// SigmaNewGaugeBosons.cc is a part of the PYTHIA event generator. // Copyright (C) 2013 Torbjorn Sjostrand. // PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL version 2, see COPYING for details. // Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details. // Function definitions (not found in the header) for the // leptoquark simulation classes. #include "SigmaNewGaugeBosons.h" namespace Pythia8 { //========================================================================== // Sigma1ffbarZprimeWprime class. // Collects common methods for f fbar -> Z'/W' -> WW/WZ -> 4 fermions. // Copied from SigmaEW for gauge-boson-pair production. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Calculate and store internal products. void Sigma1ffbarZprimeWprime::setupProd( Event& process, int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) { // Store incoming and outgoing momenta, pRot[1] = process[i1].p(); pRot[2] = process[i2].p(); pRot[3] = process[i3].p(); pRot[4] = process[i4].p(); pRot[5] = process[i5].p(); pRot[6] = process[i6].p(); // Do random rotation to avoid accidental zeroes in HA expressions. bool smallPT = false; do { smallPT = false; double thetaNow = acos(2. * rndmPtr->flat() - 1.); double phiNow = 2. * M_PI * rndmPtr->flat(); for (int i = 1; i <= 6; ++i) { pRot[i].rot( thetaNow, phiNow); if (pRot[i].pT2() < 1e-4 * pRot[i].pAbs2()) smallPT = true; } } while (smallPT); // Calculate internal products. for (int i = 1; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j <= 6; ++j) { hA[i][j] = sqrt( (pRot[i].e() - pRot[i].pz()) * (pRot[j].e() + pRot[j].pz()) / pRot[i].pT2() ) * complex( pRot[i].px(), pRot[i].py() ) - sqrt( (pRot[i].e() + pRot[i].pz()) * (pRot[j].e() - pRot[j].pz()) / pRot[j].pT2() ) * complex( pRot[j].px(), pRot[j].py() ); hC[i][j] = conj( hA[i][j] ); if (i <= 2) { hA[i][j] *= complex( 0., 1.); hC[i][j] *= complex( 0., 1.); } hA[j][i] = - hA[i][j]; hC[j][i] = - hC[i][j]; } } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate the F function of Gunion and Kunszt. complex Sigma1ffbarZprimeWprime::fGK(int j1, int j2, int j3, int j4, int j5, int j6) { return 4. * hA[j1][j3] * hC[j2][j6] * ( hA[j1][j5] * hC[j1][j4] + hA[j3][j5] * hC[j3][j4] ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate the Xi function of Gunion and Kunszt. double Sigma1ffbarZprimeWprime::xiGK( double tHnow, double uHnow, double s3now, double s4now) { return - 4. * s3now * s4now + tHnow * (3. * tHnow + 4. * uHnow) + tHnow * tHnow * ( tHnow * uHnow / (s3now * s4now) - 2. * (1. / s3now + 1./s4now) * (tHnow + uHnow) + 2. * (s3now / s4now + s4now / s3now) ); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate the Xj function of Gunion and Kunszt. double Sigma1ffbarZprimeWprime::xjGK( double tHnow, double uHnow, double s3now, double s4now) { return 8. * pow2(s3now + s4now) - 8. * (s3now + s4now) * (tHnow + uHnow) - 6. * tHnow * uHnow - 2. * tHnow * uHnow * ( tHnow * uHnow / (s3now * s4now) - 2. * (1. / s3now + 1. / s4now) * (tHnow + uHnow) + 2. * (s3now / s4now + s4now / s3now) ); } //========================================================================== // Sigma1ffbar2gmZZprime class. // Cross section for f fbar -> gamma*/Z0/Z'0 (f is quark or lepton). //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize process. void Sigma1ffbar2gmZZprime::initProc() { // Allow to pick only parts of full gamma*/Z0/Z'0 expression. gmZmode = settingsPtr->mode("Zprime:gmZmode"); // Store Z'0 mass and width for