#ifndef ALIANALYSISETRECONSTRUCTED_H #define ALIANALYSISETRECONSTRUCTED_H //_________________________________________________________________________ // Utility Class for transverse energy studies // Base class for ESD analysis // - reconstruction output // //*-- Authors: Oystein Djuvsland (Bergen), David Silvermyr (ORNL) //_________________________________________________________________________ #include "AliAnalysisEt.h" class TH2F; class TH2D; class TH2I; class AliVParticle; class AliESDEvent; class AliAnalysisHadEtCorrections; class AliAnalysisEtReconstructed : public AliAnalysisEt { public: AliAnalysisEtReconstructed(); virtual ~AliAnalysisEtReconstructed(); virtual Int_t AnalyseEvent(AliVEvent* event); virtual void Init(); /** Fill the objects you want to output, classes which add new histograms should overload this. */ virtual void FillOutputList(TList *list); void SetCorrections(AliAnalysisHadEtCorrections *corr) { fCorrections = corr; } /** Create the histograms, must be overloaded if you want to add your own */ virtual void CreateHistograms(); void SetEMinCorrection(const Double_t factor) { fEMinCorrection = factor; } protected: bool CheckGoodVertex(AliVParticle *track); virtual bool TrackHitsCalorimeter(AliVParticle *track, Double_t magField); AliAnalysisHadEtCorrections *fCorrections;//corrections needed for hadronic et Double_t fPidCut; // cut on the pid probability TH2F *fHistChargedPionEnergyDeposit; /** Energy deposited in calorimeter by charged pions */ TH2F *fHistProtonEnergyDeposit; /** Energy deposited in calorimeter by protons */ TH2F *fHistAntiProtonEnergyDeposit; /** Energy deposited in calorimeter by anti-protons */ TH2F *fHistChargedKaonEnergyDeposit; /** Energy deposited in calorimeter by charged kaons */ TH2F *fHistMuonEnergyDeposit; /** Energy deposited in calorimeter by muons */ TH1F *fHistRemovedEnergy; // removed energy Double_t fGeomCorrection; // geometry correction Double_t fEMinCorrection; // Emin correction Double_t fRecEffCorrection; // Eff correction TH2D *fClusterPosition; // Position of clusters TH1F *fClusterEnergy; // Distribution of cluster energies TH1F *fClusterEt; // Distribution of cluster energies TH2D *fHistChargedEnergyRemoved; // Charged energy removed TH2D *fHistNeutralEnergyRemoved; // Neutral energy removed TH2D *fHistGammaEnergyAdded; // gamma energy added private: AliAnalysisEtReconstructed(const AliAnalysisEtReconstructed& g); AliAnalysisEtReconstructed & operator=(const AliAnalysisEtReconstructed&); ClassDef(AliAnalysisEtReconstructed, 1); }; #endif // ALIANALYSISETRECONSTRUCTED_H