#ifndef ALIANALYSISET_H #define ALIANALYSISET_H //_________________________________________________________________________ // Utility Class for transverse energy studies // Base class for ESD & MC analysis // - reconstruction and MonteCarlo output // //*-- Authors: Oystein Djuvsland (Bergen), David Silvermyr (ORNL) //_________________________________________________________________________ #include "AliAnalysisEtCommon.h" #include "THnSparse.h" #include "AliESDCaloCluster.h" #include "AliAnalysisEtCuts.h" #include "AliAnalysisEtTrackMatchCorrections.h" #include #include "Rtypes.h" #include "AliAnalysisEtSelector.h" #include "AliAnalysisEtSelectorEmcal.h" #include "AliAnalysisEtSelectorPhos.h" class AliAnalysisEtRecEffCorrection; class AliAnalysisEtTrackMatchCorrections; class AliAnalysisEtSelector; class AliCentrality; class TString; class TTree; class TH2F; class TH1F; class TH1I; class AliVEvent; class TList; class TString; class AliESDtrackCuts; class AliAnalysisEtCuts; class AliESDCaloCluster; //class THnSparseD; class AliPIDResponse; class AliAnalysisEt : public AliAnalysisEtCommon { public: AliAnalysisEt(); virtual ~AliAnalysisEt(); public: /** Analyse the event! */ virtual Int_t AnalyseEvent(AliVEvent *event); /** Fill the objects you want to output, classes which add new histograms should overload this. */ virtual void FillOutputList(TList* list); /** Initialise the analysis, must be overloaded. */ virtual void Init(); /** * Creates the histograms, must be overloaded if you want to add your own. * Uses the fHistogramNameSuffix to create proper histogram names */ virtual void CreateHistograms(); virtual void CreateTrees(); TH2F* CreateEtaEHisto2D(TString name, TString title, TString ztitle); TH2F* CreateEtaPtHisto2D(TString name, TString title, TString ztitle); TH2F* CreateEtaEtHisto2D(TString name, TString title, TString ztitle); TH2F* CreateResEHisto2D(TString name, TString title, TString ztitle); TH2F* CreateResPtHisto2D(TString name, TString title, TString ztitle); THnSparseF* CreateClusterHistoSparse(TString name, TString title); THnSparseF* CreateNeutralPartHistoSparse(TString name, TString title); THnSparseF* CreateChargedPartHistoSparse(TString name, TString title); /** Fills the histograms, must be overloaded if you want to add your own */ virtual void FillHistograms(); /** Reset event specific values (Et etc.) */ virtual void ResetEventValues(); /** Total Et in the event (without acceptance cuts) */ Double_t GetTotEt() const { return fTotEt; } /** Total neutral Et in the event (without acceptance cuts) */ Double_t GetTotNeutralEt() const { return fTotNeutralEt; } /** Total charged Et in the event (without acceptance cuts) */ Double_t GetTotChargedEt() const { return fTotChargedEt; } void SetTPCOnlyTrackCuts(const AliESDtrackCuts *cuts) { fEsdtrackCutsTPC = (AliESDtrackCuts *) cuts; } /** Set the centrality object */ void SetCentralityObject(AliCentrality *cent) { fCentrality = cent; } /** Get contribution from non-removed charged particles */ Double_t GetChargedContribution(Int_t clusterMultiplicity) { return fTmCorrections->ChargedContr(clusterMultiplicity); } /** Get contribution from non-removed neutral particles */ Double_t GetNeutralContribution(Int_t clusterMultiplicity) { return fTmCorrections->NeutralContr(clusterMultiplicity); } /** Get contribution from removed gammas */ Double_t GetGammaContribution(Int_t clusterMultiplicity) { return fTmCorrections->GammaContr(clusterMultiplicity); } /** Get contribution from secondaries */ Double_t GetSecondaryContribution(Int_t clusterMultiplicity) { return fTmCorrections->SecondaryContr(clusterMultiplicity); } void MakeSparseHistograms() { fMakeSparse=kTRUE; } AliAnalysisEtCuts * GetCuts() const { return fCuts; } // Read in corrections Int_t