propagator. mRes = particleDataPtr->m0(32); GammaRes = particleDataPtr->mWidth(32); m2Res = mRes*mRes; GamMRat = GammaRes / mRes; sin2tW = couplingsPtr->sin2thetaW(); cos2tW = 1. - sin2tW; thetaWRat = 1. / (16. * sin2tW * cos2tW); // Properties of Z0 resonance also needed. mZ = particleDataPtr->m0(23); GammaZ = particleDataPtr->mWidth(23); m2Z = mZ*mZ; GamMRatZ = GammaZ / mZ; // Ensure that arrays initially are empty. for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) afZp[i] = 0.; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) vfZp[i] = 0.; // Store first-generation axial and vector couplings. afZp[1] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:ad"); afZp[2] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:au"); afZp[11] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:ae"); afZp[12] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:anue"); vfZp[1] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:vd"); vfZp[2] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:vu"); vfZp[11] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:ve"); vfZp[12] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:vnue"); // Second and third generation could be carbon copy of this... if (settingsPtr->flag("Zprime:universality")) { for (int i = 3; i <= 6; ++i) { afZp[i] = afZp[i-2]; vfZp[i] = vfZp[i-2]; afZp[i+10] = afZp[i+8]; vfZp[i+10] = vfZp[i+8]; } // ... or could have different couplings. } else { afZp[3] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:as"); afZp[4] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:ac"); afZp[5] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:ab"); afZp[6] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:at"); afZp[13] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:amu"); afZp[14] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:anumu"); afZp[15] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:atau"); afZp[16] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:anutau"); vfZp[3] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:vs"); vfZp[4] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:vc"); vfZp[5] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:vb"); vfZp[6] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:vt"); vfZp[13] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:vmu"); vfZp[14] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:vnumu"); vfZp[15] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:vtau"); vfZp[16] = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:vnutau"); } // Coupling for Z' -> W+ W- and decay angular admixture. coupZpWW = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:coup2WW"); anglesZpWW = settingsPtr->parm("Zprime:anglesWW"); // Set pointer to particle properties and decay table. particlePtr = particleDataPtr->particleDataEntryPtr(32); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate sigmaHat(sHat), part independent of incoming flavour. void Sigma1ffbar2gmZZprime::sigmaKin() { // Common coupling factors. double colQ = 3. * (1. + alpS / M_PI); // Reset quantities to sum. Declare variables in loop. gamSum = 0.; gamZSum = 0.; ZSum = 0.; gamZpSum = 0.; ZZpSum = 0.; ZpSum = 0.; int idAbs, onMode; double mf, mr, ps, kinFacA, kinFacV, ef, af, vf, apf, vpf, ef2, efvf, vaf2, efvpf, vafvapf, vapf2, colf; // Loop over all open Z'0 decay channels. for (int i = 0; i < particlePtr->sizeChannels(); ++i) { onMode = particlePtr->channel(i).onMode(); if (onMode != 1 && onMode != 