# # 90cern-virtual-cluster.config -- by Dario Berzano # # Appended to the main benchmark.config file. Files in benchmark.config.d are # appended in alphabetical order. # # Configuration overrides for running the ALICE Release Validation on the CERN # virtual cluster. # # Makeflow: # - more verbose (-d all) # - run on HTCondor (-T condor) # - launch max 300 concurrent jobs (-J 300) (default is 100) # - automatically retry failed jobs up to 10 times (-r 10) makeflowOptions='-T condor -d all -J 300 -r 10' # Always reconstruct in the current job's directory, and not in the system's # temporary directory reconstructInTemporaryDir=2 # Never log to final destination: copy log file at the end instead logToFinalDestination=1