#include "TCanvas.h" #include "TParticle.h" #include "TH1I.h" #include #include "AliAnalysisDataSlot.h" #include "AliAnalysisDataContainer.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliAODMCParticle.h" #include "AliAODTrack.h" #include "AliAODTracklets.h" #include "AliMultiplicity.h" #include "AliCFManager.h" #include "AliCFCutBase.h" #include "AliCFContainer.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliESDtrack.h" #include "AliESDtrackCuts.h" #include "AliESDVertex.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliVEvent.h" #include "AliAODEvent.h" #include "AliVVertex.h" #include "AliLog.h" #include "AliStack.h" #include "AliGenEventHeader.h" #include "AliAODMCHeader.h" #include "AliCentrality.h" #include "AliSingleTrackEffCuts.h" #include "AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask.h" ClassImp(AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask) //__________________________________________________________________________ AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask() : fReadAODData(0), fCFManager(0x0), fQAHistList(0x0), fTrackCuts(0x0), fMCCuts(0x0), fTriggerMask(AliVEvent::kAny), fSetFilterBit(kFALSE), fbit(0), fEvalCentrality(kFALSE), fCentralityEstimator("V0M"), fHistEventsProcessed(0x0) { // //Default constructor // } //___________________________________________________________________________ AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask(const Char_t* name,AliESDtrackCuts *trackcuts, AliSingleTrackEffCuts * mccuts) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(name), fReadAODData(0), fCFManager(0x0), fQAHistList(0x0), fTrackCuts(trackcuts), fMCCuts(mccuts), fTriggerMask(AliVEvent::kAny), fSetFilterBit(kFALSE), fbit(0), fEvalCentrality(kFALSE), fCentralityEstimator("V0M"), fHistEventsProcessed(0x0) { // // Constructor. Initialization of Inputs and Outputs // Info("AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask","Calling Constructor"); // Output slot #1 writes into a TList container (nevents histogran) DefineOutput(1,TH1I::Class()); // Output slot #2 writes into a TList container (distributions) DefineOutput(2,AliCFContainer::Class()); // Output slot #3 writes the QA list DefineOutput(3,TList::Class()); // Output slot #3 writes the ESD track cuts used DefineOutput(4,AliESDtrackCuts::Class()); // Output slot #4 writes the particle and event selection object DefineOutput(5,AliSingleTrackEffCuts::Class()); } //_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask& AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::operator=(const AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask& c) { // // Assignment operator // if (this!=&c) { AliAnalysisTaskSE::operator=(c) ; fReadAODData = c.fReadAODData; fCFManager = c.fCFManager; fQAHistList = c.fQAHistList; if(c.fTrackCuts) { delete fTrackCuts; fTrackCuts = new AliESDtrackCuts(*(c.fTrackCuts)); } if(c.fMCCuts) { delete fMCCuts; fMCCuts = new AliSingleTrackEffCuts(*(c.fMCCuts)); } fTriggerMask = c.fTriggerMask; fSetFilterBit = c.fSetFilterBit; fbit = c.fbit; fEvalCentrality = c.fEvalCentrality; fCentralityEstimator = c.fCentralityEstimator; fHistEventsProcessed = c.fHistEventsProcessed; } return *this; } //________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask(const AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask& c) : AliAnalysisTaskSE(c), fReadAODData(c.fReadAODData), fCFManager(c.fCFManager), fQAHistList(c.fQAHistList), fTrackCuts(c.fTrackCuts), fMCCuts(c.fMCCuts), fTriggerMask(c.fTriggerMask), fSetFilterBit(c.fSetFilterBit), fbit(c.fbit), fEvalCentrality(c.fEvalCentrality), fCentralityEstimator(c.fCentralityEstimator), fHistEventsProcessed(c.fHistEventsProcessed) { // // Copy Constructor // } //___________________________________________________________________________ AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::~AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask() { // // Destructor // Info("~AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask","Calling