2) continue; idAbs = abs( particlePtr->channel(i).product(0) ); // Contributions from three fermion generations. if ( (idAbs > 0 && idAbs < 7) || ( idAbs > 10 && idAbs < 17) ) { mf = particleDataPtr->m0(idAbs); // Check that above threshold. if (mH > 2. * mf + MASSMARGIN) { mr = pow2(mf / mH); ps = sqrtpos(1. - 4. * mr); // Couplings of gamma^*/Z^0/Z'^0 to final flavour ef = couplingsPtr->ef(idAbs); af = couplingsPtr->af(idAbs); vf = couplingsPtr->vf(idAbs); apf = afZp[idAbs]; vpf = vfZp[idAbs]; // Combine couplings with kinematical factors. kinFacA = pow3(ps); kinFacV = ps * (1. + 2. * mr); ef2 = ef * ef * kinFacV; efvf = ef * vf * kinFacV; vaf2 = vf * vf * kinFacV + af * af * kinFacA; efvpf = ef * vpf * kinFacV; vafvapf = vf * vpf * kinFacV + af * apf * kinFacA; vapf2 = vpf * vpf * kinFacV + apf * apf * kinFacA; // Colour factor. Additionally secondary width for top. colf = (idAbs < 9) ? colQ : 1.; if (idAbs == 6) colf *= particleDataPtr->resOpenFrac(6, -6); // Store sum of combinations. gamSum += colf * ef2; gamZSum += colf * efvf; ZSum += colf * vaf2; gamZpSum += colf * efvpf; ZZpSum += colf * vafvapf; ZpSum += colf * vapf2; } // Optional contribution from W+ W-. } else if (idAbs == 24) { mf = particleDataPtr->m0(idAbs); if (mH > 2. * mf + MASSMARGIN) { mr = pow2(mf / mH); ps = sqrtpos(1. - 4. * mr); ZpSum += pow2(coupZpWW * cos2tW) * pow3(ps) * (1. + 20. * mr + 12. * mr*mr) * particleDataPtr->resOpenFrac(24, -24); } } } // Calculate prefactors for gamma/Z0/Z'0 cross section terms. double propZ = sH / ( pow2(sH - m2Z) + pow2(sH * GamMRatZ) ); double propZp = sH / ( pow2(sH - m2Res) + pow2(sH * GamMRat) ); gamNorm = 4. * M_PI * pow2(alpEM) / (3. * sH); gamZNorm = gamNorm * 2. * thetaWRat * (sH - m2Z) * propZ; ZNorm = gamNorm * pow2(thetaWRat) * sH * propZ; gamZpNorm = gamNorm * 2. * thetaWRat * (sH - m2Res) * propZp; ZZpNorm = gamNorm * 2. * pow2(thetaWRat) * ((sH - m2Z) * (sH - m2Res) + sH * GamMRatZ * sH * GamMRat) * propZ * propZp; ZpNorm = gamNorm * pow2(thetaWRat) * sH * propZp; // Optionally only keep some of gamma*, Z0 and Z' terms. if (gmZmode == 1) {gamZNorm = 0; ZNorm = 0.; gamZpNorm = 0.; ZZpNorm = 0.; ZpNorm = 0.;} if (gmZmode == 2) {gamNorm = 0.; gamZNorm = 0.; gamZpNorm = 0.; ZZpNorm = 0.; ZpNorm = 0.;} if (gmZmode == 3) {gamNorm = 0.; gamZNorm = 0.; ZNorm = 0.; gamZpNorm = 0.; ZZpNorm = 0.;} if (gmZmode == 4) {gamZpNorm = 0.; ZZpNorm = 0.; ZpNorm = 0.;} if (gmZmode == 5) {gamZNorm = 0.; ZNorm = 0.; ZZpNorm = 0.;} if (gmZmode == 6) {gamNorm = 0.; gamZNorm = 0.; gamZpNorm = 0.;} } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate sigmaHat(sHat), including incoming flavour dependence. double Sigma1ffbar2gmZZprime::sigmaHat() { // Couplings to an incoming flavour. int idAbs = abs(id1); double ei = couplingsPtr->ef(idAbs); double ai = couplingsPtr->af(idAbs); double vi = couplingsPtr->vf(idAbs); double api = afZp[idAbs]; double vpi = vfZp[idAbs]; double ei2 = ei * ei; double eivi = ei * vi; double vai2 = vi * vi + ai * ai; double eivpi = ei * vpi; double vaivapi = vi * vpi + ai * api;; double vapi2 = vpi * vpi + api * api; // Combine gamma, interference and Z0 parts. double sigma = ei2 * gamNorm * gamSum + eivi * gamZNorm * gamZSum + vai2 * ZNorm * ZSum + eivpi * gamZpNorm * gamZpSum + vaivapi * ZZpNorm * ZZpSum + vapi2 * ZpNorm * ZpSum; // Colour factor. Answer. if (idAbs < 9) sigma /= 3.; return sigma; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select identity, colour and anticolour. void