C********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE RLUSET(LFN,MOVE) C...Purpose: to read a state of the random number generator from a file C...for subsequent generation from this state onwards. COMMON/LUDATR/MRLU(6),RRLU(100) SAVE /LUDATR/ CHARACTER CHERR*8 C...Backspace required number of records (or as many as there are). IF(MOVE.LT.0) THEN NBCK=MIN(MRLU(6),-MOVE) DO 100 IBCK=1,NBCK BACKSPACE(LFN,ERR=120,IOSTAT=IERR) 100 CONTINUE MRLU(6)=MRLU(6)-NBCK ENDIF C...Unformatted read from unit LFN. NFOR=1+MAX(0,MOVE) DO 110 IFOR=1,NFOR READ(LFN,ERR=120,IOSTAT=IERR) (MRLU(I1),I1=1,5), &(RRLU(I2),I2=1,100) 110 CONTINUE MRLU(6)=MRLU(6)+NFOR RETURN C...Write error. 120 WRITE(CHERR,'(I8)') IERR CALL LUERRM(18,'(RLUSET:) error when accessing file, IOSTAT ='// &CHERR) RETURN END