void mergeByComponent(TString component, const Char_t* fileList="calib.list", const Char_t* apath=0, const Char_t* apattern=0, Int_t fileDownloadTimeOut=10, const Char_t* localFileList="calib.list", const Char_t* mergedFileName="CalibObjects.root" ) { // merging procedure // component can be COPY, MAKEALIENLIST, component name or ALL // ALL will merge the full file // selecting components will only merge the selected top level // objects in the file // COPY only copies the the alien files from fileList then // saves a list of local downloaded files in localFileList. // MAKEALIENLIST produces a list of files on alien, uses root // to connect in case alien_xx utilities are not available // liek on the alien nodes /* load libs */ printf("Executing MergeByComponent.C\n"); gROOT->Macro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGPP/CalibMacros/CPass1/LoadLibraries.C"); TH1::AddDirectory(0); Int_t fileDownloadTimeOut=10; /* copy only */ if (component == "COPY") { if (!apath || ! apattern){ printf("Alien find path or pattern not specified"); exit(1); } CopyCPass(fileList, localFileList, fileDownloadTimeOut); return; } /* make file list only */ if (component == "MAKEALIENLIST") { if (!apath || ! apattern){ printf("Alien find path or pattern not specified"); exit(1); } MakeFileList(apath, apattern, fileList); return; } /* merge component */ MergeCPass(fileList, component, mergedFileName); } //___________________________________________________________________ void MergeCPass(const Char_t *list, TString component, TString outputFileName="CalibObjects.root") { AliFileMerger merger; merger.SetNoTrees(kFALSE); /* select what to merge */ if (component == "ALL") merger.AddReject("esdFriend"); else merger.AddAccept(component.Data()); /* merge */ merger.IterTXT(list, outputFileName.Data(), kFALSE); /* notify */ gSystem->Exec(Form("touch %s_merge_done", component.Data())); return; } //___________________________________________________________________ void MakeFileList(const char *searchdir, const char *pattern, const char* outputFileName="calib.list", Int_t timeOut=10) { gSystem->Setenv("XRDCLIENTMAXWAIT",Form("%d",timeOut)); gEnv->SetValue("XNet.RequestTimeout", timeOut); gEnv->SetValue("XNet.ConnectTimeout", timeOut); gEnv->SetValue("XNet.TransactionTimeout", timeOut); TFile::SetOpenTimeout(timeOut); TGrid::Connect("alien"); TString command; command = Form("find %s/ %s", searchdir, pattern); cerr<<"command: "<Command(command); if (!res) return; TIter nextmap(res); TMap *map = 0; ofstream outputFile; outputFile.open(Form(outputFileName)); while((map=(TMap*)nextmap())) { TObjString *objs = dynamic_cast(map->GetValue("turl")); if (!objs || !objs->GetString().Length()) { delete res; break; } TString src=Form("%s",objs->GetString().Data()); outputFile << src.Data()<< endl; } outputFile.close(); return; } //___________________________________________________________________ void CopyCPass(const char* alienFileList="alien.list", const char* outputFileList="local.list", Int_t timeOut=10) { //copy all the alien files to local gSystem->Setenv("XRDCLIENTMAXWAIT",Form("%d",timeOut)); gEnv->SetValue("XNet.RequestTimeout", timeOut); gEnv->SetValue("XNet.ConnectTimeout", timeOut); gEnv->SetValue("XNet.TransactionTimeout", timeOut); TFile::SetOpenTimeout(timeOut); TGrid::Connect("alien"); ifstream inputFile; inputFile.open(alienFileList); ofstream outputFile; outputFile.open(Form(outputFileList)); if (!inputFile.is_open()) { printf("input file %s not found! exiting...\n",alienFileList); exit(1); } Int_t counter=0; while( inputFile.good()) { TString src(""); src.ReadLine(inputFile); if (src.IsNull()) continue; TString dst=src; dst.ReplaceAll("alien:///",""); dst.ReplaceAll("/","_"); Bool_t result = TFile::Cp(src.Data(),dst.Data(),kTRUE); AliSysInfo::AddStamp(dst.Data(),counter, result); if (result) { outputFile << dst.Data()<< endl; counter++; } } cout<Exec("touch copy_done"); }