Sigma1ffbar2gmZZprime::setIdColAcol() { // Flavours trivial. setId( id1, id2, 32); // Colour flow topologies. Swap when antiquarks. if (abs(id1) < 9) setColAcol( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); else setColAcol( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (id1 < 0) swapColAcol(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate weight for gamma*/Z0/Z'0 decay angle. double Sigma1ffbar2gmZZprime::weightDecay( Event& process, int iResBeg, int iResEnd) { // Default values, in- and out-flavours in process. double wt = 1.; double wtMax = 1.; int idInAbs = process[3].idAbs(); int idOutAbs = process[6].idAbs(); // Angular weight for outgoing fermion pair. if (iResBeg == 5 && iResEnd == 5 && (idOutAbs < 7 || ( idOutAbs > 10 && idOutAbs < 17)) ) { // Couplings for in- and out-flavours. double ei = couplingsPtr->ef(idInAbs); double vi = couplingsPtr->vf(idInAbs); double ai = couplingsPtr->af(idInAbs); double vpi = vfZp[idInAbs]; double api = afZp[idInAbs]; double ef = couplingsPtr->ef(idOutAbs); double vf = couplingsPtr->vf(idOutAbs); double af = couplingsPtr->af(idOutAbs); double vpf = vfZp[idOutAbs]; double apf = afZp[idOutAbs]; // Phase space factors. (One power of beta left out in formulae.) double mr1 = pow2(process[6].m()) / sH; double mr2 = pow2(process[7].m()) / sH; double ps = sqrtpos(pow2(1. - mr1 - mr2) - 4. * mr1 * mr2); double mrAvg = 0.5 * (mr1 + mr2) - 0.25 * pow2(mr1 - mr2); // Coefficients of angular expression. double coefTran = ei*ei * gamNorm * ef*ef + ei * vi * gamZNorm * ef * vf + (vi*vi + ai*ai) * ZNorm * (vf*vf + ps*ps * af*af) + ei * vpi * gamZpNorm * ef * vpf + (vi * vpi + ai * api) * ZZpNorm * (vf * vpf + ps*ps * af * apf) + (vpi*vpi + api*api) * ZpNorm * (vpf*vpf + ps*ps * apf*apf); double coefLong = 4. * mrAvg * ( ei*ei * gamNorm * ef*ef + ei * vi * gamZNorm * ef * vf + (vi*vi + ai*ai) * ZNorm * vf*vf + ei * vpi * gamZpNorm * ef * vpf + (vi * vpi + ai * api) * ZZpNorm * vf * vpf + (vpi*vpi + api*api) * ZpNorm * vpf*vpf ); double coefAsym = ps * ( ei * ai * gamZNorm * ef * af + 4. * vi * ai * ZNorm * vf * af + ei * api * gamZpNorm * ef * apf + (vi * api + vpi * ai) * ZZpNorm * (vf * apf + vpf * af) + 4. * vpi * api * ZpNorm * vpf * apf ); // Flip asymmetry for in-fermion + out-antifermion. if (process[3].id() * process[6].id() < 0) coefAsym = -coefAsym; // Reconstruct decay angle and weight for it. double cosThe = (process[3].p() - process[4].p()) * (process[7].p() - process[6].p()) / (sH * ps); wt = coefTran * (1. + pow2(cosThe)) + coefLong * (1. - pow2(cosThe)) + 2. * coefAsym * cosThe; wtMax = 2. * (coefTran + abs(coefAsym)); } // Angular weight for Z' -> W+ W-. else if (iResBeg == 5 && iResEnd == 5 && idOutAbs == 24) { double mr1 = pow2(process[6].m()) / sH; double mr2 = pow2(process[7].m()) / sH; double ps = sqrtpos(pow2(1. - mr1 -mr2) - 4. * mr1 * mr2); double cCos2 = - (1./16.) * ps*ps * (1. - 2. * mr1 - 2. * mr2 + mr1*mr1 + mr2*mr2 + 10. * mr1 * mr2); double cFlat = -cCos2 + 0.5 * (mr1 + mr2) * (1. - 2. * mr1 - 2. * mr2 + pow2(mr1 - mr2)); // Reconstruct decay angle and weight for it. double cosThe = (process[3].p() - process[4].p()) * (process[7].p() - process[6].p()) / (sH * ps); wt = cFlat + cCos2 * cosThe*cosThe; wtMax = cFlat + max(0., cCos2); } // Angular weight for f + fbar -> Z' -> W+ + W- -> 4 fermions. else if (iResBeg == 6 && iResEnd == 7 && idOutAbs == 24) { // Order so that fbar(1) f(2) -> f'(3) fbar'(4) f"(5) fbar"(6). // with f' fbar' from W- and f" fbar" from W+. int i1 = (process[3].id() < 0) ? 