Destructor"); if (fCFManager) delete fCFManager; if (fHistEventsProcessed) delete fHistEventsProcessed; if (fQAHistList) { fQAHistList->Clear(); delete fQAHistList; } if (fTrackCuts) delete fTrackCuts; if (fMCCuts) delete fMCCuts; } //_________________________________________________ void AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::Init() { // // Initialization, checks + copy cuts // if(!fMCCuts) { AliFatal(" MC Cuts not defined"); return; } if(!fTrackCuts) { AliFatal(" Track Cuts not defined"); return; } AliESDtrackCuts* copyfTrackCuts = new AliESDtrackCuts(*fTrackCuts); const char* nameoutput = GetOutputSlot(4)->GetContainer()->GetName(); copyfTrackCuts->SetName(nameoutput); // Post the data PostData(4,copyfTrackCuts); AliSingleTrackEffCuts* copyfMCCuts = new AliSingleTrackEffCuts(*fMCCuts); nameoutput = GetOutputSlot(5)->GetContainer()->GetName(); copyfMCCuts->SetName(nameoutput); // Post the data PostData(5,copyfMCCuts); if(fEvalCentrality) { Bool_t isCentEstimatorOk = kFALSE; TString validEstimators[9] = { "V0M", "V0A", "V0C", "TRK", "TKL", "CL1", "ZNA", "ZNC" "ZPA" }; for(Int_t i=0; i<9; i++ ) { if(fCentralityEstimator==validEstimators[i]) isCentEstimatorOk = kTRUE; } if(!isCentEstimatorOk) { AliFatal(Form("Chosen centrality estimator %s is not valid\n",fCentralityEstimator.Data())); return; } } return; } //_________________________________________________________________ void AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::UserExec(Option_t *) { // // User Exec // Info("UserExec","Start of method") ; AliVEvent* event = fInputEvent; if(!fInputEvent) { AliFatal("NO EVENT FOUND!"); return; } if(!fMCEvent) { AliFatal("NO MC INFO FOUND"); return; } fHistEventsProcessed->Fill(0.5); // # of Event proceed Bool_t IsEventMCSelected = kFALSE; Bool_t isAOD = fInputEvent->IsA()->InheritsFrom("AliAODEvent"); // // Step 0: MC Gen Event Selection // if(isAOD) { if(!event && AODEvent() && IsStandardAOD()) { // In case there is an AOD handler writing a standard AOD, use the AOD // event in memory rather than the input (ESD) event. event = dynamic_cast (AODEvent()); } IsEventMCSelected = fMCCuts->IsMCEventSelected(event);//AODs } else { IsEventMCSelected = fMCCuts->IsMCEventSelected(fMCEvent);//ESDs } // pass to the manager the event info to the cuts that need it if(!isAOD) fCFManager->SetMCEventInfo(fMCEvent); else fCFManager->SetMCEventInfo(event); fCFManager->SetRecEventInfo(event); if(!IsEventMCSelected) { AliDebug(3,"MC event not passing the quality criteria \n"); PostData(1,fHistEventsProcessed); PostData(2,fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()); PostData(3,fQAHistList); return; } fHistEventsProcessed->Fill(1.5); // # of Event after passing MC cuts // // Step 1-3: Check the MC generated particles // if(!isAOD) CheckESDMCParticles(); else CheckAODMCParticles(); // // Step 4-7: Reconstructed event and track selection // Bool_t isRecoEventOk = fMCCuts->IsRecoEventSelected(event); if(isRecoEventOk) { fHistEventsProcessed->Fill(2.5); // # of Event after passing all cuts CheckReconstructedParticles(); } else AliDebug(3,"Event not passing quality criteria\n"); PostData(1,fHistEventsProcessed); PostData(2,fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()); PostData(3,fQAHistList); return; } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::Terminate(Option_t*) { // // Terminate // Info("Terminate","Start and end of Method"); AliAnalysisTaskSE::Terminate(); /* //draw some example plots.... AliCFContainer *cont= dynamic_cast (GetOutputData(2)); TH1D* h00 = cont->ShowProjection(5,0) ; TH1D* h01 = cont->ShowProjection(5,1) ; TH1D* h02 = cont->ShowProjection(5,2) ; TH1D* h03 = cont->ShowProjection(5,3) ; TH1D* h04 = cont->ShowProjection(5,4) ; TH1D* h05 = cont->ShowProjection(5,5) ; TH1D* h06 = cont->ShowProjection(5,6) ; TH1D* h07 = cont->ShowProjection(5,7) ; h00->SetMarkerStyle(23) ; h01->SetMarkerStyle(24) ; h02->SetMarkerStyle(25) ; h03->SetMarkerStyle(26) ; h04->SetMarkerStyle(27) ; h05->SetMarkerStyle(28) ; h06->SetMarkerStyle(28) ; TCanvas * c =new TCanvas("c","",1400,800); c->Divide(4,2); c->cd(1); h00->Draw("p"); c->cd(2); h01->Draw("p"); c->cd(3); h02->Draw("p"); c->cd(4); h03->Draw("p"); c->cd(5); h04->Draw("p"); c->cd(6); h05->Draw("p"); c->cd(7); h06->Draw("p"); c->cd(8); h07->Draw("p"); c->SaveAs("plots.eps"); */ } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // // UserCreateOutputObjects // Info("CreateOutputObjects","CreateOutputObjects of task %s", GetName()); //slot #1 OpenFile(1); const char* nameoutput=GetOutputSlot(1)->GetContainer()->GetName(); // fHistEventsProcessed = new TH1I(nameoutput"fHistEventsProcessed","fHistEventsProcessed",3,0,3) ; fHistEventsProcessed = new TH1I(nameoutput,"fHistEventsProcessed",3,0,3) ; fHistEventsProcessed->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(1,"All events"); fHistEventsProcessed->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(2,"Good MC events"); fHistEventsProcessed->GetXaxis()->SetBinLabel(3,"Good Reconstructed events"); PostData(1,fHistEventsProcessed) ; PostData(2,fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()) ; PostData(3,fQAHistList) ; return; } //_________________________________________________________________________ void AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::CheckESDMCParticles() { // // Check ESD generated particles // if (!fMCEvent) { AliFatal("NO MC INFO FOUND"); return; } Double_t containerInput[7] = { 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. }; TArrayF vtxPos(3); AliGenEventHeader *genHeader = NULL; genHeader = fMCEvent->GenEventHeader(); genHeader->PrimaryVertex(vtxPos); containerInput[4] = vtxPos[2]; // z-vtx position Double_t multiplicity = (Double_t)GetNumberOfTrackletsInEtaRange(-1.0,1.0); containerInput[5] = multiplicity; //reconstructed number of tracklets Double_t centrality = -1.; if(fEvalCentrality) centrality = GetCentrality(); containerInput[6] = centrality; // loop on the MC Generated Particles for (Int_t ipart=0; ipartGetNumberOfTracks(); ipart++) { AliMCParticle *mcPart = (AliMCParticle*)fMCEvent->GetTrack(ipart); containerInput[0] = (Float_t)mcPart->Pt(); containerInput[1] = mcPart->Eta(); containerInput[2] = mcPart->Phi(); containerInput[3] = mcPart->Theta(); // Step 1. Particle passing through Generation criteria and filling if( !fMCCuts->IsMCParticleGenerated(mcPart) ) { AliDebug(3,"MC Particle not passing through genetations criteria\n"); continue; } fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()->Fill(containerInput,kStepMCGenCut); // Step 2. Particle passing through Kinematic criteria and filling if( !fMCCuts->IsMCParticleInKineAcceptance(mcPart) ) { AliDebug(3,"MC Particle not in the kine acceptance\n"); continue; } fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()->Fill(containerInput,kStepMCKineCut); // Step 3. Particle passing through Track ref criteria and filling // did leave signal (enough clusters) on the detector if( !fMCCuts->IsMCParticleInReconstructable(mcPart) ) { AliDebug(3,"MC Particle not in the reconstructible\n"); continue; } fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()->Fill(containerInput,kStepMCAccpCut); }// end of particle loop return; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::CheckAODMCParticles() { // // Check AOD generated particles // if (!fInputEvent) { AliFatal("NO EVENT FOUND!"); return; } AliAODEvent* event = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent); if(!event && AODEvent() && IsStandardAOD()) { // In case there is an AOD handler writing a standard AOD, use the AOD // event in memory rather than the input (ESD) event. event = dynamic_cast (AODEvent()); } TClonesArray* mcArray = dynamic_cast(event->FindListObject(AliAODMCParticle::StdBranchName())); if (!mcArray) { AliError("Could not find Monte-Carlo in AOD"); return; } AliAODMCHeader *mcHeader=NULL; mcHeader = dynamic_cast(event->GetList()->FindObject(AliAODMCHeader::StdBranchName())); if (!mcHeader) { AliError("Could not find MC Header in AOD"); return; } Double_t