#if !defined (__CINT__) || (defined(__MAKECINT__)) #include #include #include #include "TString.h" #include "TObjArray.h" #include "TObjString.h" #include "AliParticleYield.h" #include "TGraphErrors.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TROOT.h" #include "TVirtualFitter.h" #include "TMath.h" #include "TFitResult.h" #include "TMinuit.h" #include "TLatex.h" #include "TDatabasePDG.h" #include "TPad.h" #include "TCanvas.h" #endif std::map npartPbPb; std::map npartPbPbErr; void ReadCentralityFromFile() ; Double_t FitShiftedGraphAndExtrapolate(TGraphErrors * gr, Int_t shift, TF1 * f1, const char * centr, Color_t color) ; Double_t ErrorFunction (Double_t *xx, Double_t *p ) ; Double_t FuncPlusErr (Double_t *xx, Double_t *p) ; enum {kNoShift, kShiftUp, kShiftDown}; TF1 * fForErrors = 0; const int npar = 3; Double_t matrix[npar][npar]; TString centrFile; TString systemAndEnergy; Double_t maxy = 0; //TString label = "#frac{d#it{N}}{d#it{y}} = #it{a} + #it{b} #times (#it{N}_{part})^{#it{c}}"; TString label = "#frac{d#it{N}}{d#it{y}} = #it{a} + #it{b} #times (d#it{N}/d#it{#eta})^{#it{c}}"; Int_t collSystem = 2; Float_t energy = 2760; void FitNPartDependence() { // KStar // centrFile = "npart_PbPb.txt"; // centrFile = "dndeta_PbPb.txt"; // maxy = 50; // systemAndEnergy = "Pb-Pb #sqrt{#it{s}}_{NN} = 2.76 TeV"; // const char * centralityToPlot[] = { "V0M0020" , "V0M2040" , "V0M4060" , "V0M6080" , 0}; // const char * centrToExtrapolate = "V0M0010"; // Int_t pdg = 313; // TClonesArray * arr = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("./PbPb_2760_Kstar892.txt"); // Deuteron // gROOT->ProcessLine(".x figTemplate.C(0,0.00001,400,0.2)"); // const char * centralityToPlot[] = { "V0M0010" , "V0M1020" , "V0M2040" , "V0M4060" , "V0M6080",0 }; // const char * centrToExtrapolate = "V0M0010"; // Int_t pdg = 1000010020; // TClonesArray * arr = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_DeuHelium3.txt"); // Deuteron pPb centrFile = "dndeta_pPb.txt"; const char * centralityToPlot[] = { "V0A0010", "V0A1020", "V0A2040", "V0A4060", "V0A6000" ,0}; const char * centrToExtrapolate = "V0A0005"; Int_t pdg = 1000010020; TClonesArray * arr = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("pPb_5020_deuteron.txt"); maxy = 0.01; systemAndEnergy = "p-Pb #sqrt{#it{s}}_{NN} = 5.02 TeV"; energy = 5020; collSystem = 1; // Helium3 // gROOT->ProcessLine(".x figTemplate.C(0,0.00001,400,0.2)"); // const char * centralityToPlot[] = { "V0M0020" , "V0M2080" ,0}; // const char * centrToExtrapolate = "V0M0010"; // Int_t pdg = 1000020030; // TClonesArray * arr = AliParticleYield::ReadFromASCIIFile("PbPb_2760_DeuHelium3.txt"); // gPad->GetCanvas()->SetTitle(Form("c%s", TDatabasePDG::Instance()->GetParticle(pdg)->GetName())); ReadCentralityFromFile(); TGraphErrors * grSyst = new TGraphErrors; TGraphErrors * grStat = new TGraphErrors; Double_t maxx = 1.1*npartPbPb[centrToExtrapolate]; // Function // TF1 * f1 = new TF1 ("f1", "[0] + [1]*x", 0, maxx); // f1->SetParameters(1,1); TF1 * f1 = new TF1 ("f1", "[0] + [1]*x^[2]", 0, maxx); f1->SetParameters(0, 6.3266e-04, 8.99883e-01); gROOT->ProcessLine(Form(".x figTemplate.C(0,0.1,%f,%f)", maxx, maxy)); gPad->GetCanvas()->SetTitle("cKstar"); // f1->FixParameter(0, 0); Int_t icentr = 0; AliParticleYield * part = 0; while (centralityToPlot[icentr]) { part = AliParticleYield::FindParticle(arr, pdg, collSystem, energy, centralityToPlot[icentr]); if(part) { grSyst->SetPoint (icentr , npartPbPb[centralityToPlot[icentr]] , part->GetYield()); grSyst->SetPointError(icentr , npartPbPbErr[centralityToPlot[icentr]] , part->GetSystError()); grStat->SetPoint (icentr , npartPbPb[centralityToPlot[icentr]] , part->GetYield()); grStat->SetPointError(icentr , npartPbPbErr[centralityToPlot[icentr]] , part->GetStatError()); // part->Print(); } icentr++; } grStat->Draw("P"); grStat->SetMarkerStyle(24); grSyst->Draw("PE2"); grSyst->SetFillStyle(0); Double_t yield = FitShiftedGraphAndExtrapolate(grStat, kNoShift , f1, centrToExtrapolate, kRed ); // We need to cache the covariance matrix and the function here, otherwise things get messed up fForErrors = (TF1*) f1->Clone(); fForErrors->SetLineColor(kRed); fForErrors->SetLineStyle(0); fForErrors->Draw("same"); gMinuit->mnemat(&matrix[0][0],npar); // The statistical error is computed propagating the uncertainty on the parameters to the function via the covariance matrix TF1 * fShiftedPlus = new TF1("fShiftedPlus" , FuncPlusErr, 0, maxx,1); fShiftedPlus->SetParameter(0,+1); TF1 * fShiftedMinus = new TF1("fShiftedMinus" , FuncPlusErr, 0, maxx,1); fShiftedMinus->SetParameter(0,-1); fShiftedMinus->SetLineStyle(kDotted); fShiftedPlus->SetLineStyle (kDotted); fShiftedPlus ->Draw("same"); fShiftedMinus->Draw("same"); TF1 * fError = new TF1("fError", ErrorFunction, 0,maxx, 0); // The uncertainty on the systematics is computed shifting the graph up and down + refitting Double_t errorSystPlus = FitShiftedGraphAndExtrapolate(grSyst, kShiftUp , f1, centrToExtrapolate, kRed)-yield; Double_t errorSystMinus = FitShiftedGraphAndExtrapolate(grSyst, kShiftDown, f1, centrToExtrapolate, kRed)-yield; // Double_t errorStatPlus = FitShiftedGraphAndExtrapolate(grStat, kShiftUp , f1, centrToExtrapolate, kBlue) -yield; // Double_t errorStatMinus = FitShiftedGraphAndExtrapolate(grStat, kShiftDown, f1, centrToExtrapolate, kBlue) -yield; Double_t errorStat = fError->Eval(npartPbPb[centrToExtrapolate]); std::cout << "Yield from fit: ("<Eval(npartPbPb[centrToExtrapolate]) << std::endl; std::cout << yield << " " << errorStat << " " << (errorSystPlus-errorSystMinus)/2 << std::endl;// here we need - errorneg because errorneg is negative (!) TGraphErrors * gExtrap = new TGraphErrors(); gExtrap->SetMarkerStyle(20); gExtrap->SetPoint(0, npartPbPb[centrToExtrapolate], yield); gExtrap->SetPointError(0, 0, (errorSystPlus-errorSystMinus)/2); gExtrap->Draw("P"); TLatex * text = new TLatex (0.2,0.81,systemAndEnergy); text->SetNDC(); text->Draw(); TLatex * text2 = new TLatex (0.2,0.72,part->GetLatexName()); text2->SetNDC(); text2->Draw(); TLatex * func = new TLatex(0.53,0.23,label); func->SetNDC(); func->Draw(); } Double_t ErrorFunction (Double_t *xx, Double_t *p ) { // Double_t x = xx[0]; Double_t func[npar]; // func[0] = 1; // func[1] = TMath::Power(x, fForErrors->GetParameter(2)); // func[2] = fForErrors->GetParameter(1)*TMath::Power(x, fForErrors->GetParameter(2))*TMath::Log(x); // In general, one can compute the derivative numerically using root. for(Int_t ipar = 0; ipar < npar; ipar++){ func[ipar] = fForErrors->GradientPar(ipar, xx); } Double_t variance = 0; for(Int_t ipar = 0; ipar < npar; ipar++){ for(Int_t jpar = 0; jpar < npar; jpar++){ variance = variance + func[ipar]*func[jpar] * matrix[ipar][jpar]; } } Double_t error = TMath::Sqrt(variance); return error; } Double_t FuncPlusErr (Double_t *xx, Double_t *p) { Double_t value = fForErrors->Eval(xx[0]); Double_t error = ErrorFunction(xx, p); if(p[0] > 0) { return value + error; } return value -error; } Double_t FitShiftedGraphAndExtrapolate(TGraphErrors * gr, Int_t shift, TF1 * f1, const char * centr, Color_t color) { // Shift graph // 1 = up // 2 = down TGraphErrors * grLocal = (TGraphErrors*) gr->Clone(); Int_t npoint = grLocal->GetN() ; if(shift != kNoShift) { for(Int_t ipoint = 0; ipoint < npoint; ipoint++){ Double_t relError = grLocal->GetEY()[ipoint]/grLocal->GetY()[ipoint]; Double_t value = grLocal->GetY() [ipoint]; if(shift == kShiftUp ) value += grLocal->GetEY()[ipoint]; if(shift == kShiftDown) value -= grLocal->GetEY()[ipoint]; grLocal->SetPoint (ipoint, grLocal->GetX() [ipoint], value); grLocal->SetPointError(ipoint, grLocal->GetEX()[ipoint], relError*value); } } grLocal->Fit(f1, "", "Q"); Double_t yield = f1->Eval(npartPbPb[centr]); TF1 * clone = (TF1*) f1->Clone(); clone->SetLineWidth(1); clone->SetLineStyle(kDashed); clone->SetLineColor(color); clone->Draw("Same"); delete grLocal; return yield; } void ReadCentralityFromFile() { ifstream filein (centrFile); TString line; while (line.ReadLine((filein))) { TObjArray * tokens = line.Tokenize(" "); if(tokens->GetEntries() != 3) { delete tokens; continue; } TString str = ((TObjString*)tokens->At(0))->String(); Float_t npart = ((TObjString*)tokens->At(1))->String().Atof(); Float_t npartErr = ((TObjString*)tokens->At(2))->String().Atof(); // std::cout << "["<