3 : 4; int i2 = 7 - i1; int i3 = (process[8].id() > 0) ? 8 : 9; int i4 = 17 - i3; int i5 = (process[10].id() > 0) ? 10 : 11; int i6 = 21 - i5; if (process[6].id() > 0) {swap(i3, i5); swap(i4, i6);} // Decay distribution like in f fbar -> Z^* -> W+ W-. if (rndmPtr->flat() > anglesZpWW) { // Set up four-products and internal products. setupProd( process, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6); // tHat and uHat of fbar f -> W- W+, and their squared masses. int iNeg = (process[6].id() < 0) ? 6 : 7; int iPos = 13 - iNeg; double tHres = (process[i1].p() - process[iNeg].p()).m2Calc(); double uHres = (process[i1].p() - process[iPos].p()).m2Calc(); double s3now = process[iNeg].m2(); double s4now = process[iPos].m2(); // Kinematics combinations (norm(x) = |x|^2). double fGK135 = norm(fGK( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) - fGK( 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4) ); double fGK253 = norm(fGK( 2, 1, 5, 6, 3, 4) - fGK( 2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6) ); double xiT = xiGK( tHres, uHres, s3now, s4now); double xiU = xiGK( uHres, tHres, s3now, s4now); double xjTU = xjGK( tHres, uHres, s3now, s4now); // Couplings of incoming (anti)fermion. Combine with kinematics. int idAbs = process[i1].idAbs(); double li = 0.5 * (vfZp[idAbs] + afZp[idAbs]); double ri = 0.5 * (vfZp[idAbs] - afZp[idAbs]); wt = li*li * fGK135 + ri*ri * fGK253; wtMax = 4. * s3now * s4now * (li*li + ri*ri) * (xiT + xiU - xjTU); // Decay distribution like in f fbar -> h^0 -> W+ W-. } else { double p35 = 2. * process[i3].p() * process[i5].p(); double p46 = 2. * process[i4].p() * process[i6].p(); wt = 16. * p35 * p46; wtMax = sH2; } } // Angular weight in top decay by standard routine. else if (process[process[iResBeg].mother1()].idAbs() == 6) return weightTopDecay( process, iResBeg, iResEnd); // Done. return (wt / wtMax); } //========================================================================== // Sigma1ffbar2Wprime class. // Cross section for f fbar' -> W'+- (f is quark or lepton). //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize process. void Sigma1ffbar2Wprime::initProc() { // Store W+- mass and width for propagator. mRes = particleDataPtr->m0(34); GammaRes = particleDataPtr->mWidth(34); m2Res = mRes*mRes; GamMRat = GammaRes / mRes; thetaWRat = 1. / (12. * couplingsPtr->sin2thetaW()); // Axial and vector couplings of fermions. aqWp = settingsPtr->parm("Wprime:aq"); vqWp = settingsPtr->parm("Wprime:vq"); alWp = settingsPtr->parm("Wprime:al"); vlWp = settingsPtr->parm("Wprime:vl"); // Coupling for W' -> W Z and decay angular admixture. coupWpWZ = settingsPtr->parm("Wprime:coup2WZ"); anglesWpWZ = settingsPtr->parm("Wprime:anglesWZ"); // Set pointer to particle properties and decay table. particlePtr = particleDataPtr->particleDataEntryPtr(34); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate sigmaHat(sHat), part independent of incoming flavour. void Sigma1ffbar2Wprime::sigmaKin() { // Set up Breit-Wigner. Cross section for W+ and W- separately. double sigBW = 12. * M_PI / ( pow2(sH - m2Res) + pow2(sH * GamMRat) ); double preFac = alpEM * thetaWRat * mH; sigma0Pos = preFac * sigBW * particlePtr->resWidthOpen(34, mH); sigma0Neg = preFac * sigBW * particlePtr->resWidthOpen(-34, mH); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate sigmaHat(sHat), including incoming flavour dependence. double Sigma1ffbar2Wprime::sigmaHat() { // Secondary