#include "TChain.h" #include "TTree.h" #include "TF1.h" #include "TAxis.h" #include "TH1F.h" #include "THnSparse.h" #include "AliMCParticle.h" //#include "AliStack.h" #include "AliAnalysisTask.h" #include "AliAnalysisManager.h" #include "AliESDEvent.h" #include "AliMCEvent.h" #include "AliESDInputHandler.h" #include "AliInputEventHandler.h" #include "AliVVertex.h" #include "AliAnalysisFilter.h" #include "AliPID.h" #include "AliPIDResponse.h" #include "AliTPCPIDResponse.h" #include "AliTPCPIDEtaQA.h" /* This task determines the eta dependence of the TPC signal. For this purpose, only tracks fulfilling some standard quality cuts are taken into account. The obtained data can be used to derive the functional behaviour of the eta dependence. Such a function can be plugged into this task to correct for the eta dependence and to see if there is then really no eta dependence left. Class written by Benjamin Hess. Contact: bhess@cern.ch */ ClassImp(AliTPCPIDEtaQA) //________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCPIDEtaQA::AliTPCPIDEtaQA() : AliTPCPIDBase() , fPtThresholdForPhiCut(2.0) , fPhiCutSecondBranchLow(0x0) , fPhiCutSecondBranchHigh(0x0) , fhPIDdataAll(0x0) //OLD clusterQA, fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut(0x0) //OLD clusterQA, fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut(0x0) , fhPhiPrimeCutEfficiency(0x0) , fOutputContainer(0x0) { // default Constructor // Question: Is this the right place to initialize these functions? // Will it work on proof? i.e. will they be streamed to the workers? // Also one should add getters and setters //TODO fPhiCutLow = new TF1("StandardPhiCutLow", "0.1/x/x+pi/18.0-0.025", 0, 50); //TODO fPhiCutHigh = new TF1("StandardPhiCutHigh", "0.12/x+pi/18.0+0.035", 0, 50); //TODO NEW fPhiCutLow = new TF1("StandardPhiCutLow", "0.072/x+pi/18.0-0.035", 0, 50); //TODO NEW fPhiCutHigh = new TF1("StandardPhiCutHigh", "0.07/x/x+0.1/x+pi/18.0+0.035", 0, 50); fPhiCutSecondBranchLow = new TF1("StandardPhiCutSecondBranchLow", "NewStandardPhiCutLow - 2.*pi/18.", 0, 50); fPhiCutSecondBranchHigh = new TF1("StandardPhiCutSecondBranchHigh", "0.07/x+pi/18.0+0.125 - 2.*pi/18.", 0, 50); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCPIDEtaQA::AliTPCPIDEtaQA(const char *name) : AliTPCPIDBase(name) , fPtThresholdForPhiCut(2.0) , fPhiCutSecondBranchLow(0x0) , fPhiCutSecondBranchHigh(0x0) , fhPIDdataAll(0x0) //OLD clusterQA, fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut(0x0) //OLD clusterQA, fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut(0x0) , fhPhiPrimeCutEfficiency(0x0) , fOutputContainer(0x0) { // Constructor // Question: Is this the right place to initialize these functions? // Will it work on proof? i.e. will they be streamed to the workers? // Also one should add getters and setters //TODO fPhiCutLow = new TF1("StandardPhiCutLow", "0.1/x/x+pi/18.0-0.025", 0, 50); //TODO fPhiCutHigh = new TF1("StandardPhiCutHigh", "0.12/x+pi/18.0+0.035", 0, 50); //TODO NEW fPhiCutLow = new TF1("StandardPhiCutLow", "0.072/x+pi/18.0-0.035", 0, 50); //TODO NEW fPhiCutHigh = new TF1("StandardPhiCutHigh", "0.07/x/x+0.1/x+pi/18.0+0.035", 0, 50); fPhiCutSecondBranchLow = new TF1("StandardPhiCutSecondBranchLow", "StandardPhiCutLow - 2.*pi/18.", 0, 50); fPhiCutSecondBranchHigh = new TF1("StandardPhiCutSecondBranchHigh", "0.07/x+pi/18.0+0.125 - 2.