#ifndef ALIANALYSISTASKTOFQA_h #define ALIANALYSISTASKTOFQA_h class TString; class TList; class AliESDEvent; class AliAnalysisFilter; class AliCDBManager; class AliTOFcalib; class AliTOFT0maker; class AliTOFT0v1; #include "AliAnalysisTaskSE.h" class AliAnalysisTaskTOFqa : public AliAnalysisTaskSE { public: AliAnalysisTaskTOFqa(); AliAnalysisTaskTOFqa(const char *name); AliAnalysisTaskTOFqa(const AliAnalysisTaskTOFqa& copy); AliAnalysisTaskTOFqa& operator= (const AliAnalysisTaskTOFqa& copy); virtual ~AliAnalysisTaskTOFqa(); virtual void UserCreateOutputObjects(); virtual void UserExec(Option_t *option); virtual void Terminate(Option_t *); Int_t GetStripIndex(const Int_t * const in); void SetTrackFilter(AliAnalysisFilter *filter) {fTrackFilter = filter;}; void EnableAdvancedCheck(Bool_t enable){fEnableAdvancedCheck=enable;}; void SetExpTimeHistoRange(Float_t min, Float_t max){fExpTimeRangeMin=min; fExpTimeRangeMax=max;return;}; void SetExpTimeHistoSmallRange(Float_t min, Float_t max){fExpTimeSmallRangeMin=min; fExpTimeSmallRangeMax=max;return;}; void SetExpTimeBinWidth(Float_t width){fExpTimeBinWidth=width;return;}; void FillStartTimeMaskHisto(); Bool_t ComputeTimeZeroByTOF1GeV(); private: Int_t fRunNumber; //run number AliESDEvent *fESD; //ESD object AliAnalysisFilter *fTrackFilter; //track filter object AliESDVertex *fVertex; //pointer to the vertex object AliESDpid *fESDpid; //pointer to the PID object AliTOFT0v1 *fTOFT0v1; // TOF-T0 v1 Int_t fNTOFtracks; //number of tracks matching with TOF //Int_t fNPrimaryTracks; //number of primary tracks Float_t fT0[3]; //event time Float_t fSigmaSpecie[5]; //number of TOF PID sigmas, ie.fSigmaPion, fSigmaKaon, fSigmaProton; Double_t fTrkExpTimes[5]; //expected times from tracking for 5 mass hypothesis Double_t fThExpTimes[5]; //theoretical expected times for 5 mass hypothesis Bool_t fEnableAdvancedCheck; //flag to enable advanced checks Float_t fExpTimeBinWidth;//bin width for t-texp histos Float_t fExpTimeRangeMin, fExpTimeRangeMax; //range of t-texp histogram Float_t fExpTimeSmallRangeMin, fExpTimeSmallRangeMax; //reduced range of t-texp histogram Double_t fMyTimeZeroTOF, fMyTimeZeroTOFsigma; //timeZero by TOF recomputed Int_t fMyTimeZeroTOFtracks; // number of tracks used to recompute TOF_T0 //output objects TList *fHlist; //list of general histos TList *fHlistTimeZero; //list of timeZero related histos TList *fHlistPID; //list of PID-related histos TList *fHpos; //list of general histos for positive tracks TList *fHneg; //list of general histos for negative tracks ClassDef(AliAnalysisTaskTOFqa, 4); // example of analysis }; #endif