==================================== INSTRUCTIONS FOR WINDOWS USERS ==================================== I) How to build II) How to clean III) Further notes Note: this is a first version, and does not (yet) have the full functionality offered for the Linux case. I) How to build =============== To build Pythia8 on windows, open a command prompt, cd to the location where Pythia has been extracted, then type nmake with any of these options : to build in debug mode : nmake -f Makefile.msc CFG="Win32 Debug" in optimized mode : nmake -f Makefile.msc CFG="Win32 Release" libPythia8.lib will be located in $PYTHIADIR\lib directory II) How to clean ================ To clean intermediate (obj) files : nmake -f Makefile.msc clean CFG="Win32 Debug" or nmake -f Makefile.msc clean CFG="Win32 Release" To clean all binaries (obj, idb, pdb, ilk, lib and exe) : nmake -f Makefile.msc distclean CFG="Win32 Debug" or nmake -f Makefile.msc distclean CFG="Win32 Release" III) Further notes ================== Some C++ distributions do not implement the error function erf(x). Should you encounter such a compilation problem, the PhaseSpace.h and SigmaTotal.h files do contain commented-out erf(x) code, that then should be uncommented. The approximation used is not of high precision, but fully sufficient for the task at hand.