// BeamShape.cc is a part of the PYTHIA event generator. // Copyright (C) 2010 Torbjorn Sjostrand. // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL version 2, see COPYING for details. // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details. // Function definitions (not found in the header) for the BeamShape class. #include "BeamShape.h" namespace Pythia8 { //========================================================================== // The BeamShape class. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize beam parameters. void BeamShape::init( Settings& settings, Rndm* rndmPtrIn) { // Save pointer. rndmPtr = rndmPtrIn; // Main flags. allowMomentumSpread = settings.flag("Beams:allowMomentumSpread"); allowVertexSpread = settings.flag("Beams:allowVertexSpread"); // Parameters for beam A momentum spread. sigmaPxA = settings.parm("Beams:sigmaPxA"); sigmaPyA = settings.parm("Beams:sigmaPyA"); sigmaPzA = settings.parm("Beams:sigmaPzA"); maxDevA = settings.parm("Beams:maxDevA"); // Parameters for beam B momentum spread. sigmaPxB = settings.parm("Beams:sigmaPxB"); sigmaPyB = settings.parm("Beams:sigmaPyB"); sigmaPzB = settings.parm("Beams:sigmaPzB"); maxDevB = settings.parm("Beams:maxDevB"); // Parameters for beam vertex spread. sigmaVertexX = settings.parm("Beams:sigmaVertexX"); sigmaVertexY = settings.parm("Beams:sigmaVertexY"); sigmaVertexZ = settings.parm("Beams:sigmaVertexZ"); maxDevVertex = settings.parm("Beams:maxDevVertex"); sigmaTime = settings.parm("Beams:sigmaTime"); maxDevTime = settings.parm("Beams:maxDevTime"); // Parameters for beam vertex offset. offsetX = settings.parm("Beams:offsetVertexX"); offsetY = settings.parm("Beams:offsetVertexY"); offsetZ = settings.parm("Beams:offsetVertexZ"); offsetT = settings.parm("Beams:offsetTime"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set the two beam momentum deviations and the beam vertex. void BeamShape::pick() { // Reset all values. deltaPxA = deltaPyA = deltaPzA = deltaPxB = deltaPyB = deltaPzB = vertexX = vertexY = vertexZ = vertexT = 0.; // Set beam A momentum deviation by a three-dimensional Gaussian. if (allowMomentumSpread) { double totalDev, gauss; do { totalDev = 0.; if (sigmaPxA > 0.) { gauss = rndmPtr->gauss(); deltaPxA = sigmaPxA * gauss; totalDev += gauss * gauss; } if (sigmaPyA > 0.) { gauss = rndmPtr->gauss(); deltaPyA = sigmaPyA * gauss; totalDev += gauss * gauss; } if (sigmaPzA > 0.) { gauss = rndmPtr->gauss(); deltaPzA = sigmaPzA * gauss; totalDev += gauss * gauss; } } while (totalDev > maxDevA * maxDevA); // Set beam B momentum deviation by a three-dimensional Gaussian. do { totalDev = 0.; if (sigmaPxB > 0.) { gauss = rndmPtr->gauss(); deltaPxB = sigmaPxB * gauss; totalDev += gauss * gauss; } if (sigmaPyB > 0.) { gauss = rndmPtr->gauss(); deltaPyB = sigmaPyB * gauss; totalDev += gauss * gauss; } if (sigmaPzB > 0.) { gauss = rndmPtr->gauss(); deltaPzB = sigmaPzB * gauss; totalDev += gauss * gauss; } } while (totalDev > maxDevB * maxDevB); } // Set beam vertex location by a three-dimensional Gaussian. if (allowVertexSpread) { double totalDev, gauss; do { totalDev = 0.; if (sigmaVertexX > 0.) { gauss = rndmPtr->gauss(); vertexX = sigmaVertexX * gauss; totalDev += gauss * gauss; } if (sigmaVertexY > 0.) { gauss = rndmPtr->gauss(); vertexY = sigmaVertexY * gauss; totalDev += gauss * gauss; } if (sigmaVertexZ > 0.) { gauss = rndmPtr->gauss(); vertexZ = sigmaVertexZ * gauss; totalDev += gauss * gauss; } } while (totalDev > maxDevVertex * maxDevVertex); // Set beam collision time by a Gaussian. if (sigmaTime > 0.) { do gauss = rndmPtr->gauss(); while (abs(gauss) > maxDevTime); vertexT = sigmaTime * gauss; } // Add offset to beam vertex. vertexX += offsetX; vertexY += offsetY; vertexZ += offsetZ; vertexT += offsetT; } } //========================================================================== } // end namespace Pythia8