*pi/18.", 0, 50); // Define input and output slots here // Input slot #0 works with a TChain DefineInput(0, TChain::Class()); // Output slot #1 writes into a TObjArray container DefineOutput(1, TObjArray::Class()); } //________________________________________________________________________ AliTPCPIDEtaQA::~AliTPCPIDEtaQA() { // dtor delete fOutputContainer; fOutputContainer = 0; delete fPhiCutSecondBranchLow; fPhiCutSecondBranchLow = 0; delete fPhiCutSecondBranchHigh; fPhiCutSecondBranchHigh = 0; } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCPIDEtaQA::UserCreateOutputObjects() { // Create histograms // Called once AliTPCPIDBase::UserCreateOutputObjects(); OpenFile(1); fOutputContainer = new TObjArray(1); fOutputContainer->SetName(GetName()) ; fOutputContainer->SetOwner(kTRUE); const Int_t nEta = TMath::Nint(40 * fEtaCut); const Int_t nPtBins = 68; Double_t binsPt[nPtBins+1] = {0. , 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.55, 0.6, 0.65, 0.7, 0.75, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0, 1.1 , 1.2, 1.3 , 1.4, 1.5 , 1.6, 1.7 , 1.8, 1.9 , 2.0, 2.2 , 2.4, 2.6 , 2.8, 3.0 , 3.2, 3.4 , 3.6, 3.8 , 4.0, 4.5 , 5.0, 5.5 , 6.0, 6.5 , 7.0, 8.0 , 9.0, 10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 18.0, 20.0, 22.0, 24.0, 26.0, 28.0, 30.0, 32.0, 34.0, 36.0, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0 }; const Int_t nBins = 6; // MC PID, SelectSpecies, P(TPC_inner), multiplicity, deltaPrimeSpecies, eta Int_t bins[nBins] = { 9, 4, nPtBins, 40, 201, nEta }; Double_t xmin[nBins] = { 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.5, -fEtaCut}; Double_t xmax[nBins] = { 9., 4., 50.0, 20000, 2.0, fEtaCut }; fhPIDdataAll = new THnSparseI("hPIDdataAll","", nBins, bins, xmin, xmax); SetUpHist(fhPIDdataAll, binsPt); fOutputContainer->Add(fhPIDdataAll); /*OLD clusterQA const Int_t nBinsQA = 3; // pT, phiPrime, Ncl Int_t binsQA[nBinsQA] = { nPtBins, 50, 90 }; Double_t xminQA[nBinsQA] = { 0., 0., 70.}; Double_t xmaxQA[nBinsQA] = { 50.0, TMath::Pi() / 9., 160 }; fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut = new THnSparseI("hNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut", "", nBinsQA, binsQA, xminQA, xmaxQA); fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut->SetBinEdges(0, binsPt); fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut->GetAxis(0)->SetTitle("p_{T} (GeV/c)"); fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut->GetAxis(1)->SetTitle("#phi'"); fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut->GetAxis(2)->SetTitle("Ncl"); fOutputContainer->Add(fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut); fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut = new THnSparseI("hNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut", "", nBinsQA, binsQA, xminQA, xmaxQA); fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut->SetBinEdges(0, binsPt); fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut->GetAxis(0)->SetTitle("p_{T} (GeV/c)"); fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut->GetAxis(1)->SetTitle("#phi'"); fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut->GetAxis(2)->SetTitle("Ncl"); fOutputContainer->Add(fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut); fhPhiPrimeCutEfficiency = new TH1F("hPhiPrimeCutEfficiency", "Efficiency of #phi' cut;p_{T} (GeV/c);Cut efficiency", nPtBins, binsPt); fOutputContainer->Add(fhPhiPrimeCutEfficiency); */ PostData(1, fOutputContainer); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCPIDEtaQA::UserExec(Option_t *) { // Main loop // Called for each event fESD = dynamic_cast(InputEvent()); if (!fESD) { Printf("ERROR: fESD not available"); return; } fMC = dynamic_cast(MCEvent()); if (!fPIDResponse || !fV0KineCuts) return; if (!GetVertexIsOk(fESD)) return; const AliVVertex* primaryVertex = fESD->GetPrimaryVertexTracks(); if (!primaryVertex) return; if(primaryVertex->GetNContributors() <= 0) return; Double_t magField = fESD->GetMagneticField(); // Fill V0 arrays with V0s FillV0PIDlist(); Int_t multiplicity = fESD->GetNumberOfTracks(); // Track loop to fill a Train spectrum for (Int_t iTracks = 0; iTracks < fESD->GetNumberOfTracks(); iTracks++) { AliESDtrack* track = fESD->GetTrack(iTracks); if (!track) { Printf("ERROR: Could not receive track %d", iTracks); continue; } if (TMath::Abs(track->Eta()) >= fEtaCut) continue; //if (TMath::Abs(track->Eta()) < 0.6 || TMath::Abs(track->Eta()) > 0.8) continue; // Do not distinguish positively and negatively charged V0's Char_t v0tagAllCharges = TMath::Abs(GetV0tag(iTracks)); if (v0tagAllCharges == -99) { AliError(Form("Problem with V0 tag list (requested V0 track for track %d from %d (list status %d))!", iTracks, fESD->GetNumberOfTracks(), fV0tags != 0x0)); continue; } Bool_t isV0el = v0tagAllCharges == 14; Bool_t isV0pi = v0tagAllCharges == 15; Bool_t isV0pr = v0tagAllCharges == 16; Bool_t isV0 = isV0el || isV0pi || isV0pr; // Apply track cut. Accept track, if from V0 or if accepted by cut. // Do not apply the track cuts to V0s, since the track cuts are usually // cuts on primaries, what will throw away almost all V0s. if(!isV0 && (fTrackFilter && !fTrackFilter->IsSelected(track))) continue; if (GetUseTPCCutMIGeo()) { // If cut on geometry is active, don't cut on number of clusters, since such a cut is already included. if (!isV0) { if (!TPCCutMIGeo(track, InputEvent())) continue; } else { // One should not cut on geometry for V0's since they have different topology. (Loosely) cut on num of clusters instead. if (track->GetTPCsignalN() < 60) continue; } } else { // If cut on geometry is not active, always cut on num clusters if (track->GetTPCsignalN() < 60) continue; } Double_t pT = track->Pt(); //Double_t phiPrime = GetPhiPrime(track->Phi(), magField, track->Charge()); //OLD clusterQA Double_t entryQA[3] = { pT, phiPrime, track->GetTPCsignalN() }; //OLD clusterQA fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut->Fill(entryQA); // Apply PhiPrimeCut only on high-pt tracks, in this case: Tracks with pt >= fPtThresholdForPhiCut if(fUsePhiCut && pT >= fPtThresholdForPhiCut) { if(fUsePhiCut) { if (!PhiPrimeCut(track, magField)) continue; // reject track } //Use cut for second branch? if(!PhiPrimeCut(track, magField)) //if(!PhiPrimeCut(track, magField) // || (phiPrime < fPhiCutSecondBranchHigh->Eval(pT) && phiPrime > fPhiCutSecondBranchLow->Eval(pT))) continue; // reject track } //OLD clusterQA fhNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut->Fill(entryQA); Int_t label = track->GetLabel(); AliMCParticle* mcTrack = 0x0; if (fMC) { if (label < 0) continue; // If MC is available, reject tracks with negative ESD label mcTrack = dynamic_cast(fMC->GetTrack(TMath::Abs(label))); if (!mcTrack) { Printf("ERROR: Could not receive mcTrack with label %d for track %d", label, iTracks); continue; } /*// Only accept MC primaries if (!fMC->Stack()->IsPhysicalPrimary(TMath::Abs(label))) { continue; }*/ } // Momentum Double_t pTPC = track->GetTPCmomentum(); // Eta Float_t eta = track->Eta(); // TPC signal Double_t dEdxTPC = track->GetTPCsignal(); Double_t dEdxExpectedEl = fPIDResponse->GetTPCResponse().GetExpectedSignal(track, AliPID::kElectron, AliTPCPIDResponse::kdEdxDefault, fPIDResponse->UseTPCEtaCorrection(), fPIDResponse->UseTPCMultiplicityCorrection()); Double_t dEdxExpectedKa = fPIDResponse->GetTPCResponse().GetExpectedSignal(track, AliPID::kKaon, AliTPCPIDResponse::kdEdxDefault, fPIDResponse->UseTPCEtaCorrection(), fPIDResponse->UseTPCMultiplicityCorrection()); Double_t dEdxExpectedPi = fPIDResponse->GetTPCResponse().GetExpectedSignal(track, AliPID::kPion, AliTPCPIDResponse::kdEdxDefault, fPIDResponse->UseTPCEtaCorrection(), fPIDResponse->UseTPCMultiplicityCorrection()); Double_t dEdxExpectedPr = fPIDResponse->GetTPCResponse().GetExpectedSignal(track, AliPID::kProton, AliTPCPIDResponse::kdEdxDefault, fPIDResponse->UseTPCEtaCorrection(), fPIDResponse->UseTPCMultiplicityCorrection()); Double_t deltaPrimeEl = (dEdxExpectedEl > 0) ? (dEdxTPC / dEdxExpectedEl) : (-1); Double_t deltaPrimeKa = (dEdxExpectedKa > 0) ? (dEdxTPC / dEdxExpectedKa) : (-1); Double_t deltaPrimePi = (dEdxExpectedPi > 0) ? (dEdxTPC / dEdxExpectedPi) : (-1); Double_t deltaPrimePr = (dEdxExpectedPr > 0) ? (dEdxTPC / dEdxExpectedPr) : (-1); Int_t binMC = -1; if (fMC) { Int_t pdg = mcTrack->PdgCode(); if (TMath::Abs(pdg) == 211) {//Pion // If V0, only accept if correctly identified if (isV0) { if (isV0pi) binMC = 7; else continue; } else binMC = 3; } else if (TMath::Abs(pdg) == 321) {//Kaon // No kaons from V0 => Reject if (isV0) continue; else binMC = 1; } else if (TMath::Abs(pdg) == 2212) {//Proton // If V0, only accept if correctly identified if (isV0) { if (isV0pr) binMC = 8; else continue; } else binMC = 4; } else if (TMath::Abs(pdg) == 11) {//Electron // If V0, only accept if correctly identified if (isV0) { if (isV0el) binMC = 6; else continue; } else binMC = 0; } else if (TMath::Abs(pdg) == 13) {//Muon // No muons from V0 => Reject if (isV0) continue; else binMC = 2; } else continue; // Reject all other particles } Bool_t isKaon = kFALSE; Bool_t isPion = kFALSE; Bool_t isProton = kFALSE; Bool_t isElectron = kFALSE; Bool_t isV0plusTOFel = kFALSE; if (!fMC && !isV0) { UInt_t status = track->GetStatus(); Bool_t hasTOFout = status&AliESDtrack::kTOFout; Bool_t hasTOFtime = status&AliESDtrack::kTIME; Bool_t hasTOF = kFALSE; if (hasTOFout && hasTOFtime) hasTOF = kTRUE; Float_t length = track->GetIntegratedLength(); // Length check only for primaries, not for V0's! if (length < 350 && !isV0) hasTOF = kFALSE; // Select Kaons, Pions and Protons in 3 sigma band (TOF and TPC). Below some momentum threshold, only use TPC cut, // since TOF efficiency is really bad. // In case of ambiguity, add entries for corresponding species if ((pTPC <= 0.25 && TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track, AliPID::kKaon)) < 6.0) || (pTPC > 0.25 && pTPC <= 0.3 && TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track, AliPID::kKaon)) < 4.0) || (pTPC > 0.3 && pTPC <= 0.35 && TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track, AliPID::kKaon)) < 3.0) || (pTPC > 0.35 && TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track, AliPID::kKaon)) < 3.0 && hasTOF && TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track, AliPID::kKaon)) < 3.0)) { isKaon = kTRUE; } if ((dEdxTPC >= 50. / TMath::Power(pTPC, 1.3)) && // Pattern recognition instead of TPC cut to be ~independent of old TPC expected dEdx ((pTPC < 0.6) || (pTPC >= 0.6 && hasTOF && TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track, AliPID::kProton)) < 3.0))) { isProton = kTRUE; } /* if ((TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track, AliPID::kProton)) < (pTPC < 0.3 ? 8.0 : 5.0)) && ((pTPC < 0.6) || (pTPC >= 0.6 && hasTOF && TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track, AliPID::kProton)) < 3.0))) { isProton = kTRUE; }*/ if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track, AliPID::kPion)) < 3.0 && (pTPC <= 0.3 || (pTPC > 0.3 && hasTOF && TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track, AliPID::kPion)) < 3.0))) { isPion = kTRUE; } if (TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTPC(track, AliPID::kElectron)) < 3.0 && (pTPC <= 0.3 || (pTPC > 0.3 && hasTOF && TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track, AliPID::kElectron)) < 3.0))) { isElectron = kTRUE; } } else if (!fMC && isV0el) { // Special treatment for V0 electrons -> Look for V0+TOF electrons UInt_t status = track->GetStatus(); Bool_t hasTOFout = status&AliESDtrack::kTOFout; Bool_t hasTOFtime = status&AliESDtrack::kTIME; Bool_t hasTOF = kFALSE; if (hasTOFout && hasTOFtime) hasTOF = kTRUE; // No length check for V0's if (hasTOF && TMath::Abs(fPIDResponse->NumberOfSigmasTOF(track, AliPID::kElectron)) < 3.0) { isV0plusTOFel = kTRUE; } } // MC PID, SelectSpecies, P(TPC_inner), multiplicity, deltaPrimeSpecies, eta Double_t entry[6] = { (Double_t)binMC, 0., pTPC, (Double_t)multiplicity, deltaPrimeEl, eta }; if (fMC) { fhPIDdataAll->Fill(entry); entry[1] = 