## default OCDB, if autoOCDB is set put in any 4 digit year starting with 20 ## by default the OCDB year set automatically for each chunk ## based on the path ## to disable set autoOCDB=0 # #autoOCDB=0 defaultOCDB="local:///cvmfs/alice-ocdb.cern.ch/calibration/data/2010/OCDB/" ## force the run number (disables automatic guessing from chunk path) #runNumber=167123 ## makeflow options #makeflowPath="/hera/alice/aux/cctools/bin" #makeflowOptions="-T wq -N alice -d all -C ali-copilot.cern.ch:9097" #makeflowOptions="-T wq -N alice -C ali-copilot.cern.ch:9097" makeflowOptions="-T condor" ## batch system options #batchCommand="/usr/bin/qsub" #batchFlags="-b y -cwd -l h_rt=24:0:0,h_rss=4G " batchFlags="" ## Directory to store output, productionID from command line will be appended # baseOutputDirectory="/eos/opstest/pbuncic/output" #init aliroot #must be a script which executed a command in a modified environment #e.g. alienv aliroot somemacro.C # alirootEnv="/cvmfs/alice.cern.ch/bin/alienv setenv AliRoot/$ALIROOT_VERSION -c" #for running with old releases use a more recent aliroot that contains all the machinery #if set, will only be used at the MakeSummary stage #alirootEnvQA="/cvmfs/alice.cern.ch/bin/alienv setenv AliRoot/$ALIROOT_VERSION -c" #run QA with a known good version of the QA script #trustedQAtrainMacro='/hera/alice/mkrzewic/gsisvn/Calibration/QAtrain_duo.C' ## if set to 1, run in whatever mktemp -d aasfa provides, ## if set to 2, run in the current dir (as provided by the batch system) or subdir of that ## then copy results to final place # reconstructInTemporaryDir=0 ## trigger mask sent to the reconstruction ## if you want to send an empty string use "\"\"" ## usually, for filtered data use empty, ## for unfiltered chunks use kCalibBarrel # #recoTriggerOptions="?Trigger=kCalibBarrel" # recoTriggerOptions="\"\"" ## merging is started when this percentage of input files is reconstructed # only relevant for batch systems # percentProcessedFilesToContinue=100 maxSecondsToWait=$(( 3600*24 )) ## maximal number of events to process (per chunk, -1 means no limit) # nEvents=10 ## max no of chunks per run(0 means no limit) # nMaxChunks=0 ## run these command(s) after the runnig dir has been set up, use to e.g. # postSetUpActionCPass0="" postSetUpActionCPass1="" ## detailed setting what to run ## CPass0 # runCPass0reco=1 runCPass0MergeMakeOCDB=1 ## CPass1 # runCPass1reco=1 runCPass1MergeMakeOCDB=1 ## filtering runESDfiltering=1 filteringFactorHighPt=1e2 filteringFactorV0s=1e1 ## who to email upon completion # MAILTO="" ## uncomment to just run the logic, dont check for data and dont process it - ## fake the output files (for debugging) # #pretend=1 ##dump all output to stdout instead of a log for debugging # #dontRedirectStdOutToLog=1 ## uncomment this option to force streaming the logs to the final destination instead of the running directory ## this way a log is always available even in case the batch system kills the job # logToFinalDestination=1 #set the downscaling factors during the filtering fro expert QA (overrides the previous values) #AliAnalysisTaskFilteredTree_fLowPtTrackDownscaligF="1e-2" #AliAnalysisTaskFilteredTree_fLowPtV0DownscaligF="1e-2" #this forces root to produce a coredump where it normally would just crash (floting point exception) ALIROOT_FORCE_COREDUMP=1 #run one job per run with valgrind... #profilingCommand="valgrind --tool=callgrind --num-callers=40 -v --trace-children=yes" #nEventsProfiling=5