#ifndef ALIANALYSISETMONTECARLO_H #define ALIANALYSISETMONTECARLO_H //_________________________________________________________________________ // Utility Class for transverse energy studies // Base class for MC analysis // - MC output // //*-- Authors: Oystein Djuvsland (Bergen), David Silvermyr (ORNL) //_________________________________________________________________________ #include "AliAnalysisEt.h" class TParticle; class TH3F; class TH2I; class AliPHOSGeoUtils; class AliPHOSGeometry; class AliStack; //class AliMCEvent; //class AliESDEvent; class AliAnalysisEtMonteCarlo : public AliAnalysisEt { public: AliAnalysisEtMonteCarlo(); virtual ~AliAnalysisEtMonteCarlo(); virtual Int_t AnalyseEvent(AliVEvent* event); virtual Int_t AnalyseEvent(AliVEvent* event, AliVEvent* event2); //virtual Int_t AnalyseEvent(AliMCEvent* event, AliESDEvent* event2); virtual void Init(); virtual void ResetEventValues(); virtual void CreateHistograms(); virtual void FillOutputList(TList* list); virtual void FillHistograms(); protected: virtual bool TrackHitsCalorimeter(TParticle *part, Double_t magField=0.5); Int_t GetPrimMother(Int_t partIdx, AliStack *stack); Int_t GetK0InFamily(Int_t partIdx, AliStack *stack); Int_t PrintFamilyTree(Int_t partIdx, AliStack *stack); Int_t PrintMothers(Int_t partIdx, AliStack *stack, Int_t gen); protected: Double_t fImpactParameter; // b(fm), for Hijing; 0 otherwise Int_t fNcoll; // Ncoll, for Hijing; 1 otherwise Int_t fNpart; // Ncoll, for Hijing; 2 otherwise TTree *fPrimaryTree; // Tree holding info on primaries Double_t fTotEtWithSecondaryRemoved; // enter comment here Double_t fTotEtSecondaryFromEmEtPrimary; // enter comment here Double_t fTotEtSecondary; // enter comment here Int_t fPrimaryCode; // enter comment here Int_t fPrimaryCharge; // enter comment here Double_t fPrimaryE; // enter comment here Double_t fPrimaryEt; // enter comment here Double_t fPrimaryPx; // enter comment here Double_t fPrimaryPy; // enter comment here Double_t fPrimaryPz; // enter comment here Double_t fPrimaryVx; // enter comment here Double_t fPrimaryVy; // enter comment here Double_t fPrimaryVz; // enter comment here Bool_t fPrimaryAccepted; // enter comment here Int_t fDepositedCode; // enter comment here Double_t fDepositedEt; // enter comment here Int_t fDepositedCharge; // enter comment here Double_t fDepositedVx; // enter comment here Double_t fDepositedVy; // enter comment here Double_t fDepositedVz; // enter comment here TH3F *fHistDecayVertexNonRemovedCharged; // Decay vertex for non-removed charged particles TH3F *fHistDecayVertexRemovedCharged; // Decay vertex for non-removed charged particles TH3F *fHistDecayVertexNonRemovedNeutral; // Decay vertex for non-removed charged particles TH3F *fHistDecayVertexRemovedNeutral; // Decay vertex for non-removed charged particles TH2F *fHistRemovedOrNot; // If charged/neutral particles were removed or not TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedProtons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedAntiProtons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedPiPlus; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedPiMinus; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedKaonPlus; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedKaonMinus; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedK0s; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedK0L; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedLambdas; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedElectrons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedPositrons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedMuPlus; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedMuMinus; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedNeutrons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedAntiNeutrons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedGammas; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedGammasFromPi0; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtRemovedGammas; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtRemovedNeutrons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtRemovedAntiNeutrons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtRemovedCharged; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtRemovedNeutrals; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedCharged; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistEtNonRemovedNeutrals; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedProtons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedAntiProtons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedPiPlus; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedPiMinus; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedKaonPlus; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedKaonMinus; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedK0s; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedK0L; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedLambdas; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedElectrons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedPositrons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedMuPlus; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedMuMinus; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedNeutrons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedAntiNeutrons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedGammas; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultRemovedGammas; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultRemovedNeutrons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultRemovedAntiNeutrons; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultRemovedCharged; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultRemovedNeutrals; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedCharged; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultNonRemovedNeutrals; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistTrackMultvsNonRemovedCharged; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistTrackMultvsNonRemovedNeutral; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistTrackMultvsRemovedGamma; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistClusterMultvsNonRemovedCharged; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistClusterMultvsNonRemovedNeutral; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistClusterMultvsRemovedGamma; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultvsNonRemovedChargedE; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultvsNonRemovedNeutralE; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistMultvsRemovedGammaE; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedProtons; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedAntiProtons; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedPiPlus; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedPiMinus; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedKaonPlus; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedKaonMinus; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedK0S; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedK0L; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedLambdas; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedElectrons; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedPositrons; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedMuMinus; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedMuPlus; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedGammas; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedGammasFromPi0; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedNeutrons; // enter comment here Float_t fEtNonRemovedAntiNeutrons; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedProtons; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedAntiProtons; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedPiPlus; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedPiMinus; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedKaonPlus; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedKaonMinus; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedK0s; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedK0L; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedLambdas; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedElectrons; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedPositrons; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedMuMinus; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedMuPlus; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedGammasFromPi0; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedGammas; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedNeutrons; // enter comment here Float_t fEtRemovedAntiNeutrons; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedProtons; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedAntiProtons; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedPiPlus; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedPiMinus; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedKaonPlus; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedKaonMinus; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedK0s; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedK0L; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedLambdas; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedElectrons; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedPositrons; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedMuMinus; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedMuPlus; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedGammas; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedNeutrons; // enter comment here Int_t fMultNonRemovedAntiNeutrons; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedProtons; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedAntiProtons; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedPiPlus; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedPiMinus; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedKaonPlus; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedKaonMinus; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedK0s; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedK0L; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedLambdas; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedElectrons; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedPositrons; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedMuMinus; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedMuPlus; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedGammas; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedNeutrons; // enter comment here Int_t fMultRemovedAntiNeutrons; // enter comment here Int_t fTrackMultInAcc; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistDxDzNonRemovedCharged; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistDxDzRemovedCharged; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistDxDzNonRemovedNeutral; // enter comment here TH2F *fHistDxDzRemovedNeutral; // enter comment here TH1F *fHistPiPlusMult; // enter comment here TH1F *fHistPiMinusMult; // enter comment here TH1F *fHistPiZeroMult; // enter comment here TH1F *fHistPiPlusMultAcc; // enter comment here TH1F *fHistPiMinusMultAcc; // enter comment here TH1F *fHistPiZeroMultAcc; // enter comment here // DS: pi+- mult already defined in base class.. Int_t fPiPlusMult; // enter comment here Int_t fPiMinusMult; // enter comment here Int_t fPiZeroMult; // enter comment here Int_t fPiPlusMultAcc; // enter comment here Int_t fPiMinusMultAcc; // enter comment here Int_t fPiZeroMultAcc; // enter comment here Int_t fNeutralRemoved; // number of neutral particles that where removed by track matching Int_t fChargedRemoved; // number of charged particles that where removed by track matching Int_t fChargedNotRemoved; // number of charged particles that were not removed Int_t fNeutralNotRemoved; // number of neutral particles that were not removed Double_t fEnergyNeutralRemoved; // energy of neutral particles that where removed by track matching Double_t fEnergyChargedRemoved; // energy of charged particles that where removed by track matching Double_t fEnergyChargedNotRemoved; // energy of charged particles that were not removed Double_t fEnergyNeutralNotRemoved; // energy of neutral particles that were not removed Int_t fNClusters; // Number of clusters in event Double_t fTotNeutralEtAfterMinEnergyCut; // enter comment here private: //Declare it private to avoid compilation warning AliAnalysisEtMonteCarlo & operator = (const AliAnalysisEtMonteCarlo & g) ;//cpy assignment AliAnalysisEtMonteCarlo(const AliAnalysisEtMonteCarlo & g) ; // cpy ctor ClassDef(AliAnalysisEtMonteCarlo, 2); }; #endif // ALIANALYSISETMONTECARLO_H