width for W+ or W-. CKM and colour factors. int idUp = (abs(id1)%2 == 0) ? id1 : id2; double sigma = (idUp > 0) ? sigma0Pos : sigma0Neg; if (abs(id1) < 7) sigma *= couplingsPtr->V2CKMid(abs(id1), abs(id2)) / 3.; // Couplings. if (abs(id1) < 7) sigma *= 0.5 * (aqWp * aqWp + vqWp * vqWp); else sigma *= 0.5 * (alWp * alWp + vlWp * vlWp); // Answer. return sigma; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select identity, colour and anticolour. void Sigma1ffbar2Wprime::setIdColAcol() { // Sign of outgoing W. int sign = 1 - 2 * (abs(id1)%2); if (id1 < 0) sign = -sign; setId( id1, id2, 34 * sign); // Colour flow topologies. Swap when antiquarks. if (abs(id1) < 9) setColAcol( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); else setColAcol( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (id1 < 0) swapColAcol(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate weight for W decay angle. double Sigma1ffbar2Wprime::weightDecay( Event& process, int iResBeg, int iResEnd) { // Default values, in- and out-flavours in process. double wt = 1.; double wtMax = 1.; int idInAbs = process[3].idAbs(); int idOutAbs = process[6].idAbs(); // Angular weight for outgoing fermion pair. if (iResBeg == 5 && iResEnd == 5 && (idOutAbs < 7 || ( idOutAbs > 10 && idOutAbs < 17)) ) { // Couplings for in- and out-flavours. double ai = (idInAbs < 9) ? aqWp : alWp; double vi = (idInAbs < 9) ? vqWp : vlWp; double af = (idOutAbs < 9) ? aqWp : alWp; double vf = (idOutAbs < 9) ? vqWp : vlWp; // Asymmetry expression. double coefAsym = 8. * vi * ai * vf * af / ((vi*vi + ai*ai) * (vf*vf + af*af)); // Flip asymmetry for in-fermion + out-antifermion. if (process[3].id() * process[6].id() < 0) coefAsym = -coefAsym; // Phase space factors. double mr1 = pow2(process[6].m()) / sH; double mr2 = pow2(process[7].m()) / sH; double ps = sqrtpos(pow2(1. - mr1 - mr2) - 4. * mr1 * mr2); // Reconstruct decay angle and weight for it. double cosThe = (process[3].p() - process[4].p()) * (process[7].p() - process[6].p()) / (sH * ps); wt = 1. + coefAsym * cosThe + cosThe * cosThe; wtMax = 2. + abs(coefAsym); } // Angular weight for W' -> W Z. else if (iResBeg == 5 && iResEnd == 5 && idOutAbs == 24) { double mr1 = pow2(process[6].m()) / sH; double mr2 = pow2(process[7].m()) / sH; double ps = sqrtpos(pow2(1. - mr1 - mr2) - 4. * mr1 * mr2); double cCos2 = - (1./16.) * ps*ps * (1. - 2. * mr1 - 2. * mr2 + mr1*mr1 + mr2*mr2 + 10. * mr1 * mr2); double cFlat = -cCos2 + 0.5 * (mr1 + mr2) * (1. - 2. * mr1 - 2. * mr2 + pow2(mr1 - mr2)); // Reconstruct decay angle and weight for it. double cosThe = (process[3].p() - process[4].p()) * (process[7].p() - process[6].p()) / (sH * ps); wt = cFlat + cCos2 * cosThe*cosThe; wtMax = cFlat + max(0., cCos2); } // Angular weight for f + fbar -> W' -> W + Z -> 4 fermions. else if (iResBeg == 6 && iResEnd == 7 && (idOutAbs == 24 || idOutAbs == 23)) { // Order so that fbar(1) f(2) -> f'(3) fbar'(4) f"(5) fbar"(6). // with f' fbar' from W and f" fbar" from Z. int i1 = (process[3].id() < 0) ? 3 : 4; int i2 = 7 - i1; int i3 = (process[8].id() > 0) ? 8 : 9; int i4 = 17 - i3; int i5 = (process[10].id() > 0) ? 10 : 11; int i6 = 21 - i5; if (process[6].id() == 23) {swap(i3, i5); swap(i4, i6);} // Decay distribution like in f fbar -> Z^* -> W+ W-. if (rndmPtr->flat() > anglesWpWZ) { // Set up four-products and internal products. setupProd( process, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, i6); // tHat and uHat of fbar f -> W Z, and their squared masses. int iW = (process[6].id() == 23) ? 