containerInput[7] = { 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0. }; // Set the z-vertex position containerInput[4] = mcHeader->GetVtxZ(); // Multiplicity of the event defined as Ntracklets |eta|<1.0 Double_t multiplicity = (Double_t)GetNumberOfTrackletsInEtaRange(-1.0,1.0); containerInput[5] = multiplicity; // Determine the event centrality Double_t centrality = 0.; if(fEvalCentrality) centrality = GetCentrality(); containerInput[6] = centrality; for (Int_t ipart=0; ipartGetEntriesFast(); ipart++) { AliAODMCParticle* mcPart = dynamic_cast(mcArray->At(ipart)); if (!mcPart){ AliError("Failed casting particle from MC array!, Skipping particle"); continue; } containerInput[0] = (Float_t)mcPart->Pt(); containerInput[1] = mcPart->Eta(); containerInput[2] = mcPart->Phi(); containerInput[3] = mcPart->Theta(); // Step 1. Particle passing through Generation criteria and filling if( !fMCCuts->IsMCParticleGenerated(mcPart) ) { AliDebug(3,"MC Particle not passing quality criteria\n"); continue; } fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()->Fill(containerInput,kStepMCGenCut); // Step 2. Particle passing through Kinematic criteria and filling if( !fMCCuts->IsMCParticleInKineAcceptance(mcPart) ) { AliDebug(3,"MC Particle not in the acceptance\n"); continue; } fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()->Fill(containerInput,kStepMCKineCut); // Step 3. Particle passing through Track Ref criteria and filling // but no info available for Track ref in AOD fillng same as above fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()->Fill(containerInput,kStepMCAccpCut); } return; } //_______________________________________________________________________________ AliESDtrack * AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::ConvertTrack(AliAODTrack *track) { // // Convert an AOD track to an ESD track to apply ESDtrackCuts // AliAODEvent *aodEvent = (AliAODEvent*)fInputEvent; const AliAODVertex *primary = aodEvent->GetPrimaryVertex(); Double_t pos[3],cov[6]; primary->GetXYZ(pos); primary->GetCovarianceMatrix(cov); const AliESDVertex vESD(pos,cov,100.,100); AliESDtrack *esdTrack = new AliESDtrack(track); // set the TPC cluster info esdTrack->SetTPCClusterMap(track->GetTPCClusterMap()); esdTrack->SetTPCSharedMap(track->GetTPCSharedMap()); esdTrack->SetTPCPointsF(track->GetTPCNclsF()); // needed to calculate the impact parameters esdTrack->RelateToVertex(&vESD,0.,3.); // std::cout << " primary vtx "<< primary << std::endl; // std::cout << " esdvtx "<< vESD.GetName() << std::endl; // std::cout<< " esdtrack pt "<< esdTrack.Pt() << " and status " << esdTrack.GetStatus() <GetStatus() << std::endl; // std::cout << " esd track "<< esdTrack<< " and status " << esdTrack->GetStatus() << std::endl; return esdTrack; } //___________________________________________________________________________ void AliCFSingleTrackEfficiencyTask::CheckReconstructedParticles() { // // Check reconstructed particles // AliVEvent* event = fInputEvent; Bool_t isAOD = fInputEvent->IsA()->InheritsFrom("AliAODEvent"); if(!event && AODEvent() && IsStandardAOD()) { event = dynamic_cast (AODEvent()); } if (!event) return; Double_t containerInput[7] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // contains reconstructed quantities Double_t containerInputMC[7] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // contains generated quantities const AliVVertex *vertex = event->GetPrimaryVertex(); // set the z-vertex position containerInput[4] = vertex->GetZ(); containerInputMC[4] = containerInput[4]; // set the event multiplicity as Ntracklets in |eta|<1.0 Double_t multiplicity = (Double_t)GetNumberOfTrackletsInEtaRange(-1.0,1.0); containerInput[5] = multiplicity; containerInputMC[5] = multiplicity; // Determine the event centrality Double_t centrality = 0.; if(fEvalCentrality) centrality = GetCentrality(); containerInput[6] = centrality; containerInputMC[6] = centrality; // Reco tracks track loop AliVParticle* track = NULL; for (Int_t iTrack = 