//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Base macro for submitting muon Resolution analysis. // // In case it is not run with full aliroot, it needs the following libraries: // - libSTEERBase.so // - libESD.so // - libAOD.so // - libANALYSIS.so // - libANALYSISalice.so // - libGui.so // - libMinuit.so // - libProofPlayer.so // - libXMLParser.so // - libRAWDatabase.so // - libCDB.so // - libSTEER.so // - libMUONcore.so // - libMUONmapping.so // - libMUONcalib.so // - libMUONgeometry.so // - libMUONtrigger.so // - libMUONraw.so // - libMUONbase.so // - libMUONrec.so // - libCORRFW.so // - libPWGHFbase.so // - libPWGmuondep.so // // It also needs to load magnetic field, mapping, geometry (+alignment), and reconstruction parameters from the OCDB // // The task reads ESDs // Intermediate results are stored in a file chamberResolution_step<#step>.root // Final results are stored in the file results.root // // Author: Philippe Pillot - SUBATECH Nantes //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void LoadAlirootLocally(TString& extraLibs); //______________________________________________________________________________ void RunMuonResolution(TString smode = "local", TString inputFileName = "AliESDs.root", TString alirootVersion = "VO_ALICE@AliRoot::v4-20-12-AN", Int_t nSteps = 5, Bool_t selectPhysics = kFALSE, Bool_t selectTrigger = kFALSE, Bool_t matchTrig = kTRUE, Bool_t applyAccCut = kTRUE, Double_t minMomentum = 0., Bool_t correctForSystematics = kTRUE, Int_t extrapMode = 1, Int_t nevents = 1234567890) { /// Compute the cluster resolution by studying cluster-track residual, deconvoluting from track resolution /// - smode = "local" or "proof" /// - inputFileName = an ESD root file or a list of ESDs or a collection of ESDs or a dataset in proof mode /// - alirootVersion = version of aliroot package to enable on AAF (only used in proof mode) /// - nSteps = number of times to task is run (at each step it starts with the chamber resolution obtained in the previous one) /// - selectPhysics : apply or not the physics selection /// - selectTrigger : select only muon trigger events or not (the type of trigger can eventually be changed) /// - matchTrigger : select only the tracks matching the trigger or not /// - applyAccCut : select only the tracks passing the Rabs and the eta cut or not /// - minMomentum : select only the tracks with a total momentum above this value /// - if correctForSystematics == kTRUE: the systematic shifts of the residuals is included in the resolution /// - if extrapMode == 0: extrapolate from the closest cluster /// - if extrapMode == 1: extrapolate from the previous cluster except between stations 2-3-4 /// - nevents = maximum number of processed events // Load libraries locally TString extraLibs = "RAWDatabase:CDB:STEER:MUONcore:MUONmapping:MUONcalib:MUONgeometry:MUONtrigger:MUONraw:MUONbase:MUONrec:CORRFW:PWGPPMUONdep"; LoadAlirootLocally(extraLibs); // compile analysis macro locally gROOT->LoadMacro("$ALICE_ROOT/PWGPP/MUON/dep/MuonResolution.C++g"); MuonResolution(smode, inputFileName, alirootVersion, nSteps, selectPhysics, selectTrigger, matchTrig, applyAccCut, minMomentum, correctForSystematics, extrapMode, nevents, extraLibs); } //______________________________________________________________________________ void LoadAlirootLocally(TString& extraLibs) { /// Load libraries locally // Load common libraries gSystem->Load("libVMC"); gSystem->Load("libTree.so"); gSystem->Load("libPhysics.so"); gSystem->Load("libMinuit.so"); gSystem->Load("libXMLParser.so"); gSystem->Load("libGui.so"); gSystem->Load("libSTEERBase"); gSystem->Load("libESD"); gSystem->Load("libAOD"); gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS"); gSystem->Load("libANALYSISalice"); // Load additional libraries gSystem->Load("libProofPlayer"); TObjArray* libs = extraLibs.Tokenize(":"); for (Int_t i = 0; i < libs->GetEntriesFast(); i++) gSystem->Load(Form("lib%s",static_cast(libs->UncheckedAt(i))->GetName())); delete libs; // Load lib for final mchview display gSystem->Load("libMUONgraphics"); // Add AliRoot includes to compile the macro gROOT->ProcessLine(".include $ALICE_ROOT/include"); gROOT->ProcessLine(".include $ALICE_ROOT/MUON"); gROOT->ProcessLine(".include $ALICE_ROOT/MUON/mapping"); gROOT->ProcessLine(".include $ALICE_ROOT/ANALYSIS/macros"); }