7 : 6; int iZ = 13 - iW; double tHres = (process[i1].p() - process[iW].p()).m2Calc(); double uHres = (process[i1].p() - process[iZ].p()).m2Calc(); double s3now = process[iW].m2(); double s4now = process[iZ].m2(); // Kinematics combinations (norm(x) = |x|^2). double fGK135 = norm(fGK( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) - fGK( 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4) ); double fGK136 = norm(fGK( 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5) - fGK( 1, 2, 6, 5, 3, 4) ); double xiT = xiGK( tHres, uHres, s3now, s4now); double xiU = xiGK( uHres, tHres, s3now, s4now); double xjTU = xjGK( tHres, uHres, s3now, s4now); // Couplings of outgoing fermion from Z. Combine with kinematics. int idAbs = process[i5].idAbs(); double lfZ = couplingsPtr->lf(idAbs); double rfZ = couplingsPtr->rf(idAbs); wt = lfZ*lfZ * fGK135 + rfZ*rfZ * fGK136; wtMax = 4. * s3now * s4now * (lfZ*lfZ + rfZ*rfZ) * (xiT + xiU - xjTU); // Decay distribution like in f fbar -> H^+- -> W+- Z0. } else { double p35 = 2. * process[i3].p() * process[i5].p(); double p46 = 2. * process[i4].p() * process[i6].p(); wt = 16. * p35 * p46; wtMax = sH2; } } // Angular weight in top decay by standard routine. else if (process[process[iResBeg].mother1()].idAbs() == 6) return weightTopDecay( process, iResBeg, iResEnd); // Done. return (wt / wtMax); } //========================================================================== // Sigma1ffbar2Rhorizontal class. // Cross section for f fbar' -> R^0 (f is a quark or lepton). //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize process. void Sigma1ffbar2Rhorizontal::initProc() { // Store R^0 mass and width for propagator. mRes = particleDataPtr->m0(41); GammaRes = particleDataPtr->mWidth(41); m2Res = mRes*mRes; GamMRat = GammaRes / mRes; thetaWRat = 1. / (12. * couplingsPtr->sin2thetaW()); // Set pointer to particle properties and decay table. particlePtr = particleDataPtr->particleDataEntryPtr(41); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate sigmaHat(sHat), part independent of incoming flavour. void Sigma1ffbar2Rhorizontal::sigmaKin() { // Set up Breit-Wigner. Cross section for W+ and W- separately. double sigBW = 12. * M_PI / ( pow2(sH - m2Res) + pow2(sH * GamMRat) ); double preFac = alpEM * thetaWRat * mH; sigma0Pos = preFac * sigBW * particlePtr->resWidthOpen(41, mH); sigma0Neg = preFac * sigBW * particlePtr->resWidthOpen(-41, mH); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Evaluate sigmaHat(sHat), including incoming flavour dependence. double Sigma1ffbar2Rhorizontal::sigmaHat() { // Check for allowed flavour combinations, one generation apart. if (id1 * id2 > 0 || abs(id1 + id2) != 2) return 0.; // Find whether R0 or R0bar. Colour factors. double sigma = (id1 + id2 > 0) ? sigma0Pos : sigma0Neg; if (abs(id1) < 7) sigma /= 3.; // Answer. return sigma; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Select identity, colour and anticolour. void Sigma1ffbar2Rhorizontal::setIdColAcol() { // Outgoing R0 or R0bar. id3 = (id1 +id2 > 0) ? 41 : -41; setId( id1, id2, id3); // Colour flow topologies. Swap when antiquarks. if (abs(id1) < 9) setColAcol( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); else setColAcol( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (id1 < 0) swapColAcol(); } //========================================================================== } // end namespace Pythia8