/* rec.C to be used for pass0 - reconstruction of raw data - QA information switched off - store all friends - default OCDB storage set to "raw://" Example: aliroot -b -q 'recCPass0.C("raw.root",100)' */ void recCPass0(const char *filename="raw.root",Int_t nevents=-1, const char *ocdb="raw://", const char* options="?Trigger=kCalibBarrel") { // Load some system libs for Grid and monitoring // Set the CDB storage location AliCDBManager * man = AliCDBManager::Instance(); man->SetDefaultStorage(ocdb); // Reconstruction settings AliReconstruction rec; // Upload CDB entries from the snapshot (local root file) if snapshot exist if (gSystem->AccessPathName("OCDB.root", kFileExists)==0) { rec.SetCDBSnapshotMode("OCDB.root"); } if (gSystem->AccessPathName("localOCDBaccessConfig.C", kFileExists)==0) { gROOT->LoadMacro("localOCDBaccessConfig.C"); localOCDBaccessConfig(); } // All friends rec.SetFractionFriends(1.0); // AliReconstruction settings - hardwired MB trigger for calibration TString newfilename = filename; newfilename += options; rec.SetInput(newfilename.Data()); // Set protection against too many events in a chunk (should not happen) if (nevents>0) rec.SetEventRange(0,nevents); // Remove recpoints after each event rec.SetDeleteRecPoints("TPC TRD ITS"); // // Switch off the V0 finder - saves time! // rec.SetRunMultFinder(kFALSE); rec.SetRunV0Finder(kFALSE); // // QA options - all QA is off // rec.SetRunQA(":"); rec.SetRunGlobalQA(kFALSE); // AliReconstruction settings rec.SetWriteESDfriend(kTRUE); rec.SetWriteAlignmentData(); rec.SetUseTrackingErrorsForAlignment("ITS"); rec.SetRunReconstruction("ALL"); rec.SetFillESD("ALL"); rec.SetCleanESD(kFALSE); //Ignore SetStopOnError rec.SetStopOnError(kFALSE); AliLog::Flush(); rec.Run(); }