! main87.cmnd. ! This file contains commands to be read in for a Pythia8 run. ! Lines not beginning with a letter or digit are comments. // Number of events generated Main:numberOfEvents = 1000 // Shower options HadronLevel:all = on PartonLevel:MPI = on // Core process for merging Merging:Process = pp>LEPTONS,NEUTRINOS // Maximal number of additional LO jets. Merging:nJetMax = 2 // Maximal number of additional NLO jets. Merging:nJetMaxNLO = 1 // Merging scale value. Merging:TMS = 15 // Values of (fixed) scales in the matrix element calculation. Merging:muFacInME = 80.4 Merging:muRenInME = 91.188 // Values of (fixed) scales for the PS lowest multiplicity process. Merging:muFac = 80.4 Merging:muRen = 91.188 // Include PDFs into the choice of histories. Merging:includeRedundant = on // Switch off enforced rapidity ordering SpaceShower:rapidityOrder = off // Since NL3 is a next-to-leading order merging method, next-to-leading // order PDFs are necessary. However, the parton shower and multiparton // interactions favour leading-order PDFs, since multiparton interactions // probe the incoming hadron at small momentum scales. Until a NLO-merged // tune becomes available, NLO PDFs should be used throughout. // Example PDF files generated with CTEQ6M PDFs. PDF:useLHAPDF = on PDF:LHAPDFset = cteq6m.LHpdf SpaceShower:alphaSvalue = 0.118 TimeShower:alphaSvalue = 0.118