY() * xiAOD->DecayVertexXiY() ); TVector3 lrecoTVect3Mom( xiMomX, xiMomY, xiMomZ ); lDeltaPhiMcReco = lmcTVect3Mom.DeltaPhi( lrecoTVect3Mom ) * 180.0/TMath::Pi(); lmcPtPosV0Dghter = mcPosV0Dghter->Pt() ; lmcPtNegV0Dghter = mcNegV0Dghter->Pt(); lrecoP = TMath::Sqrt( xiMomX*xiMomX + xiMomY*xiMomY + xiMomZ*xiMomZ );; Double_t lV0momX = xiAOD->MomV0X(); Double_t lV0momY = xiAOD->MomV0Y(); Double_t lV0momZ = xiAOD->MomV0Z(); lV0mom = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power(lV0momX,2)+TMath::Power(lV0momY,2)+TMath::Power(lV0momZ,2)); Double_t lBachMomX = xiAOD->MomBachX(); Double_t lBachMomY = xiAOD->MomBachY(); lBachTransvMom = TMath::Sqrt( lBachMomX*lBachMomX + lBachMomY*lBachMomY ); Double_t lV0NMomX = xiAOD->MomNegX(); Double_t lV0NMomY = xiAOD->MomNegY(); Double_t lV0PMomX = xiAOD->MomPosX(); Double_t lV0PMomY = xiAOD->MomPosY(); lnTrackTransvMom = TMath::Sqrt( lV0NMomX*lV0NMomX + lV0NMomY*lV0NMomY ); lpTrackTransvMom = TMath::Sqrt( lV0PMomX*lV0PMomX + lV0PMomY*lV0PMomY ); } lXiRadius = TMath::Sqrt( lPosXi[0]*lPosXi[0] + lPosXi[1]*lPosXi[1] ); lV0RadiusXi = TMath::Sqrt( lPosV0Xi[0]*lPosV0Xi[0] + lPosV0Xi[1]*lPosV0Xi[1] ); // - Cut on pt of the three daughter tracks if (lBachTransvMomfEtaCutOnDaughterTracks) continue; if (TMath::Abs(etaPos)>fEtaCutOnDaughterTracks) continue; if (TMath::Abs(etaNeg)>fEtaCutOnDaughterTracks) continue; // - Extra-selection for cascade candidates if (fkExtraSelections) { if (lDcaXiDaughters > 0.3) continue; // in AliCascadeVertexer if (lXiCosineOfPointingAngle < 0.999 ) continue; // in AliCascadeVertexer if (lDcaV0ToPrimVertexXi < 0.05) continue; // in AliCascadeVertexer if (lDcaBachToPrimVertexXi < 0.03) continue; // in AliCascadeVertexer if (lDcaV0DaughtersXi > 1.) continue; // in AliV0vertexer if ((fCollidingSystem == "pp") && (lV0CosineOfPointingAngleXi < 0.998)) continue; // in AliV0vertexer if ((fCollidingSystem == "pPb") && (lV0CosineOfPointingAngle < 0.998)) continue; // in AliV0vertexer if (lDcaPosToPrimVertexXi < 0.1) continue; // in AliV0vertexer if (lDcaNegToPrimVertexXi < 0.1) continue; // in AliV0vertexer if (lXiRadius < .9) continue; // in AliCascadeVertexer if (lV0RadiusXi < 0.9) continue; // in AliV0vertexer } //------------------------- // - Fill combined PID TH1s if( lChargeXi < 0 && lIsBachelorPion ) fHistMassWithCombPIDXiMinus ->Fill( lInvMassXiMinus ); if( lChargeXi > 0 && lIsBachelorPion ) fHistMassWithCombPIDXiPlus ->Fill( lInvMassXiPlus ); if( lChargeXi < 0 && lIsBachelorKaon ) fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaMinus ->Fill( lInvMassOmegaMinus ); if( lChargeXi > 0 && lIsBachelorKaon ) fHistMassWithCombPIDOmegaPlus ->Fill( lInvMassOmegaPlus ); if( lChargeXi < 0 ) fHistMassXiMinus ->Fill( lInvMassXiMinus ); if( lChargeXi > 0 ) fHistMassXiPlus ->Fill( lInvMassXiPlus ); if( lChargeXi < 0 ) fHistMassOmegaMinus ->Fill( lInvMassOmegaMinus ); if( lChargeXi > 0 ) fHistMassOmegaPlus ->Fill( lInvMassOmegaPlus ); if(lIsBachelorPion) f2dHistPIDprobaPionVsMCPtBach->Fill( lmcPtBach, ppionBach ); if(lIsBachelorKaon) f2dHistPIDprobaKaonVsMCPtBach->Fill( lmcPtBach, pkaonBach ); if( lChargeXi < 0 && lIsBachelorMCPiMinus ) fHistMassWithMcPIDXiMinus ->Fill( lInvMassXiMinus ); if( lChargeXi > 0 && lIsBachelorMCPiPlus ) fHistMassWithMcPIDXiPlus ->Fill( lInvMassXiPlus ); if( lChargeXi < 0 && lIsBachelorMCKMinus ) fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaMinus ->Fill( lInvMassOmegaMinus ); if( lChargeXi > 0 && lIsBachelorMCKPlus ) fHistMassWithMcPIDOmegaPlus ->Fill( lInvMassOmegaPlus ); // - No association, skip the rest of the code if(!lAssoXiMinus && !lAssoXiPlus && !lAssoOmegaMinus && !lAssoOmegaPlus) continue; //-------------- // - Proper time // For cascade (reconstructed) Double_t lctau = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power((lPosXi[0]-lBestPrimaryVtxPos[0]),2)+TMath::Power((lPosXi[1]-lBestPrimaryVtxPos[1]),2)+TMath::Power((lPosXi[2]-lBestPrimaryVtxPos[2]),2)); if (lrecoP!=0) lctau = lctau*cascadeMass/lrecoP; else lctau = -1.; // For Lambda (reconstructed) Float_t lambdaMass = 1.115683; // PDG mass Float_t distV0Xi = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power((lPosV0Xi[0]-lPosXi[0]),2)+TMath::Power((lPosV0Xi[1]-lPosXi[1]),2)+TMath::Power((lPosV0Xi[2]-lPosXi[2]),2)); Float_t lctauV0 = -1.; if (lV0mom!=0) lctauV0 = distV0Xi*lambdaMass/lV0mom; // Distance Float_t distTV0Xi = TMath::Sqrt(TMath::Power((lPosV0Xi[0]-lPosXi[0]),2)+TMath::Power((lPosV0Xi[1]-lPosXi[1]),2)); //------------------------------------------------------------ // - Fill histos for the cascade candidates associated with MC if( lChargeXi < 0 && lAssoXiMinus){ fHistAsMCMassXiMinus ->Fill( lInvMassXiMinus ); if(lIsBachelorPion) f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiMinus->Fill( lmcPt, lmcRapCasc ); f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiMinus ->Fill( lmcPt, lmcRapCasc); fHistAsMCGenEtaXiMinus ->Fill( lmcEta ); f2dHistAsMCResPtXiMinus ->Fill( lmcPt, (lrecoPt - lmcPt)/ lmcPt ); f2dHistAsMCResRXiMinus ->Fill( lmcTransvRadius, (lrecoTransvRadius - lmcTransvRadius)/ lmcTransvRadius ); f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiMinus ->Fill( lmcPt, lDeltaPhiMcReco ); f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptXiMinus->Fill(lmcPt,lmcPtPosV0Dghter); fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtXi->Fill(lmcPt,lV0CosineOfPointingAngle); } else if( lChargeXi > 0 && lAssoXiPlus){ fHistAsMCMassXiPlus ->Fill( lInvMassXiPlus ); if(lIsBachelorPion) f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYXiPlus->Fill( lmcPt, lmcRapCasc ); f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYXiPlus ->Fill( lmcPt, lmcRapCasc); fHistAsMCGenEtaXiPlus ->Fill( lmcEta ); f2dHistAsMCResPtXiPlus ->Fill( lmcPt, (lrecoPt - lmcPt)/ lmcPt ); f2dHistAsMCResRXiPlus ->Fill( lmcTransvRadius, (lrecoTransvRadius - lmcTransvRadius)/ lmcTransvRadius ); f2dHistAsMCResPhiXiPlus ->Fill( lmcPt, lDeltaPhiMcReco ); f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptXiPlus->Fill(lmcPt,lmcPtNegV0Dghter); fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtXi->Fill(lmcPt,lV0CosineOfPointingAngle); } else if( lChargeXi < 0 && lAssoOmegaMinus){ fHistAsMCMassOmegaMinus ->Fill( lInvMassOmegaMinus ); if(lIsBachelorKaon) f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus->Fill( lmcPt, lmcRapCasc ); f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaMinus ->Fill( lmcPt, lmcRapCasc ); fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaMinus ->Fill( lmcEta ); f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaMinus ->Fill( lmcPt, (lrecoPt - lmcPt)/ lmcPt ); f2dHistAsMCResROmegaMinus ->Fill( lmcTransvRadius, (lrecoTransvRadius - lmcTransvRadius)/ lmcTransvRadius ); f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaMinus ->Fill( lmcPt, lDeltaPhiMcReco ); f2dHistAsMCptProtonMCptOmegaMinus->Fill(lmcPt,lmcPtPosV0Dghter); fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtOmega->Fill(lmcPt,lV0CosineOfPointingAngle); } else if( lChargeXi > 0 && lAssoOmegaPlus){ fHistAsMCMassOmegaPlus ->Fill( lInvMassOmegaPlus ); if(lIsBachelorKaon) f2dHistAsMCandCombPIDGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus->Fill( lmcPt, lmcRapCasc ); f2dHistAsMCGenPtVsGenYOmegaPlus ->Fill( lmcPt, lmcRapCasc ); fHistAsMCGenEtaOmegaPlus ->Fill( lmcEta ); f2dHistAsMCResPtOmegaPlus ->Fill( lmcPt, (lrecoPt - lmcPt)/ lmcPt ); f2dHistAsMCResROmegaPlus ->Fill( lmcTransvRadius, (lrecoTransvRadius - lmcTransvRadius)/ lmcTransvRadius ); f2dHistAsMCResPhiOmegaPlus ->Fill( lmcPt, lDeltaPhiMcReco ); f2dHistAsMCptAntiprotonMCptOmegaPlus->Fill(lmcPt,lmcPtNegV0Dghter); fHistV0CosineOfPointingAnglevsPtOmega->Fill(lmcPt,lV0CosineOfPointingAngle); } fHistV0toXiCosineOfPointingAngle->Fill(lV0CosineOfPointingAngleXi); //------------------ // - Fill containers // - Filling the AliCFContainer (optimisation of topological selections + systematics) Double_t lContainerCutVars[19] = {0.0}; lContainerCutVars[0] = lDcaXiDaughters; lContainerCutVars[1] = lDcaBachToPrimVertexXi; lContainerCutVars[2] = lXiCosineOfPointingAngle; lContainerCutVars[3] = lXiRadius; lContainerCutVars[4] = lInvMassLambdaAsCascDghter; lContainerCutVars[5] = lDcaV0DaughtersXi; if (fCollidingSystem == "pp") lContainerCutVars[6] = lV0CosineOfPointingAngleXi; else if (fCollidingSystem == "pPb") lContainerCutVars[6] = lV0CosineOfPointingAngle; lContainerCutVars[7] = lV0RadiusXi; lContainerCutVars[8] = lDcaV0ToPrimVertexXi; lContainerCutVars[9] = lDcaPosToPrimVertexXi; lContainerCutVars[10] = lDcaNegToPrimVertexXi; lContainerCutVars[13] = lmcPt; lContainerCutVars[16] = lctau; lContainerCutVars[17] = lctauV0; lContainerCutVars[18] = distTV0Xi; // All cases should be covered below if( lChargeXi < 0 && lAssoXiMinus ) { lContainerCutVars[11] = lInvMassXiMinus; lContainerCutVars[12] = lInvMassOmegaMinus;//1.63; lContainerCutVars[14] = lmcRapCasc; lContainerCutVars[15] = -1.; if ( lIsBachelorPionForTPC && lIsPosProtonForTPC && lIsNegPionForTPC ) fCFContAsCascadeCuts->Fill(lContainerCutVars,0); // for Xi- } if( lChargeXi > 0 && lAssoXiPlus ) { lContainerCutVars[11] = lInvMassXiPlus; lContainerCutVars[12] = lInvMassOmegaPlus;//1.26; lContainerCutVars[14] = lmcRapCasc; lContainerCutVars[15] = -1.; if ( lIsBachelorPionForTPC && lIsNegProtonForTPC && lIsPosPionForTPC ) fCFContAsCascadeCuts->Fill(lContainerCutVars,1); // for Xi+ } if( lChargeXi < 0 && lAssoOmegaMinus ) { lContainerCutVars[11] = lInvMassXiMinus;//1.63; lContainerCutVars[12] = lInvMassOmegaMinus; lContainerCutVars[14] = -1.; lContainerCutVars[15] = lmcRapCasc; if ( lIsBachelorKaonForTPC && lIsPosProtonForTPC && lIsNegPionForTPC ) fCFContAsCascadeCuts->Fill(lContainerCutVars,2); // for Omega- } if( lChargeXi > 0 && lAssoOmegaPlus ) { lContainerCutVars[11] = lInvMassXiPlus;//1.26; lContainerCutVars[12] = lInvMassOmegaPlus; lContainerCutVars[14] = -1.; lContainerCutVars[15] = lmcRapCasc; if ( lIsBachelorKaonForTPC && lIsNegProtonForTPC && lIsPosPionForTPC ) fCFContAsCascadeCuts->Fill(lContainerCutVars,3); // for Omega+ } // - Filling the AliCFContainers related to PID Double_t lContainerPIDVars[3] = {0.0}; // Xi Minus if( lChargeXi < 0 && lAssoXiMinus ) { lContainerPIDVars[0] = lmcPt; lContainerPIDVars[1] = lInvMassXiMinus; lContainerPIDVars[2] = lmcRapCasc; // No PID fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 0); // No PID // TPC PID if( lIsBachelorPionForTPC ) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 1); // TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor track if( lIsBachelorPionForTPC && lIsPosProtonForTPC ) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 2); // TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon tracks if( lIsBachelorPionForTPC && lIsPosProtonForTPC && lIsNegPionForTPC ) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 3); // TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon+Meson tracks // Combined PID if( lIsBachelorPion ) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 4); // Comb. PID / Bachelor if( lIsBachelorPion && lIsPosInXiProton ) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 5); // Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon if( lIsBachelorPion && lIsPosInXiProton && lIsNegInXiPion ) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 6); // Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon+Meson } lContainerPIDVars[0] = 0.; lContainerPIDVars[1] = 0.; lContainerPIDVars[2] = 0.; // Xi Plus if( lChargeXi > 0 && lAssoXiPlus ) { lContainerPIDVars[0] = lmcPt; lContainerPIDVars[1] = lInvMassXiPlus; lContainerPIDVars[2] = lmcRapCasc; // No PID fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 0); // No PID // TPC PID if( lIsBachelorPionForTPC ) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 1); // TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor track if( lIsBachelorPionForTPC && lIsNegProtonForTPC ) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 2); // TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon tracks if( lIsBachelorPionForTPC && lIsNegProtonForTPC && lIsPosPionForTPC ) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 3); // TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon+Meson tracks // Combined PID if( lIsBachelorPion ) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 4); // Comb. PID / Bachelor if( lIsBachelorPion && lIsNegInXiProton ) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 5); // Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon if( lIsBachelorPion && lIsNegInXiProton && lIsPosInXiPion ) fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 6); // Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon+Meson } lContainerPIDVars[0] = 0.; lContainerPIDVars[1] = 0.; lContainerPIDVars[2] = 0.; // Omega Minus if( lChargeXi < 0 && lAssoOmegaMinus ) { lContainerPIDVars[0] = lmcPt; lContainerPIDVars[1] = lInvMassOmegaMinus; lContainerPIDVars[2] = lmcRapCasc; // No PID fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 0); // No PID // TPC PID if( lIsBachelorKaonForTPC ) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 1); // TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor track if( lIsBachelorKaonForTPC && lIsPosProtonForTPC ) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 2); // TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon tracks if( lIsBachelorKaonForTPC && lIsPosProtonForTPC && lIsNegPionForTPC ) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 3); // TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon+Meson tracks // Combined PID if( lIsBachelorKaon ) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 4); // Comb. PID / Bachelor if( lIsBachelorKaon && lIsPosInOmegaProton ) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 5); // Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon if( lIsBachelorKaon && lIsPosInOmegaProton && lIsNegInOmegaPion ) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 6); // Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon+Meson } lContainerPIDVars[0] = 0.; lContainerPIDVars[1] = 0.; lContainerPIDVars[2] = 0.; // Omega Plus if( lChargeXi > 0 && lAssoOmegaPlus) { lContainerPIDVars[0] = lmcPt; lContainerPIDVars[1] = lInvMassOmegaPlus; lContainerPIDVars[2] = lmcRapCasc; // No PID fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 0); // No PID // TPC PID if( lIsBachelorKaonForTPC ) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 1); // TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor track if( lIsBachelorKaonForTPC && lIsNegProtonForTPC ) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 2); // TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon tracks if( lIsBachelorKaonForTPC && lIsNegProtonForTPC && lIsPosPionForTPC ) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 3); // TPC PID / 4-#sigma cut on Bachelor+Baryon+Meson tracks // Combined PID if( lIsBachelorKaon ) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 4); // Comb. PID / Bachelor if( lIsBachelorKaon && lIsNegInOmegaProton ) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 5); // Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon if( lIsBachelorKaon && lIsNegInOmegaProton && lIsPosInOmegaPion ) fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus->Fill(lContainerPIDVars, 6); // Comb. PID / Bachelor+Baryon+Meson } }// End of loop over reconstructed cascades fHistnAssoXiMinus->Fill(nAssoXiMinus); fHistnAssoXiPlus->Fill(nAssoXiPlus); fHistnAssoOmegaMinus->Fill(nAssoOmegaMinus); fHistnAssoOmegaPlus->Fill(nAssoOmegaPlus); // Post output data. PostData(1, fListHistCascade); PostData(2, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiMinus); PostData(3, fCFContCascadePIDAsXiPlus); PostData(4, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaMinus); PostData(5, fCFContCascadePIDAsOmegaPlus); PostData(6, fCFContAsCascadeCuts); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276::Terminate(Option_t *) { // Draw result to the screen // Called once at the end of the query /* TList *cRetrievedList = 0x0; cRetrievedList = (TList*)GetOutputData(1); if(!cRetrievedList) { Printf("ERROR - AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276 : ouput data container list not available\n"); return; } fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel = dynamic_cast ( cRetrievedList->FindObject("fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel") ); if (!fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel) { Printf("ERROR - AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276 : fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel not available"); return; } TCanvas *canCheckPerformanceCascade = new TCanvas("AliAnalysisTaskCheckPerformanceCascadepp276","Multiplicity",10,10,510,510); canCheckPerformanceCascade->cd(1)->SetLogy(); fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel->SetMarkerStyle(22); fHistTrackMultiplicityBeforeAnySel->DrawCopy("E"); */ }