ReadCorrections(TString filename); // Read in corrections void SetFsub(Float_t val){fsub=val;};//function for setting fsub for EMCal/PHOS hadronic corrections protected: //AliAnalysisEtCuts *fCuts; // keeper of basic cuts // Return corrected cluster E_T Double_t CorrectForReconstructionEfficiency(const AliESDCaloCluster &cluster,Int_t cent = 0); Double_t CorrectForReconstructionEfficiency(const AliESDCaloCluster &cluster, Float_t eReco,Int_t cent = 0); // Track matching (hadrdonic contamination) corrections AliAnalysisEtTrackMatchCorrections *fTmCorrections; // Reconstruction efficiency corrections AliAnalysisEtRecEffCorrection *fReCorrections; TTree *fEventSummaryTree; // Contains event level information TTree *fAcceptedTree; // Tree for information about accepted particles TTree *fDepositTree; // optional TTree for energy deposit measurements Double_t fTotEt;/** Total Et in the event (without acceptance cuts) */ Double_t fTotEtAcc;/** Total Et in the event (without acceptance cuts) */ Double_t fTotNeutralEt;/** Total neutral Et in the event */ Double_t fTotNeutralEtAcc;/** Total neutral Et in the event */ Double_t fTotChargedEt;/** Total charged Et in the event */ Double_t fTotChargedEtAcc;/** Total charged Et in the event */ Int_t fMultiplicity;/** Multiplicity of particles in the event */ Int_t fChargedMultiplicity;/** Multiplicity of charged particles in the event */ Int_t fNeutralMultiplicity; /** Multiplicity of neutral particles in the event */ Double_t fProtonEt; /** Et of identified protons */ Double_t fAntiProtonEt; /** Et of identified protons */ Double_t fNeutronEt; /** Et of neutrons (MC only for now) */ Double_t fAntiNeutronEt; /** Et of anti-neutrons (MC only for now) */ Double_t fPi0Et; // Et of identified pi0 Double_t fPiPlusEt; // Et of identified pi+ Double_t fPiMinusEt; // Et of identified pi- Double_t fKPlusEt; // Et of identified K+ Double_t fKMinusEt; // Et of identified K- Double_t fK0sEt; // Et of identified K0 short Double_t fK0lEt; // Et of identified K0 long Double_t fMuMinusEt; // Et of identified mu- Double_t fMuPlusEt; // Et of identified mu+ Double_t fEMinusEt; // Et of identified e- Double_t fEPlusEt; // Et of identified e+ Double_t fGammaEt; /** Et of identified electrons (MC only for now) */ Double_t fProtonRemovedEt; /** Et of identified protons */ Double_t fAntiProtonRemovedEt; /** Et of identified protons */ Double_t fNeutronRemovedEt; /** Et of neutrons (MC only for now) */ Double_t fAntiNeutronRemovedEt; /** Et of anti-neutrons (MC only for now) */ Double_t fPi0RemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified pi0 Double_t fPiPlusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified pi+ Double_t fPiMinusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified pi- Double_t fKPlusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified K+ Double_t fKMinusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified K- Double_t fK0sRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified K0 short Double_t fK0lRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified K0 long Double_t fMuMinusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified mu- Double_t fMuPlusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified mu+ Double_t fEMinusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified e- Double_t fEPlusRemovedEt; // Removed Et of identified e+ Double_t fGammaRemovedEt; /** Removed Et of identified electrons (MC only for now) */ Double_t fProtonMult; /** Mult of identified protons */ Double_t fAntiProtonMult; /** Mult of identified protons */ Double_t fNeutronMult; /** Mult of neutrons (MC only for now) */ Double_t fAntiNeutronMult; /** Mult of anti-neutrons (MC only for now) */ Double_t fPi0Mult; // Mult of identified pi0 Double_t