0; iTrackGetNumberOfTracks(); iTrack++) { track = event->GetTrack(iTrack); if(!track) { AliDebug(3,Form("Track %d not found",iTrack)); continue; } Double_t mom[3]; track->PxPyPz(mom); Double_t pt = TMath::Sqrt(mom[0]*mom[0]+mom[1]*mom[1]); containerInput[0] = pt; containerInput[1] = track->Eta(); containerInput[2] = track->Phi(); containerInput[3] = track->Theta(); // // Step 4. Track that are recostructed, filling // fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()->Fill(containerInput,kStepReconstructed); // // Step 5. Track that are recostructed and pass acceptance cuts, filling // if (!fMCCuts->IsRecoParticleKineAcceptance(track)) continue; fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()->Fill(containerInput,kStepRecoKineCuts); // is track associated to particle ? if yes + implimenting the physical primary.. Int_t label = TMath::Abs(track->GetLabel()); if (label<=0) { AliDebug(3,"Particle not matching MC label \n"); continue; } // // Step 6-7. Track that are recostructed + Kine + Quality criteria, filling // // check particle selections at MC level AliVParticle *mcPart = (AliVParticle*)fMCEvent->GetTrack(label); if(!mcPart) continue; containerInputMC[0] = (Float_t)mcPart->Pt(); containerInputMC[1] = mcPart->Eta(); containerInputMC[2] = mcPart->Phi(); containerInputMC[3] = mcPart->Theta(); if (!fMCCuts->IsMCParticleGenerated(mcPart)) continue; // cout<< "MC matching did work"<(track); if(isAOD && !aodTrack) continue; if(isAOD && fSetFilterBit) if (!aodTrack->TestFilterMask(BIT(fbit))) continue; // cout<<" Filter bit check passed"<IsA()->InheritsFrom("AliESDtrack"); AliESDtrack *tmptrack = NULL; if(isESDtrack) { tmptrack = dynamic_cast(track); // ESDs } else { if (aodTrack) tmptrack = ConvertTrack(aodTrack); // AODs } if (!tmptrack) continue; // exclude global constrained and TPC only tracks (filter bits 128 and 512) Int_t id = tmptrack->GetID(); if(isAOD && id<0) { AliDebug(3,"Track removed bc corresponts to either filter bit 128 or 512 (TPC only tracks)\n"); continue; } // Apply ESD track cuts if( !fTrackCuts->IsSelected(tmptrack) ){ AliDebug(3,"Reconstructed track not passing quality criteria\n"); if(isAOD) delete tmptrack; continue; } // cout<<" analysis cuts passed"<GetParticleContainer()->Fill(containerInputMC,kStepReconstructedMC); fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()->Fill(containerInput,kStepRecoQualityCuts); if(isAOD) delete tmptrack; // cout << " checking particle pid"<IsRecoParticlePID(track) ){ AliDebug(3,"Reconstructed track not passing PID criteria\n"); continue; } fCFManager->GetParticleContainer()->Fill(containerInput,kStepRecoPID); // cout << " all steps filled"<(fInputEvent); Bool_t isAOD = fInputEvent->IsA()->InheritsFrom("AliAODEvent"); if(!event && AODEvent() && IsStandardAOD()) { event = dynamic_cast (AODEvent()); } if (!event) return -1; Int_t count=0; if(isAOD) { AliAODTracklets* tracklets = event->GetTracklets(); Int_t nTr=tracklets->GetNumberOfTracklets(); for(Int_t iTr=0; iTrGetTheta(iTr); Double_t eta=-TMath::Log(TMath::Tan(theta/2.)); if(eta>mineta && eta(fInputEvent); if (!esdEvent) return -1; const AliMultiplicity *mult = esdEvent->GetMultiplicity(); if (mult) { if (mult->GetNumberOfTracklets()>0) { for (Int_t n=0; nGetNumberOfTracklets(); n++) { Double_t eta = -TMath::Log( TMath::Tan( mult->GetTheta(n) / 2.0 ) ); if(eta>mineta && etaIsA()->InheritsFrom("AliAODEvent"); Double_t cent = -1; if(isAOD) { AliAODEvent* aodEvent = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent); if(!aodEvent) return cent; AliAODHeader* header = aodEvent->GetHeader(); if(!header) return cent; AliCentrality *centrality = header->GetCentralityP(); if(!centrality) return cent; // cout<<" about to get cent perc AOD"<GetCentralityPercentile(fCentralityEstimator.Data()); } else { AliESDEvent* esdEvent = dynamic_cast(fInputEvent); if(!esdEvent) return cent; AliCentrality *centrality = esdEvent->GetCentrality(); if(!centrality) return cent; cent = centrality->GetCentralityPercentile(fCentralityEstimator.Data()); } return cent; }