1; entry[4] = deltaPrimeKa; fhPIDdataAll->Fill(entry); entry[1] = 2; entry[4] = deltaPrimePi; fhPIDdataAll->Fill(entry); entry[1] = 3; entry[4] = deltaPrimePr; fhPIDdataAll->Fill(entry); } else { for (Int_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i == 0 && isKaon) binMC = 1; else if (i == 1 && isPion) binMC = 3; else if (i == 2 && isProton) binMC = 4; else if (i == 3 && isElectron) binMC = 0; else if (i == 4 && isV0plusTOFel) binMC = 5; else if (i == 5 && isV0el) binMC = 6; else if (i == 6 && isV0pi) binMC = 7; else if (i == 7 && isV0pr) binMC = 8; else continue; entry[0] = binMC; entry[1] = 0; entry[4] = deltaPrimeEl; fhPIDdataAll->Fill(entry); entry[1] = 1; entry[4] = deltaPrimeKa; fhPIDdataAll->Fill(entry); entry[1] = 2; entry[4] = deltaPrimePi; fhPIDdataAll->Fill(entry); entry[1] = 3; entry[4] = deltaPrimePr; fhPIDdataAll->Fill(entry); } } } //track loop // Post output data. PostData(1, fOutputContainer); // Clear the V0 PID arrays ClearV0PIDlist(); } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCPIDEtaQA::Terminate(const Option_t *) { // Called once at the end of the query /*OLD clusterQA TObjArray* output = (TObjArray*)GetOutputData(1); if (!output) return; TH1F* hPhiPrimeCutEfficiency = (TH1F*)(output->FindObject("hPhiPrimeCutEfficiency")); if (!hPhiPrimeCutEfficiency) return; THnSparse* hNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut = (THnSparse*)(output->FindObject("hNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut")); if (!hNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut) return; THnSparse* hNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut = (THnSparse*)(output->FindObject("hNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut")); if (!hNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut) return; TH1D* hNumEntriesBefore = hNumClustersPhiPrimePtBeforeCut->Projection(0); TH1D* hNumEntriesAfter = hNumClustersPhiPrimePtAfterCut->Projection(0); for (Int_t bin = 1; bin <= hNumEntriesBefore->GetXaxis()->GetNbins(); bin++) { Double_t numEntriesBefore = hNumEntriesBefore->GetBinContent(bin); if (numEntriesBefore > 0) { Double_t numEntriesAfter = hNumEntriesAfter->GetBinContent(bin); hPhiPrimeCutEfficiency->SetBinContent(bin, numEntriesAfter / numEntriesBefore); // Errors are 100%-correlated: Accepted tracks should be a constant fraction of all tracks in given bin. // Thus: Only take statistical fluctuation from accepted tracks as error hPhiPrimeCutEfficiency->SetBinError(bin, TMath::Sqrt(numEntriesAfter) / numEntriesBefore); // (numEntriesAfter / numEntriesBefore) * TMath::Sqrt(1. / numEntriesAfter + 1. / numEntriesBefore)); } } hPhiPrimeCutEfficiency->SetDrawOption("e"); */ } //________________________________________________________________________ void AliTPCPIDEtaQA::SetUpHist(THnSparse* hist, Double_t* binsPt) const { // Sets bin limits for axes which are not standard binned and the axes titles. // MC PID, SelectSpecies, P(TPC_inner), multiplicity, deltaPrimeSpecies, eta hist->SetBinEdges(2, binsPt); // Set axes titles hist->GetAxis(0)->SetTitle("MC PID"); hist->GetAxis(0)->SetBinLabel(1, "e"); hist->GetAxis(0)->SetBinLabel(2, "K"); hist->GetAxis(0)->SetBinLabel(3, "#mu"); hist->GetAxis(0)->SetBinLabel(4, "#pi"); hist->GetAxis(0)->SetBinLabel(5, "p"); hist->GetAxis(0)->SetBinLabel(6, "V0+TOF e"); hist->GetAxis(0)->SetBinLabel(7, "V0 e"); hist->GetAxis(0)->SetBinLabel(8, "V0 #pi"); hist->GetAxis(0)->SetBinLabel(9, "V0 p"); hist->GetAxis(1)->SetTitle("Select Species"); hist->GetAxis(1)->SetBinLabel(1, "e"); hist->GetAxis(1)->SetBinLabel(2, "K"); hist->GetAxis(1)->SetBinLabel(3, "#pi"); hist->GetAxis(1)->SetBinLabel(4, "p"); hist->GetAxis(2)->SetTitle("p_{TPC_inner} (GeV/c)"); hist->GetAxis(3)->SetTitle("Event multiplicity"); hist->GetAxis(4)->SetTitle("TPC #Delta'{species}"); hist->GetAxis(5)->SetTitle("#eta"); //hist->Sumw2(); }