// LHAFortran.h is a part of the PYTHIA event generator. // Copyright (C) 2013 Torbjorn Sjostrand. // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL version 2, see COPYING for details. // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details. // Header file for Fortran Les Houches Accord user process information. // LHAupFortran: derived class with the HEPRUP and HEPEUP Fortran info. // You are expected to supply the fillHepRup and fillHepEup methods. #ifndef Pythia8_LHAFortran_H #define Pythia8_LHAFortran_H #include "PythiaStdlib.h" namespace Pythia8 { //========================================================================== // Give access to the HEPRUP and HEPEUP Fortran commonblocks. #ifdef _WIN32 #define heprup_ HEPRUP #define hepeup_ HEPEUP #endif extern "C" { extern struct { int idbmup[2]; double ebmup[2]; int pdfgup[2], pdfsup[2], idwtup, nprup; double xsecup[100], xerrup[100], xmaxup[100]; int lprup[100]; } heprup_; extern struct { int nup, idprup; double xwgtup, scalup, aqedup, aqcdup; int idup[500], istup[500], mothup[500][2], icolup[500][2]; double pup[500][5], vtimup[500],spinup[500]; } hepeup_; } //========================================================================== // A derived class with initialization information from the HEPRUP // Fortran commonblock and event information from the HEPEUP one. class LHAupFortran : public LHAup { public: // Constructor. LHAupFortran() {} // Routine for doing the job of setting initialization info. bool setInit() { // Call the routine that does the job. if (!fillHepRup()) return false; // Store beam and strategy info. setBeamA(heprup_.idbmup[0], heprup_.ebmup[0], heprup_.pdfgup[0], heprup_.pdfsup[0]); setBeamB(heprup_.idbmup[1], heprup_.ebmup[1], heprup_.pdfgup[1], heprup_.pdfsup[1]); setStrategy(heprup_.idwtup); // Store process info. Protect against vanishing cross section. for (int ip = 0; ip < heprup_.nprup; ++ip) { double xsec = max( 1e-10, heprup_.xsecup[ip]); addProcess( heprup_.lprup[ip], xsec, heprup_.xerrup[ip], heprup_.xmaxup[ip] ); } // Store the beam energies to calculate x values later. eBeamA = heprup_.ebmup[0]; eBeamB = heprup_.ebmup[1]; // Done. return true; } // Routine for doing the job of setting info on next event. bool setEvent(int idProcIn = 0) { // In some strategies the type of the next event has been set. hepeup_.idprup = idProcIn; // Call the routine that does the job. if (!fillHepEup()) return false; // Store process info. setProcess(hepeup_.idprup, hepeup_.xwgtup, hepeup_.scalup, hepeup_.aqedup, hepeup_.aqcdup); // Store particle info. for (int ip = 0; ip < hepeup_.nup; ++ip) addParticle(hepeup_.idup[ip], hepeup_.istup[ip], hepeup_.mothup[ip][0], hepeup_.mothup[ip][1], hepeup_.icolup[ip][0], hepeup_.icolup[ip][1], hepeup_.pup[ip][0], hepeup_.pup[ip][1], hepeup_.pup[ip][2], hepeup_.pup[ip][3], hepeup_.pup[ip][4], hepeup_.vtimup[ip], hepeup_.spinup[ip]) ; // Store x values (here E = pup[ip][3]), but note incomplete info. setPdf( hepeup_.idup[0], hepeup_.idup[1], hepeup_.pup[0][3]/eBeamA, hepeup_.pup[1][3]/eBeamB, 0., 0., 0., false); // Done. return true; } private: // Save beam energies to calculate x values. double eBeamA, eBeamB; // User-written routine that does the intialization and fills heprup. bool fillHepRup(); // User-written routine that does the event generation and fills hepeup. bool fillHepEup(); }; //========================================================================== } // end namespace Pythia8 #endif // Pythia8_LHAFortran_H