/* Macros to run PWGPP train: void runPWGPPTrain(const char *macros = "AddTask*.C", const char *fname="AliESDs.root"); //Parameters: // macros: run the train for selected tasks // tasks are expected to be in the working directory // fname : name of the input file or input list .L $ALICE_ROOT/PWGPP/PWGPPmacros/runPWGPPTrain.C */ void LoadTrainLibs(){ // // load libraries needed for train // gSystem->SetIncludePath("-I$ROOTSYS/include -I$ALICE_ROOT/include -I$ALICE_ROOT/ITS -I$ALICE_ROOT -I$ALICE_ROOT/TRD -I$ALICE_ROOT/PWGPP/TRD/macros/ "); gSystem->Load("libANALYSIS.so"); gSystem->Load("libANALYSISalice.so"); gSystem->Load("libTENDER.so"); gSystem->Load("libCORRFW.so"); gSystem->Load("libPWG0base.so"); gSystem->Load("libPWG0dep.so"); gSystem->Load("libPWG0selectors.so"); gSystem->Load("libPWGPP.so"); gSystem->Load("libPWG2.so"); gSystem->Load("libPWGmuon.so"); gSystem->Load("libPWGmuondep.so"); gSystem->Load("libPWG2forward.so"); gSystem->Load("libPWG4PartCorrBase.so"); gSystem->Load("libPWG4PartCorrDep.so"); } void TestConfig(){ } void AddMacros(const char *addmacros){ // // add tasks from selected macros - * convention can be used // Macro expected to be in the working directory // Macros has to be without arguments // // TString macroList = gSystem->GetFromPipe(Form("cat ConfigTask.txt |grep %s",addmacros)); TObjArray * array = macroList.Tokenize("\n"); if (!array) { printf("No task specified"); return;} if (array->GetEntries()==0) { printf("Empty list of tasks"); return; } for (Int_t itask=0; itaskGetEntries(); itask++){ gROOT->Macro(array->At(itask)->GetName()); } } void AddToChain(TChain * chain, TString inputList){ // // add the files form inputList into chain // ifstream in; in.open(inputList.Data()); Int_t counter=0; TString currentFile; while(in.good()) { in >> currentFile; if (!currentFile.Contains(".root")) continue; chain->Add(currentFile.Data()); printf("%d\t%s\n",counter,currentFile.Data()); counter++; } } void PrintSysInfo(){ // // print sysinfo // TF1 f1("f1","pol1"); TTree * tree = AliSysInfo::MakeTree("syswatch.log"); Int_t entries=0; TGraph *gr = 0; entries=tree->Draw("VM:id0","id0>10","goff"); gr=new TGraph(entries, tree->GetV2(),tree->GetV1()); gr->Fit(&f1); gr->Draw("alp"); printf("SysInfoMem:\t%f\n",f1->GetParameter(1)); // entries=tree->Draw("T:id0","id0>10","goff"); gr=new TGraph(entries, tree->GetV2(),tree->GetV1()); gr->Fit(&f1); gr->Draw("alp"); printf("SysInfoTime:\t%f\n",f1->GetParameter(1)); } void runPWGPPTrain(const char *macros = "AddTask*.C", TString inputList ="esd.list", Int_t debugLevel=0) { //Parameters: // macros: run the train for selected tasks // tasks are expected to be in the working directory // fname : name of the input file or input list TStopwatch timer; timer.Start(); LoadTrainLibs(); //____________________________________________ // Make the analysis manager // AliAnalysisManager *mgr = new AliAnalysisManager("TestManager"); mgr->SetDebugLevel(debugLevel); AliInputEventHandler* esdH = new AliESDInputHandlerRP(); esdH->SetActiveBranches("ESDfriend"); mgr->SetInputEventHandler(esdH); // // make chain // TChain* chain = new TChain("esdTree"); if (inputList.Contains(".root")){ chain->AddFile(inputList); } if (inputList.Contains(".list")){ AddToChain(chain, inputList); } chain->Lookup(); // // // Init AddMacros(macros); mgr->SetNSysInfo(1000); if (!mgr->InitAnalysis()) mgr->PrintStatus(); mgr->PrintStatus(); // Run on dataset // mgr->StartAnalysis("local", chain); PrintSysInfo(); timer.Stop(); timer.Print(); }