BASIC INSTALLATION 1) Once you have unpacked your tarball into a new (sub)directory, the first step is to run the "configure" script. If you accept the default compiler options, and plan to run PYTHIA 8 standalone, you only have to type "./configure". This will create the file Actually, running this script by hand is optional since "make" will run "configure" anyway, but possible errors in the paths will be less clearly visible. 2) Type "gmake" or "make". This will create an archive library. On Linux systems gmake and make are usually equivalent. For others, in case of doubt, use gmake. This applies below as well. 3) The library should now be ready for use. To study some examples, go to the "examples" subdirectory. The README file in that subdirectory contain further instructions how executables can be built and run. 4) At any time, typing "gmake clean" will remove all files related to the library compilation, including the library itself, but it will not reset the configure selections. With "gmake distclean" additionally the configure selection is reset, and many other temporary files are removed. Output files you may have created during your test runs are not affected. (A "gmake clean" is also available in the examples subdirectory, see the README there.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ADVANCED INSTALLATION 1) If you want to set various compilation options, or prepare the linking to the HepMC external library then the "configure" script will have to do more work. There are two different ways to accomplish this. 1.1) You can use command-line arguments to set up the desired library links. The possible options are: --help : prints a brief summary of the options described here. --enable-debug : turns on debugging flags and turns off optimization. (This makes program execution much slower. If you later want to switch optimization back on you have to rerun configure without this option, since default is to allow optimization.) --enable-shared : turns on shared-library creation, in addition to the archive libraries always built. --enable-64bits : turns on 64 bits compilation flag (is automatic on many 64-bit installations, but just in case). --lcgplatform=name : allows you to specify the platform assumed for compilation, which also affects the assumed location of the libraries below; default is x86_64-slc5-gcc43-opt while other supported values for name include slc4_ia32_gcc34, slc4_amd64_gcc34 and slc3_ia32_gcc323 (deprecated). --installdir=name : absolute path to a directory where the compiled library and header file directories will be copied, by a "gmake install" command subsequent to the "gmake" one. Note that the files in the current working directory are kept. --prefix=name : equivalent alternative to --installdir=name. --datadir=name : absolute path to a directory where the xmldoc data directory will be copied, by a "gmake install" command subsequent to the "gmake" one. Defaults to the same as --installdir=name if not set separately. --with-hepmc=path : the path to your local copy of the HepMC library. You must use version 2.06 (or later). If the path does not contain the version number you will be warned about it. --with-hepmcversion=v : a simpler alternative to the above, valid if you are using the CERN AFS LCG external area. --enable-gzip : enable support for gzipped LHE file reading --with-boost=path see GZIP SUPPORT section below for --with-zlib=path further details There also are a few environment variables that you can set to force the configuration process or add flags: USRCXXFLAGS : to add flags. Use this variable to add -fPIC to the compilation flags for the static libraries USRLDFLAGSSHARED : to add flags to the shared library build command USRSHAREDSUFFIX : to force shared libraries suffix to be like this (default on MacOSX is dylib). 1.2) If you want to use the external HepMC from some different location, or it is more convenient to put the paths directly into the script, then you have to edit the "configure" file by hand before you run it. Search in the "configure" file for HEPMCLOCATION and provide the paths where you have the respective libraries installed on your local platform. Information on the selected paths is stored in the files, examples/ and examples/config.csh when you run "./configure". 1.3) The CC and FC global environment variables can be set to specify the C++ and Fortran 77/90 compilers, otherwise set in configure and examples/configure. 2) If you want to change the version of HepMC, you have to rerun the script "configure" with relevant options, then type "make" to recompile the library hepmcinterface. If you tried already to run examples with previous versions, pay attention to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH (see README in examples). Hints on how to install HepMC from scratch can be found in the separate README.HepMC file. 3) If you have two CPUs or cores on your computer then using the -j2 option on make/gmake may speed up compilation. 4) Necessary data are automatically loaded when you use the default PYTHIA installation directory structure and run the main programs in the examples subdirectory. However, in the general case, you must provide the path to the .xml files, originally stored in the xmldoc directory, where default settings and particle data are found. This can be done in two ways. 4.1) You can set the environment variable PYTHIA8DATA to contain the location of the xmldoc directory. In the csh and tcsh shells this could e.g. be setenv PYTHIA8DATA /home/myname/pythia81xx/xmldoc while in other shells it could be export PYTHIA8DATA=/home/myname/pythia81xx/xmldoc where xx is the subversion number. Recall that environment variables set locally are only defined in the current instance of the shell. The above lines should go into your .cshrc and .bashrc files, respectively, if you want a more permanent assignment. 4.2) You can provide the path as argument to the Pythia constructor in your main program, e.g. Pythia pythia("/home/myname/pythia81xx/xmldoc"); where again xx is the subversion number. When PYTHIA8DATA is set it takes precedence, else the path in the constructor is used, else one defaults to the ../xmldoc directory. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GZIP SUPPORT (experimental) The '--enable-gzip' options turns on support for the reading of gzipped LHE files. It relies upon Boost and zlib to function, and the locations of these must be set with the '--with-boost=boost_path' and '--with-zlib=zlib_path' options. Specifically, it requires (note that .so should be replaced with .dylib for Mac OS X): boost_path/include/boost/iostreams/ (with the appropriate files in this directory) boost_path/lib/ (or boost_path/lib64/...) zlib_path/ Note that when compiling a final PYTHIA executable, these libraries must also be included, e.g.: -Lboost_path/lib -lboost_iostreams -Lzlib_path -lz This is done automatically for the examples in the 'examples' and 'rootexamples' directories when gzip support is enabled. When running the executable, if the Boost and zlib libraries are in a non-standard directory, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH for Mac OS X) must be set to include these directories, e.g. in a bash-type shell: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:boost_path/lib:zlib_path Gzip support currently switches off the '-Wshadow' compiler option to avoid the possibility of a large number of warning messages. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FOR WINDOWS USERS The Makefile.msc file is intended for use on Win32/NMAKE systems with the Microsoft Visual C/C++ compiler. This alternative installation is not the development platform, however, and therefore not as well tested. Not all parts of the above installation procedure are the same, so some experimentation may be required. A few suggestions are found in the the separate README.Win32 file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- LEARN MORE To learn more about the current program: A) A brief self-contained introduction is found in the htmldoc/pythia8100.pdf file. B) Details can be found by opening a web browser on the htmldoc/Welcome.html file, and then navigating among the pages in the index there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------