fPiPlusMult; // Mult of identified pi+ Double_t fPiMinusMult; // Mult of identified pi- Double_t fKPlusMult; // Mult of identified K+ Double_t fKMinusMult; // Mult of identified K- Double_t fK0sMult; // Mult of identified K0 short Double_t fK0lMult; // Mult of identified K0 long Double_t fMuMinusMult; // Mult of identified mu- Double_t fMuPlusMult; // Mult of identified mu+ Double_t fEMinusMult; // Mult of identified e- Double_t fEPlusMult; // Mult of identified e+ Double_t fGammaMult; /** Mult of identified electrons (MC only for now) */ Double_t fProtonRemovedMult; /** Mult of identified protons */ Double_t fAntiProtonRemovedMult; /** Mult of identified protons */ Double_t fNeutronRemovedMult; /** Mult of neutrons (MC only for now) */ Double_t fAntiNeutronRemovedMult; /** Mult of anti-neutrons (MC only for now) */ Double_t fPi0RemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified pi0 Double_t fPiPlusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified pi+ Double_t fPiMinusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified pi- Double_t fKPlusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified K+ Double_t fKMinusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified K- Double_t fK0sRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified K0 short Double_t fK0lRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified K0 long Double_t fMuMinusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified mu- Double_t fMuPlusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified mu+ Double_t fEMinusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified e- Double_t fEPlusRemovedMult; // Removed Mult of identified e+ Double_t fGammaRemovedMult; /** Removed Mult of identified electrons (MC only for now) */ Float_t fEnergyDeposited; /** Energy deposited in calorimeter */ Float_t fMomentumTPC; /** Momentum measured in TPC */ Short_t fCharge; /** Charge of the particle */ Short_t fParticlePid; /** Particle PID */ Float_t fPidProb; /** Probability of PID */ Bool_t fTrackPassedCut; /** The track is accepted by ESDTrackCuts */ Int_t fCentClass; // centrality class /** Detector radius */ Double_t fDetectorRadius; // Detector radius /** Minimum energy to cut on single cell cluster */ Double_t fSingleCellEnergyCut; // Minimum energy to cut on single cell cluster Double_t fChargedEnergyRemoved; // Charged energy removed Double_t fNeutralEnergyRemoved; // Neutral energy removed Double_t fGammaEnergyAdded; // gamma energy added // Declare the histograms /** The EM Et spectrum measured */ TH1F *fHistEt; //Et spectrum /** Multiplicity of neutral particles in the events */ TH1F *fHistNeutralMult; //Multiplicity // Acceptance plots TH2F *fHistPhivsPtPos; //phi vs pT plot for positive tracks TH2F *fHistPhivsPtNeg; //phi vs pT plot for negative tracks /* Auxiliary Histogram variables */ static Float_t fgEtaAxis[17];//bins for eta axis of histograms static Int_t fgnumOfEtaBins;//number of eta bins static Float_t fgPtAxis[117];//bins for pt axis of histograms static Int_t fgNumOfPtBins;//number of pt bins static Float_t fgEAxis[79];//bins for pt axis of histograms static Int_t fgNumOfEBins;//number of pt bins static Float_t fgRAxis[48];//bins for R axis static Int_t fgNumOfRBins;//number of R bins /** Centrality object */ AliCentrality *fCentrality; //Centrality object Bool_t fMakeSparse;//Boolean for whether or not to make sparse histograms TH1I *fCutFlow; // Cut flow AliAnalysisEtSelector *fSelector; // Selector class AliPIDResponse *fPIDResponse; Float_t fsub; private: //Declare private to avoid compilation warning AliAnalysisEt & operator = (const AliAnalysisEt & g) ;//cpy assignment AliAnalysisEt(const AliAnalysisEt & g) ; // cpy ctor ClassDef(AliAnalysisEt, 3); }; #endif // ALIANALYSISET_H