#ifndef ROOT_PyqCommon #define ROOT_PyqCommon #ifndef __CFORTRAN_LOADED //*KEEP,cfortran. #include "cfortran.h" //*KEND. #endif extern "C" { // common /pyqpar/ T0u,tau0u,nfu,ienglu,ianglu typedef struct { Double_t t0; Double_t tau0; Int_t nf; Int_t iengl; Int_t iangl; } PyqparCommon; #define PYQPAR COMMON_BLOCK(PYQPAR,pyqpar) COMMON_BLOCK_DEF(PyqparCommon,PYQPAR); } /* Parameters in COMMON BLOCK PYQPAR can be varied by user: COMMON /pyqpar/ T0,tau0,nf,ienglu,ianglu T0 - initial temparature of quark-gluon plasma (allowed range is 0.2 GeV < T0 < 2 GeV, default value is T0=1 GeV); tau0 - proper time of quark-gluon plasma formation (allowed range is 0.01 < tau0 < 10 fm/c, default value is tau0=0.1 fm/c) nf - number of active quark flavours in quark-gluon plasma (nf=0, 1, 2 or 3, default value is nf=0); ienglu - flag to fix type of medium-induced partonic energy loss (ienglu=0 - radiative and collisional loss, ienglu=1 - radiative loss only, ienglu=2 - collisional loss only, default value is ienglu=0); ianglu - flag to fix type of angular distribution of emitted gluons (ianglu=0 - small-angular, ianglu=1 - wide-angular, ianglu=2 - collinear, default value is ianglu-0). NOTE! If specified by user value of such parameter is out of allowed range, the default value is used in PYQUEN run. NOTE! Default parameters of quark-gluon plasma (T0, tau0, nf) were selected as an estimation for LHC heavy ion beam energies. */ #endif